188 research outputs found

    Nature Inspired Range Based Wireless Sensor Node Localization Algorithms

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    Localization is one of the most important factors highly desirable for the performance of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Localization can be stated as the estimation of the location of the sensor nodes in sensor network. In the applications of WSN, the data gathered at sink node will be meaningless without localization information of the nodes. Due to size and complexity factors of the localization problem, it can be formulated as an optimization problem and thus can be approached with optimization algorithms. In this paper, the nature inspired algorithms are used and analyzed for an optimal estimation of the location of sensor nodes. The performance of the nature inspired algorithms viz. Flower pollination algorithm (FPA), Firefly algorithm (FA), Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for localization in WSN is analyzed in terms of localization accuracy, number of localized nodes and computing time. The comparative analysis has shown that FPA is more proficient in determining the coordinates of nodes by minimizing the localization error as compared to FA, PSO and GWO

    Novel DV-hop Method Based on Krill Swarm Algorithm Used for Wireless Sensor Network Localization

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    Wireless sensor network (WSN) is self-organizing network; it consists of a large number of sensor nodes with perception, calculation ability and communication ability. As we all know, the floor, walls or people moving has an effect on indoor localization, so it will result in multi-path phenomena and decrease signal strength, also the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) is unable to gain higher accuracy of positioning. When using multilateral measurement method to calculate the unknown node coordinates, it will generate big error in range-free distance vector-hop (DV-hop) localization algorithm of WSN. In order to improve the WSN positioning accuracy in indoor condition, more reasonable distribute network resources, in this paper, we firstly propose krill swarm algorithm used for WSN localization. First, we detailed analyze the multilateral measurement method in DV-hop localization algorithm. The position problem can be transformed into a global optimization problem. Then, we adequately utilize the advantage of calculating optimization problem. We apply the krill swarm algorithm into the stage of estimating unknown node coordinates in DV-hop algorithm to realize localization. Finally, the simulation experience results show that the localization with krill swarm algorithm has an obviously higher positioning precision and accuracy stability with different anchor node proportion and nodes. We also make comparison with DV-hop algorithm and the newest localization algorithm

    Research on WSN Node Localization Algorithm Based on RSSI Iterative Centroid Estimation

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    For the traditional RSSI-based sensor nodes the positioning accuracy is low and sensitive to noise, which can not be applied to the rapid positioning of large-scale WSN wireless sensor nodes. Based on the traditional localization algorithm, this paper proposes a WSN node localization algorithm based on RSSI iterative centroid estimation. The algorithm determines the convergence condition by the positional relationship between the node to be located and the existing beacon node, and uses the RSSI value instead of the traditional distance centroid estimation. The experiment is carried out in a random node distribution simulation environment of 100 × 100 m. The effects of communication distance variation and beacon node ratio on the algorithm are verified, and the influence of distance calculation error on the algorithm is verified. Because the signal strength difference of the main beacon node is used in the localization algorithm, and the beacon node corresponding to the maximum signal strength value is selected as the main beacon node, the error caused by the conversion of the signal strength value into the distance is successfully suppressed. The influence of obstacle interference on the positioning of the node reduces the positioning error and achieves better positioning accuracy. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has better positioning accuracy and robustness to noise, and is suitable for large-scale WSN wireless sensor node location

    Fully Connected Neural Networks Ensemble with Signal Strength Clustering for Indoor Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The paper introduces a method which improves localization accuracy of the signal strength fingerprinting approach. According to the proposed method, entire localization area is divided into regions by clustering the fingerprint database. For each region a prototype of the received signal strength is determined and a dedicated artificial neural network (ANN) is trained by using only those fingerprints that belong to this region (cluster). Final estimation of the location is obtained by fusion of the coordinates delivered by selected ANNs. Sensor nodes have to store only the signal strength prototypes and synaptic weights of the ANNs in order to estimate their locations. This approach significantly reduces the amount of memory required to store a received signal strength map. Various ANN topologies were considered in this study. Improvement of the localization accuracy as well as speed-up of learning process was achieved by employing fully connected neural networks. The proposed method was verified and compared against state-of-the-art localization approaches in realworld indoor environment by using both stationary andmobile sensor nodes

    Research Challenges of Improved Cluster Chain Power-Efficient Routing Using Natural Computing Methods for Wireless Sensor Network

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) primarily operate on batteries, making energy conservation crucial, especially in routing processes. Efficient routing in WSNs is challenging due to the network's distinct attributes. Among various routing protocols, CCPAR is noteworthy as it utilizes a chain between cluster heads to relay data to the base station. This research delves into nature-inspired techniques for energy-efficient routing in WSNs. It introduces the Moth-Dolphin Optimization Algorithm, capitalizing on the communication between moths to enhance routing performance. This innovative method combines the navigational skills of moths and the communicative attributes of dolphins. When benchmarked against other optimization methods, the Moth-Dolphin algorithm offers favorable results. The study then applies this algorithm to improve CCPAR routing, aiming for reduced energy consumption. The modified routing's effectiveness is evaluated against other top-tier algorithms, considering factors like energy consumption, throughput, network longevity, and delay

