494 research outputs found

    Multi-port Memory Design for Advanced Computer Architectures

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    In this thesis, we describe and evaluate novel memory designs for multi-port on-chip and off-chip use in advanced computer architectures. We focus on combining multi-porting and evaluating the performance over a range of design parameters. Multi-porting is essential for caches and shared-data systems, especially multi-core System-on-chips (SOC). It can significantly increase the memory access throughput. We evaluate FinFET voltage-mode multi-port SRAM cells using different metrics including leakage current, static noise margin and read/write performance. Simulation results show that single-ended multi-port FinFET SRAMs with isolated read ports offer improved read stability and flexibility over classical double-ended structures at the expense of write performance. By increasing the size of the access transistors, we show that the single-ended multi-port structures can achieve equivalent write performance to the classical double-ended multi-port structure for 9% area overhead. Moreover, compared with CMOS SRAM, FinFET SRAM has better stability and standby power. We also describe new methods for the design of FinFET current-mode multi-port SRAM cells. Current-mode SRAMs avoid the full-swing of the bitline, reducing dynamic power and access time. However, that comes at the cost of voltage drop, which compromises stability. The design proposed in this thesis utilizes the feature of Independent Gate (IG) mode FinFET, which can leverage threshold voltage by controlling the back gate voltage, to merge two transistors into one through high-Vt and low-Vt transistors. This design not only reduces the voltage drop, but it also reduces the area in multi-port current-mode SRAM design. For off-chip memory, we propose a novel two-port 1-read, 1-write (1R1W) phasechange memory (PCM) cell, which significantly reduces the probability of blocking at the bank levels. Different from the traditional PCM cell, the access transistors are at the top and connected to the bitline. We use Verilog-A to model the behavior of Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST: the storage component). We evaluate the performance of the two-port cell by transistor sizing and voltage pumping. Simulation results show that pMOS transistor is more practical than nMOS transistor as the access device when both area and power are considered. The estimated area overhead is 1.7�, compared to single-port PCM cell. In brief, the contribution we make in this thesis is that we propose and evaluate three different kinds of multi-port memories that are favorable for advanced computer architectures

    Ultra-low Power FinFET SRAM Cell with improved stability suitable for low power applications

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    In this paper, a new 11T SRAM cell using FinFET technology has been proposed, the basic component of the cell is the 6T SRAM cell with 4 NMOS access transistors to improve the stability and also makes it a dual port memory cell. The proposed cell uses a header scheme in which one extra PMOS transistor is used which is biased at different voltages to improve the read and write stability thus, helps in reducing the leakage power and active power. The cell shows improvement in RSNM (Read Static Noise Margin) with LP8T by 2.39x at sub-threshold voltage 2.68x with D6T SRAM cell, 5.5x with TG8T. The WSNM (Write Static Noise Margin) and HM (Hold Margin) of the SRAM cell at 0.9V is 306mV and 384mV. At sub-threshold operation also it shows improvement. The Leakage power reduced by 0.125x with LP8T, 0.022x with D6T SRAM cell, TG8T and SE8T. Also, impact of process variation on cell stability is discussed

    Ultra-low Power FinFET SRAM Cell with improved stability suitable for low power applications

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    In this paper, a new 11T SRAM cell using FinFET technology has been proposed, the basic component of the cell is the 6T SRAM cell with 4 NMOS access transistors to improve the stability and also makes it a dual port memory cell. The proposed cell uses a header scheme in which one extra PMOS transistor is used which is biased at different voltages to improve the read and write stability thus, helps in reducing the leakage power and active power. The cell shows improvement in RSNM (Read Static Noise Margin) with LP8T by 2.39x at sub-threshold voltage 2.68x with D6T SRAM cell, 5.5x with TG8T. The WSNM (Write Static Noise Margin) and HM (Hold Margin) of the SRAM cell at 0.9V is 306mV and 384mV. At sub-threshold operation also it shows improvement. The Leakage power reduced by 0.125x with LP8T, 0.022x with D6T SRAM cell, TG8T and SE8T. Also, impact of process variation on cell stability is discussed

    Expanded Noise Margin 10T SRAM Cell using Finfet Device

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    Static random access memory (SRAM) cells are being improved in order to increase resistance to device level changes and satisfy the requirements of low-power applications. A unique 10-transistor FinFET-based SRAM cell with single-ended read and differential write functionality is presented in this study. This cutting-edge architecture is more power-efficient than ST (Schmitt trigger) 10T or traditional 6T SRAM cells, using only 1.87 and 1.6 units of power respectively during read operations. The efficiency is attributable to a lower read activity factor, which saves electricity. The read static noise margin (RSNM) and write static noise margin (WSNM) of the proposed 10T SRAM cell show notable improvements over the 6T SRAM cell, increasing by 1.67 and 1.86, respectively. Additionally, compared to the 6T SRAM cell, the read access time has been significantly reduced by 1.96 seconds. Utilising the Cadence Virtuoso tool and an 18nm Advanced Node Process Design Kit (PDK) technology file, the design's efficacy has been confirmed. For low-power electronic systems and next-generation memory applications, this exciting 10T SRAM cell has a lot of potential

