19 research outputs found

    Powtoon as an Innovation in Improving Grade 4 Learners’ Story Analysis and Reading Comprehension

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    This study is intended on the development of the learners’ reading comprehension and story analysis skills under the implementation of PowToon as an innovative instructional material for learners’ development in reading comprehension and story analysis skills. This study provided various evidence on how innovation can be a great step in developing the learners reading comprehension and story analysis skills. The purpose of this action research is to determine or evaluate the effectiveness of using PowToon as an innovative instructional material to improve and develop learners’ reading comprehension and fluency. Various test and data gathering procedures showed promising data on the success of the implementation of the said instructional material where thirty (30) students assessed under the supervision of the chosen master teachers and grade 4 teachers with the use of learning materials evaluated by the teachers using LRMDS tool. The data that this study generated in terms of the success it shown over the development of the learners were significant in terms of their level of reading and analysis skills. Furthermore the information gained from this study will benefit English teachers by yielding information about the effectiveness of using PowToon as an innovative instructional material to develop learners’ reading and analyzing skills


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    ABSTRAKMasa pandemi covid 19 telah mengganggu proses belajar tatap muka di sekolah. Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) secara daring menjadi salah satu alternatif untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Oleh karena itu perlu peranan media agar siswa tidak jenuh dalam belajar. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah menerapkan powtoon sebagai salah satu alternatif media dalam PJJ di SDN II Kedungdawa Kabupaten Cirebon. Kegiatan PKM dilakukan dengan harapan guru termotivasi mengintegrasikan IT secara maksimal untuk membuat video pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan dalam proses belajar. Metode dalam kegiatan PKM terdiri dari 4 tahap yaitu observasi, identifikasi masalah, solusi, dan evaluasi. Peserta dalam pengabdian ini sebanyak 28 siswa kelas VI. Hasil pemanfaatan media powtoon diantaranya meningkatkan motivasi siswa, pembelajaran tidak membosankan, dan materi lebih mudah dipahami. Selain itu adanya ketertarikan guru untuk dapat membuat media powtoon sendiri merupakan salah satu indikator keberhasilan PKM yang telah dilakukan. Oleh karena itu  sebagai rekomendasi tim akan merancang kegiatan pelatihan pembuatan powtoon yang menarik, variatif dan interaktif sebagai upaya peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran bagi guru di SDN II Kedungdawa Kabupaten Cirebon Kata kunci: powtoon; pembelajaran jarak jauh; media pembelajaran. ABSTRACTThe Covid 19 pandemic has disrupted the face-to-face learning process in schools. Distance learning is an alternative to overcome this problem. Therefore we need the role of the media so that students are not bored in learning. The purpose of this community service activity is to implement the powtoon as an alternative media in distance learning at SDN II Kedungdawa, Cirebon Regency. PKM activities are carried out with the hope that teachers are motivated to optimally integrate IT to make learning videos that can be used in the learning process. The method in PKM activities consists of 4 stages, namely observation, problem identification, solution, and evaluation. Participants in this activities were 28 students in grade sixth.The results of using powtoon media include increasing student motivation, learning is not boring, and the material is easier to understand. In addition, the teacher's interest in being able to make their own powtoon media is an indicator of the success of the PKM that has been carried out. Therefore, as a recommendation, the team will design training activities for making powtoon that are interesting, varied and interactive as an effort to improve the quality of learning for teachers at SDN II Kedungdawa, Cirebon. Keywords: powtoon; distance learning; material teaching


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    ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis perbandingan hasil belajar siswa dalam penggunaan media powerpoint dan media powtoon berbasis model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) pada mata pelajaran administrasi pajak kelas XI Akuntansi di SMKN Mojoagung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian Ex Post Facto dengan desain penelitian The Basic Causal Comparative Design. Populasi yang digunakan adalah kelas XI 1-XI 4 SMKN Mojoagung tahun pelajaran 2017/2018 sebanyak 144 siswa. Sampel penelitian dengan teknik simple random sampling dan didapatkan kelas XI AK 1 yang menggunakan powtoon dan XI AK 4 yang menggunakan powerpoint. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode tes. Teknik analisis data dengan menggunakan uji normalitas dan uji homogenitas. Uji hipotesis menggunakan uji independent sample t-test.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata hasil belajar pada kelas X1 (powtoon) sebesar 86,774 sedangkan kelas X2 (powerpoint) sebesar 80,968. Hasil uji hipotesis menggunakan uji independent sample t-test menunjukkan taraf signifikansi sebesar 0.027<0.05. Hasil dari thitung>ttabel yaitu 2.267>2.039 pada taraf signifikansi 5% dan df=60 sehingga Ha diterima dan H0 ditolak artinya bahwa terdapat perbandingan hasil belajar antara kelas yang menggunakan powerpoint dan powtoon.   Kata Kunci: powerpoint, powtoon, Problem Based Learning (PBL), hasil belaja

