239 research outputs found

    Regulatori struje aktivnih filtara snage za poboljšanje kvalitete snage: Tehnička analiza

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    Non-linear load deteriorates the quality of current waveforms at the point of common coupling of various consumers. Active power filter (APFs) is used to mitigate the most concern harmonic pollution in an electrical network. The controller part is the nucleus of an active power filter configuration. Active power filter performance is affected significantly by the selection of current control techniques. The active filter and its current control must have the capability to track sudden slope variations in the current reference to compensate the distorted current drawn by the voltage source inverter. Therefore, the choice and implementation of the current regulator is more important for the achievement of a satisfactory performance level. In this survey, technical reviews of various types of controllers covering a wide range have been presented. This work also reveals the advantages and disadvantages of the practiced control strategies. The effectiveness of the study will help the researchers to choose the proper control methods for various applicationsof active power filter.Nelinearni tereti pogoršavaju kvalitetu strujnih valova u točki u kojoj se spaja više potrošača. Aktivni filtar snage se koristi za ublažavanje najvažnijeg harmoničkog onečišćenja strujne mreže. Jezgra aktivnog filtra snage je regulator. Na performanse aktivnog filtra snage značajno utječe odabir upravljačke tehnike. Aktivni filtar i njegova tehnika upravljanja strujom moraju imati mogućnost pratiti nagle skokove u referentnoj vrijednosti struje kako bi mogli kompenzirati izobličenja struje koju vuče inverter naponskog izvora. Zato su izbor i implementacija regulatora struje iznimno važni za postizanje zadovoljavajuće razine performansi. U ovom pregledu su predstavljene tehničke recenzije koje pokrivaju širok raspon regulatora. Ovaj rad također otkriva prednosti i mane korištenih strategija upravljanja. Efektivnost ovog pregleda pomoći će istraživačima da izaberu ispravnu metodu upravljanja za različite aplikacije aktivnog filtra snage

    Regulatori struje aktivnih filtara snage za poboljšanje kvalitete snage: Tehnička analiza

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    Non-linear load deteriorates the quality of current waveforms at the point of common coupling of various consumers. Active power filter (APFs) is used to mitigate the most concern harmonic pollution in an electrical network. The controller part is the nucleus of an active power filter configuration. Active power filter performance is affected significantly by the selection of current control techniques. The active filter and its current control must have the capability to track sudden slope variations in the current reference to compensate the distorted current drawn by the voltage source inverter. Therefore, the choice and implementation of the current regulator is more important for the achievement of a satisfactory performance level. In this survey, technical reviews of various types of controllers covering a wide range have been presented. This work also reveals the advantages and disadvantages of the practiced control strategies. The effectiveness of the study will help the researchers to choose the proper control methods for various applicationsof active power filter.Nelinearni tereti pogoršavaju kvalitetu strujnih valova u točki u kojoj se spaja više potrošača. Aktivni filtar snage se koristi za ublažavanje najvažnijeg harmoničkog onečišćenja strujne mreže. Jezgra aktivnog filtra snage je regulator. Na performanse aktivnog filtra snage značajno utječe odabir upravljačke tehnike. Aktivni filtar i njegova tehnika upravljanja strujom moraju imati mogućnost pratiti nagle skokove u referentnoj vrijednosti struje kako bi mogli kompenzirati izobličenja struje koju vuče inverter naponskog izvora. Zato su izbor i implementacija regulatora struje iznimno važni za postizanje zadovoljavajuće razine performansi. U ovom pregledu su predstavljene tehničke recenzije koje pokrivaju širok raspon regulatora. Ovaj rad također otkriva prednosti i mane korištenih strategija upravljanja. Efektivnost ovog pregleda pomoći će istraživačima da izaberu ispravnu metodu upravljanja za različite aplikacije aktivnog filtra snage

    Comprehensive Review on Detection and Classification of Power Quality Disturbances in Utility Grid With Renewable Energy Penetration

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    The global concern with power quality is increasing due to the penetration of renewable energy (RE) sources to cater the energy demands and meet de-carbonization targets. Power quality (PQ) disturbances are found to be more predominant with RE penetration due to the variable outputs and interfacing converters. There is a need to recognize and mitigate PQ disturbances to supply clean power to the consumer. This article presents a critical review of techniques used for detection and classification PQ disturbances in the utility grid with renewable energy penetration. The broad perspective of this review paper is to provide various concepts utilized for extraction of the features to detect and classify the PQ disturbances even in the noisy environment. More than 220 research publications have been critically reviewed, classified and listed for quick reference of the engineers, scientists and academicians working in the power quality area

