10 research outputs found

    Impact of V2X privacy strategies on intersection collision avoidance systems

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    International audienceUser privacy is a requirement for wireless vehicular communications, and a number of privacy protection strategies have already been developed and standardized. In particular, methods relying on the use of temporary pseudonyms and silent periods have proved their ability to confuse attackers who would attempt to track vehicles. In addition to their ability to protect privacy, it is important to ensure that these privacy strategies do not hinder the safety applications which rely on vehicular communications. This paper addresses this concern and presents an experimental analysis of the impact of privacy strategies on Intersection Collision Avoidance (ICA) systems. We simulate traffic scenarios at a road intersection and compare the ability of a collision avoidance system to avoid collisions for different pseudonym change schemes. The privacy level is analyzed, as well as the influence of the duration of the silent period on the safety performance of the ICA system. The results highlight the need to jointly design safety applications and privacy strategies

    Impact of V2X privacy strategies on intersection collision avoidance systems

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    International audienceUser privacy is a requirement for wireless vehicular communications, and a number of privacy protection strategies have already been developed and standardized. In particular, methods relying on the use of temporary pseudonyms and silent periods have proved their ability to confuse attackers who would attempt to track vehicles. In addition to their ability to protect privacy, it is important to ensure that these privacy strategies do not hinder the safety applications which rely on vehicular communications. This paper addresses this concern and presents an experimental analysis of the impact of privacy strategies on Intersection Collision Avoidance (ICA) systems. We simulate traffic scenarios at a road intersection and compare the ability of a collision avoidance system to avoid collisions for different pseudonym change schemes. The privacy level is analyzed, as well as the influence of the duration of the silent period on the safety performance of the ICA system. The results highlight the need to jointly design safety applications and privacy strategies

    Context-based Pseudonym Changing Scheme for Vehicular Adhoc Networks

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    Vehicular adhoc networks allow vehicles to share their information for safety and traffic efficiency. However, sharing information may threaten the driver privacy because it includes spatiotemporal information and is broadcast publicly and periodically. In this paper, we propose a context-adaptive pseudonym changing scheme which lets a vehicle decide autonomously when to change its pseudonym and how long it should remain silent to ensure unlinkability. This scheme adapts dynamically based on the density of the surrounding traffic and the user privacy preferences. We employ a multi-target tracking algorithm to measure privacy in terms of traceability in realistic vehicle traces. We use Monte Carlo analysis to estimate the quality of service (QoS) of a forward collision warning application when vehicles apply this scheme. According to the experimental results, the proposed scheme provides a better compromise between traceability and QoS than a random silent period scheme.Comment: Extended version of a previous paper "K. Emara, W. Woerndl, and J. Schlichter, "Poster: Context-Adaptive User-Centric Privacy Scheme for VANET," in Proceedings of the 11th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks, SecureComm'15. Dallas, TX, USA: Springer, June 2015.

    A survey on pseudonym changing strategies for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

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    The initial phase of the deployment of Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) has begun and many research challenges still need to be addressed. Location privacy continues to be in the top of these challenges. Indeed, both of academia and industry agreed to apply the pseudonym changing approach as a solution to protect the location privacy of VANETs'users. However, due to the pseudonyms linking attack, a simple changing of pseudonym shown to be inefficient to provide the required protection. For this reason, many pseudonym changing strategies have been suggested to provide an effective pseudonym changing. Unfortunately, the development of an effective pseudonym changing strategy for VANETs is still an open issue. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey and classification of pseudonym changing strategies. We then discuss and compare them with respect to some relevant criteria. Finally, we highlight some current researches, and open issues and give some future directions

    Bayesian & AI driven Embedded Perception and Decision-making. Application to Autonomous Navigation in Complex, Dynamic, Uncertain and Human-populated Environments.Synoptic of Research Activity, Period 2004-20 and beyond

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    Robust perception & Decision-making for safe navigation in open and dynamic environments populated by human beings is an open and challenging scientific problem. Traditional approaches do not provide adequate solutions for these problems, mainly because these environments are partially unknown, open and subject to strong constraints to be satisfied (in particular high dynamicity and uncertainty). This means that the proposed solutions have to take simultaneously into account characteristics such as real-time processing, temporary occultation or false detections, dynamic changes in the scene, prediction of the future dynamic behaviors of the surrounding moving entities, continuous assessment of the collision risk, or decision-making for safe navigation. This research report presents how we have addressed this problem over the two last decades, as well as an outline of our Bayesian & IA approach for solving the Embedded Perception and Decision-making problems

    Visible Light Communication Cyber Security Vulnerabilities For Indoor And Outdoor Vehicle-To-Vehicle Communication

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    Light fidelity (Li-Fi), developed from the approach of Visible Light Communication (VLC), is a great replacement or complement to existing radio frequency-based (RF) networks. Li-Fi is expected to be deployed in various environments were, due to Wi-Fi congestion and health limitations, RF should not be used. Moreover, VLC can provide the future fifth generation (5G) wireless technology with higher data rates for device connectivity which will alleviate the traffic demand. 5G is playing a vital role in encouraging the modern applications. In 2023, the deployment of all the cellular networks will reach more than 5 billion users globally. As a result, the security and privacy of 5G wireless networks is an essential problem as those modern applications are in people\u27s life everywhere. VLC security is as one of the core physical-layer security (PLS) solutions for 5G networks. Due to the fact that light does not penetrate through solid objects or walls, VLC naturally has higher security and privacy for indoor wireless networks compared to RF networks. However, the broadcasting nature of VLC caused concerns, e.g., eavesdropping, have created serious attention as it is a crucial step to validate the success of VLC in wild. The aim of this thesis is to properly address the security issues of VLC and further enhance the VLC nature security. We analyzed the secrecy performance of a VLC model by studying the characteristics of the transmitter, receiver and the visible light channel. Moreover, we mitigated the security threats in the VLC model for the legitimate user, by 1) implementing more access points (APs) in a multiuser VLC network that are cooperated, 2) reducing the semi-angle of LED to help improve the directivity and secrecy and, 3) using the protected zone strategy around the AP where eavesdroppers are restricted. According to the model\u27s parameters, the results showed that the secrecy performance in the proposed indoor VLC model and the vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) VLC outdoor model using a combination of multiple PLS techniques as beamforming, secure communication zones, and friendly jamming is enhanced. The proposed model security performance was measured with respect to the signal to noise ratio (SNR), received optical power, and bit error rate (BER) Matlab simulation results

