51 research outputs found

    Improving SLI Performance in Optically Challenging Environments

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    The construction of 3D models of real-world scenes using non-contact methods is an important problem in computer vision. Some of the more successful methods belong to a class of techniques called structured light illumination (SLI). While SLI methods are generally very successful, there are cases where their performance is poor. Examples include scenes with a high dynamic range in albedo or scenes with strong interreflections. These scenes are referred to as optically challenging environments. The work in this dissertation is aimed at improving SLI performance in optically challenging environments. A new method of high dynamic range imaging (HDRI) based on pixel-by-pixel Kalman filtering is developed. Using objective metrics, it is show to achieve as much as a 9.4 dB improvement in signal-to-noise ratio and as much as a 29% improvement in radiometric accuracy over a classic method. Quality checks are developed to detect and quantify multipath interference and other quality defects using phase measuring profilometry (PMP). Techniques are established to improve SLI performance in the presence of strong interreflections. Approaches in compressed sensing are applied to SLI, and interreflections in a scene are modeled using SLI. Several different applications of this research are also discussed

    Extending minkowski norm illuminant estimation

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    The ability to obtain colour images invariant to changes of illumination is called colour constancy. An algorithm for colour constancy takes sensor responses - digital images - as input, estimates the ambient light and returns a corrected image in which the illuminant influence over the colours has been removed. In this thesis we investigate the step of illuminant estimation for colour constancy and aim to extend the state of the art in this field. We first revisit the Minkowski Family Norm framework for illuminant estimation. Because, of all the simple statistical approaches, it is the most general formulation and, crucially, delivers the best results. This thesis makes four technical contributions. First, we reformulate the Minkowski approach to provide better estimation when a constraint on illumination is employed. Second, we show how the method can (by orders of magnitude) be implemented to run much faster than previous algorithms. Third, we show how a simple edge based variant delivers improved estimation compared with the state of the art across many datasets. In contradistinction to the prior state of the art our definition of edges is fixed (a simple combination of first and second derivatives) i.e. we do not tune our algorithm to particular image datasets. This performance is further improved by incorporating a gamut constraint on surface colour -our 4th contribution. The thesis finishes by considering our approach in the context of a recent OSA competition run to benchmark computational algorithms operating on physiologically relevant cone based input data. Here we find that Constrained Minkowski Norms operi ii ating on spectrally sharpened cone sensors (linear combinations of the cones that behave more like camera sensors) supports competition leading illuminant estimation

    Inferring surface shape from specular reflections

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    Scene Reconstruction Beyond Structure-from-Motion and Multi-View Stereo

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    Image-based 3D reconstruction has become a robust technology for recovering accurate and realistic models of real-world objects and scenes. A common pipeline for 3D reconstruction is to first apply Structure-from-Motion (SfM), which recovers relative poses for the input images and sparse geometry for the scene, and then apply Multi-view Stereo (MVS), which estimates a dense depthmap for each image. While this two-stage process is quite effective in many 3D modeling scenarios, there are limits to what can be reconstructed. This dissertation focuses on three particular scenarios where the SfM+MVS pipeline fails and introduces new approaches to accomplish each reconstruction task. First, I introduce a novel method to recover dense surface reconstructions of endoscopic video. In this setting, SfM can generally provide sparse surface structure, but the lack of surface texture as well as complex, changing illumination often causes MVS to fail. To overcome these difficulties, I introduce a method that utilizes SfM both to guide surface reflectance estimation and to regularize shading-based depth reconstruction. I also introduce models of reflectance and illumination that improve the final result. Second, I introduce an approach for augmenting 3D reconstructions from large-scale Internet photo-collections by recovering the 3D position of transient objects --- specifically, people --- in the input imagery. Since no two images can be assumed to capture the same person in the same location, the typical triangulation constraints enjoyed by SfM and MVS cannot be directly applied. I introduce an alternative method to approximately triangulate people who stood in similar locations, aided by a height distribution prior and visibility constraints provided by SfM. The scale of the scene, gravity direction, and per-person ground-surface normals are also recovered. Finally, I introduce the concept of using crowd-sourced imagery to create living 3D reconstructions --- visualizations of real places that include dynamic representations of transient objects. A key difficulty here is that SfM+MVS pipelines often poorly reconstruct ground surfaces given Internet images. To address this, I introduce a volumetric reconstruction approach that leverages scene scale and person placements. Crowd simulation is then employed to add virtual pedestrians to the space and bring the reconstruction "to life."Doctor of Philosoph

