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    Evolution of the Aviation Industry: Impact of Digital Transformation of Learning Solutions

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    Growing innovation in the aviation industry and the impact of Covid-19 is driving the transformation of learning strategies. Research has demonstrated the need and growth of digital learning solutions for the future workforce and so the purpose of this dissertation is to examine these new learning experiences and their impact on both academic and business environments in the aviation industry. Based on the literature review of the evolution of the aviation industry, the impact of Covid19, and the digital transformation of learning solutions, an online survey was made and distributed to potential participants. These participants were part of the aviation industry and were asked to answer eight different questions. The first three questions were aimed at the distribution of the population between academic and business environments, and between student/trainee and teacher/trainer, and the distribution of the different digital learning solutions that are being used by them. The next four questions were asked to see the main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of using digital learning solutions. The last question consisted in a space to be filled in with additional observations, if that participants had any. Analysis of the answers allowed to make a SWOT matrix on the use of these digital solutions which then allowed to make a TOWS analysis in order to prepare a strategy to mitigate the negative impact. On this basis, it is recommended that academic and business organizations define adequate stratagies in order to promote the use of these solutions in the future.A crescente inovação na indústria aeronáutica e o impacto do Covid-19 estão a impulsionar a transformação das estratégias de aprendizagem. A investigação tem demonstrado a necessidade e o crescimento de soluções de aprendizagem digital para a mão-de-obra futura e por isso o objectivo desta dissertação é examinar estas novas experiências de aprendizagem e o seu impacto tanto no ambiente académico como empresarial na indústria da aviação. Com base na revisão bibliográfica sobre a evolução da indústria aeronáutica, o impacto do Covid-19, e a transformação digital das soluções de aprendizagem, foi feito um inquérito online que foi distribuído aos potenciais participantes. Estes participantes faziam parte da indústria aeronáutica e foram convidados a responder a oito perguntas diferentes. As três primeiras perguntas destinavam-se à distribuição da população entre ambientes académicos e empresariais, e entre estudante/formando e professor/formador, e à distribuição das diferentes soluções de aprendizagem digital que estão a ser utilizadas pelos mesmos. As quatro perguntas seguintes foram feitas para identificar os principais pontos fortes, fraquezas, oportunidades e ameaças da utilização de soluções de aprendizagem digital. E a última pergunta para ser preenchida com observações adicionais, caso existissem. A análise das respostas permitiu fazer uma matriz SWOT sobre a utilização destas soluções digitais que consequentemente permitiu fazer uma análise TOWS a fim de preparar uma estratégia para mitigar o impacto negativo. Nesta base, recomenda-se que as organizações académicas e empresariais utilizem estratégias diferentes como factor chave para prosperar a utilização de soluções digitais no futuro

    Análise do Projeto Pedagógico do curso de Administração da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia: uma comparação com as demandas para vagas de estágio no mercado de trabalho local

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    Since the formalization of the bachelor degree in Business Administration in Brazil, questions have been asked about the curriculum and the graduation of the graduates of the course. The course, according to literature review, has always aimed to meet business needs. Then, in order to verify if the minimum guidelines regarding the competences and skills of the administrator that the university has the role of forming are being fulfilled and also contribute to the questions about the administrator as an agent of change and transformation of the local reality, this paper aimed to compare the training content proposed in the pedagogical project of the UFU Business Administration course against the requests for internship vacancies in the private and local job market. To achieve this result, a bibliographic and documentary research was developed to compare the pedagogical project proposal with the internship vacancies offered to the students. It was found that the bachelor's degree in Business Administration graduated by UFU has a generalist and comprehensive character, as required by national guidelines, so that students can work in different types of organizations only applying administrative knowledge. On the other hand, it was also found that many organizations require knowledge of specific tools to fully perform their function, and such knowledge is in charge of complementary training.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)Desde a formalização do curso de bacharelado em Administração no Brasil são feitos questionamentos quanto ao currículo e a formação dos egressos do curso. O curso, conforme revisão da literatura, desde sempre teve como finalidade atender a necessidades empresariais. Dessa forma, no intuito de verificar se as diretrizes mínimas quanto a competências e habilidades do administrador que a universidade tem o papel de formar, estão sendo cumpridas e também contribuir para os questionamentos acerca do administrador enquanto agente de mudança e transformação da realidade local, este trabalho buscou realizar uma comparação do conteúdo formativo proposto no projeto pedagógico do curso de Administração da UFU frente às solicitações para vagas de estágio do mercado de trabalho privado e local. Para atingir tal resultado foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental para comparar a proposta do projeto pedagógico com as vagas de estágio oferecidas aos alunos. Verificou-se que a formação do bacharel em Administração formado pela UFU apresenta caráter generalista e abrangente, tal como solicitado pelas diretrizes nacionais, para o discente conseguir atuar em diferentes tipos de organizações somente aplicando o saber administrativo. Por outro lado, também foi possível constatar que muitas organizações exigem o conhecimento de ferramentas especificas para desempenho pleno de sua função, e tal conhecimento fica cargo de formações complementares