    Impact of V2X privacy strategies on Intersection Collision Avoidance systems

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    User privacy is a requirement for wireless vehicular communications, and a number of privacy protection strategies have already been developed and standardized. In particular, methods relying on the use of temporary pseudonyms and silent periods have proved their ability to confuse attackers who would attempt to track vehicles. In addition to their ability to protect privacy, it is important to ensure that these privacy strategies do not hinder the safety applications which rely on vehicular communications. This paper addresses this concern and presents an experimental analysis of the impact of privacy strategies on Intersection Collision Avoidance (ICA) systems. We simulate traffic scenarios at a road intersection and compare the ability of a collision avoidance system to avoid collisions for different pseudonym change schemes. The privacy level is analyzed, as well as the influence of the duration of the silent period on the safety performance of the ICA system. The results highlight the need to jointly design safety applications and privacy strategies

    Integración, testado y propuestas de mejora de una unidad de comunicación V2V

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    El propósito de este proyecto es la integración dos unidades de a bordo de comunicación entre vehículos según el estándar ETSI ITS G5, así como la caracterización de los componentes activos en la comunicación y la realización de cálculos teóricos y procesos experimentales para garantizar el correcto funcionamiento del sistema. El software utilizado para la comunicación V2X ha sido software libre desarrollado por el grupo CSS Labs de la Universidad de Paderborn, Alemania. Durante el proyecto, se ha caracterizado la unidad de a bordo mediante experimentos controlados en el laboratorio y finalmente, se ha realizado un experimento de campo final, recreando un entorno real de funcionamiento, que nos permitió medir la fiabilidad de las muestras GPS obtenidas, estimando el error introducido por el sistema GPS y el error acumulativo del odómetro del automóvil, además de conocer si hay relación entre la distancia entre vehículos y los mensajes CAM no recibidos entre las unidades de a bordo.Departamento de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones e Ingeniería TelemáticaMáster en Ingeniería de Telecomunicació

    Cyberphysical Constructs and Concepts for Fully Automated Networked Vehicles

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    Human lives are at stake in networked systems of automated vehicles. Drawing from mature domains where life/safety critical cyberphysical systems have already been deployed as well as from various scientific disciplines, we introduce the SPEC (Safety, Privacy, Efficiency, Cybersecurity) problem which arises in self-organizing and self-healing networks of fully automated terrestrial vehicles, and CMX functionalities intended for vehicular onboard systems. CM stands for Coordinated Mobility, X stands for S, P, E and C. The CMX framework encompasses cyberphysical constructs (cells, cohorts) endowed with proven properties, onboard proactive security modules, unfalsifiable cyberphysical levels, protocols and distributed algorithms for timed-bounded inter-vehicular communications, reliable message dissemination, trusted explicit agreements/coordination, and privacy preserving options that insulate passengers from illegitimate internal cyber-surveillance and external eavesdropping and tracking. We establish inter alia that safety and privacy can be obtained jointly, by design. The focus of this report is on SE properties. Notably, we show how to achieve theoretical absolute safety (0 fatalities and 0 severe injuries in rear-end collisions and pileups) and highest efficiency (smallest safe inter-vehicular gaps) jointly, by design, in spontaneous cohorts of vehicles. Results conveyed in this report shall open new opportunities for innovative research and development of high societal impact.Les vies humaines sont en jeu dans les réseaux de véhicules automatisés, à l’instar de domaines matures où des systèmes critiques en matière de sécurité-innocuité ont déjà été déployés. Les connaissances acquises dans ces domaines ainsi que dans diverses disciplines scientifiques permettent de définir le problème SPEC (Safety, Privacy, Efficiency, Cybersecurity) qui se pose dans les réseaux auto-organisés et auto-réparateurs de véhicules terrestres à conduite entièrement automatisée. On introduit CMX, un ensemble de fonctionnalités destinées aux systèmes bord. CM est l’abréviation de Coordinated Mobility, et X signifie S, P, E et C. L’ensemble CMX repose sur des constructions cyberphysiques (cellules, cohortes) dotées de propriétés prouvées, les concepts de module de sécurité proactif et de niveaux cyberphysiques infalsifiables, des protocoles et des algorithmes distribués pour communications inter-véhiculaires en temps borné, dissémination fiable de messages, coordination et accords explicites dignes de confiance, ainsi que sur des options de protection de la vie privée qui permettent aux passagers d’interdire la cyber-surveillance illégitime interne et externe (écoutes radio et pistage des trajets). On établit qu’il est possible de garantir conjointement sécurité-innocuité (safety) et respect de la vie privée (privacy), par conception. Ce rapport est consacré aux propriétés SE. En particulier, on montre comment obtenir la sécurité-innocuité absolue théorique (taux nul de mortalité et de graves blessures en cas de collisions longitudinales) et maximiser l’efficacité (espaces inter-véhiculaires minimaux) conjointement, par conception, dans les cohortes spontanées de véhicules. Les résultats contenus dans ce rapport devraient ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives de recherche et développement à fort impact sociétal