255 research outputs found

    EMI Susceptibility Issue in Analog Front-End for Sensor Applications

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    The susceptibility to electromagnetic interferences of the analog circuits used in the sensor readout front-end is discussed. Analog circuits still play indeed a crucial role in sensor signal acquisition due to the analog nature of sensory signals. The effect of electromagnetic interferences has been simulated and measured in many commercial and integrated analog circuits; the main cause of the electromagnetic susceptibility is investigated and the guidelines to design high EMI immunity circuits are provided

    Reduction of EMI susceptibility in CMOS bandgap reference circuits

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    This paper presents a successful approach to increase the electromagnetic interference (EMI) immunity of CMOS bandgap reference circuits. Layout techniques along with some changes in the reference schematics lead to a robust electromagnetic immunity, preserving good overall performances. Measurement results confirm the low susceptibility of the proposed circuits. They exhibit only a few millivolts shift, for interfering signals of 1 Vpp in the frequency range of 1 MHz to 4 GHz, compared to the classical topologies that may reach more than 1 V. The circuits were fabricated in a 0.8-ttm standard CMOS technology

    Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility

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    Recent progress in the fields of Electrical and Electronic Engineering has created new application scenarios and new Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) challenges, along with novel tools and methodologies to address them. This volume, which collects the contributions published in the “Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility” Special Issue of MDPI Electronics, provides a vivid picture of current research trends and new developments in the rapidly evolving, broad area of EMC, including contributions on EMC issues in digital communications, power electronics, and analog integrated circuits and sensors, along with signal and power integrity and electromagnetic interference (EMI) suppression properties of materials

    A Review of Traditional Helical to Recent Miniaturized Printed-Circuit-Board Rogowski Coils for Power Electronic Applications

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    An Analog-to-Digital Converter Immunity Modelling based on a Stochastic Approach

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    This paper proposes a methodology to model an electronic board according to a bottom-up approach. This method is applied to build the model of a synchronous buck DC-DC converter board for conducted emission prediction purpose. The different steps to select the model terminals and the construction of the component and PCB interconnect models are described

