17 research outputs found

    Drone-based Integration of Hyperspectral Imaging and Magnetics for Mineral Exploration

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    The advent of unoccupied aerial systems (UAS) as disruptive technology has a lasting impact on remote sensing, geophysics and most geosciences. Small, lightweight, and low-cost UAS enable researchers and surveyors to acquire earth observation data in higher spatial and spectral resolution as compared to airborne and satellite data. UAS-based applications range from rapid topographic mapping using photogrammetric techniques to hyperspectral and geophysical measurements of surface and subsurface geology. UAS surveys contribute to identifying metal deposits, monitoring of mine sites and can reveal arising environmental issues associated with mining. Further, affordable UAS technology will boost exploration data availability and expertise in the global south. This thesis investigates the application of UAS-based multi-sensor data for mineral exploration, in particular the integration of hyperspectral imagers, magnetometers and digital cameras (covering the visible red, green, blue light spectrum). UAS-based research is maturing, however the aforementioned methods are not unified effectively. RGB-based photogrammetry is used to investigate topography and surface texture. Image spectrometers measure mineral-specific surface signatures. Magnetometers detect geomagnetic field changes caused by magnetic minerals at surface and depth. The integration of such UAS sensor-based methods in this thesis augments exploration potential with non-invasive, high-resolution, safe, rapid and practical survey methods. UAS-based surveying acquired, processed and integrated data from three distinct test sites. The sites are located in Finland (Fe-Ti-V at Otanmäki; apatite at Siilinjärvi) and Greenland (Ni-Cu-PGE at Qullissat, Disko Island) and were chosen as geologically diverse areas in subarctic to arctic environments. Restricted accessibility, unfavourable atmospheric conditions, dark rocks, debris and vegetation cover and low solar illumination were common features. While the topography in Finland was moderately flat, a steep landscape challenged the Greenland field work. These restraints meant that acquisitions varied from site to site and how data was integrated and interpreted is dependent on the commodity of interest. Iron-based spectral absorption and magnetic mineral response were detected using hyperspectral and magnetic surveying in Otanmäki. Multi-sensor-based image feature detection and classification combined with magnetic forward modelling enabled seamless geologic mapping in Siilinjärvi. Detailed magnetic inversion and multispectral photogrammetry led to the construction of a comprehensive 3D model of magmatic exploration targets in Greenland. Ground truth at different intensity was employed to verify UAS-based data interpretations during all case studies. Laboratory analysis was applied when deemed necessary to acquire geologic-mineralogic validation (e.g., X-ray diffraction and optical microscopy for mineral identification to establish lithologic domains, magnetic susceptibility measurements for subsurface modelling), for example for trace amounts of magnetite in carbonatite (Siilinjärvi) and native iron occurrence in basalt (Qullissat). Technical achievements were the integration of a multicopter-based prototype fluxgate-magnetometer data from different survey altitudes with ground truth, and a feasibility study with a high-speed multispectral image system for fixed-wing UAS. The employed case studies transfer the experiences made towards general recommendations for UAS application-based multi-sensor integration. This thesis highlights the feasibility of UAS-based surveying at target scale (1–50 km2) and solidifies versatile survey approaches for multi-sensor integration.Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, das Potenzial einer Drohnen-basierten Mineralexploration mit Multisensor-Datenintegration unter Verwendung optisch-spektroskopischer und magnetischer Methoden zu untersuchen, um u. a. übertragbare Arbeitsabläufe zu erstellen. Die untersuchte Literatur legt nahe, dass Drohnen-basierte Bildspektroskopie und magnetische Sensoren ein ausgereiftes technologisches Niveau erreichen und erhebliches Potenzial für die Anwendungsentwicklung bieten, aber es noch keine ausreichende Synergie von hyperspektralen und magnetischen Methoden gibt. Diese Arbeit umfasste drei Fallstudien, bei denen die Drohnengestützte Vermessung von geologischen Zielen in subarktischen bis arktischen Regionen angewendet wurde. Eine Kombination von Drohnen-Technologie mit RGB, Multi- und Hyperspektralkameras und Magnetometern ist vorteilhaft und schuf die Grundlage für eine integrierte Modellierung in den Fallstudien. Die Untersuchungen wurden in einem Gelände mit flacher und zerklüfteter Topografie, verdeckten Zielen und unter oft schlechten Lichtverhältnissen durchgeführt. Unter diesen Bedingungen war es das Ziel, die Anwendbarkeit von Drohnen-basierten Multisensordaten in verschiedenen Explorationsumgebungen zu bewerten. Hochauflösende Oberflächenbilder und Untergrundinformationen aus der Magnetik wurden fusioniert und gemeinsam interpretiert, dabei war eine selektive Gesteinsprobennahme und Analyse ein wesentlicher Bestandteil dieser Arbeit und für die Validierung notwendig. Für eine Eisenerzlagerstätte wurde eine einfache Ressourcenschätzung durchgeführt, indem Magnetik, bildspektroskopisch-basierte Indizes und 2D-Strukturinterpretation integriert wurden. Fotogrammetrische 3D-Modellierung, magnetisches forward-modelling und hyperspektrale Klassifizierungen wurden für eine Karbonatit-Intrusion angewendet, um einen kompletten Explorationsabschnitt zu erfassen. Eine Vektorinversion von magnetischen Daten von Disko Island, Grönland, wurden genutzt, um großräumige 3D-Modelle von undifferenzierten Erdrutschblöcken zu erstellen, sowie diese zu identifizieren und zu vermessen. Die integrierte spektrale und magnetische Kartierung in komplexen Gebieten verbesserte die Erkennungsrate und räumliche Auflösung von Erkundungszielen und reduzierte Zeit, Aufwand und benötigtes Probenmaterial für eine komplexe Interpretation. Der Prototyp einer Multispektralkamera, gebaut für eine Starrflügler-Drohne für die schnelle Vermessung, wurde entwickelt, erfolgreich getestet und zum Teil ausgewertet. Die vorgelegte Arbeit zeigt die Vorteile und Potenziale von Multisensor-Drohnen als praktisches, leichtes, sicheres, schnelles und komfortabel einsetzbares geowissenschaftliches Werkzeug, um digitale Modelle für präzise Rohstofferkundung und geologische Kartierung zu erstellen

