2,502,182 research outputs found


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    Fatigue is a condition in which a person feels very tired, tired or sleepy due to lack of sleep, prolonged physical and mental work, or feelings of excessive stress and anxiety. Boring or repetitive work can increase feelings of fatigue (Canadian Center for OHS, 5 2012). This study aims to determine the factor of work fatigue on inter-district bus drivers at the Manggala Trans Tana Toraja Otobus Company. This type of research is an analytical observational study with a cross sectional approach to determine the analysis of work fatigue factors on inter-district bus drivers in Tana Toraja. In collecting data, using questionnaires or interviews, for the main driver and the auxiliary bus driver for the Toraja-Makassar and Makassar-Toraja routes, the source of the data was obtained from respondents, namely people who responded or answered the researcher's questions, both written and oral questions. Based on the four variables studied, it shows the results of the work fatigue factor for inter-district bus drivers, namely there is no relationship between age and work fatigue for bus drivers, there is a relationship between driving duration and work fatigue for bus drivers, there is no relationship between working period and work fatigue for bus drivers. , and there is a relationship between sleep quantity and work fatigue on bus drivers at the Mangala Trans Autobus Company. Keywords: work fatigue, age, driving duration, working period, sleep quantityKelelahan adalah suatu keadaan di mana seseorang merasa sangat lelah, letih atau mengantuk akibat kurang tidur, kerja fisik dan mental yang berkepanjangan, atau perasaan stress dan kecemasan yang berlebihan. Pekerjaan yang membosankan atau berulang-ulang dapat meningkatkan perasaan kelelahan (Canadian Centre for OHS, 5 2012). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor Kelelahan kerja pada supir bus Antar kapubaten di Perusahaan Otobus Manggala Trans Tana Toraja. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional analitik pendekatan cross sectional untuk mengetahui analisis faktor kelelahan kerja pada supir bus antar Kabupaten di Tana Toraja. Dalam pengumpulan datanya, menggunakan kuesioner atau wawancara, pada supir utama dan supir bantu bus jurusan Toraja-Makassar dan Makassar-Toraja, maka sumber data diperoleh dari responden yaitu orang yang merespon atau menjawab pertanyaan peneliti, baik pertanyaan tertulis maupun lisan. Berdasarkan empat variable yang dikaji menunjukkan hasil dari faktor kelelahan kerja pada supir bus antar kabupaten yaitu tidak ada hubungan umur dengan kelelahan kerja pada supir bus, ada hubungan durasi mengemudi dengan kelelahan kerja pada supir bus, tidak ada hubungan masa kerja dengan kelelahan kerja pada supir bus, dan ada hubungan kuantitas tidur dengan kelelahan kerja pada supir bus di perusahaan otobus manggala trans. Kata Kunci: Kelelahan kerja, umur, durasi mengemudi, masa kerja, kuantitas tidu

    Leaflet photography exhibition "the last breath of the prince" Panji tales through the eyes of Diego Zapatero

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    Pameran fotografi oleh fotografer Spanyol Diego Zapatero ini, diselenggarakan oleh Kedutaan Besar Spanyol di Jakarta dan Galeri Nasional Indonesia dalam rangka perayaan 60 tahun hubungan diplomatik antara Spanyol dan Indonesia serta perayaan festival Panji di Jakarta. Karya yang dipameran menampilkan adegan Wayang Topeng yang menceritakan kembali cerita rakyat Panji, yang sangat menginspirasi selama ia tinggal di Yogyakarta. Zapatero menggunakan teknik fotografi lawas yang memberikan kesan dan tekstur lampau. 18 foto dari pameran ini dilengkapi dengan ilustrasi (untuk 11 foto), panel, dan topeng yang akan membawa pengunjung lebih dekat dengan adegan peristiwa dan cerita yang disampaikan melalui pameran. Di sebelah foto-foto tersebut, ada enam miniatur gambaran arsip foto masa kolonial Belanda yang menginspirasi sang seniman (bagian dari arsip KITLV), serta beberapa catatan informatif tentang adegan tertentu, karakter Panji atau anekdot dari proyek ini

