42 research outputs found

    International comparative performance of the UK research base : 2011

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    Mapping the Structure and Evolution of Chemistry Research

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    How does our collective scholarly knowledge grow over time? What major areas of science exist and how are they interlinked? Which areas are major knowledge producers; which ones are consumers? Computational scientometrics – the application of bibliometric/scientometric methods to large-scale scholarly datasets – and the communication of results via maps of science might help us answer these questions. This paper represents the results of a prototype study that aims to map the structure and evolution of chemistry research over a 30 year time frame. Information from the combined Science (SCIE) and Social Science (SSCI) Citations Indexes from 2002 was used to generate a disciplinary map of 7,227 journals and 671 journal clusters. Clusters relevant to study the structure and evolution of chemistry were identified using JCR categories and were further clustered into 14 disciplines. The changing scientific composition of these 14 disciplines and their knowledge exchange via citation linkages was computed. Major changes on the dominance, influence, and role of Chemistry, Biology, Biochemistry, and Bioengineering over these 30 years are discussed. The paper concludes with suggestions for future work

    Mapping the Asymmetrical Citation Relationships Between Journals by h-Plots

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    I propose the use of h-plots for visualizing the asymmetric relationships between the citing and cited profiles of journals in a common map. With this exploratory tool, we can understand better the journal's dual roles of citing and being cited in a reference network. The h-plot is introduced and its use is validated with a set of 25 journals belonging to the statistics area. The relatedness factor is considered for describing the relations of citations from a journal “i” to a journal “j,” and the citations from the journal “j” to the journal “i.” More information has been extracted from the h-plot, compared with other statistical techniques for modelling and representing asymmetric data, such as multidimensional unfolding

    Constructing bibliometric networks: A comparison between full and fractional counting

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    The analysis of bibliometric networks, such as co-authorship, bibliographic coupling, and co-citation networks, has received a considerable amount of attention. Much less attention has been paid to the construction of these networks. We point out that different approaches can be taken to construct a bibliometric network. Normally the full counting approach is used, but we propose an alternative fractional counting approach. The basic idea of the fractional counting approach is that each action, such as co-authoring or citing a publication, should have equal weight, regardless of for instance the number of authors, citations, or references of a publication. We present two empirical analyses in which the full and fractional counting approaches yield very different results. These analyses deal with co-authorship networks of universities and bibliographic coupling networks of journals. Based on theoretical considerations and on the empirical analyses, we conclude that for many purposes the fractional counting approach is preferable over the full counting one

    A Bibliometric Analysis of Islamic Accounting Research Indexed by Dimensions.ai

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    This bibliometric study investigated the current state of documents on Islamic accounting published by digital object identifier equipped journals from 1990 to 2020 listed in Dimension. The analysis focused on the trends of the keywords, authors and journals. The data analyzed were 556 publications of research publications in Dimension (https://dimension.ai). Search terms were \u27Islamic accounting\u27. The searches used to establish the study dataset were last updated on November 13, 2020. Descriptive statistical methods were used, and a bibliometric analysis was conducted using the R Biblioshiny to find out the bibliometric map. The number of articles discussing the theme of Islamic accounting has been quite extensive in years, along with the development of Islamic financial institutions. Many journals publish this theme, among which the top journal is the Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research. The most popular keywords used are Islamic, Accounting dan Financial. The most prolific author is Karim RAA, who has been writing since 1990. The country with the most popular and the most number of authors is Malaysia. This study provides an overview of trends in the most popular keywords, journals and authors in articles on the topic of Islamic accounting, thus providing information for researchers focused on research in the field of Islamic accounting. In the end, this theme has the potential to continue to be developed

    Covid-19 and the Role of Halal Food

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    This study aims to determine the map of the development of research on the halal food industry's theme in the COVID-19 pandemic published by indexed journals. The study was conducted in August 2020. The analysis focused on the trends of the topics, keywords, authors and journals. The data analyzed were more than 50 digital object identifier equipped papers. The object of the study is a published journal published from 2019 to 2020. The data is then processed and analyzed using the VOSviewer application program to determine the bibliometric mapping of the development of COVID-19 research and the role of halal food. The results showed that the number of articles discussing the theme of halal food has been quite large in the last two years. Bibliometric visualization shows that the map of the development of COVID-19 research is divided into 4 clusters. Cluster 1 consists of 12 topics, cluster 2 consists of 12 topics, cluster 3 consists of 8 topics, and cluster 4 consists of 8 topics. This study's findings are that there is special attention to the halal industry's development, mostly halal food, to mitigate the prolonged health crisis's impact.This study provides an overview of trends in the most popular topics, keywords, journals and authors in articles on halal food, thus providing information for researchers focused on research in the field of halal food. In the end, this theme has the potential to continue to be developed

    Software survey: VOSviewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping

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    We present VOSviewer, a freely available computer program that we have developed for constructing and viewing bibliometric maps. Unlike most computer programs that are used for bibliometric mapping, VOSviewer pays special attention to the graphical representation of bibliometric maps. The functionality of VOSviewer is especially useful for displaying large bibliometric maps in an easy-to-interpret way. The paper consists of three parts. In the first part, an overview of VOSviewer's functionality for displaying bibliometric maps is provided. In the second part, the technical implementation of specific parts of the program is discussed. Finally, in the third part, VOSviewer's ability to handle large maps is demonstrated by using the program to construct and display a co-citation map of 5,000 major scientific journals

    The Development of Social Simulation as Reflected in the First Ten Years of JASSS: a Citation and Co-Citation Analysis

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    Social simulation is often described as a multidisciplinary and fast-moving field. This can make it difficult to obtain an overview of the field both for contributing researchers and for outsiders who are interested in social simulation. The Journal for Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS) completing its tenth year provides a good opportunity to take stock of what happened over this time period. First, we use citation analysis to identify the most influential publications and to verify characteristics of social simulation such as its multidisciplinary nature. Then, we perform a co-citation analysis to visualize the intellectual structure of social simulation and its development. Overall, the analysis shows social simulation both in its early stage and during its first steps towards becoming a more differentiated discipline.Citation Analysis, Co-Citation Analysis, Lines of Research, Multidisciplinary, Science Studies, Social Simulation