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    ABSTRACT E-Paper or electronic paper or electronic ink is a revolutionary material that is I INTRODUCTION In 1970s, the first electronic paper was developed at Xerox's Palo Alto Research centre by Nick Sheridon. Gyricon was the first electronic paper, consisted of small, statically charged balls that were white on one side and black on the other. The text was altered by the presence of an electric field, causes the balls up or down. Joseph Jacobson was developed another type of electronic paper in 1990s, who soon after co-founded the corporation E Ink which formed a business with Philips Components. After two years, two companies are carrying works in the field of development of electronic ink. One is E-ink a company at Cambridge, U.S.A. Second is Xerox doing research effort at Xerox's Palo Alto Research Centre? To build e-paper several different technologies exist, some using plastic substrate and electronic so that the display is flexible. E-paper technology is designed to mimic the appearance of ordinary ink on paper. E-paper reflects light like an ordinary paper and holds text and images without drawing electricity, while allowing the image to be change later .An ideal e-paper display can be read directly in sunlight without the image appearing to be fade. II TECHNOLOGY USED Gyricon Gyricon was the first e-paper developed in 1970s at Xerox's Palo Alto Research Centre. It is composed of polyethylene spheres of about 75 to 106 micrometers across. Each sphere (Janus particle) is composed of black plastic on one side and white plastic on the other which is negatively and positively charged respectively. In a -2319-8354(E) 107 | P a g e www.ijarse.com transparent silicone sheet these spheres are embedded, with each sphere dispersed in a bubble of oil so that every sphere can spin freely. The applied voltage polarity to each pair of electrodes determines whether the black or white side is face-up, hence giving the pixel a white or black look. Using this technology, Japanese company Soken has established a wall with electronic wall-paper at the FPD 2008 exhibition. International Journal Of Advance Research In Science And Engineering http://www.ijarse.com IJARSE, Vol. No.2, Issue No.9, September 2013 ISSN Electrophoretic display These displays form visible images, by rearrange charged colored particles using an applied electric field. In this display, titanium dioxide particles are detached in hydrocarbon oil to which a dark colored dye is added with surfactants and charging agents and then this mixture is placed between two parallel conducting plates. When an electric field is applied to it, the particles will move towards the plate bearing opposite charge. If these particles are accumulate at the front side of the display it looks white as light is reflected back by titanium particles and if these are located at the back side then it appears black because incident light is absorbed by colored dye. By applying suitable voltage to each area of the display to generate a pattern of reflecting and absorbing regions, resulting in the configuration of image in these displays. The electrophoretic technology used by E-ink is the most commonly known and used form of E-paper. Electrowetting In this technology, the shape of water/oil interface is controlled by applying appropriate voltage. The interfacial tension between coating and the water, changes when voltage is applied between electrode and the water resulting in a stacked state. This state is no more stable causing the water to move the oil to one side and results in a partially transparent pixel, or in a white pixel, if a reflective white plane is used. The observer only experiences the average reflection due to the small size of pixels and this reflection forms the basis of reflective display. When no voltage is applied, between the water and a hydrophobic insulate covering of an electrode, the oil forms a flat film, resulting in a coloured pixel. Electrowetting displays have several attractive features. These displays consume low voltage and low power and can be made thin and flat. The switching between white and coloured reflection is fast enough to show video content

    Equity valuation: Nestlé S.A.

