32 research outputs found

    Modeling and simulation of a 3-ф induction motor based on two types of WFA

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    This paper has been proposed to simulate the transient model of 3-Ф cage rotor induction motor based on winding function approach (WFA). According to this method the motor is assumed to be consist of an electrical circuits on both stator and rotor. The magneto motive forces (MMF) that have been generated by these circuits play a role for coupling them together. Then mutual and self-inductances will be easily computed using WFA. Two types of WFA have been used to build and simulate the model of the induction motor. In the one part type, it’s assumed that the coupling MMF between stator and rotor have a non-sinusoidal shapes according to the actual windings distribution over the motor slots. While in second part type the generated MMF in are assumed to have sinusoidal waveform. The suggested models may be used to simulate the dynamic as well as steady state performance of a faulty and non-faulty motor. A simulation of the suggested models that consists of m-rotor bars and n-stator phases multiple coupled circuit-based has been performed using matlab m.file and the results of the motor current have been proved in its nonlinear way by using WFA

    Optimisation de la Conception du Moteur Synchrone à Excitation Hybride pour Véhicules Électriques à Haut Performance

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    Since 1970, the ever-growing concerns of human community for the life-threatening environmental changes have pushed the policy makers to decarbonize those sectors with high energy demands, including the transportation industry. Optimal designs of Electric Vehicles (EVs) can contribute to today’s exigent car market, and take the leading role for future sustainable transportation of human and goods. At the heart of electromechanical energy conversion lays the electrical machines, which have attracted lots of interests and efforts for efficiency increase and cost reduction. In this thesis, a methodology is proposed and implemented to design and optimize the cost and efficiency of a Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Machine (HESM) for a given vehicle and a desired driving cycle. Hybridization in the excitation system can combine the favorable qualities of high-torque at low-speed with superior overloading capability, exceptional flux weakening and extended Constant Power Speed Range (CPSR), high efficiency, and flexible controllability in motoring and generation modes. With HESM technology, we can also shift from the rare-earth magnets towards the cheap ferrite magnets and guaranty the supply for motor industry. The designed HESM in this work responds to three requirements of the vehicle, namely, the maximum cruising speed, acceleration time, and gradeability, with the least or null overdesign in the drivetrain. At the same time, it will have the maximum global efficiency over the driving cycle, and the minimum cost for the material. The optimization is conducted at either of the component and system levels. The optimization at component-level is developed based on the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II). A new formulation for the objective functions is proposed, which deals with the design optimization and cost minimization, simultaneously. To maximize the efficiency, a system-level search is conducted to find the optimum HESM with the highest global efficiency over a given driving cycle. Due to the 3D direction of magnetic flux in the selected HESM topology, the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) was very time- and process-consuming. To be able to evaluate the objective functions during the optimization, a new model has been developed based on a 3D Magnetic Equivalent Circuit (MEC) network. This model predicts well the non-linearity of magnetic materials, as compared with the FEA simulations. At last, the final optimized HESM is evaluated by the virtue of FEA technique.Depuis 1970, les préoccupations de l’humanité envers les changements climatiques ont poussé les chercheurs à faire des études approfondies pour optimiser les machines électriques pour avoir des véhicules électriques plus performants et moins énergivores. La conception optimale de véhicules électriques (EV) peut contribuer pour un marché automobile plus exigeant et jouer un rôle principal pour le futur du transport durable des biens et des personnes. Les machines électriques se trouvent au cœur de la conversion d'énergie électromécanique, qui ont suscité beaucoup d'intérêts et d’efforts pour augmenter leur rendement et réduire leur coût. Cette thèse propose une méthodologie et une mise en œuvre pour minimiser le coût et maximiser l’efficacité d’une machine synchrone à excitation hybride (HESM) pour un véhicule donné et un cycle de conduite sélectionné. L'hybridation du système d’excitation peut combiner les qualités favorables comme un couple élevé à basse vitesse avec une capacité de surcharge supérieure, un défluxage exceptionnelle et une plage de vitesse prolongée de puissance constante (CPSR), une efficacité élevée et une contrôlabilité flexible dans les modes de traction et de freinage régénératif. Avec la technologie HESM, nous pouvons également passer des aimants de terres rares aux aimants en ferrite bon marché, et garantir l’approvisionnement pour l’industrie automobile. Le HESM conçu dans ce travail répond à trois exigences du véhicule : la vitesse de croisière maximale, le temps d’accélération et la capacité de monter une pente, avec un surdimensionnement minimal ou nulle de la chaîne de traction. Une optimisation multiniveau avec une interaction entre la vision composant et la vision système est proposée et validée. L’optimisation au niveau du composant est développée sur la base de l’algorithme génétique de tri non dominé (NSGA-II). Une nouvelle formulation pour les fonctions objectives est proposée pour l’optimisation simultanée de la conception de la machine et de la minimisation de son coût. Après avoir optimisés onze HESM au niveau du composant, pour maximiser l’efficacité, une optimisation au niveau du système est réalisée pour trouver le HESM optimal avec le plus haut rendement global sur le cycle de conduite donné. Une validation de la conception finale de la HESM présente un meilleur rendement global sur le cycle de conduite de 18,65% en relation à une machine synchrone à excitation séparée équivalente et 15,8% en relation à une à aiment permanent. En raison de la direction 3D du flux magnétique dans la topologie HESM sélectionnée, l’analyse par éléments finis (FEA) prenait beaucoup de temps et de ressources computationnelles. Afin d’évaluer les fonctions objectives lors de l’optimisation, un nouveau modèle a été développé basé sur un réseau de circuits magnétiques équivalents 3D (MEC). Ce modèle prédit bien la non-linéarité des matériaux magnétiques, par rapport aux simulations FEA. Enfin, le HESM optimisé final est évalué grâce à la technique FEA