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Powtoon Terhadap Peningkatan Hasil Menulis Teks Persuasi pada Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Islam Dampit Kabupaten Malang

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    One of the functions of media in learning is to improve student learning outcomes. Therefore, the media plays a very important role. This research was conducted to determine the effect of using Powtoon media on improving the results of writing persuasive texts for class VIII Islamic Middle School students in Dampit, Malang district. The data in this study was obtained through pretest and posttest and analyzed statistically using computerized SPSS version 19.0 with regression analysis and hypothesis testing. Based on data analysis, a percentage number was obtained; Powtoon media coefficient, simple correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, F significance respectively; 29.3%, 77.1%, 59.4%, and 40.6% which shows that Powtoon media has a significant influence on increasing the ability to write persuasive texts of students in class VIII of Dampit Islamic Middle School, Malang district, so it can be recommended as a media effective learning is related to students' writing skills and persuasive texts.Salah satu penentuan fungsi penggunaan suatu media dalam Media dalam pembelajaran salah satunya berfungsi untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Oleh karena itu, media memegang peran yang sangat penting. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan media Powtoon terhadap peningkatan hasil menulis teks persuasi siswa kelas VIII SMP Islam Dampit Kabupaten Malang. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui tes-pretest dan postest dan dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan komputerisasi SPSS versi 19.0 dengan analisis regresi serta uji hipotesa. Berdasarkan analisis data, diperoleh jumlah persentase; kooefisien media Powtoon, kooefisien korelasi sederhana, koefisien determinasi, signifikansi F secara berturut-turut; 29,3%, 77,1%, 59,4%, dan 40,6% yang menunjukkan bahwa media Powtoon memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap peningkatan kemampuan menulis teks persuasi siswa di kelas VIII SMP Islam Dampit kabupaten Malang, sehingga dapat direkomendasikan menjadi media pembelajaran yang efektif berkaitan dengan keterampilan menulis siswa dan teks persuasi

    Teaching Reading through PowToon: Practices and Students’ Attitude

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    Abstract: Technology has been in active use for a long time particularly in higher educational institutions. Mainly, technology provides various opportunities to enhance students’ performance to language learning. This present paper discusses the implementation and integration a technology-engagement teaching strategy with the aid of PowToon by focusing on students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension. This study presents the teaching practices that occur through such an activity by applying Powtoon as a multimodal learning tool to enhance students’ vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. In addition, in the second section of this paper, this paper presents the students’ attitude toward the teaching of reading through Powtoon. This paper concludes with comments about both the extent of Powtoon as a multimodal learning tool and about the future of teaching reading comprehension through technology in a multimodal world.Keywords: technology, language learning, PowToon. Abstrak: Teknologi telah lama digunakan secara aktif terutama di lembaga pendidikan tinggi. Terutama, teknologi memberikan berbagai peluang untuk meningkatkan kinerja siswa dalam pembelajaran bahasa. Makalah ini membahas penerapan dan integrasi strategi pengajaran keterlibatan teknologi dengan bantuan PowToon dengan berfokus pada penguasaan kosakata siswa dan pemahaman bacaan mereka. Penelitian ini menyajikan praktik pengajaran yang terjadi melalui kegiatan tersebut dengan menerapkan Powtoon sebagai alat pembelajaran multimoda untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata dan pemahaman bacaan siswa. Selain itu, pada bagian kedua makalah ini, makalah ini memaparkan sikap siswa terhadap pengajaran membaca melalui Powtoon. Makalah ini diakhiri dengan komentar tentang sejauh mana Powtoon sebagai alat pembelajaran multimodal dan tentang masa depan pengajaran pemahaman membaca melalui teknologi di dunia multimoda.Kata kunci: teknologi, pembelajaran bahasa, PowToon.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v10.i3.20201

    Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Powtoon Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Bagi Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