    EECLA: A Novel Clustering Model for Improvement of Localization and Energy Efficient Routing Protocols in Vehicle Tracking Using Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Due to increase of usage of wireless sensor networks (WSN) for various purposes leads to a required technology in the present world. Many applications are running with the concepts of WSN now, among that vehicle tracking is one which became prominent in security purposes. In our previous works we proposed an algorithm called EECAL (Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithm and Localization) to improve accuracy and performed well. But are not focused more on continuous tracking of a vehicle in better aspects. In this paper we proposed and refined the same algorithm as per the requirement. Detection and tracking of a vehicle when they are in larges areas is an issue. We mainly focused on proximity graphs and spatial interpolation techniques for getting exact boundaries. Other aspect of our work is to reduce consumption of energy which increases the life time of the network. Performance of system when in active state is another issue can be fixed by setting of peer nodes in communication. We made an attempt to compare our results with the existed works and felt much better our work. For handling localization, we used genetic algorithm which handled good of residual energy, fitness of the network in various aspects. At end we performed a simulation task that proved proposed algorithms performed well and experimental analysis gave us faith by getting less localization error factor

    A survey on gas leakage source detection and boundary tracking with wireless sensor networks

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    Gas leakage source detection and boundary tracking of continuous objects have received a significant research attention in the academic as well as the industries due to the loss and damage caused by toxic gas leakage in large-scale petrochemical plants. With the advance and rapid adoption of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in the last decades, source localization and boundary estimation have became the priority of research works. In addition, an accurate boundary estimation is a critical issue due to the fast movement, changing shape, and invisibility of the gas leakage compared with the other single object detections. We present various gas diffusion models used in the literature that offer the effective computational approaches to measure the gas concentrations in the large area. In this paper, we compare the continuous object localization and boundary detection schemes with respect to complexity, energy consumption, and estimation accuracy. Moreover, this paper presents the research directions for existing and future gas leakage source localization and boundary estimation schemes with WSNs

    Coverage and Energy Analysis of Mobile Sensor Nodes in Obstructed Noisy Indoor Environment: A Voronoi Approach

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    The rapid deployment of wireless sensor network (WSN) poses the challenge of finding optimal locations for the network nodes, especially so in (i) unknown and (ii) obstacle-rich environments. This paper addresses this challenge with BISON (Bio-Inspired Self-Organizing Network), a variant of the Voronoi algorithm. In line with the scenario challenges, BISON nodes are restricted to (i) locally sensed as well as (ii) noisy information on the basis of which they move, avoid obstacles and connect with neighboring nodes. Performance is measured as (i) the percentage of area covered, (ii) the total distance traveled by the nodes, (iii) the cumulative energy consumption and (iv) the uniformity of nodes distribution. Obstacle constellations and noise levels are studied systematically and a collision-free recovery strategy for failing nodes is proposed. Results obtained from extensive simulations show the algorithm outperforming previously reported approaches in both, convergence speed, as well as deployment cost.Comment: 17 pages, 24 figures, 1 tabl

    Resource Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks for an Improved Field Coverage and Cooperative Target Tracking

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    There are various challenges that face a wireless sensor network (WSN) that mainly originate from the limited resources a sensor node usually has. A sensor node often relies on a battery as a power supply which, due to its limited capacity, tends to shorten the life-time of the node and the network as a whole. Other challenges arise from the limited capabilities of the sensors/actuators a node is equipped with, leading to complication like a poor coverage of the event, or limited mobility in the environment. This dissertation deals with the coverage problem as well as the limited power and capabilities of a sensor node. In some environments, a controlled deployment of the WSN may not be attainable. In such case, the only viable option would be a random deployment over the region of interest (ROI), leading to a great deal of uncovered areas as well as many cutoff nodes. Three different scenarios are presented, each addressing the coverage problem for a distinct purpose. First, a multi-objective optimization is considered with the purpose of relocating the sensor nodes after the initial random deployment, through maximizing the field coverage while minimizing the cost of mobility. Simulations reveal the improvements in coverage, while maintaining the mobility cost to a minimum. In the second scenario, tracking a mobile target with a high level of accuracy is of interest. The relocation process was based on learning the spatial mobility trends of the targets. Results show the improvement in tracking accuracy in terms of mean square position error. The last scenario involves the use of inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) to predict the destination of a given target. This lay the ground for future exploration of the relocation problem to achieve improved prediction accuracy. Experiments investigated the interaction between prediction accuracy and terrain severity. The other WSN limitation is dealt with by introducing the concept of sparse sensing to schedule the measurements of sensor nodes. A hybrid WSN setup of low and high precision nodes is examined. Simulations showed that the greedy algorithm used for scheduling the nodes, realized a network that is more resilient to individual node failure. Moreover, the use of more affordable nodes stroke a better trade-off between deployment feasibility and precision

    Robotic Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this chapter, we present a literature survey of an emerging, cutting-edge, and multi-disciplinary field of research at the intersection of Robotics and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) which we refer to as Robotic Wireless Sensor Networks (RWSN). We define a RWSN as an autonomous networked multi-robot system that aims to achieve certain sensing goals while meeting and maintaining certain communication performance requirements, through cooperative control, learning and adaptation. While both of the component areas, i.e., Robotics and WSN, are very well-known and well-explored, there exist a whole set of new opportunities and research directions at the intersection of these two fields which are relatively or even completely unexplored. One such example would be the use of a set of robotic routers to set up a temporary communication path between a sender and a receiver that uses the controlled mobility to the advantage of packet routing. We find that there exist only a limited number of articles to be directly categorized as RWSN related works whereas there exist a range of articles in the robotics and the WSN literature that are also relevant to this new field of research. To connect the dots, we first identify the core problems and research trends related to RWSN such as connectivity, localization, routing, and robust flow of information. Next, we classify the existing research on RWSN as well as the relevant state-of-the-arts from robotics and WSN community according to the problems and trends identified in the first step. Lastly, we analyze what is missing in the existing literature, and identify topics that require more research attention in the future