391 research outputs found

    Small molecule-mediated targeting of microRNAs for drug discovery: experiments, computational techniques, and disease implications

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    Small molecules have been providing medical breakthroughs for human diseases for more than a century. Recently, identifying small molecule inhibitors that target microRNAs (miRNAs) has gained importance, despite the challenges posed by labour-intensive screening experiments and the significant efforts required for medicinal chemistry optimization. Numerous experimentally-verified cases have demonstrated the potential of miRNA-targeted small molecule inhibitors for disease treatment. This new approach is grounded in their posttranscriptional regulation of the expression of disease-associated genes. Reversing dysregulated gene expression using this mechanism may help control dysfunctional pathways. Furthermore, the ongoing improvement of algorithms has allowed for the integration of computational strategies built on top of laboratory-based data, facilitating a more precise and rational design and discovery of lead compounds. To complement the use of extensive pharmacogenomics data in prioritising potential drugs, our previous work introduced a computational approach based on only molecular sequences. Moreover, various computational tools for predicting molecular interactions in biological networks using similarity-based inference techniques have been accumulated in established studies. However, there are a limited number of comprehensive reviews covering both computational and experimental drug discovery processes. In this review, we outline a cohesive overview of both biological and computational applications in miRNA-targeted drug discovery, along with their disease implications and clinical significance. Finally, utilizing drug-target interaction (DTIs) data from DrugBank, we showcase the effectiveness of deep learning for obtaining the physicochemical characterization of DTIs

    A message passing framework with multiple data integration for miRNA-disease association prediction

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    Micro RNA or miRNA is a highly conserved class of non-coding RNA that plays an important role in many diseases. Identifying miRNA-disease associations can pave the way for better clinical diagnosis and finding potential drug targets. We propose a biologically-motivated data-driven approach for the miRNA-disease association prediction, which overcomes the data scarcity problem by exploiting information from multiple data sources. The key idea is to enrich the existing miRNA/disease-protein-coding gene (PCG) associations via a message passing framework, followed by the use of disease ontology information for further feature filtering. The enriched and filtered PCG associations are then used to construct the inter-connected miRNA-PCG-disease network to train a structural deep network embedding (SDNE) model. Finally, the pre-trained embeddings and the biologically relevant features from the miRNA family and disease semantic similarity are concatenated to form the pair input representations to a Random Forest classifier whose task is to predict the miRNA-disease association probabilities. We present large-scale comparative experiments, ablation, and case studies to showcase our approach’s superiority. Besides, we make the model prediction results for 1618 miRNAs and 3679 diseases, along with all related information, publicly available at http://software.mpm.leibniz-ai-lab.de/ to foster assessments and future adoption

    Overlap Matrix Completion for Predicting Drug-Associated Indications

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    Identification of potential drug-associated indications is critical for either approved or novel drugs in drug repositioning. Current computational methods based on drug similarity and disease similarity have been developed to predict drug-disease associations. When more reliable drug- or disease-related information becomes available and is integrated, the prediction precision can be continuously improved. However, it is a challenging problem to effectively incorporate multiple types of prior information, representing different characteristics of drugs and diseases, to identify promising drug-disease associations. In this study, we propose an overlap matrix completion (OMC) for bilayer networks (OMC2) and tri-layer networks (OMC3) to predict potential drug-associated indications, respectively. OMC is able to efficiently exploit the underlying low-rank structures of the drug-disease association matrices. In OMC2, first of all, we construct one bilayer network from drug-side aspect and one from disease-side aspect, and then obtain their corresponding block adjacency matrices. We then propose the OMC2 algorithm to fill out the values of the missing entries in these two adjacency matrices, and predict the scores of unknown drug-disease pairs. Moreover, we further extend OMC2 to OMC3 to handle tri-layer networks. Computational experiments on various datasets indicate that our OMC methods can effectively predict the potential drug-disease associations. Compared with the other state-of-the-art approaches, our methods yield higher prediction accuracy in 10-fold cross-validation and de novo experiments. In addition, case studies also confirm the effectiveness of our methods in identifying promising indications for existing drugs in practical applications