    Development of an active power filter based on wide-bandgap semiconductors

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    Pla de Doctorat Industrial, Generalitat de CatalynuaElectrical and electronic equipment needs sinusoidal currents and voltages to function properly. Equipment such as computers, household appliances, electric vehicle chargers, and LED lights can distort the grid and worsen grid quality. Distorted electrical grids can cause malfunctions, reduce service life, and decrease the performance of connected equipment. Industry commonly solves these problems using active power filters, which can minimise the harmonics of the grid, eliminate undesirable reactive power, and restore balance to unbalanced power grids. This thesis deals with the design and implementation of an active power filter based on wide-bandgap semiconductors, which have properties that are superior to classical silicon devices. An active power filter’s design must take advantage of these benefits to build converters that are smaller, more efficient, and consume fewer resources. However, wide-bandgap semiconductors also present design challenges. Because the most commonly used active power filters in the industry are based on two-level voltage source converters, the research for this doctoral thesis focuses on this converter topology. Moreover, its main objective is to contribute new modulation techniques that are specially designed to work with wide-bandgap semiconductors. The proposed modulations consider different aspects, such as the computational cost of the algorithms, converter losses, and the electromagnetic distortion generated. First, this thesis presents a hexagonal sigma-delta (H-S¿) modulation based on sigma-delta (S¿) modulation. The properties of this modulation are studied, and the technique is compared with other widely used modulations. The comparison considers efficiency, harmonic distortion, the electromagnetic compatibility of the converter, and the type of wideband semiconductor used. In addition, a fast algorithm is mathematically developed to simplify the presented modulation and reduce its computational cost. Secondly, this thesis presents a family of sigma-delta modulations specially designed to improve electromagnetic compatibility: the reduced common-mode voltage sigma-delta (RCMV-S¿) modulations. These modulations avoid using the vectors that generate the maximum common-mode voltage, which significantly reduces the generated electromagnetic distortion without affecting the performance of the converter and its harmonic distortion. Finally, the proposed modulations are applied in a wide-bandgap power converter working as an active filter. Thus, it is verified that the techniques presented in this thesis will obtain satisfactory results when implemented in commercial active power filters.Els equips elèctrics i electrònics necessiten corrents i tensions sinusoïdals per funcionar correctament. Existeixen equips com els ordinadors, els electrodomèstics, els carregadors de vehicle elèctric o les llums LED, que poden distorsionar la xarxa i empitjorar la qualitat d'aquesta. Les xarxes elèctriques distorsionades poden causar el mal funcionament dels equips que s'hi connecten, reduir la seva vida útil i també empitjorar la seva eficiència. A la industria és habitual utilitzar filtres actius per a solucionar aquests problemes. Els filtres actius permeten minimitzar els harmònics presents a la Δxarxa, eliminar la potència reactiva no desitjada i equilibrar xarxes elèctriques desequilibrades. Aquesta tesi tracta sobre el disseny i la implementació d'un filtre actiu basat en semiconductors de banda ampla. Aquests semiconductors presenten propietats superiors als clàssics dispositius de silici. El disseny d'un filtre actiu ha d'aprofitar aquests avantatges per a construir convertidors més petits, eficients i que consumeixin menys recursos. Tanmateix, els semiconductors de banda ampla també presenten problemes que el disseny ha de solucionar. Els filtres actius més utilitzats en la indústria són els basats en convertidors de font de tensió (voltatge source converters) amb dos nivells. La recerca d'aquesta tesi doctoral està focalitzada en aquesta topologia de convertidor, i el seu principal objectiu és l’aportació de noves tècniques de modulació especialment dissenyades per treballar amb semiconductors de banda ampla. Les modulacions proposades tenen en compte diferents aspectes: el cost computacional dels algoritmes, les pèrdues del convertidor i la distorsió electromagnètica generada. En primer lloc, es presenta una modulació sigma-delta hexagonal (H-__) que es basa en la modulació sigma-delta (ΣΔ). S'estudien les propietats d'aquesta modulació i la tècnica es compara amb altres modulacions àmpliament usades. La comparativa realitzada considera l’eficiència, la distorsió harmònica, la compatibilitat electromagnètica del convertidor i el tipus de semiconductor de banda ampla emprat. Addicionalment, es desenvolupa matemàticament un algoritme ràpid per simplificar la modulació presentada i reduir el seu cost computacional. En segon lloc, es presenta una família de modulacions sigma-delta especialment dissenyades per millorar la compatibilitat electromagnètica: les modulacions sigmadelta amb tensió en mode comú reduïda (RCMV-ΣΔ ). Aquestes modulacions eviten fer servir els vectors que generen la màxima tensió en mode comú. D'aquesta manera es redueix significativament la distorsió electromagnètica generada sense afectar de forma notable al rendiment del convertidor ni a la seva distorsió harmònica. Finalment, les modulacions proposades s'apliquen en un convertidor de potència, basat en semiconductors de banda ampla, que treballa com a filtre actiu. Això es verifica que les tècniques presentades en aquesta tesi poden ser implementades en filtres actius comercials obtenint resultats satisfactoris.Postprint (published version

    EMI reduction on high-speed PCB using electromagnetic bandgap structure

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    The need for high-speed printed circuit board design whilst maintaining signal integrity and EMC standards have increased over the years in the modern integrated circuitry field. The use of electromagnetic bandgap structures (EBGs) have been demonstrated to provide excellent reduction of electromagnetic interference (EMI). In this study, a three by three planar of spiral, with and without patch were designed, simulated and fabricated on a low-cost FR4 substrate with permittivity of 4.3 and thickness of 1.6 mm. The designs of spiral EBGs with and without patch have the dimensions of 36 mm x 36 mm covering 9 unit cells. The performance of the designed EBGs were simulated and measured experimentally, and it was found to be in acceptable agreement. It was found that the spiral EBG without patch experienced a bandgap that covers from 4.5 to 6.3 GHz by using a dispersion diagram. Conversely, the bandgap for the spiral EBG with patch structure was found to be from 4.5 to 7.8 GHz with wider bandwidth. Owing to the desirable results demonstrated by the spiral EBG design with patch, it was then integrated into the high-speed circuit design to suppress the EMI emitted by the board. In this work, two low and three high-speed PCB designs were fabricated to track the desired EMI levels above 4.5 GHz. The third design of the high-speed PCB emitted the highest radiation emission (4.54 GHz) was selected for integration. The spiral EBG with patch structure successfully suppressed the EMI that occur at 4.54 GHz. Its effectiveness further suggests that the proposed EBG spiral with patch structure design is appropriate for EMI suppression that may occur from 4.5 to 7.8 GHz