    Generating Radiosity Maps on the GPU

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    Global illumination algorithms are used to render photorealistic images of 3D scenes taking into account both direct lighting from the light source and light reflected from other surfaces in the scene. Algorithms based on computing radiosity were among the first to be used to calculate indirect lighting, although they make assumptions that work only for diffusely reflecting surfaces. The classic radiosity approach divides a scene into multiple patches and generates a linear system of equations which, when solved, gives the values for the radiosity leaving each patch. This process can require extensive calculations and is therefore very slow. An alternative to solving a large system of equations is to use a Monte Carlo method of random sampling. In this approach, a large number of rays are shot from each patch into its surroundings and the irradiance values obtained from these rays are averaged to obtain a close approximation to the real value. This thesis proposes the use of a Monte Carlo method to generate radiosity texture maps on graphics hardware. By storing the radiosity values in textures, they are immediately available for rendering, making this algorithm useful for interactive implementations. We have built a framework to run this algorithm and using current graphics cards (NV6800 or higher) it is possible to execute it almost interactively for simple scenes and within relatively low times for more complex scenes

    Outdoor computer vision and weed control

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    NaRPA: Navigation and Rendering Pipeline for Astronautics

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    This paper presents Navigation and Rendering Pipeline for Astronautics (NaRPA) - a novel ray-tracing-based computer graphics engine to model and simulate light transport for space-borne imaging. NaRPA incorporates lighting models with attention to atmospheric and shading effects for the synthesis of space-to-space and ground-to-space virtual observations. In addition to image rendering, the engine also possesses point cloud, depth, and contour map generation capabilities to simulate passive and active vision-based sensors and to facilitate the designing, testing, or verification of visual navigation algorithms. Physically based rendering capabilities of NaRPA and the efficacy of the proposed rendering algorithm are demonstrated using applications in representative space-based environments. A key demonstration includes NaRPA as a tool for generating stereo imagery and application in 3D coordinate estimation using triangulation. Another prominent application of NaRPA includes a novel differentiable rendering approach for image-based attitude estimation is proposed to highlight the efficacy of the NaRPA engine for simulating vision-based navigation and guidance operations.Comment: 49 pages, 22 figure

    Computational Imaging for Shape Understanding

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    Geometry is the essential property of real-world scenes. Understanding the shape of the object is critical to many computer vision applications. In this dissertation, we explore using computational imaging approaches to recover the geometry of real-world scenes. Computational imaging is an emerging technique that uses the co-designs of image hardware and computational software to expand the capacity of traditional cameras. To tackle face recognition in the uncontrolled environment, we study 2D color image and 3D shape to deal with body movement and self-occlusion. Especially, we use multiple RGB-D cameras to fuse the varying pose and register the front face in a unified coordinate system. The deep color feature and geodesic distance feature have been used to complete face recognition. To handle the underwater image application, we study the angular-spatial encoding and polarization state encoding of light rays using computational imaging devices. Specifically, we use the light field camera to tackle the challenging problem of underwater 3D reconstruction. We leverage the angular sampling of the light field for robust depth estimation. We also develop a fast ray marching algorithm to improve the efficiency of the algorithm. To deal with arbitrary reflectance, we investigate polarimetric imaging and develop polarimetric Helmholtz stereopsis that uses reciprocal polarimetric image pairs for high-fidelity 3D surface reconstruction. We formulate new reciprocity and diffuse/specular polarimetric constraints to recover surface depths and normals using an optimization framework. To recover the 3D shape in the unknown and uncontrolled natural illumination, we use two circularly polarized spotlights to boost the polarization cues corrupted by the environment lighting, as well as to provide photometric cues. To mitigate the effect of uncontrolled environment light in photometric constraints, we estimate a lighting proxy map and iteratively refine the normal and lighting estimation. Through expensive experiments on the simulated and real images, we demonstrate that our proposed computational imaging methods outperform traditional imaging approaches

    Measuring and understanding light in real life scenarios

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    Lighting design and modelling (the efficient and aesthetic placement of luminaires in a virtual or real scene) or industrial applications like luminaire planning and commissioning (the luminaire's installation and evaluation process along to the scene's geometry and structure) rely heavily on high realism and physically correct simulations. The current typical approaches are based only on CAD modeling simulations and offline rendering, with long processing times and therefore inflexible workflows. In this thesis we examine whether different camera-aided light modeling and numerical optimization approaches could be used to accurately understand, model and measure the light distribution in real life scenarios within real world environments. We show that factorization techniques could play a semantic role for light decomposition and light source identification, while we contribute a novel benchmark dataset and metrics for it. Thereafter we adapt a well known global illumination model (i.e. radiosity) and we extend it so that to overcome some of its basic limitations related to the assumption of point based only light sources or the adaption of only isotropic light perception sensors. We show that this extended radiosity numerical model can challenge the state-of-the-art in obtaining accurate dense spatial light measurements over time and in different scenarios. Finally we combine the latter model with human-centric sensing information and present how this could be beneficial for smart lighting applications related to quality lighting and power efficiency. Thus, with this work we contribute by setting the baselines for using an RGBD camera input as the only requirement to light modeling methods for light estimation in real life scenarios, and open a new applicability where the illumination modeling can be turned into an interactive process, allowing for real-time modifications and immediate feedback on the spatial illumination of a scene over time towards quality lighting and energy efficient solutions