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    Equity investment decisions are partially based on expected share price increases. Other factors may influence an investment decision, such as risk, expected dividends and portfolio diversification. In this perspective, one must establish an opinion regarding the value (or expected value) of the issuer. According to Damodaran (2012), three approaches can be used to value a company: option pricing models, discounted cash flow models and relative valuation. Within each approach, different models can be used. Most models include parameters that carry some subjectivity, such as cash flow forecasting, growth rates, market conditions and several others. This means that, even though valuation models are quantitative, valuation is subjective. "If a business is complex and subject to constant change, we’re not smart enough to predict future cash flows" - Warren Buffett. In this study we analyze and value Nestlé, the number one consumer goods company in the world in terms of sales. We then compare our valuation with the market's and conclude whether the company is under or overvalued (under the scope of our assumptions). To do so we use the following valuation methods: Free Cash Flow to the Firm (FCFF) and Relative Valuation through peer group multiples. We then compare our research to an investment bank's to understand whether the valuation (based on the assumptions we make) is realistic. Our results indicate that Nestlé shares were priced below their true value as at 31-12-2016. Therefore, we would have recommended buying the stock at that time.As decisões de investimento em acções são parcialmente baseadas em expectativas de incremento no preço das mesmas. Há outros factores que também podem influenciar esta decisão, tais como o risco, os dividendos esperados e a diversificação da carteira de investimento. Nesta perspectiva, deve-se estabelecer uma opinião relativamente ao valor (ou valor esperado) da empresa emitente. Damodaran (2012) sugere três abordagens que podem ser utilizadas para valorizar uma empresa: modelos de avaliação por opções, modelos de "cash flows" descontados e avaliação relativa. Em cada abordagem diferentes modelos podem ser empregues. A maioria dos modelos inclui parâmetros cuja estimativa é subjectiva, tais como previsões de cash flows, taxas de crescimento, condições de mercado, entre outros. Isto significa que, apesar de os modelos de avaliação serem quantitativos, a avaliação é subjectiva. "Se um negócio é complexo e está sujeito a mudanças constantes, não temos inteligência suficiente para prever cash flows futuros" - Warren Buffett. Nesta dissertação procedemos à análise e avaliação da Nestlé, a maior empresa de bens de consumo actualmente (em termos de vendas). Seguidamente comparamos a nossa avaliação com o preço de mercado das acções da empresa e concluímos se a empresa está sobre ou subvalorizada. Para o fazermos utilizamos os seguintes modelos de avaliação: Free Cash Flow to the Firm (FCFF) e avaliação por comparáveis através de múltiplos. Seguidamente realizamos uma análise comparativa com um relatório de avaliação do Deutsche Bank de forma a verificar se a avaliação (baseada nos nossos pressupostos) é realista. Os nossos resultados indicam que as acções da Nestlé estão subvalorizadas no mercado à data de 31-12-2016, pelo que a nossa recomendação seria de Compra essa data

