4,375 research outputs found

    Origin and assessment of bruises in beef cattle at slaughter

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    Studies of bruises, as detected on carcasses at the slaughterhouse, may provide useful information about the traumatic situations the animals endure during the pre-slaughter period. In this paper, we review scientific data on the prevalence, risk factors and estimation of the age of bruises in beef cattle. Risk factors such as animal characteristics, transport conditions, stocking density, livestock auction and handling of the animals are discussed. Investigation of the age of bruises could provide information on when in the meat chain bruises occur and, could help to pinpoint where preventive measures should be taken, from the stage of collecting the animals on the farm until slaughter. We review the methods available to assess the age of the bruises; data on human forensic research are also included. The feasibility to identify traumatic episodes during the pre-slaughter period, in order to improve animal welfare is discusse

    Molecular evidence for zoonotic transmission of Giardia duodenalis among dairy farm workers in West Bengal, India

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    No study in the past has examined the genetic diversity and zoonotic potential of Giardia duodenalis in dairy cattle in India. To assess the importance of these animals as a source of human G. duodenalis infections and determine the epidemiology of bovine giardiasis in India, fecal samples from 180 calves, heifers and adults and 51 dairy farm workers on two dairy farms in West Bengal, India were genotyped by PCR-RFLP analysis of the β-giardin gene of G. duodenalis followed by DNA sequencing of the nested PCR products. The overall prevalence of G. duodenalis in cattle was 12.2% (22/180), the infection being more prevalent in younger calves than in adult cattle. Zoonotic G. duodenalis Assemblage A1 was identified in both calves and workers although the most prevalent genotype detected in cattle was a novel Assemblage E subgenotype. These findings clearly suggest that there is a potential risk of zoonotic transmission of G. duodenalis infections between cattle and humans on dairy farms in India

    Potential of multi-species livestock farming to improve the sustainability of livestock farms: A review.

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    Diversified farming systems are proposed as a major mechanism to address the many sustainability issues of today's agriculture. Multi-species livestock farming, i.e. keeping two or more animal species simultaneously on the same farm, is an option that has received little attention to date. Moreover, most studies of multi-species livestock farming are limited, usually focusing on selected dimensions of farm sustainability and addressing lower organizational levels (i.e. within the farm) and rather limited time horizons (e.g. a few weeks in a grazing season). Thus, a comprehensive assessment of multi-species livestock farming in terms of farm sustainability is lacking. In this context, we outline and discuss potential benefits and limitations of multi-species livestock farming for livestock farm sustainability from existing literature and list issues on multi-species livestock farming requiring further research. We show that multi-species livestock farming has the potential to improve the three dimensions of sustainability reviewed - economic viability for farmers, environmental soundness and social acceptability by being respectful of animals and humans - as long as locally relevant farming practices are implemented, especially an appropriate stocking rate during grazing. If relevant practices are not observed, multi-species livestock farming may produce undesirable effects, such as competition for resource acquisition during grazing, parasitic cross-infection and more intense work peaks. Therefore, we identify four focal research areas for multi-species livestock farming. First, characterizing the management of multi-species livestock farms. To do this, we suggest considering the integration of production enterprises (e.g. cattle and sheep enterprises) within the farm from three perspectives: farming practices (e.g. grazing management), work organization and sales. Second, exploring the complementarity of livestock species on multi-species livestock farms. This is especially true for species combinations that have been largely ignored (e.g. ruminants and monogastrics), even though they may have potential due to complementary diet compositions and resource-acquisition strategies. Third, assessing the sustainability of multi-species livestock farm scenarios (current or alternative) according to the management practices and production conditions, which requires adapting existing methods/models or developing new ones. Fourth, characterizing conditions for success and obstacles for multi-species livestock farming along the value chain from production to consumption, considering stakeholders' objectives, work habits and constraints. Increasing understanding should help prioritize actions and organize them to scale up multi-species livestock farming

    Morphological re-description and molecular identification of Tabanidae (Diptera) in East Africa