    Multiple Objective Co-Optimization of Switched Reluctance Machine Design and Control

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    This dissertation includes a review of various motor types, a motivation for selecting the switched reluctance motor (SRM) as a focus of this work, a review of SRM design and control optimization methods in literature, a proposed co-optimization approach, and empirical evaluations to validate the models and proposed co-optimization methods. The switched reluctance motor (SRM) was chosen as a focus of research based on its low cost, easy manufacturability, moderate performance and efficiency, and its potential for improvement through advanced design and control optimization. After a review of SRM design and control optimization methods in the literature, it was found that co-optimization of both SRM design and controls is not common, and key areas for improvement in methods for optimizing SRM design and control were identified. Among many things, this includes the need for computationally efficient transient models with the accuracy of FEA simulations and the need for co-optimization of both machine geometry and control methods throughout the entire operation range with multiple objectives such as torque ripple, efficiency, etc. A modeling and optimization framework with multiple stages is proposed that includes robust transient simulators that use mappings from FEA in order to optimize SRM geometry, windings, and control conditions throughout the entire operation region with multiple objectives. These unique methods include the use of particle swarm optimization to determine current profiles for low to moderate speeds and other optimization methods to determine optimal control conditions throughout the entire operation range with consideration of various characteristics and boundary conditions such as voltage and current constraints. This multi-stage optimization process includes down-selections in two previous stages based on performance and operational characteristics at zero and maximum speed. Co-optimization of SRM design and control conditions is demonstrated as a final design is selected based on a fitness function evaluating various operational characteristics including torque ripple and efficiency throughout the torque-speed operation range. The final design was scaled, fabricated, and tested to demonstrate the viability of the proposed framework and co-optimization method. Accuracy of the models was confirmed by comparing simulated and empirical results. Test results from operation at various torques and speeds demonstrates the effectiveness of the optimization approach throughout the entire operating range. Furthermore, test results confirm the feasibility of the proposed torque ripple minimization and efficiency maximization control schemes. A key benefit of the overall proposed approach is that a wide range of machine design parameters and control conditions can be swept, and based on the needs of an application, the designer can select the appropriate geometry, winding, and control approach based on various performance functions that consider torque ripple, efficiency, and other metrics

    Advances in Rotating Electric Machines

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    It is difficult to imagine a modern society without rotating electric machines. Their use has been increasing not only in the traditional fields of application but also in more contemporary fields, including renewable energy conversion systems, electric aircraft, aerospace, electric vehicles, unmanned propulsion systems, robotics, etc. This has contributed to advances in the materials, design methodologies, modeling tools, and manufacturing processes of current electric machines, which are characterized by high compactness, low weight, high power density, high torque density, and high reliability. On the other hand, the growing use of electric machines and drives in more critical applications has pushed forward the research in the area of condition monitoring and fault tolerance, leading to the development of more reliable diagnostic techniques and more fault-tolerant machines. This book presents and disseminates the most recent advances related to the theory, design, modeling, application, control, and condition monitoring of all types of rotating electric machines