    Leaflet pameran karya pilihan koleksi Galeri Nasional Indonesia “balik Bandung”

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    Pameran ini merupakan agenda pameran keliling Galeri Indonesia, diselenggarakan bekerja sama dengan Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Provinsi Jawa Barat, UPTD – Pengelolaan Kebudayaan Daerah Jawa Barat, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain Institut Teknologi Bandung, dan Galeri Soemardja Institut Teknologi Bandung. Perhelatan ini juga sekaligus untuk meramaikan BDG Connex, sebuah event pameran seni rupa tahunan yang digelar selama satu bulan di beberapa titik yang saling terkoneksi di Kota Bandung. Tema pameran “Balik Bandung” sebagai gambaran perjalanan kembali, kepulangan, atau ‘pulang kampung’ bagi karya-karya yang sebelumnya diciptakan dan berasal dari Bandung dan kini kembali melongok tempat asalnya. Bandung diibaratkan sebagai kota bersemainya pemikiran modern dan gagasan modernisme seni, dengan watak pencapaian karya yang berbeda, bahkan tak pernah sama dengan apa yang bisa ditemukan di tempat-tempat lain di Indonesia. Perkembangan seni rupa Bandung juga memberikan pengaruh pada perkembangan seni rupa di tempat lain di Indonesia namun ‘watak Bandung’ tetap ada di tempat asalnya dan nampaknya terus berkembang hingga kini

    Deteksi Pejalan Kaki Pada Video Dengan Metode Fastest Pedestrian Detector in the West (FPDW)

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    — Pedestrian detection in video can be done offline for the purposes of analysis, such as analysis of pedestrian behavior, riots analysis and analysis of traffic accidents. In addition, pedestrian detection process is also done in real-time, such as for driving security systems, indoor navigation system, traffic control system at crossroads and so on. In this paper, a method FPDW (Fastest Pedestrian Detector in the West) will be tested to detect pedestrians in a video. Contribution of this paper is to add parameter of minimum confidence to the FPDW algorithm, to improve the accuracy of detection results. Experiments conducted on the video duration of 6 minutes 50 seconds extracted into 1 image per second.Keywords— pedestrian detector, FPDW, HOG, vide

    Pendidikan multi bahasa berbasis bahasa ibu (PMB-BBI)

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    Lembar kerja ACDP ini berisi informasi tentang pendidikan multi bahasa berbasis bahasa ibu dengan sub judul yaitu pendidikan multi bahasa berbasis bahasa ibu, meningkatkan prestasi akademik, efisiensi meningkat, manfaat sosial-budaya, memperkenalkan bahasa kedua, kemungkinan hambatan pelaksanaan, serta melaksanakan PMB-BBI di Papua

    Mother tongue based multilingual education

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    Working paper education sector analytical and capacity development partnership have information about mother tongue based multilingual education with sub-setions as mother tongue based multilingual education, improved academic achievment, increased efficiency, socio-cultural benefits, introducing the second language, possible obstacles to implementation, and implementing MTB-MLE in Papua


