8 research outputs found

    Reducing Latency in Internet Access Links with Mechanisms in Endpoints and within the Network

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    Excessive and unpredictable end-to-end latency is a major problem for today’s Internet performance, affecting a range of applications from real-time multimedia to web traffic. This is mainly attributed to the interaction between the TCP congestion control mechanism and the unmanaged large buffers deployed across the Internet. This dissertation investigates transport and link layer solutions to solve the Internet’s latency problem on the access links. These solutions operate on the sender side, within the network or use signaling between the sender and the network based on Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN). By changing the sender’s reaction to ECN, a method proposed in this dissertation reduces latency without harming link utilization. Real-life experiments and simulations show that this goal is achieved while maintaining backward compatibility and being gradually deployable on the Internet. This mechanism’s fairness to legacy traffic is further improved by a novel use of ECN within the network

    Evaluation of Active Queue Management (AQM) Models in Low Latency Networks

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    Abstract: Low latency networks require the modification of the actual queuing management in order to avoid large queuing delay. Nowadays, TCP’s congestion control maximizes the throughput of the link providing benefits to large flow packets. However, nodes’ buffers may get fully filled, which would produce large time delays and packet dropping situations, named as bufferbloat problem. For actual time-sensitive applications demand, such as VoIP, online gaming or financial trading, these queueing times cause bad quality of service being directly noticed in user’s utilization. This work studies the different alternatives for active queue management (AQM) in the nodes links, optimizing the latency of the small flow packets and, therefore, providing better quality for low latency networks in congestion scenarios. AQM models are simulated in a dumbbell topology with ns3 software, which shows the diverse latency values (measured in RTT) according to network situations and the algorithm that has been installed. In detail, RED, CoDel, PIE, and FQ_CoDel algorithms are studied, plus the modification of the TCP sender’s congestion control with Alternative Backoff with ECN (ABE) algorithm. The simulations will display the best queueing times for the implementation that mixes FQ_CoDel with ABE, the one which maximizes the throughput reducing the latency of the packets. Thus, the modification of queueing management with FQ_CoDel and the implementation of ABE in the sender will solve the bufferbloat problem offering the required quality for low latency networks.Resumen Las redes de baja latencia requieren la modificación de la actual gestión de las colas con el fin de eludir los extensos tiempos de retardo. Hoy en d´ıa, el control de congestión de TCP maximiza el rendimiento (throughput) del enlace otorgando beneficio a los grandes flujos de datos, sin embargo, los buffers son plenamente cargados generando altos tiempos de retardo y fases de retirada de paquetes, llamada a esta situación el problema de Bufferbloat. Par las aplicaciones contempor´aneas como las llamadas VoIP, los juegos on-line o los intercambios financieros; estos tiempos de cola generan una mala calidad de servicio detectada directamente por los usuarios finales. Este trabajo estudia las diferentes alternativas de la gestión activa de colas (AQM), optimizando la latencia de los peque˜nos flujos y, por lo tanto, brindando una mejor calidad para las redes de baja latencia en situaciones de congestión. Los modelos AQM han sido evaluados en una topolog´ıa ’dumbbell’ mediante el simulador ns3, entregando resultados de latencia (medidos en RTT) de acuerdo con la situación del enlace y el algoritmo instalado en la cola. Concretamente, los algoritmos estudiados han sido RED, CoDel, PIE y FQ_CoDel; adem´as de la modificación del control de congestión TCP del emisor denominada ABE (Alternative Backoff with ECN). Las simulaciones que mejor resultados ofrecen son las que implementan combinación de FQ_CoDel con el algoritmo ABE, maximizando el rendimiento y reduciendo la latencia de los paquetes. Por lo tanto, la modificación con FQ_CoDel en las colas y la de ABE en el emisor ofrecen una solución al problema del Bufferbloat altamente solicitada por las redes de baja latencia