    A device-level characterization approach to quantify the impacts of different random variation sources in FinFET technology

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    A simple device-level characterization approach to quantitatively evaluate the impacts of different random variation sources in FinFETs is proposed. The impacts of random dopant fluctuation are negligible for FinFETs with lightly doped channel, leaving metal gate granularity and line-edge roughness as the two major random variation sources. The variations of Vth induced by these two major categories are theoretically decomposed based on the distinction in physical mechanisms and their influences on different electrical characteristics. The effectiveness of the proposed method is confirmed through both TCAD simulations and experimental results. This letter can provide helpful guidelines for variation-aware technology development

    Nano-scale TG-FinFET: Simulation and Analysis

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    Transistor has been designed and fabricated in the same way since its invention more than four decades ago enabling exponential shrinking in the channel length. However, hitting fundamental limits imposed the need for introducing disruptive technology to take over. FinFET - 3-D transistor - has been emerged as the first successor to MOSFET to continue the technology scaling roadmap. In this thesis, scaling of nano-meter FinFET has been investigated on both the device and circuit levels. The studies, primarily, consider FinFET in its tri-gate (TG) structure. On the device level, first, the main TCAD models used in simulating electron transport are benchmarked against the most accurate results on the semi-classical level using Monte Carlo techniques. Different models and modifications are investigated in a trial to extend one of the conventional models to the nano-scale simulations. Second, a numerical study for scaling TG-FinFET according to the most recent International Technology Roadmap of Semiconductors is carried out by means of quantum corrected 3-D Monte Carlo simulations in the ballistic and quasi-ballistic regimes, to assess its ultimate performance and scaling behavior for the next generations. Ballisticity ratio (BR) is extracted and discussed over different channel lengths. The electron velocity along the channel is analyzed showing the physical significance of the off-equilibrium transport with scaling the channel length. On the circuit level, first, the impact of FinFET scaling on basic circuit blocks is investigated based on the PTM models. 256-bit (6T) SRAM is evaluated for channel lengths of 20nm down to 7nm showing the scaling trends of basic performance metrics. In addition, the impact of VT variations on the delay, power, and stability is reported considering die-to-die variations. Second, we move to another peer-technology which is 28nm FD-SOI as a comparative study, keeping the SRAM cell as the test block, more advanced study is carried out considering the cell‘s stability and the evolution from dynamic to static metrics

    Effect of Underlap and its Soft Error Performance in 30 nm Junctionless-based 6T-SRAM Cell

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    As CMOS device is scaling down significantly, the sensitivity of Integrated Circuits (ICs) to Single Event Upset (SEU) radiation increases. The Sensitivity of ICs to  soft errors emerge as reliability threat which motivates  significant interest in the development of various techniques both at the device and circuit level for SEU hardness in SRAM memories. To facilitate the scaling the concept of underlap Gate-Source/Drain (G-S/D) was suggested in the literature. Lun is one of the sensitive geometrical parameter considered to differ from 1 nm to 5 nm in a SEU radiating environment. The effect of Gate-Source/Drain underlap (Lun) on soft error performance in 30 nm Junctionless Transistor (JLT) based on 6T-SRAM cell has been examined through extensive mixed mode-device and circuit simulations using TCAD. The critical dose observed in JLT based 6T-SRAM with Lun ranging from 1 nm to 5 nm to flip the cell is given by Linear Energy Transfer (LET) between 0.05 to 0.06 pC/µm. The simulation result analyzes electrical and SEU radiation parameters to study its impact on JLT based 6T-SRAM cell

    Design of SRAM Cell using Modified Lector and Dual Threshold Method Based on FINFET

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    FinFET (Fin Field Effect Transistor) is a new technology that satisfies the demand for a superior storage system by improving transistor circuit design (SS). CMOS devices experience a wide range of issues due to the gate's diminishing ability to control the channel. Increased total production costs are a few of these disadvantages. But this store needs to dissipate less power, have a quick access time, and a low leakage current. The increased power dissipation and leakage current of traditional CMOS-based SRAM (Static RAM) architectures cause a sharp decline in performance. The nanoscale gadget called FinFET is being introduced for use in SRAM fabrication due to its 3D gate architecture. The adoption of FinFET has helped boost overall performance in terms of efficiency, power, and footprint. And because it is immune to SCEs, FinFET has become the transistor of choice. In this study, we have examined a number of FinFET-based SRAM cells and compared them with CMOS technology. We have also suggested a novel 14T SRAM design that uses the Dual Threshold Method and Modified Lector Approach with FinFET, and it is implemented for the 1bit, 4bit, and 8bit

    Introducing 14-nm FinFET technology in Microwind

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    This paper describes the implementation of a high performance FinFET-based 14-nm CMOS Technology in Microwind. New concepts related to the design of FinFET and design for manufacturing are also described. The performances of a ring oscillator layout and a 6-transistor RAM memory layout are also analyzed.This paper describes the implementation of a high performance FinFET-based 14-nm CMOS Technology in Microwind. New concepts related to the design of FinFET and design for manufacturing are also described. The performances of a ring oscillator layout and a 6-transistor RAM memory layout are also analyzed