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    Abstrak: Permasalahan utama yang dialami oleh remaja yaitu ketidak tahuan terhadap tindakan yang harus dilakukan sehubung dengan perkembangan yang sedang dialami, khususnya masalah pengetahuan remaja mengenai pubertas dan bagaimana sikap remaja dalam menghadapi perubahan tersebut. Melihat hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan remaja terkait pubertas dalam menghadapi perubahan fisik pada remaja sangat penting maka perlu di lakukan tindakan atau intervensi melalui pemberian penyuluhan kesehatan. Bentuk kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan dengan pemberian penyuluhan Kesehatan tentang pubertas dalam menghadapi perubahan fisik pada remaja sebagai sarana pemberian informasi kepada remaja. Kegiatan dilakukan pada remaja di SMPN 8 Makassar. Sebelum di lakukan penyuluhan terlebih dahulu di berikan kuesioner untuk penilaian pre-test setelah itu di lakukan penyuluhan tentang pubertas dalam menghadapi perubahan fisik pada remaja dan setelah di lakukan penyuluhan maka di lakukan evaluasi proses kegiatan dan diakhir kegiatan semua remaja akan di berikan kuesioner post-test sesuai dengan materi yang telah diberikan. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat di peroleh bahwa mayoritas pengetahuan remaja adalah kurang sebanyak 27 orang (84%) sebelum dilakukan penyuluhan dan mayoritas pengetahuan remaja adalah baik sebanyak 28 orang (87%) setelah di berikan penyuluhan. Kesimpulan menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan remaja setelah di berikan penyuluhan dibandingkan sebelum dilakukan penyuluhan.Abstract: The main problem experienced by adolescents is the ignorance of the actions that must be done in connection with the development that is being experienced, especially the problem of adolescent knowledge about puberty and how adolescent attitudes in dealing with these changes. Seeing this shows that adolescent knowledge related to puberty in the face of physical changes in adolescents is very important so it is necessary to take action or intervention through the provision of health counseling. This form of community service activities is carried out by providing health counseling about puberty in the face of physical changes in adolescents as a means of providing information to adolescents. The activity was carried out on teenagers in SMPN 8 Makassar. Prior to counseling, questionnaires were given for pre-test assessment after that counseling was carried out about puberty in dealing with physical changes in adolescents and after counseling was carried out, an evaluation of the activity process was carried out and at the end of the activity all adolescents would be given a post-test questionnaire according to the material provided. The results of community service obtained that the majority of adolescent knowledge is less than 27 people (84%) before counseling and the majority of adolescent knowledge is good as many as 28 people (87%) after counseling. The conclusions showed an increase in adolescent knowledge after counseling compared to before counseling.

    Optimization of Machine Learning Models with Segmentation to Determine the Pose of Cattle

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    Image pattern recognition poses numerous challenges, particularly in feature recognition, making it a complex problem for machine learning algorithms. This study focuses on the problem of cow pose detection, involving the classification of cow images into categories like front, right, left, and others. With the increasing popularity of image-based applications, such as object recognition in smartphone technologies, there is a growing need for accurate and efficient classification algorithms based on shape and color. In this paper, we propose a machine learning approach utilizing Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Random Forest (RF) algorithms for cow pose detection. To achieve an optimal model, we employ data augmentation techniques, including Gaussian blur, brightness adjustments, and segmentation. The proposed segmentation methods used are Canny and Kmeans. We compare several machine learning algorithms to identify the optimal approach in terms of accuracy. The success of our method is measured by accuracy and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis. The results indicate that using the Canny segmentation, SVM achieved 74.31% accuracy with a testing ratio of 90:10, while RF achieved 99.60% accuracy with the same testing ratio. Furthermore, testing with SVM and K-means segmentation reached an accuracy of 98.61% with a test ratio of 80:20. The study demonstrates the effectiveness of SVM and Random Forest algorithms in cow pose detection, with Kmeans segmentation yielding highly accurate results. These findings hold promising implications for real-world applications in image-based recognition systems. Based on the results of the model obtained, it is very important in pattern recognition to use segmentation based on color even though shape recognition

    Makna Pemberian Remisi kepada Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan Terpidana Seumur Hidup

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    This study analyzed the legal position of presidential decrees in granting remissions to inmates and the meaning of giving remissions to lifelong criminal inmates. This study used normative juridical research with a statutory approach, a conceptual approach, and a comparative approach—sources of data obtained from primary and secondary legal materials. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive methods. The results of the study showed that the legal position of the presidential decree in granting remissions that changed the type of punishment for inmates did not have juridical power. Changes in the type of crime should be carried out in the form of clemency as stipulated in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The meaning of giving life imprisonment to prisoners in prison in Indonesia was different from some countries in the world, which only reduced the criminal period and did not change the type of punishment because due to remission, it was excluded from crimes that were very dangerous to the general public