    Segmental rotor switched reluctance machines for use in automotive traction

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis explores the development of the Segmental Rotor Switched Reluctance Machine (SRM) to provide electric vehicle traction. This electrical machine, which has a topology distinct from the conventional SRM and has been previously shown to offer enhanced torque density, is selected based on its potential to offer a low cost, sustainable alternative to today’s state-of-the-art electric vehicle traction motors. With the launch, as long ago as 1997, of the Toyota Prius Hybrid Electric Vehicle and of the more recent Nissan Leaf Electric Vehicle in 2010, volume produced vehicle traction drives are an established reality. However hurdles remain in order to reduce the cost of electric and hybrid electric vehicles so that they become cost-competitive with more conventional vehicles. From an electrical machine perspective, one clear cost driver stands out; the rare-earth metals which form the key ingredient in today’s class leading electrical machines. These materials are both expensive (>100USD/kg) and, as was seen in 2011 / 2012, subject to significant price volatility. Equally the mining and refinement of rare-earth materials, such as Neodymium, Dysprosium and Samarium, has been shown to have a much higher environmental footprint than that of the other materials typically used in electrical machines. Beyond the elimination of rare-earths, the thesis looks to further improve the sustainability and cost of the Segmental Rotor SRM. Copper conductors, expensive and difficult to recycle at an electrical machine’s end-of-life, are replaced by more easily recycled aluminium. Aluminium windings are compressed, prior to assembly with the electrical machine, in order to achieve very high fill factors to overcome their relatively low electrical conductivity. Methods are also sought to reduce overall material waste and simplify assembly processes; these include computer based optimisation of the motor structure along with the use of modular manufacturing techniques. With the Nissan Leaf’s Neodymium Iron Boron based Interior Permanent Magnet machine selected as a comparator, an 80kW Segmental Rotor SRM is constructed and tested. The design is shown to have promise and a number of industrially funded follow-on projects are now underway in order to develop the technology further for use in a volume electric vehicle application

    Design and Optimization of High-Torque Ferrite Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor

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    Vysokomomentový asistovaný synchronní reluktanční motor může být, soudě podle nízkého počtu publikovaných článků, stále považován za relativně málo prozkoumané téma výzkumu. Tato ale i další výhody, jako nízká výrobní cena a vysoká hustota výkonu poutají pozornost výzkumných pracovníků. Navzdory tomu, že tento druh motoru je zajímavější z pohledu konvenčních nebo vysokootáčkových aplikací, tak se i trakční aplikace dostávají do popředí s tím, jak jsou objevovány vlastnosti tohoto motoru. Tato práce se zaměřuje na návrh tohoto typu motoru pro pohon lodi, který je navržen aby dosahoval vysokého momentu při nízkých otáčkách. Aplikace je definována výkonem 55 kW při 150 otáčkách za minutu a použitím levných feritových magnetů s cílem nízké ceny motoru. Návrh motoru je úzce propojen s optimalizačními algoritmy aby bylo dosaženo co nejlepšího výkonu v daném objemu stroje. Navzdory tomu, že návrh samotný je velice zajímavým tématem, tak práce deklaruje další teze, které jsou rovněž zajímavé a důležité. Vzhledem k tomu, že je práce zaměřena i na optimalizaci, tak prvním cílem práce je porovnání různých optimalizačních metod. V této práci jsou nejenom že různé druhy optimalizačních algoritmů, samoorganizující migrující algoritmus a genetický algoritmus, porovnány, ale jsou zde porovnány i různé optimalizační metody. Metoda založená na definování preferenčního vektoru a ideální multi-objektivní metody jsou v rovněž v této práci srovnány. Tyto algoritmy jsou srovnány v případě více optimalizovaných parametrů. Dalším scénářem pro porovnání ideálních multi-objektivních algoritmů je ten s menším počtem parametrů. Posledním cílem práce je laboratorní měření navrženého optimalizovaného stroje, které rovněž představuje další set výzev v této práci, které jsou diskutovány v poslední kapitole této práce.The high-torque assisted synchronous reluctance machine could be still considered, based on the relatively low amount of publications, as a rather unknown area of research. This and other main advantages, such as low manufacturing cost and a higher torque density of this machine type are driving researchers interest. Even though this machine type has become more interesting in the conventional or high-speed applications, the area of traction applications is slowly getting forward as the machine capabilities are discovered. This thesis is serving just this purpose of developing the ship propulsion driving motor, that is capable of sustaining the high-torque at low-speed. The application is defined by the 55 kW at 150 rpm using the low- cost ferrite magnets aiming to lower the cost. The design will be closely tied with optimization algorithms to deliver the best possible performance in the given volume. However the design challenge being difficult task on its own, the thesis is declaring other goals within, that are still very interesting and important. Since the optimization is included in the design process, the first goal, concluding from the given topic is to compare various optimization methods. Not only the two different optimization algorithms, self-organizing migrating algorithm and genetic algorithm, will be compared in the thesis, but even two multi-objective optimization approaches will be compared as well. The preference based vector and ideal multi-objective optimization techniques comparison will be demonstrated in one optimization scenario with a higher amount of optimized parameters. Other demonstrated goal within the thesis is the comparison of ideal multi-objective optimization with a lower number of parameters. The last goal will be the measurement of the designed and optimized machine, that introduced variety of challenges itself and all of them will be discussed within the last chapter.

