166 research outputs found

    Fifth NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies

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    This document contains copies of those technical papers received in time for publication prior to the Fifth Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies held September 17 - 19, 1996, at the University of Maryland, University Conference Center in College Park, Maryland. As one of an ongoing series, this conference continues to serve as a unique medium for the exchange of information on topics relating to the ingestion and management of substantial amounts of data and the attendant problems involved. This year's discussion topics include storage architecture, database management, data distribution, file system performance and modeling, and optical recording technology. There will also be a paper on Application Programming Interfaces (API) for a Physical Volume Repository (PVR) defined in Version 5 of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Reference Model (RM). In addition, there are papers on specific archives and storage products

    An erasure-resilient and compute-efficient coding scheme for storage applications

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    Driven by rapid technological advancements, the amount of data that is created, captured, communicated, and stored worldwide has grown exponentially over the past decades. Along with this development it has become critical for many disciplines of science and business to being able to gather and analyze large amounts of data. The sheer volume of the data often exceeds the capabilities of classical storage systems, with the result that current large-scale storage systems are highly distributed and are comprised of a high number of individual storage components. As with any other electronic device, the reliability of storage hardware is governed by certain probability distributions, which in turn are influenced by the physical processes utilized to store the information. The traditional way to deal with the inherent unreliability of combined storage systems is to replicate the data several times. Another popular approach to achieve failure tolerance is to calculate the block-wise parity in one or more dimensions. With better understanding of the different failure modes of storage components, it has become evident that sophisticated high-level error detection and correction techniques are indispensable for the ever-growing distributed systems. The utilization of powerful cyclic error-correcting codes, however, comes with a high computational penalty, since the required operations over finite fields do not map very well onto current commodity processors. This thesis introduces a versatile coding scheme with fully adjustable fault-tolerance that is tailored specifically to modern processor architectures. To reduce stress on the memory subsystem the conventional table-based algorithm for multiplication over finite fields has been replaced with a polynomial version. This arithmetically intense algorithm is better suited to the wide SIMD units of the currently available general purpose processors, but also displays significant benefits when used with modern many-core accelerator devices (for instance the popular general purpose graphics processing units). A CPU implementation using SSE and a GPU version using CUDA are presented. The performance of the multiplication depends on the distribution of the polynomial coefficients in the finite field elements. This property has been used to create suitable matrices that generate a linear systematic erasure-correcting code which shows a significantly increased multiplication performance for the relevant matrix elements. Several approaches to obtain the optimized generator matrices are elaborated and their implications are discussed. A Monte-Carlo-based construction method allows it to influence the specific shape of the generator matrices and thus to adapt them to special storage and archiving workloads. Extensive benchmarks on CPU and GPU demonstrate the superior performance and the future application scenarios of this novel erasure-resilient coding scheme

    Selected Papers from the First International Symposium on Future ICT (Future-ICT 2019) in Conjunction with 4th International Symposium on Mobile Internet Security (MobiSec 2019)

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    The International Symposium on Future ICT (Future-ICT 2019) in conjunction with the 4th International Symposium on Mobile Internet Security (MobiSec 2019) was held on 17–19 October 2019 in Taichung, Taiwan. The symposium provided academic and industry professionals an opportunity to discuss the latest issues and progress in advancing smart applications based on future ICT and its relative security. The symposium aimed to publish high-quality papers strictly related to the various theories and practical applications concerning advanced smart applications, future ICT, and related communications and networks. It was expected that the symposium and its publications would be a trigger for further related research and technology improvements in this field