    Spread Spectrum Modulation Investigation Using MATLAB Developed Tool On Automotive Dc-Dc Converter

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    Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) classified as emission from a device or a system that interrupt normal operation of the own or neighbor system. Generally, EMI is caused by radiation emitted from an external source. The electromagnetic interference classified into conducted emission and radiated emission. Conducted EMI is pass through transmission lines such as wires and PCB traces whereas radiated EMI is caused by induction. Nowadays, spread spectrum concept widely used in design phase of DC-DC converter as a measure to keep emission within automotive EMC defined standard besides filter techniques and PCB designs. In principle, there are many different test measurement setup used in spread spectrum modulation concept for conducted EMI analysis which cause beginners difficult to master the topic. This paper describes a developed MATLAB program for spread spectrum modulation (SSM) techniques with several modulation parameters, profiles, including test measurement setups in EMI analysis

    Towards Faster Data Transfer by Spoof Plasmonics

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    With the emergence of complex architectures in modern electronics such as multi-chip modules, the increasing electromagnetic cross-talk in the circuitry causes a serious issue for high-speed, reliable data transfer among the chips. This thesis aims at developing a cross-talk resilient communication technology by utilizing a special form of electromagnetic mode, called spoof surface plasmon polariton for information transfer. The technique is based on the fact that a metal wire with periodic sub-wavelength patterns can support the propagation of confined electromagnetic mode, which can suppress cross-talk noise among the adjacent channels; and thus outperform conventional electrical interconnects in a parallel, high channel density data-bus. My developed model shows that, with 1 THz carrier frequency, the optimal design of cross-talk resilient spoof plasmon data-bus would allow each channel to support as high as 300 Gbps data, the bandwidth density can reach 1 Tbps per millimeter width of data-bus, and the digital pulse modulated carrier can travel more than 5 mm distance on the substrate. I have demonstrated that spoof plasmonic interconnects, comprised of patterned metallic conductors, can simultaneously accommodate electronic TEM mode, which is superior in cross-talk suppression at low-frequencies; and spoof plasmon mode, which is superior at high-frequencies. The research work is divided into two complementary parts: developing a theory for electromagnetic property analysis of spoof plasmon waveguide, and manipulating these properties for high-speed data transfer. Based on the theory developed, I investigated the complex interplay among various figure-of-merits of data transfer in spoof plasmonics, such as bandwidth density, propagation loss, thermal noise, speed of modulation, etc. My developed model predicts that with the availability of 1 THz carrier, the bit-error-rate of spoof plasmon data bus, subject to thermal noise would be sim108sim10^{-8} while the Shannon information capacity of the bus would be 1010 Tbps/mm. The model also predicts that, by proper designing of the modulator, it can be possible to alter the transmission property of the waveguide over one-fifth (1/51/5) of the spoof plasmon band which spans from DC frequency to the frequency of spoof plasmon resonance. To exemplify, if the spoof plasmon resonance is set at 11 THz, then we can achieve more than 200200 Gbps speed of modulation with a very high extinction ratio, assuming the switching latency of the transistors at our disposal is negligible to the time-resolution of interest. We envision spoof plasmonic interconnects to constitute the next generation communication technology that will be transferring data at hundreds of Gigabit per second (Gbps) speed among different chips on a multi-chip module (MCM) carrier or system-on-chip (SoC) packaging.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163041/1/srjoy_1.pd

    Low-Voltage GaN Based Inverter for Power Steering Application

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    In the paper, an experimental evaluation of a low voltage Gallium Nitride (GaN) based inverter suitable for power steering application is presented. The inverter switches belong to the last generation of low voltage enhancement-mode normally-off GaN Field-Effect Transistor (FET). The main advantage in the usage of these devices is the high switching frequency capability with consequently volume reduction of the passive components. On the other hand, the layout and the device packaging solution are a challenge to reduce the parasitic inductances. Furthermore, the dv/dt increasing with the switching frequency need a deep investigation in a motor drive application. The paper deals with the advances and drawbacks of the GaN FETs in two-level Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) motor drive applications providing a piece of detailed experimental evidence and design guidelines