    Impacts and social implications of landuse-environment conflicts in a typical Mediterranean watershed

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    In coastal watersheds, services and landuse favour coastal tourism and urbanization, depriving rural upstream of infrastructure and attention. This unbalanced management leads to an intensification of socioeconomic changes that generate a structural heterogeneity of the landscape and a reduction in the livelihoods of the rural population. The incessant dissociation between the objectives of the stakeholders triggers landuse-environment-economy conflicts which threaten to mutate large-scale development programs. Here, we used multi-assessment techniques in a Mediterranean watershed from Morocco to evaluate the effects of landuse change on water, vegetation, and perception of the rural population towards environmental issues. We combined complementary vegetation indexes (NDVI and EVI) to study long-term landuse change and phenological statistical pixel-based trends. We assessed the exposure of rural households to the risk of groundwater pollution through a water analysis supplemented by the calculation of an Integrated Water Quality Index. Later, we contrasted the findings with the results of a social survey with a representative sample of 401 households from 7 villages. We found that rapid coastal linear urbanization has resulted in a 12-fold increase in construction over the past 35 years, to the detriment of natural spaces and the lack of equipment and means in rural areas upstream. We show that the worst water qualities are linked to the negative impact of anthropogenic activities on immediately accessible water points. We observe that rural households are aware of the existence and gravity of environmental issues but act confusedly because of their low education level which generates a weak capacity to understand cause and effect relationships. We anticipate the pressing need to improve the well-being and education of the population and synergistically correct management plans to target the watershed as a consolidated system. Broadly, stakeholders should restore lost territorial harmony and reallocate landuse according to a sustainable environment-socioeconomic vision

    Examining spatiotemporal changes in the phenology of Australian mangroves using satellite imagery

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    Nicolás Younes investigated the phenology of Australian mangroves using satellite imagery, field data, and generalized additive models. He found that satellite-derived phenology changes with location, frequency of observation, and spatial resolution. Nicolás challenges the common methods for detecting phenology and proposes a data-driven approach

    Earth resources: A continuing bibliography with indexes (issue 58)

