28 research outputs found

    Human Pose Estimation with Supervoxels

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    This thesis investigates how segmentation as a preprocessing step can reduce both the search space as well as complexity of human pose estimation in the context of smart environments. A 3D reconstruction is computed with a voxel carving algorithm. Based on a superpixel algorithm, these voxels are segmented into supervoxels that are then applied to pictorial structures in 3D to efficiently estimate the human pose. Both static and dynamic gesture recognition applications were developed

    Human Pose Estimation with Supervoxels

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    This thesis investigates how segmentation as a preprocessing step can reduce both the search space as well as complexity of human pose estimation in the context of smart environments. A 3D reconstruction is computed with a voxel carving algorithm. Based on a superpixel algorithm, these voxels are segmented into supervoxels that are then applied to pictorial structures in 3D to efficiently estimate the human pose. Both static and dynamic gesture recognition applications were developed

    Computer-Vision-based surveillance of Intelligent Transportation Systems

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    As salas de controlo operacional e gestão de tráfego funcionam tendo como base informações provenientes de sensores instalados pelas cidades, entre eles câmaras de videovigilância. Na sala de controlo da Câmara Municipal do Porto a extração de informação é feita de forma manual, um processo moroso e pouco fiável. Assim, este trabalho surge no âmbito de uma colaboração entre a empresa Armis Group e a Câmara Municipal do Porto que pretende instalar automatismos para analisar as streams de vídeo na sala de controlo.No entanto, criar estes automatismos apresenta uma série de desafios. As câmaras têm diferentes formatos de saída, estão sujeitas ao clima, o que cria ruído na imagem, diferente luminosidade ao longo do dia e variac˜oes da direc˜ao e zoom conforme a necessidade do operador. Este conjunto de obst´aculos torna imposs´ivel uma abordagem de metodologia u´nica, sendo necess´ario estudar diferentes formas de abordar os diferentes problemas.Se estas dificuldades forem ultrapassadas, implementando soluc˜oes robustas, a produtividade da sala de controlo vai aumentar. Assim, o objetivo ´e implementar algoritmos para a detec˜ao de objetos em movimento e extrac˜ao de informac˜ao com interesse para a sala de controlo, como volumes de tr´afego, contagem de pessoas e acidentes vi´arios. Alguns dos m´etodos j´a explorados incluem Background-Extraction e Feature Tracking e constituem o ponto de partida para a literature review. Com estes dados os operadores da sala de controlo poder˜ao fazer decis˜oes mais informadas para melhorar a rede vi´aria da cidade do Porto a curto e a longo prazo.In this project we tackle the problem of surveillance camera images processing at the Porto Operational Control Center, using state-of-the-art algorithms to detect events of interest automatically. The result of the work will be integrated in a framework being developed at LIACC that will process the video from capture to storage. Since the problems of vehicle and pedestrian detection are hot research topics we will need to implement the best algorithms as of now and build the framework to allow us to update the algorithms in the future.This implementation has however, a series of challenges as cameras have different resolutions and settings as well as not being static, being moved according to the operator commands. Most of the cameras are exposed to the weather, which can deteriorate the performance of the detection algorithms. It is then needed to perform some extra operations to mitigate these issues, such as noise, rain and shadow removal methods. If we manage to overcome these issues and present an application that can effectively detect the desired events, the Control Center will have another tool to even more productively monitor the city

    Video anatomy : spatial-temporal video profile

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)A massive amount of videos are uploaded on video websites, smooth video browsing, editing, retrieval, and summarization are demanded. Most of the videos employ several types of camera operations for expanding field of view, emphasizing events, and expressing cinematic effect. To digest heterogeneous videos in video websites and databases, video clips are profiled to 2D image scroll containing both spatial and temporal information for video preview. The video profile is visually continuous, compact, scalable, and indexing to each frame. This work analyzes the camera kinematics including zoom, translation, and rotation, and categorize camera actions as their combinations. An automatic video summarization framework is proposed and developed. After conventional video clip segmentation and video segmentation for smooth camera operations, the global flow field under all camera actions has been investigated for profiling various types of video. A new algorithm has been designed to extract the major flow direction and convergence factor using condensed images. Then this work proposes a uniform scheme to segment video clips and sections, sample video volume across the major flow, compute flow convergence factor, in order to obtain an intrinsic scene space less influenced by the camera ego-motion. The motion blur technique has also been used to render dynamic targets in the profile. The resulting profile of video can be displayed in a video track to guide the access to video frames, help video editing, and facilitate the applications such as surveillance, visual archiving of environment, video retrieval, and online video preview

