464,566 research outputs found

    The Improvement of Skills in Expressing Hypothesis and Drawing Conclusion in Solubility and Solubility Product Through Advance Organizer Learning Model

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    This research was conducted to describe effectiveness of advance organizer learning model in improving skill in expressing hypothesis and drawing conclusion. Subject in this research was Grade XI students in classroom IPA3 in State Senior High School 7 in Bandar Lampung in even semester of academic year 2011-2012. This research used pre-experiment method with One-group Pretest-posttest design. Effectiveness of advance organizer learning model was indicated by improvement of n-gain values of pretest and posttest. The n-gain estimation results were subsequently interpreted with n-gain index suggested by Hake. The research results showed that the averages of ­n-gain of skill in expressing hypothesis and drawing conclusion were 0.55 (middle category) and 0.47 (middle category) respectively. The conclusion is that the advance organizerlearning model is effective in improving skills of expressing hypothesis and drawing conclusion


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    This study aims to describe the principal’s efforts in improving the quality of learning during the Covid-19 at SD Islam Diponegoro Dampit. This research is qualitative. Data collection techniques with observation, interview and documentation. The subject in this study were the principal and teachers as well. The object of this research in the quality of learning, the principal’s efforts in improving the quality of learning. This analisis data used the Milles and Humberman model, namely data condensations, data presentations, and drawing conclusions. The technique of checkings the validity of the data by using triangulation techniques. The results of the study indicate that the quality of learning at SD Islam Diponegoro Dampit is good, and the efforts made by the principal by guiding and evaluating the learning provided by the teacher during online learning are good.   Kata kunci: Pemimpin, Upaya Kepala Sekolah, Mutu Pembelajaran

    Strategi Guru Mata Pelajaran Akidah Akhlak dalam Meningkatkan Kedisiplinan Belajar Siswa

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    This study aims to find out how the teacher strategies of the subjects Akidah Akhlak in improving student learning discipline and how the state of student learning discipline in SDIT Rabbi Radhiyyah 01 rejang lebong district. This research uses qualitative approach with field research type. Observation data collection techniques, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis includes data reduction, data presentation, verification/drawing conclusions. The results showed; First, the teacher's strategy of morality in improving student learning discipline by briefing students on the importance of enforcing discipline, teachers setting an example for students in good manners, teachers advising students to be good and teachers to sanction students who violate discipline;  Second, the student's learning discipline situation is informed if the student's low interest in learning is due to students lacking introspection, weak student punishment and low support from some parents. In conclusion, the strategies implemented by teachers in improving student discipline by providing examples, advice to be good, as well as weak student discipline conditions caused by students lacking self-introspection, weak student punishment and low support of some parents.   Keywords: Teacher Strategy, Moral Code Teachers, Learning Disciplin

    Upaya Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Mengembangkan Sikap Keberagamaan pada Siswa

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    This study aims to find out how the teacher strategies of the subjects Akidah Akhlak in improving student learning discipline and how the state of student learning discipline in SDIT Rabbi Radhiyyah 01 rejang lebong district. This research uses qualitative approach with field research type. Observation data collection techniques, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis includes data reduction, data presentation, verification/drawing conclusions. The results showed; First, the teacher's strategy of morality in improving student learning discipline by briefing students on the importance of enforcing discipline, teachers setting an example for students in good manners, teachers advising students to be good and teachers to sanction students who violate discipline;  Second, the student's learning discipline situation is informed if the student's low interest in learning is due to students lacking introspection, weak student punishment and low support from some parents. In conclusion, the strategies implemented by teachers in improving student discipline by providing examples, advice to be good, as well as weak student discipline conditions caused by students lacking self-introspection, weak student punishment and low support of some parents. Keywords: Teacher Strategy, Moral Code Teachers, Learning Disciplin

    The Role of Principal in Improving PAI Learning in The Corona Pandemic Period in RA TAAM Adinda Care to Overcome Gresik

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    This research is a type of field research with a qualitative descriptive approach with the title Role of the Principal in Improving PAI Learning during the Corona Pandemic at RA Taam Adinda Kepatihan Menganti Gresik. This study aims to determine the role and strategy of school principals in improving PAI learning during the corona pandemic at RA TAAM Adinda Kepatihan Gresik. The subjects in this study were educators, students, parents, and related parties. The data collection techniques used were observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out using data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification. The results of the findings of this study can be concluded that the role of the RA Taam Adinda principal in improving Islamic Education learning during the corona pandemic in Kepatihan Menganti Gresik village was as educator, manager, administrator, supervisor, leader, innovator, and motivator that had been implemented properly and by defined goals and plans. The strategies used by the school principal in improving PAI learning during the corona pandemic at RA Taam Adinda Kepatihan Menganti Gresik were improving teaching skills for teachers, optimizing the use of media and educational facilities, carrying out regular supervision, and establishing good cooperation with the communit


