129 research outputs found

    CloudScope: diagnosing and managing performance interference in multi-tenant clouds

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    © 2015 IEEE.Virtual machine consolidation is attractive in cloud computing platforms for several reasons including reduced infrastructure costs, lower energy consumption and ease of management. However, the interference between co-resident workloads caused by virtualization can violate the service level objectives (SLOs) that the cloud platform guarantees. Existing solutions to minimize interference between virtual machines (VMs) are mostly based on comprehensive micro-benchmarks or online training which makes them computationally intensive. In this paper, we present CloudScope, a system for diagnosing interference for multi-tenant cloud systems in a lightweight way. CloudScope employs a discrete-time Markov Chain model for the online prediction of performance interference of co-resident VMs. It uses the results to optimally (re)assign VMs to physical machines and to optimize the hypervisor configuration, e.g. the CPU share it can use, for different workloads. We have implemented CloudScope on top of the Xen hypervisor and conducted experiments using a set of CPU, disk, and network intensive workloads and a real system (MapReduce). Our results show that CloudScope interference prediction achieves an average error of 9%. The interference-aware scheduler improves VM performance by up to 10% compared to the default scheduler. In addition, the hypervisor reconfiguration can improve network throughput by up to 30%

    On Improving The Performance And Resource Utilization of Consolidated Virtual Machines: Measurement, Modeling, Analysis, and Prediction

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    This dissertation addresses the performance related issues of consolidated \emph{Virtual Machines} (VMs). \emph{Virtualization} is an important technology for the \emph{Cloud} and data centers. Essential features of a data center like the fault tolerance, high-availability, and \emph{pay-as-you-go} model of services are implemented with the help of VMs. Cloud had become one of the significant innovations over the past decade. Research has been going on the deployment of newer and diverse set of applications like the \emph{High-Performance Computing} (HPC), and parallel applications on the Cloud. The primary method to increase the server resource utilization is VM consolidation, running as many VMs as possible on a server is the key to improving the resource utilization. On the other hand, consolidating too many VMs on a server can degrade the performance of all VMs. Therefore, it is necessary to measure, analyze and find ways to predict the performance variation of consolidated VMs. This dissertation investigates the causes of performance variation of consolidated VMs; the relationship between the resource contention and consolidation performance, and ways to predict the performance variation. Experiments have been conducted with real virtualized servers without using any simulation. All the results presented here are real system data. In this dissertation, a methodology is introduced to do the experiments with a large number of tasks and VMs; it is called the \emph{Incremental Consolidation Benchmarking Method} (ICBM). The experiments have been done with different types of resource-intensive tasks, parallel workflow, and VMs. Furthermore, to experiment with a large number of VMs and collect the data; a scheduling framework is also designed and implemented. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the ICBM and framework

    Autonomic Performance-Aware Resource Management in Dynamic IT Service Infrastructures

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    Model-based techniques are a powerful approach to engineering autonomic and self-adaptive systems. This thesis presents a model-based approach for proactive and autonomic performance-aware resource management in dynamic IT infrastructures. Core of the approach is an architecture-level modeling language to describe performance and resource management related aspects in such environments. With this approach, it is possible to autonomically find suitable system configurations at the model level

    Modeling and Prediction of I/O Performance in Virtualized Environments

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    We present a novel performance modeling approach tailored to I/O performance prediction in virtualized environments. The main idea is to identify important performance-influencing factors and to develop storage-level I/O performance models. To increase the practical applicability of these models, we combine the low-level I/O performance models with high-level software architecture models. Our approach is validated in a variety of case studies in state-of-the-art, real-world environments