    Evaluation of Active Queue Management (AQM) Models in Low Latency Networks

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    Abstract: Low latency networks require the modification of the actual queuing management in order to avoid large queuing delay. Nowadays, TCP’s congestion control maximizes the throughput of the link providing benefits to large flow packets. However, nodes’ buffers may get fully filled, which would produce large time delays and packet dropping situations, named as bufferbloat problem. For actual time-sensitive applications demand, such as VoIP, online gaming or financial trading, these queueing times cause bad quality of service being directly noticed in user’s utilization. This work studies the different alternatives for active queue management (AQM) in the nodes links, optimizing the latency of the small flow packets and, therefore, providing better quality for low latency networks in congestion scenarios. AQM models are simulated in a dumbbell topology with ns3 software, which shows the diverse latency values (measured in RTT) according to network situations and the algorithm that has been installed. In detail, RED, CoDel, PIE, and FQ_CoDel algorithms are studied, plus the modification of the TCP sender’s congestion control with Alternative Backoff with ECN (ABE) algorithm. The simulations will display the best queueing times for the implementation that mixes FQ_CoDel with ABE, the one which maximizes the throughput reducing the latency of the packets. Thus, the modification of queueing management with FQ_CoDel and the implementation of ABE in the sender will solve the bufferbloat problem offering the required quality for low latency networks.Resumen Las redes de baja latencia requieren la modificación de la actual gestión de las colas con el fin de eludir los extensos tiempos de retardo. Hoy en d´ıa, el control de congestión de TCP maximiza el rendimiento (throughput) del enlace otorgando beneficio a los grandes flujos de datos, sin embargo, los buffers son plenamente cargados generando altos tiempos de retardo y fases de retirada de paquetes, llamada a esta situación el problema de Bufferbloat. Par las aplicaciones contempor´aneas como las llamadas VoIP, los juegos on-line o los intercambios financieros; estos tiempos de cola generan una mala calidad de servicio detectada directamente por los usuarios finales. Este trabajo estudia las diferentes alternativas de la gestión activa de colas (AQM), optimizando la latencia de los peque˜nos flujos y, por lo tanto, brindando una mejor calidad para las redes de baja latencia en situaciones de congestión. Los modelos AQM han sido evaluados en una topolog´ıa ’dumbbell’ mediante el simulador ns3, entregando resultados de latencia (medidos en RTT) de acuerdo con la situación del enlace y el algoritmo instalado en la cola. Concretamente, los algoritmos estudiados han sido RED, CoDel, PIE y FQ_CoDel; adem´as de la modificación del control de congestión TCP del emisor denominada ABE (Alternative Backoff with ECN). Las simulaciones que mejor resultados ofrecen son las que implementan combinación de FQ_CoDel con el algoritmo ABE, maximizando el rendimiento y reduciendo la latencia de los paquetes. Por lo tanto, la modificación con FQ_CoDel en las colas y la de ABE en el emisor ofrecen una solución al problema del Bufferbloat altamente solicitada por las redes de baja latencia

    Traffic Management Algorithms in Differentiated Services Networks

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    The Differentiated Services (DiffServ) Architecture, a Quality of Service (QoS) solution being worked on by an IETF work group, is aimed to solve the increasing problems with no service guarantees in the current Internet. New services such as video-on-demand and IP-telephony will be unusable without some sort of service guarantees on which to build applications on. A replacement architecture for the Integrated Services (IntServ) Architecture is needed because of its problems with overhead and scalability. This master thesis studies and evaluates traffic algorithms, specifically scheduling and active queue management algorithms, within the Differentiated Services area using the Network Simulator. The studies investigate Differentiated Services network stability and performance through noise influenced simulations. Results show that against unresponsive users network stability and performance mainly depends on the used scheduling algorithm

    STCP: A New Transport Protocol for High-Speed Networks

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    Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is the dominant transport protocol today and likely to be adopted in future high‐speed and optical networks. A number of literature works have been done to modify or tune the Additive Increase Multiplicative Decrease (AIMD) principle in TCP to enhance the network performance. In this work, to efficiently take advantage of the available high bandwidth from the high‐speed and optical infrastructures, we propose a Stratified TCP (STCP) employing parallel virtual transmission layers in high‐speed networks. In this technique, the AIMD principle of TCP is modified to make more aggressive and efficient probing of the available link bandwidth, which in turn increases the performance. Simulation results show that STCP offers a considerable improvement in performance when compared with other TCP variants such as the conventional TCP protocol and Layered TCP (LTCP)

    Quality of service and security in future mobile technologies

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    Future networks will comprise a wide variety of wireless networks. Users will expect to be always connected from any location, and, as users move, connections will be switched to available networks using vertical handover techniques. The current approach of the operators is a centralized network, and the mobility management is done at the infrastructure level. The decentralized mobility management is another approach developed in many researches, however, not widely deployed. We are interested in this type of decentralized mobility management, especially in a highly dynamic environment when the network topology changes frequently. We choose a particular case study, Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs), which are a new emerging network technology derived from ad-hoc networks and are an example of future networks. In the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), communications without a wire between vehicles (V2V) appear as an accident prevention solution offering a wider vision than conventional sensors. By linking vehicles to telecommunications network (V2I), new perspectives are offered both passengers and driver with conventional communication applications such as access Internet, e-learning, games or chat. This means that future mobile networks like VANETs will have to integrate communications, mobility, Quality of Service (QoS) and security. We mainly interested in three issues: mobility, QoS and security. These three issues are intrinsic to vehicles on motorway networks. We need to simultaneously manage QoS and security while taking into account users mobility. In this thesis, we propose to contribute on how to improve security without degrading the quality of service QoS in a highly mobile environment as VANETs networks. To answer this research question, we use simulations and experiments. Simulation using Network Simulator 2 (NS2) will be used to show that security schemes have significant impacts on the throughput QoS, and our proposed schemes can substantially improve the effective secure throughput with cooperative communications

    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Being infrastructure-less and without central administration control, wireless ad-hoc networking is playing a more and more important role in extending the coverage of traditional wireless infrastructure (cellular networks, wireless LAN, etc). This book includes state-of-the-art techniques and solutions for wireless ad-hoc networks. It focuses on the following topics in ad-hoc networks: quality-of-service and video communication, routing protocol and cross-layer design. A few interesting problems about security and delay-tolerant networks are also discussed. This book is targeted to provide network engineers and researchers with design guidelines for large scale wireless ad hoc networks