17 research outputs found

    Computerized Brainstorming and Decision Making

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    Abstract Computers are widely used in business and industry toda y and are frequently considered essential to efficient job performance. A great deal of research has been generated over the past decade regarding computer use in the work place. However, research has lagged regarding computer technology and group performance. The purpose of this study is to determine empirically if there are enhancements in the performance of groups and individuals when they use a computer to facilitate the problem solving process. It is hypothesized that the quality of solutions generated to a complex problem will be a function of the interaction between use of computer and whether participants work independently or in groups. In addition, number of new factors generated and time taken for completion of the problem solving task will also be a func tion of this same interaction. One hundred and sixty-one participants were randomly assigned to one of four treatment conditions: group computer, group non-computer, individual computer and individual non-computer. All participants were asked to generate factors which might contribute to a final solution of the complex problem and to generate an initial and final solution to the problem. The group computer condition utilized Group Systems (GS) software to network computers for group interaction and to facilitate individual work on the computer. The other two treatment conditions (group non-computer and individual non-computer) employed paper and pencil. The problem solutions were rated for appropriateness, originality and resolving power. In addition, number of new factors generated were counted and time taken for task completion was recorded

    User participation in standardisation processes: impact, problems and benefits

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    Multiple Platform In Transformative Public Relations, Cultural And Tourism

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    A Systemic Approach for Evaluating Stakeholder Collaboration within Requirement Collection

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    The involvement of Stakeholders in requirement collection of software projects is essential, and that is evident in the diverse methodologies available that emphasise stakeholder collaboration. However these processes scarcely provide further understanding of the social interaction, and its effect into forming collaboration had not been sufficiently addressed by software development research. It is challenging to identify dominating factors that affect collaboration due to the complexity of stakeholder interaction. This thesis addresses such a challenge. It discusses a systems approach to the evaluation of stakeholder collaboration within requirement collection of software projects. A generic approach has been developed to contribute to our understanding of the problem and support stakeholders’ collaborative involvement. Based on understanding the nature of collaboration between stakeholders in requirement collection, and the concept of perception and its contribution into forming collaboration, the EStaC (Evaluation of Stakeholder Collaboration) approach is developed. EStaC is presented here to describe an integration of multi-methodologies that supports capturing stakeholders' perspectives, and therefore systemically it captures the essence of collaboration within its context. EStaC contributes to the crucial phase of requirement collection with the ultimate objective of extending it to include means of improvement of stakeholder collaboration. It promotes the development of two modes of analysis, the design and diagnosis, which both involves using the principles of the Viable System Model. The novelty of this work is specifically considered with the development of the EStaC approach because unlike other approaches, it focuses on the social act of interaction from a stakeholders viewpoint, by applying systemic strategies and cybernetic driven principles with concepts of fourth generation evaluation. The research recognises evaluation of stakeholder collaboration as an important aspect in the requirement collection process in any software development. It concludes and supports the incorporation of such activities throughout various phases of requirement collection

    Implementation of an Individual Professional Development System Using a Web-Accessible Database

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    Higher education is looking for ways to encourage new careers in education and retain current faculty working in the field. A successful working relationship between supervisors and faculty is crucial to continued attractiveness of a career in education. These shared relationships exist in learning organization models, which are used in professional development offerings that stress the importance of learning by individuals, as a way to benefit the entire institution. This developmental study focused on building partnerships with supervisors and faculty. These partnerships require contracts or individual development plans that can be reviewed for progress and modified for future needs. The goal for this study was to develop a model for a Web-accessible database system that can foster a learning organization by facilitating the development and use of individual development plans. This Web-accessible system of storing shared contracts in an electronic database allows both supervisor and faculty member to review and update-required action plans. These action plans are combined with developmental resources electronically in one location to avoid duplication of data. Locating action plans and resources together provides faculty and supervisors with the ability to review employment responsibilities and move forward with individual development plans for future training and advancement. The development of this system was accomplished using a Delphi process of criteria development using members of the Kansas City Professional Development Council and validated by the Council of Assistant Deans and Directors who supervise faculty at Johnson County Community College. A formal review committee comprised of representatives from staff development, human resources, information services, supervisors, and faculty assisted in the development and revision of the professional development system. A sample group of full and part-time faculty from Johnson County Community College was used to pilot test the usability and functionality of the system

    Workplace Futures: A Case Study of an Adaptive Scenarios Approach to Establish Strategies for Tomorrow’s Workplace