    Wind Farm Management using Artificial Intelligent Techniques

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    This paper presents a comparative study between genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization methods to determine the optimal proportional–integral (PI) controller parameters for a wind farm management algorithm. This study primarily aims to develop a rapid and stable system by tuning the PI controller, thus providing excellent monitoring for a wind farm system. The wind farm management system supervises the active and reactive power of the wind farm by sending references to each wind generator. This management system ensures that all wind generators achieve their required references. Furthermore, the entire management is included in the normal controlling power set points of the wind farm as designed by a central control system. The performance management of this study is tested through MATLAB/Simulink simulation results for the wind farm based on three doublyfed induction generator

    Applications of Power Electronics:Volume 2

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    Modeling and Design of Digital Electronic Systems

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    The paper is concerned with the modern methodologies for holistic modeling of electronic systems enabling system-on-chip design. The method deals with the functional modeling of complete electronic systems using the behavioral features of Hardware Description Languages or high level languages then targeting programmable devices - mainly Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) - for the rapid prototyping of digital electronic controllers. This approach offers major advantages such as: a unique modeling and evaluation environment for complete power systems, the same environment is used for the rapid prototyping of the digital controller, fast design development, short time to market, a CAD platform independent model, reusability of the model/design, generation of valuable IP, high level hardware/software partitioning of the design is enabled, Concurrent Engineering basic rules (unique EDA environment and common design database) are fulfilled. The recent evolution of such design methodologies is marked through references to case studies of electronic system modeling,simulation, controller design and implementation. Pointers for future trends / evolution of electronic design strategies and tools are given


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    In this paper, different controllers used in synchronization of renewable energy sources are studied. A study regarding the use of artificial intelligence in synchronization of grid connected power converters, efficient method for phase angle detection, frequency variation detection and good performance during voltage depression etc  carried out here. Importance of hybrid controllers over conventional controllers is also presented. Possibility of  Z source T type inverter as an alternate solution to DC-DC converter is explored based on existing works

    Genetic algorithm methodology for the estimation of generated power and harmonic content in photovoltaic generation

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    Producción CientíficaRenewable generation sources like photovoltaic plants are weather dependent and it is hard to predict their behavior. This work proposes a methodology for obtaining a parameterized model that estimates the generated power in a photovoltaic generation system. The proposed methodology uses a genetic algorithm to obtain the mathematical model that best fits the behavior of the generated power through the day. Additionally, using the same methodology, a mathematical model is developed for harmonic distortion estimation that allows one to predict the produced power and its quality. Experimentation is performed using real signals from a photovoltaic system. Eight days from different seasons of the year are selected considering different irradiance conditions to assess the performance of the methodology under different environmental and electrical conditions. The proposed methodology is compared with an artificial neural network, with the results showing an improved performance when using the genetic algorithm methodology.CONACYT (scholarship 415315)FOFI –UAQ 2018 (project FIN201812)PRODEP (project UAQ-PTC-385

    Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population based stochastic optimization technique influenced by the social behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling.PSO shares many similarities with evolutionary computation techniques such as Genetic Algorithms (GA). The system is initialized with a population of random solutions and searches for optima by updating generations. However, unlike GA, PSO has no evolution operators such as crossover and mutation. In PSO, the potential solutions, called particles, fly through the problem space by following the current optimum particles. This book represents the contributions of the top researchers in this field and will serve as a valuable tool for professionals in this interdisciplinary field

    GPU Implementation of DPSO-RE Algorithm for Parameters Identification of Surface PMSM Considering VSI Nonlinearity

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    In this paper, an accurate parameter estimation model of surface permanent magnet synchronous machines (SPMSMs) is established by taking into account voltage-source-inverter (VSI) nonlinearity. A fast dynamic particle swarm optimization (DPSO) algorithm combined with a receptor editing (RE) strategy is proposed to explore the optimal values of parameter estimations. This combination provides an accelerated implementation on graphics processing unit (GPU), and the proposed method is, therefore, referred to as G-DPSORE. In G-DPSO-RE, a dynamic labor division strategy is incorporated into the swarms according to the designed evolutionary factor during the evolution process. Two novel modifications of the movement equation are designed to update the velocity of particles. Moreover, a chaotic-logistic-based immune RE operator is developed to facilitate the global best individual (gBest particle) to explore a potentially better region. Furthermore, a GPU parallel acceleration technique is utilized to speed up parameter estimation procedure. It has been demonstrated that the proposed method is effective for simultaneous estimation of the PMSM parameters and the disturbance voltage (Vdead) due to VSI nonlinearity from experimental data for currents and rotor speed measured with inexpensive equipment. The influence of the VSI nonlinearity on the accuracy of parameter estimation is analyzed