    A Relational Account of the Causes of Spatial Firm Mobility

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    It is accepted in the literature that exchanges within networks have an ongoing social structure that both enables and constrains the behavior of its members (Pfeffer and Nowak 1976; Uzzi 1996). However, most research in inter-organizational settings has focused on the enabling effects of networks and network structures only, even though some noteworthy exceptions exist (e.g. Romo and Schwartz 1995; Singh and Mitchell 1996). A possible constraining effect of network participation is spatial lock-in, also known as spatial inertia, of a firm. Following Resource Dependence Theory (Pfeffer and Salancik 1978), it can be argued that a firm that makes extensive use of knowledge resources possessed or controlled by external actors for its innovative processes can become dependent on these actors. By themselves, the relationships in which these dependencies exist are non-spatial. However, since geographical proximity is assumed to facilitate the successful exchange of (especially tacit) knowledge through inter-organizational relationships (IORs) (Bretschger 1999), dependency on other firms located in the same region can also lead to dependency on a certain geographical location, and thus to spatial lock-in (Stam 2003). The IORs that are enabling for the firm in terms of its innovative processes act, at the same time, as constraining factors for the spatial behavior of the firm. Similar reasonings can be found in the literature on Territorial Innovation Models (Moulaert and Sekia 2003), which indicates that economic embeddedness in a region can be beneficial for the performance of firms. However, this embeddedness can also lead to dependence on localized inputs and production factors. Due to these dependencies, a firm can become very unlikely to relocate, even if doing so is beneficial from a cost perspective. As Romo and Schwartz state: “Firms are usually too dependent on the material, political and social resources available in the local production culture to risk departure, even when production costs might be substantially reduced (Romo and Schwartz 1995:874).†There currently is, however, only weak empirical evidence for the proposed relationship between the level of (local) embeddedness and a firm’s propensity to relocate. Moreover, several authors even propose that geographical distance in IORs is becoming irrelevant since it effects can be replicated by ICT (Morgan 2004), or high levels of organizational or technological proximity (Kirat and Lung 1999). If this is indeed the case, then participation in localized innovative IORs will have no effect on the spatial behavior of firms, since a firm can operate exactly the same on a different geographical location. The main goal of this research is to provide empirical insights into the effects of a firm’s level of participation in innovative (localized) inter-organizational relationships (IORs) on its propensity to relocate. Based on the above, the following research question has been formulated is “To what extent is the level of embeddedness of a firm in (localized) innovative inter-organizational relationships of influence on its propensity to relocate?†Answering this research question adds to the insights about the constraining effects of networks by focusing on the spatially constraining effect of inter-organizational relationships. This research question will be answered based on a data from a survey among Dutch automation service firms in 2006. In line with earlier research (c.f. Van Dijk and Pellenbarg 2000; Brouwer et al. 2004) an ordinal logit model will be used to relate the relocation propensity of a firm to that firm’s participation in localized innovative IORs, the strength of these IORs, and the level of geographical, organizational and technological proximity. It also provides insight into the question whether or not high levels of technological and organizational proximity can negate the need for geographical proximity in inter-organizational collaboration (Boschma 2005). References: Boschma, R. A. (2005). "Proximity and innovation: A critical assessment." Regional Studies 39(1): 61-74 Bretschger, L. (1999). "Knowledge diffusion and the development of regions." Annals of Regional Science 33(3): 251-268 Brouwer, A. E., I. Mariotti and J. N. van Ommeren (2004). "The firm relocation decision: An empirical investigation." Annals of Regional Science 38(2): 335-347 Van Dijk, J. and P. H. Pellenbarg (2000). "Firm relocation decisions in The Netherlands: An ordered logit approach." Papers in Regional Science 79(1): 191-219 Kirat, T. and Y. Lung (1999). "Innovation and proximity - Territories as loci of collective learning processes." European Urban and Regional Studies 6(1): 27-38 Morgan, K. (2004). "The exaggerated death of geography: Learning, proximity and territorial innovation systems." Journal of Economic Geography 89(1): 3-21 Moulaert, F. and F. Sekia (2003). "Territorial innovation models: A critical review." Regional Studies 37(3): 289-302 Pfeffer, J. and P. Nowak (1976). "Joint-ventures and interorganizational interdependence." Administrative Science Quarterly 21(3): 398-418 Pfeffer, J. and G. R. Salancik (1978). The external control of organizations: A resource dependency perspective. New York, Harper and Row Romo, F. P. and M. Schwartz (1995). "The structural embeddedness of business decisions: The migration of manufacturing plants in New York state, 1960 to 1985." American Sociological Review 60(1): 874-907 Singh, K. and W. Mitchell (1996). "Precarious collaboration: Business survival after partners shut down or form new partnerships." Strategic management journal 17(2): 99-116 Stam, F. C. (2003). Why butterflies don't leave: Locational evolution of evolving enterprises. Utrecht, Utrecht University Uzzi, B. (1996). "The sources and consequences of embeddedness for the economic performance of organizations: The network effect." American Sociological Review 61(4): 674-698

    Innovative language learning: achieving the vision

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    The technologies demonstrated at the InSTIL and EUROCALL 2000 conferences were very inspiring. They gave participants the sense that the technologies of their wildest imaginations are at last materializing, particularly in long awaited advances in speech technologies. Some challenges, however, remain ahead as attempts are made to put these technologies to use in CALL. Past experience demonstrates for example that software designed for recognition of a proficient speaker’s language is different than that required for learner language. It is also evident that while language use may be critical for language acquisition, language use does not necessarily indicate language acquisition. These points were made by Marty, who was working with speech software for French teaching a few years before the current excitement: ...[W]e should keep in mind that the present research and development is aimed only at producing speech easily understandable by natives (e.g., English for native speakers of English) and that the potential markets are industrial (e.g., replacing visual indicators or visual alarms with audio warnings) and in home products (especially toys). Until our needs for improved FL instruction are better understood, it is not likely that those devices will have the voice quality we need. (Marty, 1981:52). If Marty had attended the InSTIL and EUROCALL conferences in 2000, no doubt he would have been very, very impressed. Even though plenty of work remains, we do seem to have very good voice quality in speech synthesis. The question today is how can we best use these emerging technologies, and so Marty’s suggestion that we must better understand our needs in foreign language teaching remains very relevant. What are the needs for foreign language teaching in the 21st century? The papers at EUROCALL 2000 as well as other work in technology, business, and language teaching suggest that we should be prepared for change in the coming years, but what kind of change? The turn of the century seems an appropriate time to examine some of the speculation on the future of language teaching in general, as well as how technology fits into that future. This paper considers these general questions, and then suggests ways in which links might be made between work in second language acquisition (SLA) and CALL in order to put technologies to use for L2 teaching

    Electronic Library “Pskoviana” (structure, content, prospects of development)