    Fuzzy Modeling and Control Based Virtual Machine Resource Management

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    Virtual machines (VMs) are powerful platforms for building agile datacenters and emerging cloud systems. However, resource management for a VM-based system is still a challenging task. First, the complexity of application workloads as well as the interference among competing workloads makes it difficult to understand their VMs’ resource demands for meeting their Quality of Service (QoS) targets; Second, the dynamics in the applications and system makes it also difficult to maintain the desired QoS target while the environment changes; Third, the transparency of virtualization presents a hurdle for guest-layer application and host-layer VM scheduler to cooperate and improve application QoS and system efficiency. This dissertation proposes to address the above challenges through fuzzy modeling and control theory based VM resource management. First, a fuzzy-logic-based nonlinear modeling approach is proposed to accurately capture a VM’s complex demands of multiple types of resources automatically online based on the observed workload and resource usages. Second, to enable fast adaption for resource management, the fuzzy modeling approach is integrated with a predictive-control-based controller to form a new Fuzzy Modeling Predictive Control (FMPC) approach which can quickly track the applications’ QoS targets and optimize the resource allocations under dynamic changes in the system. Finally, to address the limitations of black-box-based resource management solutions, a cross-layer optimization approach is proposed to enable cooperation between a VM’s host and guest layers and further improve the application QoS and resource usage efficiency. The above proposed approaches are prototyped and evaluated on a Xen-based virtualized system and evaluated with representative benchmarks including TPC-H, RUBiS, and TerraFly. The results demonstrate that the fuzzy-modeling-based approach improves the accuracy in resource prediction by up to 31.4% compared to conventional regression approaches. The FMPC approach substantially outperforms the traditional linear-model-based predictive control approach in meeting application QoS targets for an oversubscribed system. It is able to manage dynamic VM resource allocations and migrations for over 100 concurrent VMs across multiple hosts with good efficiency. Finally, the cross-layer optimization approach further improves the performance of a virtualized application by up to 40% when the resources are contended by dynamic workloads

    Automated Experiments for Deriving Performance-relevant Properties of Software Execution Environments

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    The execution environment can play a crucial role when analyzing the performance of a software system. However, detecting execution environment properties and integrating such properties into performance analyses is a manual, error-prone task. In this thesis, a novel approach for detecting performance-relevant properties of the software execution environment is presented. These properties are automatically detected using predefined experiments and integrated into performance prediction tools

    Monitoring and analysis system for performance troubleshooting in data centers

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    It was not long ago. On Christmas Eve 2012, a war of troubleshooting began in Amazon data centers. It started at 12:24 PM, with an mistaken deletion of the state data of Amazon Elastic Load Balancing Service (ELB for short), which was not realized at that time. The mistake first led to a local issue that a small number of ELB service APIs were affected. In about six minutes, it evolved into a critical one that EC2 customers were significantly affected. One example was that Netflix, which was using hundreds of Amazon ELB services, was experiencing an extensive streaming service outage when many customers could not watch TV shows or movies on Christmas Eve. It took Amazon engineers 5 hours 42 minutes to find the root cause, the mistaken deletion, and another 15 hours and 32 minutes to fully recover the ELB service. The war ended at 8:15 AM the next day and brought the performance troubleshooting in data centers to world’s attention. As shown in this Amazon ELB case.Troubleshooting runtime performance issues is crucial in time-sensitive multi-tier cloud services because of their stringent end-to-end timing requirements, but it is also notoriously difficult and time consuming. To address the troubleshooting challenge, this dissertation proposes VScope, a flexible monitoring and analysis system for online troubleshooting in data centers. VScope provides primitive operations which data center operators can use to troubleshoot various performance issues. Each operation is essentially a series of monitoring and analysis functions executed on an overlay network. We design a novel software architecture for VScope so that the overlay networks can be generated, executed and terminated automatically, on-demand. From the troubleshooting side, we design novel anomaly detection algorithms and implement them in VScope. By running anomaly detection algorithms in VScope, data center operators are notified when performance anomalies happen. We also design a graph-based guidance approach, called VFocus, which tracks the interactions among hardware and software components in data centers. VFocus provides primitive operations by which operators can analyze the interactions to find out which components are relevant to the performance issue. VScope’s capabilities and performance are evaluated on a testbed with over 1000 virtual machines (VMs). Experimental results show that the VScope runtime negligibly perturbs system and application performance, and requires mere seconds to deploy monitoring and analytics functions on over 1000 nodes. This demonstrates VScope’s ability to support fast operation and online queries against a comprehensive set of application to system/platform level metrics, and a variety of representative analytics functions. When supporting algorithms with high computation complexity, VScope serves as a ‘thin layer’ that occupies no more than 5% of their total latency. Further, by using VFocus, VScope can locate problematic VMs that cannot be found via solely application-level monitoring, and in one of the use cases explored in the dissertation, it operates with levels of perturbation of over 400% less than what is seen for brute-force and most sampling-based approaches. We also validate VFocus with real-world data center traces. The experimental results show that VFocus has troubleshooting accuracy of 83% on average.Ph.D

