24 research outputs found

    Test Generation Based on CLP

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    Functional ATPGs based on simulation are fast, but generally, they are unable to cover corner cases, and they cannot prove untestability. On the contrary, functional ATPGs exploiting formal methods, being exhaustive, cover corner cases, but they tend to suffer of the state explosion problem when adopted for verifying large designs. In this context, we have defined a functional ATPG that relies on the joint use of pseudo-deterministic simulation and Constraint Logic Programming (CLP), to generate high-quality test sequences for solving complex problems. Thus, the advantages of both simulation-based and static-based verification techniques are preserved, while their respective drawbacks are limited. In particular, CLP, a form of constraint programming in which logic programming is extended to include concepts from constraint satisfaction, is well-suited to be jointly used with simulation. In fact, information learned during design exploration by simulation can be effectively exploited for guiding the search of a CLP solver towards DUV areas not covered yet. The test generation procedure relies on constraint logic programming (CLP) techniques in different phases of the test generation procedure. The ATPG framework is composed of three functional ATPG engines working on three different models of the same DUV: the hardware description language (HDL) model of the DUV, a set of concurrent EFSMs extracted from the HDL description, and a set of logic constraints modeling the EFSMs. The EFSM paradigm has been selected since it allows a compact representation of the DUV state space that limits the state explosion problem typical of more traditional FSMs. The first engine is randombased, the second is transition-oriented, while the last is fault-oriented. The test generation is guided by means of transition coverage and fault coverage. In particular, 100% transition coverage is desired as a necessary condition for fault detection, while the bit coverage functional fault model is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the generated test patterns by measuring the related fault coverage. A random engine is first used to explore the DUV state space by performing a simulation-based random walk. This allows us to quickly fire easy-to-traverse (ETT) transitions and, consequently, to quickly cover easy-to-detect (ETD) faults. However, the majority of hard-to-traverse (HTT) transitions remain, generally, uncovered. Thus, a transition-oriented engine is applied to cover the remaining HTT transitions by exploiting a learning/backjumping-based strategy. The ATPG works on a special kind of EFSM, called SSEFSM, whose transitions present the most uniformly distributed probability of being activated and can be effectively integrated to CLP, since it allows the ATPG to invoke the constraint solver when moving between EFSM states. A constraint logic programming-based (CLP) strategy is adopted to deterministically generate test vectors that satisfy the guard of the EFSM transitions selected to be traversed. Given a transition of the SSEFSM, the solver is required to generate opportune values for PIs that enable the SSEFSM to move across such a transition. Moreover, backjumping, also known as nonchronological backtracking, is a special kind of backtracking strategy which rollbacks from an unsuccessful situation directly to the cause of the failure. Thus, the transition-oriented engine deterministically backjumps to the source of failure when a transition, whose guard depends on previously set registers, cannot be traversed. Next it modifies the EFSM configuration to satisfy the condition on registers and successfully comes back to the target state to activate the transition. The transition-oriented engine generally allows us to achieve 100% transition coverage. However, 100% transition coverage does not guarantee to explore all DUV corner cases, thus some hard-to-detect (HTD) faults can escape detection preventing the achievement of 100% fault coverage. Therefore, the CLP-based fault-oriented engine is finally applied to focus on the remaining HTD faults. The CLP solver is used to deterministically search for sequences that propagate the HTD faults observed, but not detected, by the random and the transition-oriented engine. The fault-oriented engine needs a CLP-based representation of the DUV, and some searching functions to generate test sequences. The CLP-based representation is automatically derived from the S2EFSM models according to the defined rules, which follow the syntax of the ECLiPSe CLP solver. This is not a trivial task, since modeling the evolution in time of an EFSM by using logic constraints is really different with respect to model the same behavior by means of a traditional HW description language. At first, the concept of time steps is introduced, required to model the SSEFSM evolution through the time via CLP. Then, this study deals with modeling of logical variables and constraints to represent enabling functions and update functions of the SSEFSM. Formal tools that exhaustively search for a solution frequently run out of resources when the state space to be analyzed is too large. The same happens for the CLP solver, when it is asked to find a propagation sequence on large sequential designs. Therefore we have defined a set of strategies that allow to prune the search space and to manage the complexity problem for the solver

    Fault models and test generation for hardware-software covalidation

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    Methodology to accelerate diagnostic coverage assessment: MADC