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    The purpose of the research was to implemented Problem based Learning (PBL) media in improving student learning outcomes in the PGSD Study Program, Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University. This type of research used CAR (Classroom Action Research) by reviewing research in the form of descriptive. This research procedure was carried out for two cycles with the stages of planning, implementing, and reflecting. The stages was carried out with: 1) the planning stage by drawing up a Learning Implementation Plan and lecture contracts, preparing media, materials, and instruments; 2) the Action Stage is carried out in accordance with the RPS that has been prepared; 3) the observation and evaluation stages are carried out during the learning process and carry out documentation during the learning process in the classroom; 4) the reflection stage, namely analyzing the previous process, both its weaknesses and strengths. Learning outcomes in cycle 1 showed the percentage of 66% of students who did not complete their studies. And in cycle 2 there are 90.9% of students who complete learning. It can be concluded that the Problem Based Learning Model is very effective in improving the cognitive aspects of students

    The Effort of Principal Improving Quality Education In Online Learning at SD Muhammadiyah Blimbingrejo Jepara

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    This study aims to determine the principal's efforts in improving the quality of education in online learning at SD Muhammadiyah Blimbingrejo Jepara and the supporting and inhibiting factors. This study uses a qualitative approach. The research subjects were principals, vice principals and teachers. Research data obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques with data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Checking the validity of the data obtained through triangulation of sources and triangulation of techniques. The results of this study indicate that the state of education quality before the pandemic was quite good. However, the quality of education began to decline after the pandemic and the implementation of online learning. Efforts made by school principals in improving the quality of education in online learning are carrying out their functions as school principals, implementing curriculum according to needs, optimizing the procurement of online learning support devices, and controlling online learning activities. Improving the quality of education in online learning is supported by adequate school facilities, but also experiences obstacles, including the majority of teachers in schools are dominated by female teachers so that management is needed in assigning tasks and responsibilities to teachers who are able to carry it out and there are teachers who lack the ability to do it. the use of technology or digital literacy, as well as students who are bored in carrying out online learnin

    Integration of MOODLE into the classroom for better conceptual understanding of functions in Mathematics

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    Many South African educational institutions are adopting learning management systems (LMS) into their daily teaching and learning practice. The Western Cape Education Department piloted Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (Moodle), an LMS for improving teaching and learning. The objective of the research reported on here was to determine whether Moodle improved Grade 10 learners’ conceptual understanding of the topic, functions, in mathematics. The research investigated two classes; one dependent upon a traditional chalk-and-talk teaching method (control), and another exposed to Moodle (experimental). It was found that learners constructed their own knowledge by drawing on resources embedded in Moodle and framed within a Social Constructivist theory. A hybrid e-learning framework was deployed; learners acquired knowledge by interacting with computers. Interaction was monitored and results were recorded using online surveys and tests. A quasi-experimental design was employed to compare the groups. The comparisons were statistically analysed. Results showed that the functionalities within the Moodle LMS were instrumental in improving conceptual understanding of mathematical functions. Keywords: constructivism; digital technologies; functions; mathematics; Moodl


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    In learning Arabic, there are several skills that must be mastered by students, one of which is speaking skills. This research was conducted at SMP Islam Sabilurrosyad Malang. The Maharotul Kalam learning enhancement held by the pesantren did not run smoothly because the subject matter did not match the level taken. So that the pesantren and the school conduct an evaluation to include Arabic subjects in schools with the hope of learning Arabic in particular to improve students' speaking skills for the better. Thus the focus of this research is oriented to: (1) how to plan Arabic learning in improving students' Maharotul Kalam, (2) how to implement Arabic learning in improving students' Maharotul Kalam and (3) how to evaluate Arabic language learning in improving students' maharotul kalam. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods and type of case study research with data collection techniques in this study using observation data collection techniques, interview techniques and documentation techniques. Then performed data analysis using data analysis techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this study are that the teacher has made a good lesson plan to improve students' maharotul kalam, the implementation of learning has gone quite well by using Arabic learning strategies, namely mufrodat strategy, dialogue memorization strategy and group conversation strategy using muhadatsah. methods and techniques such as conversation management techniques, conversation memorization techniques, and mufrodat memorization techniques
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