283 research outputs found

    Autonomous Rendezvous with a non-cooperative satellite: trajectory planning and control

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    Con la nascita di nuove problematiche e nuove esigenze in ambito spaziale, le più importanti riguardanti il tema della mitigazione dei detriti spaziali o dell’assistenza e del servizio dei satelliti in orbita, lo scenario di rendez-vous autonomo tra un satellite inseguitore e un satellite target non cooperativo sta diventando sempre più centrale, ambizioso e accattivante. Il grande scoglio da superare, tuttavia, consiste nell’individuazione di una strategia di approccio robusta e vincente: mentre l’esecuzione di una manovra di rendez-vous e docking o cattura con satellite cooperativo è già stata collaudata e possiede una consolidata eredità di volo, il rendez-vous autonomo con satellite non cooperativo ed in stato di tombolamento è uno scenario agli albori, con pochi studi al riguardo. Lo scopo di questa tesi consiste nell’identificazione di una strategia di approccio che consideri le principali problematiche legate al tema in questione, ovvero la non-cooperazione e le scarse informazioni sullo stato di moto del target da raggiungere. Queste due complicazioni portano alla necessità di eseguire un moto di ispezione del satellite target e alla considerazione di numerosi vincoli nella progettazione della traiettoria di ispezione e di approccio. Un controllore adatto a trattare questo problema complesso e multi-vincolato è il Model Predictive Controller, in forma lineare o non lineare, abbinato ad un filtro di Kalman. La capacità di questo controllore di previsione e pianificazione di una traiettoria d’approccio, a partire da stime di posizione relativa tra target e inseguitore, permette di portare a termine la manovra in modo sicuro e robusto.According to the rise of new problems and new demands in the space field, the most important concerning the mitigation of space debris or the spacecraft on-orbit servicing and assistance themes, the Autonomous Rendezvous scenario between a chase satellite and a non-cooperative target satellite is becoming increasingly significant, ambitious, and attractive. The main issue to overcome, however, consists in the identification of a robust and successful approach strategy: while the execution of a rendezvous and docking or capture maneuver with a cooperative satellite has already been tested and holds a solid flight heritage, the autonomous rendezvous with a non-cooperative satellite in a state of tumbling motion is a scenario in the early days, with few studies about it and a not yet mature technology. The aim of this thesis consists in the identification of an approach strategy that deals with the main challenges related to the considered problem, namely non-cooperativeness and exiguous information about the target to be reached. These two issues lead to the need of performing an inspection motion and considering several constraints in the trajectory design. A controller suitable to handle this complex and multi-constrained problem is the Model Predictive Controller, in a linear or non-linear form, paired with a Kalman filter. The ability of this controller to predict and plan an approaching trajectory, starting from estimates of the relative position between the target and the chaser, allows to complete the approaching maneuver safely and in a robust way

    Conceptual Design of a Flight Validation Mission for a Hypervelocity Asteroid Intercept Vehicle

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    Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) are asteroids and comets whose orbits approach or cross Earth s orbit. NEOs have collided with our planet in the past, sometimes to devastating effect, and continue to do so today. Collisions with NEOs large enough to do significant damage to the ground are fortunately infrequent, but such events can occur at any time and we therefore need to develop and validate the techniques and technologies necessary to prevent the Earth impact of an incoming NEO. In this paper we provide background on the hazard posed to Earth by NEOs and present the results of a recent study performed by the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center s Mission Design Lab (MDL) in collaboration with Iowa State University s Asteroid Deflection Research Center (ADRC) to design a flight validation mission for a Hypervelocity Asteroid Intercept Vehicle (HAIV) as part of a Phase 2 NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) research project. The HAIV is a two-body vehicle consisting of a leading kinetic impactor and trailing follower carrying a Nuclear Explosive Device (NED) payload. The HAIV detonates the NED inside the crater in the NEO s surface created by the lead kinetic impactor portion of the vehicle, effecting a powerful subsurface detonation to disrupt the NEO. For the flight validation mission, only a simple mass proxy for the NED is carried in the HAIV. Ongoing and future research topics are discussed following the presentation of the detailed flight validation mission design results produced in the MDL

    Model-based Fault Diagnosis and Fault Accommodation for Space Missions : Application to the Rendezvous Phase of the MSR Mission