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    Biting flies of the family Tabanidae are important vectors of human and animal diseases across continents. However, records of Africa tabanids are fragmentary and mostly cursory. To improve identification, documentation and description of Tabanidae in East Africa, a baseline survey for the identification and description of Tabanidae in three eastern African countries was conducted. Tabanids from various locations in Uganda (Wakiso District), Tanzania (Tarangire National Park) and Kenya (Shimba Hills National Reserve, Muhaka, Nguruman) were collected. In Uganda, octenol baited F-traps were used to target tabanids, while NG2G traps baited with cow urine and acetone were employed in Kenya and Tanzania. The tabanids were identified using morphological and molecular methods. Morphologically, five genera (Ancala, Tabanus, Atylotus, Chrysops and Haematopota) and fourteen species of the Tabanidae were identified. Among the 14 species identified, six belonged to the genus Tabanus of which two (T. donaldsoni and T. guineensis) had not been described before in East Africa. The greatest diversity of tabanid species were collected from the Shimba Hills National Reserve, while collections from Uganda (around the shores of Lake Victoria) had the fewest number of species. However, the Ancala genus was found in Uganda, but not in Kenya or Tanzania. Maximum likelihood phylogenies of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 (COI) genes sequenced in this study show definite concordance with morphological species identifications, except for Atylotus. This survey will be critical to building a complete checklist of Tabanidae prevalent in the region, expanding knowledge of these important vectors of human and animal diseases

    integrating the rfid identification system for charolaise breeding bulls with 3d imaging for virtual archive creation

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    The individual electronic identification (EID) of cattle based on RFID technology (134.2 kHz ISO standard 11784) will definitely enter into force in European countries as an official means of animal identification from July 2019. Integrating EID with 3D digital images of the animal would lead to the creation of a virtual archive of breeding animals for the evaluation and promotion of morphology associated with economic traits, strategic in beef cattle production. The genetically-encoded morphology of bulls and cows together with the expression in the phenotype were the main drivers of omic technologies of beef cattle production. The evaluation of bulls raised for reproduction is mainly based on the conformation and heritability of traits, which culminates in muscle mass and optimized carcass traits in the offspring destined to be slaughtered. A bottom-up approach by way of SWOT analysis of the current morphological and functional evaluation process for bulls revealed a technological gap. The innovation of the process through the use of smart technologies was tested in the field. The conventional 2D scoring system based on visual inspection by breed experts was carried out on a 3D model of the live animal, which was found to be a faithful reproduction of live animal morphology, thanks to the non significant variance (p > 0.05) of means of the somatic measures determined on the virtual 3D model and on the real bull. The four main groups composing the scoring system of bull morphology can easily be carried out on the 3D model. These are as follows: (1) Muscular condition; (2) Skeletal development; (3) Functional traits; (4) Breed traits. The 3D-Bull model derived from the Structure from Motion (SfM) algorithm displays a high tech profile for the evaluation of animal morphology in an upgraded system

    Temporal dynamics of ovine airway epithelial cell differentiation at an air-liquid interface

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    The respiratory tract and lungs are subject to diverse pathologies with wide-ranging implications for both human and animal welfare. The development and detailed characterization of cell culture models for studying such forms of disease is of critical importance. In recent years the use of air-liquid interface (ALI)-cultured airway epithelial cells has increased markedly, as this method of culture results in the formation of a highly representative, organotypic in vitro model system. In this study we have expanded on previous knowledge of differentiated ovine tracheal epithelial cells by analysing the progression of differentiation over an extensive time course at an ALI. We observed a pseudo-stratified epithelium with ciliation and a concurrent increase in cell layer thickness from 9 days post-ALI with ciliation approaching a maximum level at day 24. A similar pattern was observed with respect to mucus production with intensely stained PAS-positive cells appearing at day 12. Ultrastructural analysis by SEM confirmed the presence of both ciliated cells and mucus globules on the epithelial surface within this time-frame. Trans-epithelial electrical resistance (TEER) peaked at 1049 Ω × cm2 as the cell layer became confluent, followed by a subsequent reduction as differentiation proceeded and stabilization at ~200 Ω × cm2. Importantly, little deterioration or de-differentiation was observed over the 45 day time-course indicating that the model is suitable for long-term experiments