    Joint learning from multiple information sources for biological problems

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    Thanks to technological advancements, more and more biological data havebeen generated in recent years. Data availability offers unprecedented opportunities to look at the same problem from multiple aspects. It also unveils a more global view of the problem that takes into account the intricated inter-play between the involved molecules/entities. Nevertheless, biological datasets are biased, limited in quantity, and contain many false-positive samples. Such challenges often drastically downgrade the performance of a predictive model on unseen data and, thus, limit its applicability in real biological studies. Human learning is a multi-stage process in which we usually start with simple things. Through the accumulated knowledge over time, our cognition ability extends to more complex concepts. Children learn to speak simple words before being able to formulate sentences. Similarly, being able to speak correct sentences supports our learning to speak correct and meaningful paragraphs, etc. Generally, knowledge acquired from related learning tasks would help boost our learning capability in the current task. Motivated by such a phenomenon, in this thesis, we study supervised machine learning models for bioinformatics problems that can improve their performance through exploiting multiple related knowledge sources. More specifically, we concern with ways to enrich the supervised models’ knowledge base with publicly available related data to enhance the computational models’ prediction performance. Our work shares commonality with existing works in multimodal learning, multi-task learning, and transfer learning. Nevertheless, there are certain differences in some cases. Besides the proposed architectures, we present large-scale experiment setups with consensus evaluation metrics along with the creation and release of large datasets to showcase our approaches’ superiority. Moreover, we add case studies with detailed analyses in which we place no simplified assumptions to demonstrate the systems’ utilities in realistic application scenarios. Finally, we develop and make available an easy-to-use website for non-expert users to query the model’s generated prediction results to facilitate field experts’ assessments and adaptation. We believe that our work serves as one of the first steps in bridging the gap between “Computer Science” and “Biology” that will open a new era of fruitful collaboration between computer scientists and biological field experts

    Predict lncRNA-drug associations based on graph neural network

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    LncRNAs are an essential type of non-coding RNAs, which have been reported to be involved in various human pathological conditions. Increasing evidence suggests that drugs can regulate lncRNAs expression, which makes it possible to develop lncRNAs as therapeutic targets. Thus, developing in-silico methods to predict lncRNA-drug associations (LDAs) is a critical step for developing lncRNA-based therapies. In this study, we predict LDAs by using graph convolutional networks (GCN) and graph attention networks (GAT) based on lncRNA and drug similarity networks. Results show that our proposed method achieves good performance (average AUCs > 0.92) on five datasets. In addition, case studies and KEGG functional enrichment analysis further prove that the model can effectively identify novel LDAs. On the whole, this study provides a deep learning-based framework for predicting novel LDAs, which will accelerate the lncRNA-targeted drug development process

    Computational approaches for network-based integrative multi-omics analysis

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    Advances in omics technologies allow for holistic studies into biological systems. These studies rely on integrative data analysis techniques to obtain a comprehensive view of the dynamics of cellular processes, and molecular mechanisms. Network-based integrative approaches have revolutionized multi-omics analysis by providing the framework to represent interactions between multiple different omics-layers in a graph, which may faithfully reflect the molecular wiring in a cell. Here we review network-based multi-omics/multi-modal integrative analytical approaches. We classify these approaches according to the type of omics data supported, the methods and/or algorithms implemented, their node and/or edge weighting components, and their ability to identify key nodes and subnetworks. We show how these approaches can be used to identify biomarkers, disease subtypes, crosstalk, causality, and molecular drivers of physiological and pathological mechanisms. We provide insight into the most appropriate methods and tools for research questions as showcased around the aetiology and treatment of COVID-19 that can be informed by multi-omics data integration. We conclude with an overview of challenges associated with multi-omics network-based analysis, such as reproducibility, heterogeneity, (biological) interpretability of the results, and we highlight some future directions for network-based integration

    Pathway-Based Multi-Omics Data Integration for Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis.

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    Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2017