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    The work addressed in this thesis draws expertise from actions undertaken between the EuropeanSpace Agency (ESA), the industry Thales Alenia Space (TAS) and the IMS laboratory (laboratoirede l’Intégration du Matériau au Système) which develop new generations of integrated Guidance, Navigationand Control (GNC) units with fault detection and tolerance capabilities. The reference mission isthe ESA’s Mars Sample Return (MSR) mission. The presented work focuses on the terminal rendezvoussequence of the MSR mission which corresponds to the last few hundred meters until the capture. Thechaser vehicle is the MSR Orbiter, while the passive target is a diameter spherical container. The objectiveat control level is a capture achievement with an accuracy better than a few centimeter. The research workaddressed in this thesis is concerned by the development of model-based Fault Detection and Isolation(FDI) and Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) approaches that could significantly increase the operational andfunctional autonomy of the chaser during rendezvous, and more generally, of spacecraft involved in deepspace missions. Since redundancy exist in the sensors and since the reaction wheels are not used duringthe rendezvous phase, the work presented in this thesis focuses only on the thruster-based propulsionsystem. The investigated faults have been defined in accordance with ESA and TAS requirements andfollowing their experiences. The presented FDI/FTC approaches relies on hardware redundancy in sensors,control redirection and control re-allocation methods and a hierarchical FDI including signal-basedapproaches at sensor level, model-based approaches for thruster fault detection/isolation and trajectorysafety monitoring. Carefully selected performance and reliability indices together with Monte Carlo simulationcampaigns, using a high-fidelity industrial simulator, demonstrate the viability of the proposedapproaches.Les travaux de recherche traités dans cette thèse s’appuient sur l’expertise des actionsmenées entre l’Agence spatiale européenne (ESA), l’industrie Thales Alenia Space (TAS) et le laboratoirede l’Intégration du Matériau au Système (IMS) qui développent de nouvelles générations d’unités intégréesde guidage, navigation et pilotage (GNC) avec une fonction de détection des défauts et de tolérance desdéfauts. La mission de référence retenue dans cette thèse est la mission de retour d’échantillons martiens(Mars Sample Return, MSR) de l’ESA. Ce travail se concentre sur la séquence terminale du rendez-vous dela mission MSR qui correspond aux dernières centaines de mètres jusqu’à la capture. Le véhicule chasseurest l’orbiteur MSR (chasseur), alors que la cible passive est un conteneur sphérique. L’objectif au niveaude contrôle est de réaliser la capture avec une précision inférieure à quelques centimètres. Les travaux derecherche traités dans cette thèse s’intéressent au développement des approches sur base de modèle de détectionet d’isolation des défauts (FDI) et de commande tolérante aux défaillances (FTC), qui pourraientaugmenter d’une manière significative l’autonomie opérationnelle et fonctionnelle du chasseur pendant lerendez-vous et, d’une manière plus générale, d’un vaisseau spatial impliqué dans des missions située dansl’espace lointain. Dès lors que la redondance existe dans les capteurs et que les roues de réaction ne sontpas utilisées durant la phase de rendez-vous, le travail présenté dans cette thèse est orienté seulementvers les systèmes de propulsion par tuyères. Les défaillances examinées ont été définies conformément auxexigences de l’ESA et de TAS et suivant leurs expériences. Les approches FDI/FTC présentées s’appuientsur la redondance de capteurs, la redirection de contrôle et sur les méthodes de réallocation de contrôle,ainsi que le FDI hiérarchique, y compris les approches à base de signaux au niveau de capteurs, les approchesà base de modèle de détection/localisation de défauts de propulseur et la surveillance de sécuritéde trajectoire. Utilisant un simulateur industriel de haute-fidélité, les indices de performance et de fiabilitéFDI, qui ont été soigneusement choisis accompagnés des campagnes de simulation de robustesse/sensibilitéMonte Carlo, démontrent la viabilité des approches proposées

    Advances in Spacecraft Systems and Orbit Determination

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    "Advances in Spacecraft Systems and Orbit Determinations", discusses the development of new technologies and the limitations of the present technology, used for interplanetary missions. Various experts have contributed to develop the bridge between present limitations and technology growth to overcome the limitations. Key features of this book inform us about the orbit determination techniques based on a smooth research based on astrophysics. The book also provides a detailed overview on Spacecraft Systems including reliability of low-cost AOCS, sliding mode controlling and a new view on attitude controller design based on sliding mode, with thrusters. It also provides a technological roadmap for HVAC optimization. The book also gives an excellent overview of resolving the difficulties for interplanetary missions with the comparison of present technologies and new advancements. Overall, this will be very much interesting book to explore the roadmap of technological growth in spacecraft systems

    Flight Mechanics/Estimation Theory Symposium 1995

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    This conference publication includes 41 papers and abstracts presented at the Flight Mechanics/ Estimation Theory Symposium on May 16-18, 1995. Sponsored by the Flight Dynamics Division of Goddard Space Flight Center, this symposium featured technical papers on a wide range of issues related to orbit-attitude prediction, determination, and control; attitude sensor calibration; attitude determination error analysis; attitude dynamics; and orbit decay and maneuver strategy. Government, industry, and the academic community participated in the preparation and presentation of these papers