    Automated Experiments for Deriving Performance-relevant Properties of Software Execution Environments

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    The software execution environment can play a crucial role when analyzing the performance of a software system. In this book, a novel approach for the automated detection of performance-relevant properties of the execution environment is presented. The properties are detected using predefined experiments and integrated into performance prediction tools. The approach is applied to experiments for detecting different CPU, OS, and virtualization properties, and validated in different case studies

    Energy efficient heterogeneous virtualized data centers

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    Meine Dissertation befasst sich mit software-gesteuerter Steigerung der Energie-Effizienz von Rechenzentren. Deren Anteil am weltweiten Gesamtstrombedarf wurde auf 1-2%geschätzt, mit stark steigender Tendenz. Server verursachen oft innerhalb von 3 Jahren Stromkosten, die die Anschaffungskosten übersteigen. Die Steigerung der Effizienz aller Komponenten eines Rechenzentrums ist daher von hoher ökonomischer und ökologischer Bedeutung. Meine Dissertation befasst sich speziell mit dem effizienten Betrieb der Server. Ein Großteil wird sehr ineffizient genutzt, Auslastungsbereiche von 10-20% sind der Normalfall, bei gleichzeitig hohem Strombedarf. In den letzten Jahren wurde im Bereich der Green Data Centers bereits Erhebliches an Forschung geleistet, etwa bei Kühltechniken. Viele Fragestellungen sind jedoch derzeit nur unzureichend oder gar nicht gelöst. Dazu zählt, inwiefern eine virtualisierte und heterogene Server-Infrastruktur möglichst stromsparend betrieben werden kann, ohne dass Dienstqualität und damit Umsatzziele Schaden nehmen. Ein Großteil der bestehenden Arbeiten beschäftigt sich mit homogenen Cluster-Infrastrukturen, deren Rahmenbedingungen nicht annähernd mit Business-Infrastrukturen vergleichbar sind. Hier dürfen verringerte Stromkosten im Allgemeinen nicht durch Umsatzeinbußen zunichte gemacht werden. Insbesondere ist ein automatischer Trade-Off zwischen mehreren Kostenfaktoren, von denen einer der Energiebedarf ist, nur unzureichend erforscht. In meiner Arbeit werden mathematische Modelle und Algorithmen zur Steigerung der Energie-Effizienz von Rechenzentren erforscht und bewertet. Es soll immer nur so viel an stromverbrauchender Hardware online sein, wie zur Bewältigung der momentan anfallenden Arbeitslast notwendig ist. Bei sinkender Arbeitslast wird die Infrastruktur konsolidiert und nicht benötigte Server abgedreht. Bei steigender Arbeitslast werden zusätzliche Server aufgedreht, und die Infrastruktur skaliert. Idealerweise geschieht dies vorausschauend anhand von Prognosen zur Arbeitslastentwicklung. Die Arbeitslast, gekapselt in VMs, wird in beiden Fällen per Live Migration auf andere Server verschoben. Die Frage, welche VM auf welchem Server laufen soll, sodass in Summe möglichst wenig Strom verbraucht wird und gewisse Nebenbedingungen nicht verletzt werden (etwa SLAs), ist ein kombinatorisches Optimierungsproblem in mehreren Variablen. Dieses muss regelmäßig neu gelöst werden, da sich etwa der Ressourcenbedarf der VMs ändert. Weiters sind Server hinsichtlich ihrer Ausstattung und ihres Strombedarfs nicht homogen. Aufgrund der Komplexität ist eine exakte Lösung praktisch unmöglich. Eine Heuristik aus verwandten Problemklassen (vector packing) wird angepasst, ein meta-heuristischer Ansatz aus der Natur (Genetische Algorithmen) umformuliert. Ein einfach konfigurierbares Kostenmodell wird formuliert, um Energieeinsparungen gegenüber der Dienstqualität abzuwägen. Die Lösungsansätze werden mit Load-Balancing verglichen. Zusätzlich werden die Forecasting-Methoden SARIMA und Holt-Winters evaluiert. Weiters werden Modelle entwickelt, die den negativen Einfluss einer Live Migration auf die Dienstqualität voraussagen können, und Ansätze evaluiert, die diesen Einfluss verringern. Abschließend wird untersucht, inwiefern das Protokollieren des Energieverbrauchs Auswirkungen auf Aspekte der Security und Privacy haben kann.My thesis is about increasing the energy efficiency of data centers by using a management software. It was estimated that world-wide data centers already consume 1-2%of the globally provided electrical energy. Furthermore, a typical server causes higher electricity costs over a 3 year lifespan than the purchase cost. Hence, increasing the energy efficiency of all components found in a data center is of high ecological as well as economic importance. The focus of my thesis is to increase the efficiency of servers in a data center. The vast majority of servers in data centers are underutilized for a significant amount of time, operating regions of 10-20%utilization are common. Still, these servers consume huge amounts of energy. A lot of efforts have been made in the area of Green Data Centers during the last years, e.g., regarding cooling efficiency. Nevertheless, there are still many open issues, e.g., operating a virtualized, heterogeneous business infrastructure with the minimum possible power consumption, under the constraint that Quality of Service, and in consequence, revenue are not severely decreased. The majority of existing work is dealing with homogeneous cluster infrastructures, where large assumptions can be made. Especially, an automatic trade-off between competing cost categories, with energy costs being just one of them, is insufficiently studied. In my thesis, I investigate and evaluate mathematical models and algorithms in the context of increasing the energy efficiency of servers in a data center. The amount of online, power consuming resources should at all times be close to the amount of actually required resources. If the workload intensity is decreasing, the infrastructure is consolidated by shutting down servers. If the intensity is rising, the infrastructure is scaled by waking up servers. Ideally, this happens pro-actively by making forecasts about the workload development. Workload is encapsulated in VMs and is live migrated to other servers. The problem of mapping VMs to physical servers in a way that minimizes power consumption, but does not lead to severe Quality of Service violations, is a multi-objective combinatorial optimization problem. It has to be solved frequently as the VMs' resource demands are usually dynamic. Further, servers are not homogeneous regarding their performance and power consumption. Due to the computational complexity, exact solutions are practically intractable. A greedy heuristic stemming from the problem of vector packing and a meta-heuristic genetic algorithm are investigated and evaluated. A configurable cost model is created in order to trade-off energy cost savings with QoS violations. The base for comparison is load balancing. Additionally, the forecasting methods SARIMA and Holt-Winters are evaluated. Further, models able to predict the negative impact of live migration on QoS are developed, and approaches to decrease this impact are investigated. Finally, an examination is carried out regarding the possible consequences of collecting and storing energy consumption data of servers on security and privacy