    Investigation of Novel Axial Flux Magnetically Geared Machine

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    As axial flux permanent magnet (AFPM) machines are currently the most appropriate topologies for limited axial space applications, a novel axial flux magnetically geared permanent magnet (AFMGPM) machine is investigated in this thesis. Based on a yokeless and segmented YASA machine, a new AFMGPM topology was designed and studied. The proposed AFMGPM machine consists of stator segments equipped with concentrated windings and two PM rotors with different pole-pair numbers: a high speed rotor (HSR) and low speed rotor (LSR). The proposed AFMGPM offers the merit of simple mechanical structure and is suitable for applications with limited axial space. Two possible rotor pole combinations were selected and designed with the same stator segments: MG12/5-7 with HSR pole pairs of 5 and LSR pole pairs of 7, and MG12/4-8 with HSR pole pairs of 4 and LSR pole pairs of 8. These were optimised for maximum torque capability. Performance comparisons at no-load and on-load conditions using 3D-finite element analysis (FEM) reveal that the machine torque performance is sensitive to the PM dimensions and better performance can be obtained with the MG12/5-7 topology. It is demonstrated that the MG machines are a valid alternative to the conventional planetary gear function in HEVs. Combining the conventional PM machine with the MG machine has made it possible to replace the power split components using only one electrical device. Additionally, the proposed machine can work as a conventional magnetic gear (MG) and a generator. It is shown that the new AFMGPM machine can realise the function of power split devices in conventional HEVs, as a mechanical planetary gear, motor and generator. It is further shown that the rotor manufacturing tolerance has a significant effect in terms of stator/LSR misalignment on the no-load and on-load performances of the machine. Finally, a performance comparison between the novel machine and the conventional axial flux YASA machine is performed. To validate the predicted results of finite element analysis, a prototype of the new topology and a conventional YASA machine are manufactured and tested. It has, showing that with the benefit of two rotors with different torques and speeds, the new AFMGPM machine has superior performance at all load conditions

    HVDC Grid Fault Current Limiting Method Through Topology Optimization Based on Genetic Algorithm

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    Performance analysis of interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM) drive system using different speed controllers

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    The present research is indicating that the Permanent magnet motor drive could become serious competitor to the induction motor drive for servo application. Further, with the evolution of permanent magnet materials and control technology, the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) has become a pronounced choice for low and mid power applications such as computer peripheral equipments, robotics, adjustable speed drives and electric vehicles due to its special features like high power density, high torque/inertia ratio, high operating efficiency, variable speed operation, reliability, and low cost etc. Here we deals with the detailed modeling of an IPMSM drive system with Hybrid PI-Fuzzy logic controller (PI-FLC) as speed controller and Adaptive Hysteresis Current Controller as torque controller by controlling the current components of torque.In this thesis we deals with a simulation for speed control and improvement in the performance of a closed loop vector controlled IPMSM drive which employ two loops for better speed tracking and fast dynamic response during transient as well as steady state conditions by controlling the torque component of current. The outer loop employ Hybrid PIFuzzy logic controller (PI-FLC) while inner loop as Adaptive Hysteresis Band Current Controller (AHBCC) designed to reduce the torque ripple. Despite proportional plus Integral (PI) controller are usually preferred as speed controller due to its fixed gain (Kp) and Integral time constant (Ki), the performance of PI controller are affected by parameters variations, speed change and load disturbances in PMSM, due to which it results to unsatisfied operation under transient conditions. The drawbacks of PI controller are minimized using fuzzy logic controller (FLC). So for this a fuzzy control technique is also designed using mamdani type, triangular based 5x5 MFs and selecting the superior functionalities of PI and FLC, a Hybrid PI-FLC designed for effective speed control under transient and steady state condition.The complete viability of above mentioned integrated control strategy is implemented and tested in the MATLAB/Simulink environment and a performance comparison of proposed drive system with conventional PI, fuzzy logic controller and Hybrid PI-Fuzzy Logic Controller integrated separately as speed controller in terms of steady state and transient analysis with fixed step, variable step load and variable speed condition has been presented. Beside this a detailed comparative study of AHBCC is also done with Conventional Hysteresis Current Control(CHCC) scheme. The simulation circuits parameters for IPMSM, inverter, speed and current controllers of the drive system are given in Appendix-A