    Office of Exploration: Exploration studies technical report. Volume 2: Studies approach and results

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    The NASA Office of Exploration has been tasked with defining and recommending alternatives for an early 1990's national decision on a focused program of human exploration of the solar system. The Mission Analysis and System Engineering (MASE) group, which is managed by the Exploration Studies Office at the Johnson Space Center, is responsible for coordinating the technical studies necessary for accomplishing such a task. This technical report describes the process that has been developed in a case study approach. The four case studies that were developed in FY88 include: (1) human expedition to Phobos; (2) human expeditions to Mars; (3) lunar observatory; and (4) lunar outpost to early Mars evolution. The final outcome of this effort is a set of programmatic and technical conclusions and recommendations for the following year's work. Volume 2 describes the case study process, the technical results of each of the case studies, and opportunities for additional study. Included in the discussion of each case study is a description of the mission key features and profile. Mission definition and manifesting are detailed, followed by a description of the mission architecture and infrastructure. Systems concepts for the required orbital nodes, transportation systems, and planetary surface systems are discussed. Prerequisite implementation plans resulting from the synthesized case studies are described and in-depth assessments are presented

    Analysis of Square-Root Kalman Filters for Angles-Only Orbital Navigation and the Effects of Sensor Accuracy on State Observability

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    Angles-only navigation is simple, robust, and well proven in many applications. However, it is sometimes ill-conditioned for orbital rendezvous and proximity operations because, without a direct range measurement, the distance to approaching satellites must be estimated by firing thrusters and observing the change in the target\u27s bearing. Nevertheless, the simplicity of angles-only navigation gives it great appeal. The viability of this technique for relative navigation is examined by building a high-fidelity simulation and evaluating the sensitivity of the system to sensor errors. The relative performances of square-root filtering methods, including Potter, Carlson, and UD factorization filters, are compared to the conventional and Joseph formulations. Filter performance is evaluated during closed-loop station keeping operations in simulation

    Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter: Experiment summary after the first year of global mapping of Mars

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    The Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA), an instrument on the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft, has measured the topography, surface roughness, and 1.064-μm reflectivity of Mars and the heights of volatile and dust clouds. This paper discusses the function of the MOLA instrument and the acquisition, processing, and correction of observations to produce global data sets. The altimeter measurements have been converted to both gridded and spherical harmonic models for the topography and shape of Mars that have vertical and radial accuracies of ~1 m with respect to the planet's center of mass. The current global topographic grid has a resolution of 1/64° in latitude × 1/32° in longitude (1 × 2 km^2 at the equator). Reconstruction of the locations of incident laser pulses on the Martian surface appears to be at the 100-m spatial accuracy level and results in 2 orders of magnitude improvement in the global geodetic grid of Mars. Global maps of optical pulse width indicative of 100-m-scale surface roughness and 1.064-μm reflectivity with an accuracy of 5% have also been obtained

    Design Development Test and Evaluation (DDT and E) Considerations for Safe and Reliable Human Rated Spacecraft Systems

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    A team directed by the NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC) collected methodologies for how best to develop safe and reliable human rated systems and how to identify the drivers that provide the basis for assessing safety and reliability. The team also identified techniques, methodologies, and best practices to assure that NASA can develop safe and reliable human rated systems. The results are drawn from a wide variety of resources, from experts involved with the space program since its inception to the best-practices espoused in contemporary engineering doctrine. This report focuses on safety and reliability considerations and does not duplicate or update any existing references. Neither does it intend to replace existing standards and policy

    Angles-Only Navigation for Autonomous Orbital Rendezvous

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    The proposed thesis of this dissertation has both a practical element and theoretical component which aim to answer key questions related to the use of angles-only navigation for autonomous orbital rendezvous. The first and fundamental principle to this work argues that an angles-only navigation filter can determine the relative position and orientation (pose) between two spacecraft to perform the necessary maneuvers and close proximity operations for autonomous orbital rendezvous. Second, the implementation of angles-only navigation for on-orbit applications is looked upon with skeptical eyes because of its perceived limitation of determining the relative range between two vehicles. This assumed, yet little understood subtlety can be formally characterized with a closed-form analytical observability criteria which specifies the necessary and sufficient conditions for determining the relative position and velocity with only angular measurements. With a mathematical expression of the observability criteria, it can be used to 1) identify the orbital rendezvous trajectories and maneuvers that ensure the relative position and velocity are observable for angles-only navigation, 2) quantify the degree or level of observability and 3) compute optimal maneuvers that maximize observability. In summary, the objective of this dissertation is to provide both a practical and theoretical foundation for the advancement of autonomous orbital rendezvous through the use of angles-only navigation
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