    Combined power and performance management of virtualized computing environments using limited lookahead control

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    There is growing incentive to reduce the power consumed by large-scale data centers that host online services such as banking, retail commerce, and gaming. Virtualization is a promising approach to consolidating multiple online services onto a smaller number of computing resources. A virtualized server environment allows computing resources to be shared among multiple performance-isolated platforms called virtual machines. By dynamically provisioning virtual machines, consolidating the workload, and turning servers on and off as needed, data center operators can maintain desired service-level agreements with end users while achieving higher server utilization and energy efficiency. This thesis develops an online resource provisioning framework for combined power and performance management in a virtualized computing environment serving sessionbased workloads. We pose this management problem as one of sequential optimization under uncertainty and solve it using limited lookahead control (LLC), a form of modelpredictive control. The approach accounts for the switching costs incurred while provisioning physical and virtual machines, and explicitly encodes the risk of provisioning resources in an uncertain and dynamic operating environment.We experimentally validate the control framework on a multi-tier e-commerce architecture hosting multiple online services. When managed using LLC, the cluster saves, on average, 41% in power-consumption costs over a twenty-four hour period when compared to a system operating without dynamic control. The overhead of the controller is low, compared to the control interval, on the order of a few seconds. We also use trace-based simulations to analyze LLC performance on server clusters larger than our testbed, and show how concepts from approximation theory can be used to further reduce the computational burden of controlling large systems.Ph.D., Computer Engineering -- Drexel University, 200