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    The implementation of the latest curriculum requires educators to better master information technology. Various technology-based learning media have emerged, especially a media that can attract the attention of students, especially early childhood. YLPI Islamic Kindergarten and YLPI Tahfidz Kindergarten pay great attention to the introduction of English to early childhood, In addition, YLPI Islamic Kindergarten in collaboration with YLPI Tahfidz Kindergarten has a digital literacy concept that aims to introduce the beautiful culture of reading to students. Through the concept of digital literacy, educators need effective media to make teaching materials. In this case, students are invited to play while learning to read English through watching animated videos. The purpose of this service activity is to provide training in making simple animations for kindergarten teachers so that they have qualified skills in making animation-based teaching materials to improve students' reading literacy culture. The media used is a web-based application called Powtoon

    Pengembangan media pembelajaran PPKn SD berbasis Powtoon untuk mengembangkan karakter tanggung jawab

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    Penelitian yang dilakukan berfokus pada pengembangan media pembelajaran video berbasis Powtoon untuk muatan pelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan kelas IV sekolah dasar, khususnya materi hak dan kewajiban pada tema 2 selalu berhemat energi. Pelaksanaan penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian pengembangan R&D dengan model ADDIE. Dalam model ADDIE terdapat lima tahapan, yaitu Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, dan Evaluate. Akan tetapi, dalam penelitian ini peneliti hanya sampai tahap Develop saja karena penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran yang layak berdasarkan penilaian dari validator. Hasil validasi media pembelajaran oleh ahli media, ahli materi, dan ahli bahasa memperoleh skor 84% yang termasuk ke dalam kategori Sangat Layak atau Sangat Baik karena persentase dari hasil validasi berada pada rentang 81—100%. Dengan demikian, media pembelajaran video berbasis Powtoon untuk muatan pelajaran PPKn sangat layak dimanfaatkan untuk proses pembelajaran. Media pembelajaran video berbasis Powtoon ini dapat meningkatkan pemanfaatan teknologi, di sisi lain juga membuat peserta didik antusias dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran

    Animated Powtoon-Based Video to Improve the Ability to Understand Sound Science

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    Sound is one of the most critical components of singing. A lack of sound understanding can affect students' ability to sing due to the lack of use of learning media in class. The study aimed to determine the effectiveness and feasibility of Powtoon-based animated video learning media on singing abilities in third-grade students using the 10-step Research and Development (R&D) research method developed by Borg and Gall. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The results of product data analysis in the form of learning media validation were carried out by experts in the field of materials and media with a percentage of 83.75% and 87.5% with the criteria of "very feasible." The effectiveness of the developed media is known based on the increase in the percentage of students' pretest and posttest scores on the knowledge aspect of 0.43% in the "moderate" category and 0.31% in the skills aspect in the "moderate" category. The results of the teacher and student response questionnaire to the media obtained a percentage of 79.57% with the "very decent" criteria. Based on this, portion-based animated videos can improve students' sound understanding and ability to sing and are suitable for use as a support for the learning process in elementary schools

    Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran Powtoon, Disiplin Belajar dan Lingkungan Belajar Terhadap Hasil Belajar Akuntansi Keuangan Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19

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    This study aims to analyze the effects of PowToon learning media,  discipline and learning environment  partially or simultaneously with learning learning results. This study uses a quantitative approach with 61 population  students. The specified sample method is saturated sampling. Data was collected by a questionnaire. Data analysis with multiple linear regressions. The results of the survey conclude that: (1) The important effect of Powtoon learning media on financial accounting learning outcomes is the result of t count = 3.184> ttable = 2.002. (2) In the result of t count = 2,650> t table = 2,002, the learning outcome of financial accounting has an important influence of learning discipline. (3) In the result of t count = 3.136> t table = 2.002, the learning outcome of financial accounting has a great influence on the learning environment. (4)  Powtoon learning media, learning discipline, and learning environment have a great influence on the learning outcomes of financial accounting, as well as the results of Fcount> Ftable, ie 4.908> 2.76

    Powtoon Animation Video In Introduction To Literature Class : Student’s Perception

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    This research aimed to discover the students' perception of Powtoon animation video in Introduction to literature class. Technology had a significant impact on education. During covid-19, mostly online learning system was applied. Introduction to literature was one of the online class subjects done last semester at odd semester academic year 2020/2021 by using an online system. Sixteen meetings had been done for one semester, and the last project was creating powtoon to tell fiction stories. Thirty-five students involved in this research, and the project of powtoon was created by students as one project accomplishment in this class. The researchers set the qualitative research design by using interview. The interview result revealed that the students were enjoying creating powtoon in this class. They were motivated to use technology in the online class system and found more online media soon