    Engineer and Test a Biodegradable Microneedle Patch to Deliver Meloxicam for Managing Pain in Cattle

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    Microneedle patches are a promising source for transdermal diffusion of macromolecules and are designed to painlessly penetrate the skin. In this study, a biodegradable chitosan microneedle patch to deliver meloxicam for managing pain in cattle was tested. The potential of reuse of the polymeric solution to fabricate the patches, optimization of fabrication, morphological analysis of the microneedle patch and analysis of preservation of the chemical composition after sterilization were evaluated. In-vitro analysis consisted of studying in-vitro penetration mechanical properties, compression testing analysis of microneedle patch, and in-vitro drug release analysis. In-vivo studies were performed to analyze the dissolution capability of the microneedle patch. Results regarding the physical characteristics, chemical composition, and mechanical properties confirmed that rheological properties of the chitosan solution, present significant differences over time, demonstrating that reusing the solution on the fourth day results in failure patches. Morphological characteristics and chemical composition studies revealed that the process of sterilization (ethylene oxide gas) needed for implanting the patches into the skin did not affect the properties of microneedle patches. In-vitro studies showed that approximately 33.02 ± 3.88% of the meloxicam was released over 7 days. A full penetration of the microneedles into the skin can be obtained by applying approximately 3.2 N. In-vivo studies demonstrated that microneedle patches were capable of swelling and dissolving, exhibiting a dissolution percentage of more than 50% of the original height of microneedle after 7 days. No abnormal tissue, swelling, or inflammation was observed in the implanted area. The results of this work show that chitosan biodegradable microneedle patches may be useful to deliver meloxicam to improve pain management of cattle with positive effects for commercial manufacturing

    Engineer and Test a Biodegradable Microneedle Patch to Deliver Meloxicam for Managing Pain in Cattle

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    Microneedle patches are a promising source for transdermal diffusion of macromolecules and are designed to painlessly penetrate the skin. In this study, a biodegradable chitosan microneedle patch to deliver meloxicam for managing pain in cattle was tested. The potential of reuse of the polymeric solution to fabricate the patches, optimization of fabrication, morphological analysis of the microneedle patch and analysis of preservation of the chemical composition after sterilization were evaluated. In-vitro analysis consisted of studying in-vitro penetration mechanical properties, compression testing analysis of microneedle patch, and in-vitro drug release analysis. In-vivo studies were performed to analyze the dissolution capability of the microneedle patch. Results regarding the physical characteristics, chemical composition, and mechanical properties confirmed that rheological properties of the chitosan solution, present significant differences over time, demonstrating that reusing the solution on the fourth day results in failure patches. Morphological characteristics and chemical composition studies revealed that the process of sterilization (ethylene oxide gas) needed for implanting the patches into the skin did not affect the properties of microneedle patches. In-vitro studies showed that approximately 33.02 ± 3.88% of the meloxicam was released over 7 days. A full penetration of the microneedles into the skin can be obtained by applying approximately 3.2 N. In-vivo studies demonstrated that microneedle patches were capable of swelling and dissolving, exhibiting a dissolution percentage of more than 50% of the original height of microneedle after 7 days. No abnormal tissue, swelling, or inflammation was observed in the implanted area. The results of this work show that chitosan biodegradable microneedle patches may be useful to deliver meloxicam to improve pain management of cattle with positive effects for commercial manufacturing

    Bovine breeds identification by trichological analysis.

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    This study aimed to identify bovine breeds through trichological morphology and morphometry and to validate this technique by comparing it with genetic characterization. Animals from Caracu, Curraleiro PĂ©-Duro, Nelore, and Bovino Pantaneiro breeds were studied. Morphological and morphometric analyses of the guard hairs were performed. The cuticular pattern was observed on the shaft and the medulla pattern on the shield of the samples. The cattle genetic characterization was accomplished using microsatellite markers. Statistical analyses were performed using R version 3.2.4 software. Pearson?s correlation test showed a high positive and significant correlation between the matrices generated by trichological and genetic analyses (r = 0,996 and p < 0.001). Trichological analysis is a useful method for cattle breed identification. Its potential for identifying other species of interest for animal production should be studied since it is a simple, low-cost, and non-invasive method
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