63,637 research outputs found

    Simple thermal-electrical model of photovoltaic panels with cooler-integrated sun tracker

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    This paper presents a simple thermal-electrical model of a photovoltaic panel with a cooler-integrated sun tracker. Based on the model and obtained weather data, we analyzed the improved overall efficiency in a year as well as the performance in each typical weather case for photovoltaic panels with fixed-tilt systems with a tilt angle equal to latitude, fixed-tilt systems with cooler, a single-axis sun tracker, and a cooler-integrated single-axis sun tracker. The results show that on a sunny summer day with few clouds, the performance of the photovoltaic panels with the proposed system improved and reached 32.76% compared with the fixed-tilt systems. On a sunny day with clouds in the wet, rainy season, because of the low air temperature and the high wind speed, the photovoltaic panel temperature was lower than the cooler’s initial set temperature; the performance of the photovoltaic panel with the proposed system improved by 12.55% compared with the fixed-tilt system. Simulation results show that, over one year, the overall efficiency of the proposed system markedly improved by 16.35, 13.03, and 3.68% compared with the photovoltaic panel with the fixed-tilt system, the cooler, and the single-axis sun tracker, respectively. The simulation results can serve as a premise for future experimental models

    Prediction short-term photovoltaic power using improved chicken swarm optimizer - Extreme learning machine model

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    Photovoltaic power generation is greatly affected by weather conditions while the photovoltaic power has a certain negative impact on the power grid. The power sector takes certain measures to abandon photovoltaic power generation, thus limiting the development of clean energy power generation. This study is to propose an accurate short-term photovoltaic power prediction method. A new short-term photovoltaic power output prediction model is proposed Based on extreme learning machine and intelligent optimizer. Firstly, the input of the model is determined by correlation coefficient method. Then the chicken swarm optimizer is improved to strengthen the convergence. Secondly, the improved chicken swarm optimizer is used to optimize the weights and the extreme learning machine thresholds to improve the prediction effect. Finally, the improved chicken swarm optimizer extreme learning machine model is used to predict the photovoltaic power under different weather conditions. The testing results show that the average mean absolute percentage error and root mean square error of improved chicken swarm optimizer - extreme learning machine model are 5.54% and 3.08%. The proposed method is of great significance for the economic dispatch of power systems and the development of clean energy

    Improving thermal and electrical efficiency in photovoltaic thermal systems for sustainable cooling system integration

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    Research into photovoltaic thermal systems is important in solar technologies as photovoltaic thermal systems are designed to produce both electrical and thermal energy, this can lead to improved performance of the overall system. The performance of photovoltaic thermal systems is based on several factors that include photovoltaic thermal materials, design, ambient temperature, inlet and outlet fluid temperature and photovoltaic cell temperature. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of photovoltaic thermal outlet water temperatures and solar cell temperature on both electrical and thermal efficiency for different range of inlet water temperature. To achieve this, a mathematical model of a photovoltaic thermal system was developed to calculate the anticipated system performance. The factors that affect the efficiency of photovoltaic thermal collectors were discussed and the outlet fluid temperature from the photovoltaic thermal is investigated in order to reach the highest overall efficiency for the solar cooling system. An average thermal and electrical efficiency of 65% and 13.7%, respectively, was achieved and the photovoltaic thermal mathematical model was validated with experimental data from literature

    A combined optical, thermal and electrical performance model of a Building Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal Concentrator (BIPVTC)

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    The electrical output of concentrating photovoltaic devices is significantly affected by the temperature of the photovoltaic cells. The ability to actively cool photovoltaic cells under concentrated radiation allows their electrical efficiency to be maintained particularly during periods of high solar radiation when concentration offers the maximum benefit. In this study, the design of a novel photovoltaic/thermal solar concentrator for building integration (BIPVTC) is discussed. The optical, thermal and electrical performance of the collector was theoretically modelled and validated with experimental data. The results show that BIPVTC offers improved electrical yields from both concentrating radiation onto the photovoltaic cells and also by actively cooling them

    Analysis of a photovoltaic/thermal solar collector for building integration

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    The idea of combining photovoltaic and solar thermal collectors (PVT collectors) to provide electrical and heat energy is not new, however it is an area that has received only limited attention. With concern growing over energy sources and their usage, PVTs have become a focus point of interest in the field of solar energy research. Although PVTs are not as prevalent as solar thermal systems, the integration of photovoltaic and solar thermal collectors into the walls or roofing structure of a building could provide greater opportunity for the use of renewable solar energy technologies in domestic, commercial and industrial applications. As such, the design of a novel building integrated photovoltaic/thermal (BIPVT) solar collector is theoretically analysed through the use of a modified Hottel-Whillier model. The thermal efficiency under a range of conditions was subsequently determined and results showing how key design parameters influence the performance of the BIPVT system are presented

    Performance of a building integrated photovoltaic/thermal (BIPVT) solar collector