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    This bibliography lists 500 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system between April 1 and June 30, 1988. Emphasis is placed on the use of remote sensing and geophysical instrumentation in spacecraft and aircraft to survey and inventory natural resources and urban areas. Subject matter is grouped according to agriculture and forestry, environmental changes and cultural resources, geodesy and cartography, geology and mineral resources, hydrology and water management, data processing and distribution systems, instrumentation and sensors, and economic analysis

    Multispectral and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data for Mineral Exploration and Environmental Monitoring of Mined Areas

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    In recent decades, remote sensing technology has been incorporated in numerous mineral exploration projects in metallogenic provinces around the world. Multispectral and hyperspectral sensors play a significant role in affording unique data for mineral exploration and environmental hazard monitoring. This book covers the advances of remote sensing data processing algorithms in mineral exploration, and the technology can be used in monitoring and decision-making in relation to environmental mining hazard. This book presents state-of-the-art approaches on recent remote sensing and GIS-based mineral prospectivity modeling, offering excellent information to professional earth scientists, researchers, mineral exploration communities and mining companies

    Remote Sensing of Earth Resources: A literature survey with indexes (1970 - 1973 supplement). Section 1: Abstracts

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    Abstracts of reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system between March 1970 and December 1973 are presented in the following areas: agriculture and forestry, environmental changes and cultural resources, geodesy and cartography, geology and mineral resources, oceanography and marine resources, hydrology and water management, data processing and distribution systems, instrumentation and sensors, and economic analysis

    Improved Accuracy of the Asymmetric Second-Order Vegetation Isoline Equation over the RED–NIR Reflectance Space

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    The relationship between two reflectances of different bands is often encountered in cross calibration and parameter retrievals from remotely-sensed data. The asymmetric-order vegetation isoline is one such relationship, derived previously, where truncation error was reduced from the first-order approximated isoline by including a second-order term. This study introduces a technique for optimizing the magnitude of the second-order term and further improving the isoline equation’s accuracy while maintaining the simplicity of the derived formulation. A single constant factor was introduced into the formulation to adjust the second-order term. This factor was optimized by simulating canopy radiative transfer. Numerical experiments revealed that the errors in the optimized asymmetric isoline were reduced in magnitude to nearly 1/25 of the errors obtained from the first-order vegetation isoline equation, and to nearly one-fifth of the error obtained from the non-optimized asymmetric isoline equation. The errors in the optimized asymmetric isoline were compared with the magnitudes of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) estimates reported for four specific sensors aboard four Earth observation satellites. These results indicated that the error in the asymmetric isoline could be reduced to the level of the SNR by adjusting a single factor

    Wheat Improvement

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    This open-access textbook provides a comprehensive, up-to-date guide for students and practitioners wishing to access in a single volume the key disciplines and principles of wheat breeding. Wheat is a cornerstone of food security: it is the most widely grown of any crop and provides 20% of all human calories and protein. The authorship of this book includes world class researchers and breeders whose expertise spans cutting-edge academic science all the way to impacts in farmers’ fields. The book’s themes and authors were selected to provide a didactic work that considers the background to wheat improvement, current mainstream breeding approaches, and translational research and avant garde technologies that enable new breakthroughs in science to impact productivity. While the volume provides an overview for professionals interested in wheat, many of the ideas and methods presented are equally relevant to small grain cereals and crop improvement in general. The book is affordable, and because it is open access, can be readily shared and translated -- in whole or in part -- to university classes, members of breeding teams (from directors to technicians), conference participants, extension agents and farmers. Given the challenges currently faced by academia, industry and national wheat programs to produce higher crop yields --- often with less inputs and under increasingly harsher climates -- this volume is a timely addition to their toolkit

    WOFEX 2021 : 19th annual workshop, Ostrava, 1th September 2021 : proceedings of papers

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    The workshop WOFEX 2021 (PhD workshop of Faculty of Electrical Engineer-ing and Computer Science) was held on September 1st September 2021 at the VSB – Technical University of Ostrava. The workshop offers an opportunity for students to meet and share their research experiences, to discover commonalities in research and studentship, and to foster a collaborative environment for joint problem solving. PhD students are encouraged to attend in order to ensure a broad, unconfined discussion. In that view, this workshop is intended for students and researchers of this faculty offering opportunities to meet new colleagues.Ostrav