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica, Florianópolis, 2016.Os veículos da atualidade vêm integrando um número crescente de eletrônica embarcada, com o objetivo de permitir uma experiência mais segura aos motoristas. Logo, a garantia da segurança física é um requisito que precisa ser observada por completo durante o processo de desenvolvimento. O padrão ISO 26262 provê medidas para garantir que esses requisitos não sejam negligenciados. Injeção de falhas é fortemente recomendada quando da verificação do funcionamento dos mecanismos de segurança implementados, assim como sua capacidade de cobertura associada ao diagnóstico de falhas existentes. A análise exaustiva não é obrigatória, mas evidências de que o máximo esforço foi feito para acurar a cobertura de diagnóstico precisam ser apresentadas, principalmente durante a avalição dos níveis de segurança associados a arquitetura implementada em hardware. Estes níveis dão suporte às alegações de que o projeto obedece às métricas de segurança da integridade física exigida em aplicações automotivas. Os níveis de integridade variam de A à D, sendo este último o mais rigoroso. Essa Tese explora o estado-da-arte em soluções de verificação, e tem por objetivo construir uma metodologia que permita acelerar a verificação da cobertura de diagnóstico alcançado. Diferentemente de outras técnicas voltadas à aceleração de injeção de falhas, a metodologia proposta utiliza uma plataforma de hardware dedicada à verificação, com o intuito de maximizar o desempenho relativo a simulação de falhas. Muitos aspectos relativos a ISO 26262 são observados de forma que a presente contribuição possa ser apreciada no segmento automotivo. Por fim, uma arquitetura OpenRISC é utilizada para confirmar os resultados alcançados com essa solução proposta pertencente ao estado-da-arte.Abstract : Modern vehicles are integrating a growing number of electronics to provide a safer experience for the driver. Therefore, safety is a non-negotiable requirement that must be considered through the vehicle development process. The ISO 26262 standard provides guidance to ensure that such requirements are implemented. Fault injection is highly recommended for the functional verification of safety mechanisms or to evaluate their diagnostic coverage capability. An exhaustive analysis is not required, but evidence of best effort through the diagnostic coverage assessment needs to be provided when performing quantitative evaluation of hardware architectural metrics. These metrics support that the automotive safety integrity level ? ranging from A (lowest) to D (strictest) levels ? was obeyed. This thesis explores the most advanced verification solutions in order to build a methodology to accelerate the diagnostic coverage assessment. Different from similar techniques for fault injection acceleration, the proposed methodology does not require any modification of the design model to enable acceleration. Many functional safety requisites in the ISO 26262 are considered thus allowing the contribution presented to be a suitable solution for the automotive segment. An OpenRISC architecture is used to confirm the results achieved by this state-of-the-art solution

    Efficient alternative wiring techniques and applications.

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    Sze, Chin Ngai.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 80-84) and index.Abstracts in English and Chinese.Abstract --- p.iAcknowledgments --- p.iiiCurriculum Vitae --- p.ivList of Figures --- p.ixList of Tables --- p.xiiChapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1.1 --- Motivation and Aims --- p.1Chapter 1.2 --- Contribution --- p.8Chapter 1.3 --- Organization of Dissertation --- p.10Chapter 2 --- Definitions and Notations --- p.11Chapter 3 --- Literature Review --- p.15Chapter 3.1 --- Logic Reconstruction --- p.15Chapter 3.1.1 --- SIS: A System for Sequential and Combinational Logic Synthesis --- p.16Chapter 3.2 --- ATPG-based Alternative Wiring --- p.17Chapter 3.2.1 --- Redundancy Addition and Removal for Logic Optimization --- p.18Chapter 3.2.2 --- Perturb and Simplify Logic Optimization --- p.18Chapter 3.2.3 --- REWIRE --- p.21Chapter 3.2.4 --- Implication-tree Based Alternative Wiring Logic Trans- formation --- p.22Chapter 3.3 --- Graph-based Alternative Wiring --- p.24Chapter 4 --- Implication Based Alternative Wiring Logic Transformation --- p.25Chapter 4.1 --- Source Node Implication --- p.25Chapter 4.1.1 --- Introduction --- p.25Chapter 4.1.2 --- Implication Relationship and Implication-tree --- p.25Chapter 4.1.3 --- Selection of Alternative Wire Based on Implication-tree --- p.29Chapter 4.1.4 --- Implication-tree Based Logic Transformation --- p.32Chapter 4.2 --- Destination Node Implication --- p.35Chapter 4.2.1 --- Introduction --- p.35Chapter 4.2.2 --- Destination Node Relationship --- p.35Chapter 4.2.3 --- Destination Node Implication-tree --- p.39Chapter 4.2.4 --- Selection of Alternative Wire --- p.41Chapter 4.3 --- The Algorithm --- p.43Chapter 4.3.1 --- IB AW Implementation --- p.43Chapter 4.3.2 --- Experimental Results --- p.43Chapter 4.4 --- Conclusion --- p.45Chapter 5 --- Graph Based Alternative Wiring Logic Transformation --- p.47Chapter 5.1 --- Introduction --- p.47Chapter 5.2 --- Notations and Definitions --- p.48Chapter 5.3 --- Alternative Wire Patterns --- p.50Chapter 5.4 --- Construction of Minimal Patterns --- p.54Chapter 5.4.1 --- Minimality of Patterns --- p.54Chapter 5.4.2 --- Minimal Pattern Formation --- p.56Chapter 5.4.3 --- Pattern Extraction --- p.61Chapter 5.5 --- Experimental Results --- p.63Chapter 5.6 --- Conclusion --- p.63Chapter 6 --- Logic Optimization by GBAW --- p.66Chapter 6.1 --- Introduction --- p.66Chapter 6.2 --- Logic Simplification --- p.67Chapter 6.2.1 --- Single-Addition-Multiple-Removal by Pattern Feature . . --- p.67Chapter 6.2.2 --- Single-Addition-Multiple-Removal by Combination of Pat- terns --- p.68Chapter 6.2.3 --- Single-Addition-Single-Removal --- p.70Chapter 6.3 --- Incremental Perturbation Heuristic --- p.71Chapter 6.4 --- GBAW Optimization Algorithm --- p.73Chapter 6.5 --- Experimental Results --- p.73Chapter 6.6 --- Conclusion --- p.76Chapter 7 --- Conclusion --- p.78Bibliography --- p.80Chapter A --- VLSI Design Cycle --- p.85Chapter B --- Alternative Wire Patterns in [WLFOO] --- p.87Chapter B.1 --- 0-local Pattern --- p.87Chapter B.2 --- 1-local Pattern --- p.88Chapter B.3 --- 2-local Pattern --- p.89Chapter B.4 --- Fanout-reconvergent Pattern --- p.90Chapter C --- New Alternative Wire Patterns --- p.91Chapter C.1 --- Pattern Cluster C1 --- p.91Chapter C.1.1 --- NAND-NAND-AND/NAND;AND/NAND --- p.91Chapter C.1.2 --- NOR-NOR-OR/NOR;AND/NAND --- p.92Chapter C.1.3 --- AND-NOR-OR/NOR;OR/NOR --- p.95Chapter C.1.4 --- OR-NAND-AND/NAND;AND/NAND --- p.95Chapter C.2 --- Pattern Cluster C2 --- p.98Chapter C.3 --- Pattern Cluster C3 --- p.99Chapter C.4 --- Pattern Cluster C4 --- p.104Chapter C.5 --- Pattern Cluster C5 --- p.105Glossary --- p.106Index --- p.10