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    The idea of combining photovoltaic and solar thermal collectors (PVT collectors) to provide electrical and heat energy is an area that has, until recently, received only limited attention. Although PVTs are not as prevalent as solar thermal systems, the integration of photovoltaic and solar thermal collectors into the walls or roofing structure of a building could provide greater opportunity for the use of renewable solar energy technologies. In this study, the design of a novel building integrated photovoltaic/thermal (BIPVT) solar collector was theoretically analysed through the use of a modified Hottel–Whillier model and was validated with experimental data from testing on a prototype BIPVT collector. The results showed that key design parameters such as the fin efficiency, the thermal conductivity between the PV cells and their supporting structure, and the lamination method had a significant influence on both the electrical and thermal efficiency of the BIPVT. Furthermore, it was shown that the BIPVT could be made of lower cost materials, such as pre-coated colour steel, without significant decreases in efficiency. Finally, it was shown that by integrating the BIPVT into the building rather than onto the building could result in a lower cost system. This was illustrated by the finding that insulating the rear of the BIPVT may be unnecessary when it is integrated into a roof above an enclosed air filled attic, as this air space acts as a passive insulating barrier

    Cakar ayam shaping machine

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    Cakar ayam (Figure 7.1) is one of the Malay traditional cookies that are made from sliced sweet potatoes deep-fried in the coconut candy. In current practice of moulding the cookies, the fried sweet potatoes are molded using traditional manual tools, which are inefficient and less productive for the mass production purposes. “Kuih cakar ayam” associated with the meaning of the idiom means less messy handwriting has a somewhat negative connotation .This cookies may just seem less attractive in shape but still likeable . In fact, this cookie is considered a popular snack even outside the holiday season. The choice of the name of this cookie is more to shape actually resembles former chicken scratches made by the paw the ground while foraging. The value of wisdom, beauty and creativity of the Malays is clearly evident through the Malay cookie. Although it is attacked by the invention of modern cakes that look far more interesting, these cakes will be able to survive a long time until now

    Hybrid photovoltaic-thermoelectric generator powered synchronous reluctance motor for pumping applications

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    The interest in photovoltaic (PV) pumping systems has increased, particularly in rural areas where there is no grid supply available. However, both the performance and the cost of the whole system are still an obstacle for a wide spread of this technology. In this article, a hybrid photovoltaic (PV)-thermoelectric generator (TEG) is investigated for pumping applications. The electric drivetrain comprises a synchronous reluctance motor and an inverter. A control strategy for the drivetrain is employed to execute two main tasks: 1) driving the motor properly to achieve a maximum torque per Ampere condition and 2) maximizing the output power of the PV system at different weather conditions. This means that the conventional DC-DC converter is not used in the proposed system. Moreover, batteries, which are characterized by short life expectancy and high replacement cost, are also not used. It is found that the motor output power and the pump flow rate are increased by about 9.5% and 12% respectively when the hybrid PV-TEG array is used compared to only using PV array. Accordingly, the performance, cost and complexity of the system are improved. Measurements on an experimental laboratory setup are constructed to validate the theoretical results of this work

    Solar array fed synchronous reluctance motor driven water pump : an improved performance under partial shading conditions

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    An improved performance of a photovoltaic (PV) pumping system employing a synchronous reluctance motor (SynRM) under partial shading conditions is proposed. The system does not include the dc-dc converter that is predominantly being utilized for maximizing the output power of the PV array. In addition, storage batteries are also not contained. A conventional inverter connected directly to the PV array is used to drive the SynRM. Further, a control strategy is proposed to drive the inverter so that the maximum output power of the PV array is achieved while the SynRM is working at the maximum torque per Ampere condition. Consequently, this results in an improved system efficiency and cost. Moreover, two maximum power point tracking (MPPT) techniques are compared under uniform and partial shadow irradiation conditions. The first MPPT algorithm is based on the conventional perturbation and observation (P&O) method and the second one uses a differential evolution (DE) optimization technique. It is found that the DE optimization method leads to a higher PV output power than using the P&O method under the partial shadow condition. Hence, the pump flow rate is much higher. However, under a uniform irradiation level, the PV system provides the available maximum power using both MPPT techniques. The experimental measurements are obtained to validate the theoretical work

    Electricity from photovoltaic solar cells: Flat-Plate Solar Array Project final report. Volume VI: Engineering sciences and reliability

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    The Flat-Plate Solar Array (FSA) Project, funded by the U.S. Government and managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, was formed in 1975 to develop the module/array technology needed to attain widespread terrestrial use of photovoltaics by 1985. To accomplish this, the FSA Project established and managed an Industry, University, and Federal Government Team to perform the needed research and development. This volume of the series of final reports documenting the FSA Project deals with the Project's activities directed at developing the engineering technology base required to achieve modules that meet the functional, safety and reliability requirements of large-scale terrestrial photovoltaic systems applications. These activities included: (1) development of functional, safety, and reliability requirements for such applications; (2) development of the engineering analytical approaches, test techniques, and design solutions required to meet the requirements; (3) synthesis and procurement of candidate designs for test and evaluation; and (4) performance of extensive testing, evaluation, and failure analysis to define design shortfalls and, thus, areas requiring additional research and development. During the life of the FSA Project, these activities were known by and included a variety of evolving organizational titles: Design and Test, Large-Scale Procurements, Engineering, Engineering Sciences, Operations, Module Performance and Failure Analysis, and at the end of the Project, Reliability and Engineering Sciences. This volume provides both a summary of the approach and technical outcome of these activities and provides a complete Bibliography (Appendix A) of the published documentation covering the detailed accomplishments and technologies developed