    Resiliency Mechanisms for In-Memory Column Stores

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    The key objective of database systems is to reliably manage data, while high query throughput and low query latency are core requirements. To date, database research activities mostly concentrated on the second part. However, due to the constant shrinking of transistor feature sizes, integrated circuits become more and more unreliable and transient hardware errors in the form of multi-bit flips become more and more prominent. In a more recent study (2013), in a large high-performance cluster with around 8500 nodes, a failure rate of 40 FIT per DRAM device was measured. For their system, this means that every 10 hours there occurs a single- or multi-bit flip, which is unacceptably high for enterprise and HPC scenarios. Causes can be cosmic rays, heat, or electrical crosstalk, with the latter being exploited actively through the RowHammer attack. It was shown that memory cells are more prone to bit flips than logic gates and several surveys found multi-bit flip events in main memory modules of today's data centers. Due to the shift towards in-memory data management systems, where all business related data and query intermediate results are kept solely in fast main memory, such systems are in great danger to deliver corrupt results to their users. Hardware techniques can not be scaled to compensate the exponentially increasing error rates. In other domains, there is an increasing interest in software-based solutions to this problem, but these proposed methods come along with huge runtime and/or storage overheads. These are unacceptable for in-memory data management systems. In this thesis, we investigate how to integrate bit flip detection mechanisms into in-memory data management systems. To achieve this goal, we first build an understanding of bit flip detection techniques and select two error codes, AN codes and XOR checksums, suitable to the requirements of in-memory data management systems. The most important requirement is effectiveness of the codes to detect bit flips. We meet this goal through AN codes, which exhibit better and adaptable error detection capabilities than those found in today's hardware. The second most important goal is efficiency in terms of coding latency. We meet this by introducing a fundamental performance improvements to AN codes, and by vectorizing both chosen codes' operations. We integrate bit flip detection mechanisms into the lowest storage layer and the query processing layer in such a way that the remaining data management system and the user can stay oblivious of any error detection. This includes both base columns and pointer-heavy index structures such as the ubiquitous B-Tree. Additionally, our approach allows adaptable, on-the-fly bit flip detection during query processing, with only very little impact on query latency. AN coding allows to recode intermediate results with virtually no performance penalty. We support our claims by providing exhaustive runtime and throughput measurements throughout the whole thesis and with an end-to-end evaluation using the Star Schema Benchmark. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to present such holistic and fast bit flip detection in a large software infrastructure such as in-memory data management systems. Finally, most of the source code fragments used to obtain the results in this thesis are open source and freely available.:1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Contributions of this Thesis 1.2 Outline 2 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION AND RELATED WORK 2.1 Reliable Data Management on Reliable Hardware 2.2 The Shift Towards Unreliable Hardware 2.3 Hardware-Based Mitigation of Bit Flips 2.4 Data Management System Requirements 2.5 Software-Based Techniques For Handling Bit Flips 2.5.1 Operating System-Level Techniques 2.5.2 Compiler-Level Techniques 2.5.3 Application-Level Techniques 2.6 Summary and Conclusions 3 ANALYSIS OF CODING TECHNIQUES 3.1 Selection of Error Codes 3.1.1 Hamming Coding 3.1.2 XOR Checksums 3.1.3 AN Coding 3.1.4 Summary and Conclusions 3.2 Probabilities of Silent Data Corruption 3.2.1 Probabilities of Hamming Codes 3.2.2 Probabilities of XOR Checksums 3.2.3 Probabilities of AN Codes 3.2.4 Concrete Error Models 3.2.5 Summary and Conclusions 3.3 Throughput Considerations 3.3.1 Test Systems Descriptions 3.3.2 Vectorizing Hamming Coding 3.3.3 Vectorizing XOR Checksums 3.3.4 Vectorizing AN Coding 3.3.5 Summary and Conclusions 3.4 Comparison of Error Codes 3.4.1 Effectiveness 3.4.2 Efficiency 3.4.3 Runtime Adaptability 3.5 Performance Optimizations for AN Coding 3.5.1 The Modular Multiplicative Inverse 3.5.2 Faster Softening 3.5.3 Faster Error Detection 3.5.4 Comparison to Original AN Coding 3.5.5 The Multiplicative Inverse Anomaly 3.6 Summary 4 BIT FLIP DETECTING STORAGE 4.1 Column Store Architecture 4.1.1 Logical Data Types 4.1.2 Storage Model 4.1.3 Data Representation 4.1.4 Data Layout 4.1.5 Tree Index Structures 4.1.6 Summary 4.2 Hardened Data Storage 4.2.1 Hardened Physical Data Types 4.2.2 Hardened Lightweight Compression 4.2.3 Hardened Data Layout 4.2.4 UDI Operations 4.2.5 Summary and Conclusions 4.3 Hardened Tree Index Structures 4.3.1 B-Tree Verification Techniques 4.3.2 Justification For Further Techniques 4.3.3 The Error Detecting B-Tree 4.4 Summary 5 BIT FLIP DETECTING QUERY PROCESSING 5.1 Column Store Query Processing 5.2 Bit Flip Detection Opportunities 5.2.1 Early Onetime Detection 5.2.2 Late Onetime Detection 5.2.3 Continuous Detection 5.2.4 Miscellaneous Processing Aspects 5.2.5 Summary and Conclusions 5.3 Hardened Intermediate Results 5.3.1 Materialization of Hardened Intermediates 5.3.2 Hardened Bitmaps 5.4 Summary 6 END-TO-END EVALUATION 6.1 Prototype Implementation 6.1.1 AHEAD Architecture 6.1.2 Diversity of Physical Operators 6.1.3 One Concrete Operator Realization 6.1.4 Summary and Conclusions 6.2 Performance of Individual Operators 6.2.1 Selection on One Predicate 6.2.2 Selection on Two Predicates 6.2.3 Join Operators 6.2.4 Grouping and Aggregation 6.2.5 Delta Operator 6.2.6 Summary and Conclusions 6.3 Star Schema Benchmark Queries 6.3.1 Query Runtimes 6.3.2 Improvements Through Vectorization 6.3.3 Storage Overhead 6.3.4 Summary and Conclusions 6.4 Error Detecting B-Tree 6.4.1 Single Key Lookup 6.4.2 Key Value-Pair Insertion 6.5 Summary 7 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 7.1 Future Work A APPENDIX A.1 List of Golden As A.2 More on Hamming Coding A.2.1 Code examples A.2.2 Vectorization BIBLIOGRAPHY LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES LIST OF LISTINGS LIST OF ACRONYMS LIST OF SYMBOLS LIST OF DEFINITION

    Temporal Lossy In-Situ Compression for Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations