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    The aim of work is generalization of experience of introduction of innovative forms of storage, scientific treatment and publication of expeditionary materials of the Pskov dialectal and folklore- ethnographic archive that is a resource base for many research and educational projects. Formed during the field inspection for many decades and constantly executable archive contains a rich both language and culturological information generator about folk traditions, about the features of way of life, management, perception of the world, traditional and new values of carriers of folk culture of the Pskov region. The funds indicated till recently were unevenly used in scientifically-educational aims. If a dialectal archive during a few decades is a source lexicographic and areal researches, on his base ten of research works is written, including dissertations, then rich potential of folklore part of archive on a row of objective reasons was not exposed. Meantime an audiofund contains the records of works of verbal folk work of different genres: songs (ceremonial and calendar), fairy-tales, fables, legends, descriptions of ceremonies (wedding, baptismal, funeral- mention) etc. In addition, present records also are a base for a study and Pskov folk colloquial speech, as traditional folklore, especially in the verbal genres, is created and exists on dialectal basis. The artistic, historical and cultural value of various in a genre, stylish relation works of folklore does not cause doubts, but also their dialectal independence was not once marked by researchers and collectors. The search of NT used on archived business resulted in creation of e-library of texts of "Pskoviana", the source of that is not published before the archived exclusive. Unlike a traditional e-library, that, as a rule, is a mediator between a user and informative resource, the e-library of texts formed by us is such resource. Structural basis of library is made by the electronic databases created on the genre-thematic founding. Created and in 2012 got testifying to state registration electronic databases on themes: the "Verbal recitals of Great Patriotic war", "Traditional child's folklore", "Fairy-tales of the Pskov area". All three bases are placed on the specialized web-site (http://nocpskoviana.pskgu.ru/index.php). The prospects of development of e-library of texts of regional character of "Pskoviana" are set in next directions. Addition and correction of the formed fragments of library. So, for example, the base sanctified to the military theme, where verbal stories are while presented only, is complemented due to genre expansion: a selection is already executed from the archive of texts of songs and chastushkas on a military theme. Introduction of voice files (wherein they are while absent) supporting the "deciphered" texts. Presently in a state of preparation there is forming of collection of fairy-tales in the format of CD, after the publication of that all voice files containing the Pskov fairy-tales will be placed on a web-site. Thematic expansion enclosures databases, primarily in the development of the themes. Creation of databases, based on areal principle. Presently in the stage of forming there is a local base on one of south districts of the Pskov area – Sebeže, located on a border with Latvia and Belorussia. Decision of complex of the research and practice tasks related to informatization of the archived work, the row of the theoretical questions, related to the area of textual criticism, communicative dialectology, folklore, philological regional science, requires working. Thus, experience showed that for positioning of regional specific of traditional folk culture in her speech forms an e-library of texts is most representative. The form of library, structured and at the same time allowing a high degree of variability, allows you to optimally organize archival data. The applied methodologies showed perspective of select direction in-process with the archived material of high-cube. The complex of works carried out during the row of years in final analysis must result in creation of single accessible electronic archive to the users. But already the e-library of "Pskoviana" formed and now on the basis of the Pskov dialectal and folklore-ethnographic archive executes the functions of reliable storage and presentation of folk speech culture and language of Pskov earth

    The moral muteness of managers: an Anglo-American phenomenon? German and British managers and their moral reasoning about environmental sustainability in business

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    Several studies in the Anglo-American context have indicated that managers present themselves as morally neutral employees who act only in the best interest of the company by employing objective skills. The reluctance of managers to use moral arguments in business is further accentuated in the now common argument presented as a neutral fact that the company must always prioritise shareholder value. These and other commercial aims are seen as an objective reality in business, whilst questions about sustainability, environmental problems or fair trade are seen as emotional or moral ones; a phenomenon described as ‘moral muteness’. This research explores whether this ‘moral muteness’ is an Anglo-American phenomenon and/or whether managers in other countries - in this case Germany - might express themselves in a different way. The focus is on moral arguments around environmental sustainability and the implications of this study for cross-cultural management. This article is based on a qualitative, comparative cross-cultural study of British and German managers in the Food Retail and Energy Sectors. In line with the studies mentioned above, British managers placed a strong emphasis on their moral neutrality. In contrast, German managers tended to use moral arguments when discussing corporate greening, often giving such arguments more weight than financial arguments. Overall, the study suggests that the ‘moral muteness’ of managers is a British phenomenon and quite distinct from the German approach. The article ends in a short exploration of how this understanding can help managers better manage people, organisations and change across cultures