3 research outputs found

    Supporting connectivism in knowledge based engineering with graph theory, filtering techniques and model quality assurance

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    [EN] Mass-customization has forced manufacturing companies to put significant efforts to digitize and automate their engineering and production processes. When new products are to be developed and introduced the production is not alone to be automated. The application of knowledge regarding how the product should be designed and produced based on customer requirements also must be automated. One big academic challenge is helping industry to make sure that the background knowledge of the automated engineering processes still can be understood by its stakeholders throughout the product life cycle. The research presented in this paper aims to build an infrastructure to support a connectivistic view on knowledge in knowledge based engineering. Fundamental concepts in connectivism include network formation and contextualization, which are here addressed by using graph theory together with information filtering techniques and quality assurance of CAD-models. The paper shows how engineering knowledge contained in spreadsheets, knowledge-bases and CAD-models can be penetrated and represented as filtered graphs to support a connectivistic working approach. Three software demonstrators developed to extract filtered graphs are presented and discussed in the paper.The work presented has evolved during the IMPACT project, funded by the Swedish Knowledge Foundation, and has been partly presented on three conferences [8-10]. The three conference papers show the rendering of graphs for CAD-models, spread sheets and KBE-rules together with the first case example in this article. The work has also been partially supported by grant DPI2017-84526-R (MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE), project CAL-MBE.Johansson, J.; Contero, M.; Company, P.; Elgh, F. (2018). Supporting connectivism in knowledge based engineering with graph theory, filtering techniques and model quality assurance. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 38:252-263. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aei.2018.07.005S2522633

    Innovation landscape and challenges of smart technologies and systems - a European perspective

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    Latest developments in smart sensor and actuator technologies are expected to lead to a revolution in future manufacturing systems’ abilities and efficiency, often referred to as Industry 4.0. Smart technologies with higher degrees of autonomy will be essential to achieve the next breakthrough in both agility and productivity. However, the technologies will also bring substantial design and integration challenges and novelty risks to manufacturing businesses. The aim of this paper is to analyse the current landscape and to identify the challenges for introducing smart technologies into manufacturing systems in Europe. Expert knowledge from both industrial and academic practitioners in the field was extracted using an online survey. Feedback from a workshop was used to triangulate and extend the survey results. The findings indicate three main challenges for the ubiquitous implementation of smart technologies in manufacturing are: i) the perceived risk of novel technologies, ii) the complexity of integration, and iii) the consideration of human factors. Recommendations are made based on these findings to transform the landscape for smart manufacturing

    Implementation and management of design systems for highly customized products – state of practice and future research

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    Individualized products, resource-smart design and production, and afocus on customer value have been pointed out as three opportunities for Swedishindustry to stay competitive on a globalized market. All these three opportunitiescan be gained by efficient design and manufacture of highly customized products.However, this requires the development and integration of the knowledge-basedenabling technologies of the future as pointed out by The European Factories ofthe Future Research Association (EFFRA). Highly custom engineered productsrequire an exercising of a very rich and diverse knowledge base about the products,their production and the required resources for design and manufacture. Thedevelopment and implementation of systems for automated design and productionpreparation of customized products is a significant investment in time and money.However, our experience from industry indicates that significant efforts arerequired to introduce and align these kinds of systems with existing operations,legacy systems and overall state of practice. In this paper, support for systemdevelopment in literature has been reviewed in combination with a survey on thestate of practice in four companies regarding implementation and management ofautomated systems for custom engineered products. A gap has been identified anda set of areas for further research are outlined.IMPAC