    AI/ML Algorithms and Applications in VLSI Design and Technology

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    An evident challenge ahead for the integrated circuit (IC) industry in the nanometer regime is the investigation and development of methods that can reduce the design complexity ensuing from growing process variations and curtail the turnaround time of chip manufacturing. Conventional methodologies employed for such tasks are largely manual; thus, time-consuming and resource-intensive. In contrast, the unique learning strategies of artificial intelligence (AI) provide numerous exciting automated approaches for handling complex and data-intensive tasks in very-large-scale integration (VLSI) design and testing. Employing AI and machine learning (ML) algorithms in VLSI design and manufacturing reduces the time and effort for understanding and processing the data within and across different abstraction levels via automated learning algorithms. It, in turn, improves the IC yield and reduces the manufacturing turnaround time. This paper thoroughly reviews the AI/ML automated approaches introduced in the past towards VLSI design and manufacturing. Moreover, we discuss the scope of AI/ML applications in the future at various abstraction levels to revolutionize the field of VLSI design, aiming for high-speed, highly intelligent, and efficient implementations

    Novel Computational Methods for Integrated Circuit Reverse Engineering

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    Production of Integrated Circuits (ICs) has been largely strengthened by globalization. System-on-chip providers are capable of utilizing many different providers which can be responsible for a single task. This horizontal structure drastically improves to time-to-market and reduces manufacturing cost. However, untrust of oversea foundries threatens to dismantle the complex economic model currently in place. Many Intellectual Property (IP) consumers become concerned over what potentially malicious or unspecified logic might reside within their application. This logic which is inserted with the intention of causing harm to a consumer has been referred to as a Hardware Trojan (HT). To help IP consumers, researchers have looked into methods for finding HTs. Such methods tend to rely on high-level information relating to the circuit, which might not be accessible. There is a high possibility that IP is delivered in the gate or layout level. Some services and image processing methods can be leveraged to convert layout level information to gate-level, but such formats are incompatible with detection schemes that require hardware description language. By leveraging standard graph and dynamic programming algorithms a set of tools is developed that can help bridge the gap between gate-level netlist access and HT detection. To help in this endeavor this dissertation focuses on several problems associated with reverse engineering ICs. Logic signal identification is used to find malicious signals, and logic desynthesis is used to extract high level details. Each of the proposed method have their results analyzed for accuracy and runtime. It is found that method for finding logic tends to be the most difficult task, in part due to the degree of heuristic\u27s inaccuracy. With minor improvements moderate sized ICs could have their high-level function recovered within minutes, which would allow for a trained eye or automated methods to more easily detect discrepancies within a circuit\u27s design

    Test and Diagnosis of Integrated Circuits

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    The ever-increasing growth of the semiconductor market results in an increasing complexity of digital circuits. Smaller, faster, cheaper and low-power consumption are the main challenges in semiconductor industry. The reduction of transistor size and the latest packaging technology (i.e., System-On-a-Chip, System-In-Package, Trough Silicon Via 3D Integrated Circuits) allows the semiconductor industry to satisfy the latest challenges. Although producing such advanced circuits can benefit users, the manufacturing process is becoming finer and denser, making chips more prone to defects.The work presented in the HDR manuscript addresses the challenges of test and diagnosis of integrated circuits. It covers:- Power aware test;- Test of Low Power Devices;- Fault Diagnosis of digital circuits

    High-speed, economical design implementation of transit network router

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1995.Includes bibliographical references (p. 88-90).by Kazuhiro Hara.M.S