36 research outputs found

    Maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of nonminimum phase and noncausal ARMA models

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    Rank-based estimation for all-pass time series models

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    An autoregressive-moving average model in which all roots of the autoregressive polynomial are reciprocals of roots of the moving average polynomial and vice versa is called an all-pass time series model. All-pass models are useful for identifying and modeling noncausal and noninvertible autoregressive-moving average processes. We establish asymptotic normality and consistency for rank-based estimators of all-pass model parameters. The estimators are obtained by minimizing the rank-based residual dispersion function given by Jaeckel [Ann. Math. Statist. 43 (1972) 1449--1458]. These estimators can have the same asymptotic efficiency as maximum likelihood estimators and are robust. The behavior of the estimators for finite samples is studied via simulation and rank estimation is used in the deconvolution of a simulated water gun seismogram.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053606000001316 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Laboratory for Engineering Man/Machine Systems (LEMS): System identification, model reduction and deconvolution filtering using Fourier based modulating signals and high order statistics

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    Several important problems in the fields of signal processing and model identification, such as system structure identification, frequency response determination, high order model reduction, high resolution frequency analysis, deconvolution filtering, and etc. Each of these topics involves a wide range of applications and has received considerable attention. Using the Fourier based sinusoidal modulating signals, it is shown that a discrete autoregressive model can be constructed for the least squares identification of continuous systems. Some identification algorithms are presented for both SISO and MIMO systems frequency response determination using only transient data. Also, several new schemes for model reduction were developed. Based upon the complex sinusoidal modulating signals, a parametric least squares algorithm for high resolution frequency estimation is proposed. Numerical examples show that the proposed algorithm gives better performance than the usual. Also, the problem was studied of deconvolution and parameter identification of a general noncausal nonminimum phase ARMA system driven by non-Gaussian stationary random processes. Algorithms are introduced for inverse cumulant estimation, both in the frequency domain via the FFT algorithms and in the domain via the least squares algorithm

    Blind deconvolution techniques and applications

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    Estimation of time series models using residuals dependence measures

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    We propose new estimation methods for time series models, possibly noncausal and/or noninvertible, using serial dependence information from the characteristic function of model residuals. This allows to impose the i.i.d. or martingale difference assumptions on the model errors to identify the unknown location of the roots of the lag polynomials for ARMA models without resorting to higher order moments or distributional assumptions. We consider generalized spectral density and cumulative distribution functions to measure residuals dependence at an increasing number of lags under both assumptions and discuss robust inference to higher order dependence when only mean independence is imposed on model errors. We study the consistency and asymptotic distribution of parameter estimates and discuss efficiency when different restrictions on error dependence are used simultaneously, including serial uncorrelation. Optimal weighting of continuous moment conditions yields maximum likelihood efficiency under independence for unknown error distribution. We investigate numerical implementation and finite sample properties of the new classes of estimates.Financial support from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain), grants ECO2017-86009-P and PID2020-114664GB-I00 is gratefully acknowledged

    Spectral estimation for mixed causal-noncausal autoregressive models

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    This paper investigates new ways of estimating and identifying causal, noncausal, and mixed causal-noncausal autoregressive models driven by a non-Gaussian error sequence. We do not assume any parametric distribution function for the innovations. Instead, we use the information of higher-order cumulants, combining the spectrum and the bispectrum in a minimum distance estimation. We show how to circumvent the nonlinearity of the parameters and the multimodality in the noncausal and mixed models by selecting the appropriate initial values in the estimation. In addition, we propose a method of identification using a simple comparison criterion based on the global minimum of the estimation function. By means of a Monte Carlo study, we find unbiased estimated parameters and a correct identification as the data depart from normality. We propose an empirical application on eight monthly commodity prices, finding noncausal and mixed causal-noncausal dynamics

    Frequency domain minimum distance inference for possibly noninvertible and noncausal arma models.

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    This article introduces frequency domain minimum distance procedures for performing inference in general, possibly non causal and/or noninvertible, autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models. We use information from higher order moments to achieve identification on the location of the roots of the AR and MA polynomials for non-Gaussian time series. We propose a minimum distance estimator that optimally combines the information contained in second, third, and fourth moments. Contrary to existing estimators, the proposed one is consistent under general assumptions, and may improve on the efficiency of estimators based on only second order moments. Our procedures are also applicable for processes for which either the third or the fourth order spectral density is the zero function.Supported by Ministerio Economía y Competitividad (Spain), Grants ECO2012-31748, ECO2014-57007p and MDM 2014-0431, and Comunidad de Madrid, MadEco-CM (S2015/HUM- 3444). Supported by Asociación Mexicana de Cultura and from the Mexican Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) under project Grant 151624

    Cumulant based identification approaches for nonminimum phase FIR systems

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In this paper, recursive and least squares methods for identification of nonminimum phase linear time-invariant (NMP-LTI) FIR systems are developed. The methods utilize the second- and third-order cumulants of the output of the FIR system whose input is an independent, identically distributed (i.i.d.) non-Gaussian process. Since knowledge of the system order is of utmost importance to many system identification algorithms, new procedures for determining the order of an FIR system using only the output cumulants are also presented. To illustrate the effectiveness of our methods, various simulation examples are presented

    System identification using a linear combination of cumulant slices

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    In this paper we develop a new linear approach to identify the parameters of a moving average (MA) model from the statistics of the output. First, we show that, under some constraints, the impulse response of the system can be expressed as a linear combination of cumulant slices. Then, this result is used to obtain a new well-conditioned linear method to estimate the MA parameters of a non-Gaussian process. The proposed method presents several important differences with existing linear approaches. The linear combination of slices used to compute the MA parameters can be constructed from dif- ferent sets of cumulants of different orders, providing a general framework where all the statistics can be combined. Further- more, it is not necessary to use second-order statistics (the autocorrelation slice), and therefore the proposed algorithm still provides consistent estimates in the presence of colored Gaussian noise. Another advantage of the method is that while most linear methods developed so far give totally erroneous estimates if the order is overestimated, the proposed approach does not require a previous estimation of the filter order. The simulation results confirm the good numerical conditioning of the algorithm and the improvement in performance with respect to existing methods.Peer Reviewe

    Spectral identification and estimation of mixed causal-noncausal invertible-noninvertible models

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    This paper introduces new techniques for estimating, identifying and simulating mixed causal-noncausal invertible-noninvertible models. We propose a framework that integrates high-order cumulants, merging both the spectrum and bispectrum into a single estimation function. The model that most adequately represents the data under the assumption that the error term is i.i.d. is selected. Our Monte Carlo study reveals unbiased parameter estimates and a high frequency with which correct models are identified. We illustrate our strategy through an empirical analysis of returns from 24 Fama-French emerging market stock portfolios. The findings suggest that each portfolio displays noncausal dynamics, producing white noise residuals devoid of conditional heteroscedastic effects