    DYNAMIC VISUALIZATIONS: Developing a Framework for Crowd-Based Simulations

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    Since its conception in the 1960s, digital computation has experienced both exponential growth in power and reduction in cost. This has allowed the production of relatively cheap electronics, which are now integrated ubiquitously in daily life. With so much computational data and an ever-increasing accessibility to intelligent objects, the potential for integrating such technologies within architectural systems becomes increasingly viable. Today, dynamic architecture is already emerging across the world; it is inevitable that one day computation will be fully integrated within the infrastructures of our cities. However, as these new forms of dynamic architecture becomes increasingly commonplace, the standard static medium of architectural visualization is no longer satisfactory for representing and visualizing these dynamic spaces, let alone the human interactions within them. Occupancy within a space is already inherently dynamic and becomes even more so with the introduction of these new forms of architecture. This in turn challenges our conventional means of visualizing spaces both in design and communication. To fully represent dynamic architecture, the visualization must be dynamic as well. As such, current single image rendering methods within most existing architectural design pipelines becomes inadequate in portraying both the architectural dynamics of the space, as well as the interaction and influences these dynamics will have with the occupants. This thesis aims to mitigate these shortcomings in architectural visualization by investigating the creation of a crowd simulation tool to facilitate a foundation for a visualization framework that can be continuously built upon based on project needs, which answers the question of how one can utilize current technologies to not only better represent responsive architecture but also to optimize existing visualization methodologies. By using an interdisciplinary approach that brings together architecture, computer science, and game design, it becomes possible to establish a more powerful, flexible, and efficient workflow in creating architectural visualizations. Part One will establish a foundation to this thesis by looking at the state of the current world, its buildings in the sense of dynamic, and the current state of visualization technologies that are being utilized both within architectural design as well as outside of it. Part Two will investigate complex systems and simulation models, as well as investigating ways of integrating them with human behaviors to establish a methodology for creating a working crowd simulation system. Part Three will take the methodology developed within Part Two and integrate it within modern game engines, with the intent of creating an architectural visualization pipeline that can utilize the game engine for both crowd analytics as well as visualization. Part Four will look at some of the various spatial typologies that can be visualized with this tool. Finally, Part Five will speculate on various future directions to improve this tool beyond the current scope of this thesis

    XIII Jornadas de ingeniería telemática (JITEL 2017)

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    Las Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática (JITEL), organizadas por la Asociación de Telemática (ATEL), constituyen un foro propicio de reunión, debate y divulgación para los grupos que imparten docencia e investigan en temas relacionados con las redes y los servicios telemáticos. Con la organización de este evento se pretende fomentar, por un lado el intercambio de experiencias y resultados, además de la comunicación y cooperación entre los grupos de investigación que trabajan en temas relacionados con la telemática. En paralelo a las tradicionales sesiones que caracterizan los congresos científicos, se desea potenciar actividades más abiertas, que estimulen el intercambio de ideas entre los investigadores experimentados y los noveles, así como la creación de vínculos y puntos de encuentro entre los diferentes grupos o equipos de investigación. Para ello, además de invitar a personas relevantes en los campos correspondientes, se van a incluir sesiones de presentación y debate de las líneas y proyectos activos de los mencionados equiposLloret Mauri, J.; Casares Giner, V. (2018). XIII Jornadas de ingeniería telemática (JITEL 2017). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/97612EDITORIA

    Design of a Scenario-Based Immersive Experience Room

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    open1noopenKlopfenstein, Cuno LorenzKlopfenstein, CUNO LOREN

    Representation Challenges

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