7 research outputs found

    Software Defined Radio Solutions for Wireless Communications Systems

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    Wireless technologies have been advancing rapidly, especially in the recent years. Design, implementation, and manufacturing of devices supporting the continuously evolving technologies require great efforts. Thus, building platforms compatible with different generations of standards and technologies has gained a lot of interest. As a result, software defined radios (SDRs) are investigated to offer more flexibility and scalability, and reduce the design efforts, compared to the conventional fixed-function hardware-based solutions.This thesis mainly addresses the challenges related to SDR-based implementation of today’s wireless devices. One of the main targets of most of the wireless standards has been to improve the achievable data rates, which imposes strict requirements on the processing platforms. Realizing real-time processing of high throughput signal processing algorithms using SDR-based platforms while maintaining energy consumption close to conventional approaches is a challenging topic that is addressed in this thesis.Firstly, this thesis concentrates on the challenges of a real-time software-based implementation for the very high throughput (VHT) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.11ac amendment from the wireless local area networks (WLAN) family, where an SDR-based solution is introduced for the frequency-domain baseband processing of a multiple-input multipleoutput (MIMO) transmitter and receiver. The feasibility of the implementation is evaluated with respect to the number of clock cycles and the consumed power. Furthermore, a digital front-end (DFE) concept is developed for the IEEE 802.11ac receiver, where the 80 MHz waveform is divided to two 40 MHz signals. This is carried out through time-domain digital filtering and decimation, which is challenging due to the latency and cyclic prefix (CP) budget of the receiver. Different multi-rate channelization architectures are developed, and the software implementation is presented and evaluated in terms of execution time, number of clock cycles, power, and energy consumption on different multi-core platforms.Secondly, this thesis addresses selected advanced techniques developed to realize inband fullduplex (IBFD) systems, which aim at improving spectral efficiency in today’s congested radio spectrum. IBFD refers to concurrent transmission and reception on the same frequency band, where the main challenge to combat is the strong self-interference (SI). In this thesis, an SDRbased solution is introduced, which is capable of real-time mitigation of the SI signal. The implementation results show possibility of achieving real-time sufficient SI suppression under time-varying environments using low-power, mobile-scale multi-core processing platforms. To investigate the challenges associated with SDR implementations for mobile-scale devices with limited processing and power resources, processing platforms suitable for hand-held devices are selected in this thesis work. On the baseband processing side, a very long instruction word (VLIW) processor, optimized for wireless communication applications, is utilized. Furthermore, in the solutions presented for the DFE processing and the digital SI canceller, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) multi-core central processing units (CPUs) and graphics processing units (GPUs) are used with the aim of investigating the performance enhancement achieved by utilizing parallel processing.Overall, this thesis provides solutions to the challenges of low-power, and real-time software-based implementation of computationally intensive signal processing algorithms for the current and future communications systems

    Wireless indoor positioning based on TDOA and DOA estimation techniques using IEEE 802.11 standards

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    Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Diss., 2015von Abdo Nasser Ali Gabe

    Low-complexity frequency synchronization for wireless OFDM systems

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    Research and Technology, 1994

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    This report selectively summarizes the NASA Lewis Research Center's research and technology accomplishments for the fiscal year 1994. It comprises approximately 200 short articles submitted by the staff members of the technical directorates. The report is organized into six major sections: Aeronautics, Aerospace Technology, Space Flight Systems, Engineering and Computational Support, Lewis Research Academy, and Technology Transfer. A table of contents and author index have been developed to assist the reader in finding articles of special interest. This report is not intended to be a comprehensive summary of all research and technology work done over the past fiscal year. Most of the work is reported in Lewis-published technical reports, journal articles, and presentations prepared by Lewis staff members and contractors. In addition, university grants have enabled faculty members and graduate students to engage in sponsored research that is reported at technical meetings or in journal articles. For each article in this report a Lewis contact person has been identified, and where possible, reference documents are listed so that additional information can be easily obtained. The diversity of topics attests to the breadth of research and technology being pursued and to the skill mix of the staff that makes it possible