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    Workplace change and innovation will become critical to the organisation’s future in a dynamic, knowledge-based economy and society. As such, anticipating and managing future change is fast becoming a vital dimension underpinning the successful transition – to new work styles, patterns and locations; yet traditional workplace planning methods are rather limited in their ability to fulfil this task. This research, therefore, examines how the potential application of Futures Studies, and more specifically the ProspectiveThrough Scenarios process, can address this issue in order for the workplace to be actively sustained to stay effective for the organisation in the long-term.Using a case study methodology, this research: explores the changing context and nature of the workplace from past and present perspectives and scans the potential changes of the future workplace; reflects the need to create conditions for excellence, promote innovation and manage risk at the workplace provision level; examines how the future is constructed in workplace planning; appraises the future studies field and employs a scenario planning approach in a real world context to establish strategies for tomorrow’s workplace. To achieve these objectives, a combination of research methodsare employed, namely documentary review, semi-structured in-depth interviews, horizon scanning, strategic conversations, futures workshops, illustration, and web forum discussions. The results of the case study gives rise to the development of a futures framework forworkplace planning, based on the Prospective Through Scenarios process, designed to assist property and facilities professionals in: anticipating future user demand requirements as well as what cannot be expected; understanding the complexities of the workplace environment; and, developing a mechanism for communication and collaboration between stakeholders in the workplace provision process. Ultimately, thisresearch enables the creation of a new transformative mindset, based on awareness, responsibility, creativity and knowledge development, in order to change how the physical environment of work adds value for organisation

    Feasibility Analysis of Various Electronic Voting Systems for Complex Elections

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    Knowledge dilemmas : the perspective of two Portuguese organisations

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    Doutoramento em Gestão IndustrialA presente investigação pretende examinar se existe uma convergência entre as diferentes percepções dos actores organizacionais, no que respeita à criação e uso/partilha de conhecimento durante o processo de inovação e mudança organizacional. Iremos igualmente tentar compreender se o conhecimento individual – técnico e organizacional – tem impacto na inovação organizacional e no processo de mudança e, consequentemente, no rumo da organização. Iremos conceptualizar o conhecimento individual como conhecimento tácito e assumir que poderá impulsionar a inovação organizacional e, consequentemente, o desenvolvimento da organização. Contudo, iremos assumir que a partilha do conhecimento explícito não poderá ser separada do processo de compreensão, sendo necessário o conhecimento tácito individual para completar a partilha. O conhecimento explícito e o conhecimento tácito serão ambos estudados como dois elementos inseparáveis porque consideramos que o conhecimento explícito necessita de uma compreensão tácita da linguagem que estrutura o conhecimento explícito. Neste contexto, este estudo apresenta as conclusões acerca dos métodos e formas de interacção e partilha de conhecimento entre os actores organizacionais no que toca à inovação organizacional e aos processos de mudança. A informação será recolhida por via de entrevistas e a técnica Group Recall usando a metodologia de investigação-acção. Este estudo contribui, de várias formas, para o desenvolvimento de um quadro teórico e empírico sobre o conhecimento e a partilha de conhecimento tácito em contextos de inovação organizacional e de processos de mudança. Em primeiro lugar, identifica e analisa as diferentes percepções dos actores organizacionais sobre a partilha e o uso do conhecimento individual durante os processos de inovação organizacional. Em segundo lugar, apresenta o impacto do uso do conhecimento individual partilhado e/ou criado durante os projectos de inovação organizacional nos processoe e práticas da organização. Em terceiro lugar, propõe um conjunto de perfis de conhecimento que podem potenciar a criação e partilha de conhecimento entre os actores organizacionais. Em quarto lugar, sugere um modelo facilitador da partilha de conhecimento que pode servir de referência para investigadores e para profissionais das organizações em processos de inovação organizacional e de mudança. Finalmente, este estudo propõe algumas direcções para futuras investigações e sugere algumas questões de estudo que emergiram desta investigação e que poderão ser exploradas.This research examines if there is a convergence between the different perceptions of organisational actors regarding to the creation and use/share of knowledge during organisational innovation and change processes. We will also try to understand if individual knowledge – technical and organisational – impacts in the organisational innovation and change process and consequently in the organisation’s direction. We will conceptualize individual knowledge as tacit knowledge and assume that it may boost organisational innovation and consequently company development. However, we will assume that the share of explicit knowledge cannot be separated from a process of understanding, needing the individual’s tacit knowledge to complete the share. Explicit and tacit knowledge will be studied as two inseparable assets, because in our assumption explicit knowledge needs a tacit understanding of the language in which explicit knowledge is structured. In this context, this study presents findings about methods and forms of interaction and knowledge sharing between organisational actors in organisational innovation and change processes. Data will be collected through interviews and group recall techniques using the Action Research methodology. This study contributes to the body of knowledge about tacit knowledge sharing in organisational innovation and change processes in several ways. Firstly, it identifies and analyses the different perceptions of organisational actors about the use of individual knowledge during the process. Secondly, it presents the impacts of the use of individual knowledge shared and created in the organisational innovation and change process in the organisation strategies. Thirdly, it proposes knowledge profiles as facilitators of knowledge sharing between organisational actors. Fourthly, it provides a model with several guidelines for researchers and practitioners that they can use in organisational innovation and change processes supported by knowledge sharing. Finally, the study provides directions for avenues of future research, and suggests some research questions arising out of these findings that might be explored