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    Während CFD Simulationen für Metallschmelze im Rahmen des SFB920 fallen auf dem Taurus HPC Cluster in Dresden sehr große Datenmengen an, deren Handhabung den wissenschaftlichen Arbeitsablauf stark verlangsamen. Zum einen ist der Transfer in Visualisierungssysteme nur unter hohem Zeitaufwand möglich. Zum anderen ist interaktive Analyse von zeitlich abhängigen Prozessen auf Grund des Speicherflaschenhalses nahezu unmöglich. Aus diesen Gründen beschäftigt sich die vorliegende Dissertation mit der Entwicklung sog. Temporaler In-Situ Kompression für wissenschaftliche Daten direkt innerhalb von CFD Simulationen. Dabei werden mittels neuer Quantisierungsverfahren die Daten auf ~10% komprimiert, wobei dekomprimierte Daten einen Fehler von maximal 1% aufweisen. Im Gegensatz zu nicht-temporaler Kompression, wird bei temporaler Kompression der Unterschied zwischen Zeitschritten komprimiert, um den Kompressionsgrad zu erhöhen. Da die Datenmenge um ein Vielfaches kleiner ist, werden Kosten für die Speicherung und die Übertragung gesenkt. Da Kompression, Transfer und Dekompression bis zu 4 mal schneller ablaufen als der Transfer von unkomprimierten Daten, wird der wissenschaftliche Arbeitsablauf beschleunigt

    On the Design of Future Communication Systems with Coded Transport, Storage, and Computing

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    Communication systems are experiencing a fundamental change. There are novel applications that require an increased performance not only of throughput but also latency, reliability, security, and heterogeneity support from these systems. To fulfil the requirements, future systems understand communication not only as the transport of bits but also as their storage, processing, and relation. In these systems, every network node has transport storage and computing resources that the network operator and its users can exploit through virtualisation and softwarisation of the resources. It is within this context that this work presents its results. We proposed distributed coded approaches to improve communication systems. Our results improve the reliability and latency performance of the transport of information. They also increase the reliability, flexibility, and throughput of storage applications. Furthermore, based on the lessons that coded approaches improve the transport and storage performance of communication systems, we propose a distributed coded approach for the computing of novel in-network applications such as the steering and control of cyber-physical systems. Our proposed approach can increase the reliability and latency performance of distributed in-network computing in the presence of errors, erasures, and attackers

    Coding for Security and Reliability in Distributed Systems

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    This dissertation studies the use of coding techniques to improve the reliability and security of distributed systems. The first three parts focus on distributed storage systems, and study schemes that encode a message into n shares, assigned to n nodes, such that any n - r nodes can decode the message (reliability) and any colluding z nodes cannot infer any information about the message (security). The objective is to optimize the computational, implementation, communication and access complexity of the schemes during the process of encoding, decoding and repair. These are the key metrics of the schemes so that when they are applied in practical distributed storage systems, the systems are not only reliable and secure, but also fast and cost-effective. Schemes with highly efficient computation and implementation are studied in Part I. For the practical high rate case of r ≤ 3 and z ≤ 3, we construct schemes that require only r + z XORs to encode and z XORs to decode each message bit, based on practical erasure codes including the B, EVENODD and STAR codes. This encoding and decoding complexity is shown to be optimal. For general r and z, we design schemes over a special ring from Cauchy matrices and Vandermonde matrices. Both schemes can be efficiently encoded and decoded due to the structure of the ring. We also discuss methods to shorten the proposed schemes. Part II studies schemes that are efficient in terms of communication and access complexity. We derive a lower bound on the decoding bandwidth, and design schemes achieving the optimal decoding bandwidth and access. We then design schemes that achieve the optimal bandwidth and access not only for decoding, but also for repair. Furthermore, we present a family of Shamir's schemes with asymptotically optimal decoding bandwidth. Part III studies the problem of secure repair, i.e., reconstructing the share of a (failed) node without leaking any information about the message. We present generic secure repair protocols that can securely repair any linear schemes. We derive a lower bound on the secure repair bandwidth and show that the proposed protocols are essentially optimal in terms of bandwidth. In the final part of the dissertation, we study the use of coding techniques to improve the reliability and security of network communication. Specifically, in Part IV we draw connections between several important problems in network coding. We present reductions that map an arbitrary multiple-unicast network coding instance to a unicast secure network coding instance in which at most one link is eavesdropped, or a unicast network error correction instance in which at most one link is erroneous, such that a rate tuple is achievable in the multiple-unicast network coding instance if and only if a corresponding rate is achievable in the unicast secure network coding instance, or in the unicast network error correction instance. Conversely, we show that an arbitrary unicast secure network coding instance in which at most one link is eavesdropped can be reduced back to a multiple-unicast network coding instance. Additionally, we show that the capacity of a unicast network error correction instance in general is not (exactly) achievable. We derive upper bounds on the secrecy capacity for the secure network coding problem, based on cut-sets and the connectivity of links. Finally, we study optimal coding schemes for the network error correction problem, in the setting that the network and adversary parameters are not known a priori.</p

    1950-10-29 Rowan County News

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    Rowan County News published on October 26, 1950
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