    Novel neural architectures & algorithms for efficient inference

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    In the last decade, the machine learning universe embraced deep neural networks (DNNs) wholeheartedly with the advent of neural architectures such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs), convolutional neural networks (CNNs), transformers, etc. These models have empowered many applications, such as ChatGPT, Imagen, etc., and have achieved state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on many vision, speech, and language modeling tasks. However, SOTA performance comes with various issues, such as large model size, compute-intensive training, increased inference latency, higher working memory, etc. This thesis aims at improving the resource efficiency of neural architectures, i.e., significantly reducing the computational, storage, and energy consumption of a DNN without any significant loss in performance. Towards this goal, we explore novel neural architectures as well as training algorithms that allow low-capacity models to achieve near SOTA performance. We divide this thesis into two dimensions: \textit{Efficient Low Complexity Models}, and \textit{Input Hardness Adaptive Models}. Along the first dimension, i.e., \textit{Efficient Low Complexity Models}, we improve DNN performance by addressing instabilities in the existing architectures and training methods. We propose novel neural architectures inspired by ordinary differential equations (ODEs) to reinforce input signals and attend to salient feature regions. In addition, we show that carefully designed training schemes improve the performance of existing neural networks. We divide this exploration into two parts: \textsc{(a) Efficient Low Complexity RNNs.} We improve RNN resource efficiency by addressing poor gradients, noise amplifications, and BPTT training issues. First, we improve RNNs by solving ODEs that eliminate vanishing and exploding gradients during the training. To do so, we present Incremental Recurrent Neural Networks (iRNNs) that keep track of increments in the equilibrium surface. Next, we propose Time Adaptive RNNs that mitigate the noise propagation issue in RNNs by modulating the time constants in the ODE-based transition function. We empirically demonstrate the superiority of ODE-based neural architectures over existing RNNs. Finally, we propose Forward Propagation Through Time (FPTT) algorithm for training RNNs. We show that FPTT yields significant gains compared to the more conventional Backward Propagation Through Time (BPTT) scheme. \textsc{(b) Efficient Low Complexity CNNs.} Next, we improve CNN architectures by reducing their resource usage. They require greater depth to generate high-level features, resulting in computationally expensive models. We design a novel residual block, the Global layer, that constrains the input and output features by approximately solving partial differential equations (PDEs). It yields better receptive fields than traditional convolutional blocks and thus results in shallower networks. Further, we reduce the model footprint by enforcing a novel inductive bias that formulates the output of a residual block as a spatial interpolation between high-compute anchor pixels and low-compute cheaper pixels. This results in spatially interpolated convolutional blocks (SI-CNNs) that have better compute and performance trade-offs. Finally, we propose an algorithm that enforces various distributional constraints during training in order to achieve better generalization. We refer to this scheme as distributionally constrained learning (DCL). In the second dimension, i.e., \textit{Input Hardness Adaptive Models}, we introduce the notion of the hardness of any input relative to any architecture. In the first dimension, a neural network allocates the same resources, such as compute, storage, and working memory, for all the inputs. It inherently assumes that all examples are equally hard for a model. In this dimension, we challenge this assumption using input hardness as our reasoning that some inputs are relatively easy for a network to predict compared to others. Input hardness enables us to create selective classifiers wherein a low-capacity network handles simple inputs while abstaining from a prediction on the complex inputs. Next, we create hybrid models that route the hard inputs from the low-capacity abstaining network to a high-capacity expert model. We design various architectures that adhere to this hybrid inference style. Further, input hardness enables us to selectively distill the knowledge of a high-capacity model into a low-capacity model by cleverly discarding hard inputs during the distillation procedure. Finally, we conclude this thesis by sketching out various interesting future research directions that emerge as an extension of different ideas explored in this work

    Exploring the Unknown: Selected Documents in the History of the US Civilian Space Program

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    One of the most important developments of the twentieth century has been the movement of humanity into space with machines and people. The underpinnings of that movement -why it took the shape it did; which individuals and organizations were involved; what factors drove a particular choice of scientific objectives and technologies to be used; and the political, economic, managerial, and international contexts in which the events of the space age unfolded- are all important ingredients of this epoch transition from an earthbound to spacefaring people. This desire to understand the development of spaceflight in the United States sparked this documentary history series. 'Exploring the Unknown' is a multi-volume series containing a selection of key documents in history of the U.S. civil space program. This current volume, Volume III, focusing on the use of space for practical applications, prints 112 key documents on the history of satellite communications, remote sensing of earth, and space as an investment in economic growth, edited for ease of use. Each is introduced by a headnote providing context, bibliographical information, and background information necessary to understanding the document

    Natural Language Processing: Emerging Neural Approaches and Applications

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    This Special Issue highlights the most recent research being carried out in the NLP field to discuss relative open issues, with a particular focus on both emerging approaches for language learning, understanding, production, and grounding interactively or autonomously from data in cognitive and neural systems, as well as on their potential or real applications in different domains