551 research outputs found

    WiMAX HAPS-based downlink performance employing geometrical and statistical propagation channel characteristics

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    The evolution to a well-expected technology in wireless-communications maturity is in progress. Complementary applications are being suggested for such purposes, which might be possibly effective from the already ongoing research on high-altitude-platform systems. Herein, we introduce a HAPS-based system for delivering broadband communications intended to be operational at L band. A physical-statistical channel model for the HAPSto-fixed-terrestrial terminal provision is derived from urban geometrical radio-coverage considerations with a simple diffraction theory. The stratospheric broadband channel model is fulfi lled with the two channel-state situations related to the direct and specular rays, plus multipath. The fi rst state consists of predicting the performance for which the line-of-sight path can exist between HAPS and the still terminal at street level. The second channel state refers to modeling the statistical fading characteristics for the shadowing condition. The system implementation is approximated and analyzed by performing intensive simulation-aided modeling. The proposed hypotheses use empirical data derived from land-mobile-satellite communication-system records. Because the systems require robust, reliable, and future standardization results, IEEE 802.16â„¢-2004 PHYlayer technical specifi cations are used to accomplish the WiMAX HAPS-based downlink performance evaluation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Contributions to channel modelling and performance estimation of HAPS-based communication systems regarding IEEE Std 802.16TM

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    New and future telecommunication networks are and will be broadband type. The existing terrestrial and space radio communication infrastructures might be supplemented by new wireless networks that make and will make use of aeronautics-technology. Our study/contribution is referring to radio communications based on radio stations aboard a stratospheric platform named, by ITU-R, HAPS (High Altitude Platform Station). These new networks have been proposed as an alternative technology within the ITU framework to provide various narrow/broadband communication services. With the possibility of having a payload for Telecommunications in an aircraft or a balloon (HAPS), it can be carried out radio communications to provide backbone connections on ground and to access to broadband points for ground terminals. The latest implies a complex radio network planning. Therefore, the radio coverage analysis at outdoors and indoors becomes an important issue on the design of new radio systems. In this doctoral thesis, the contribution is related to the HAPS application for terrestrial fixed broadband communications. HAPS was hypothesised as a quasi-static platform with height above ground at the so-called stratospheric layer. Latter contribution was fulfilled by approaching via simulations the outdoor-indoor coverage with a simple efficient computational model at downlink mode. This work was assessing the ITU-R recommendations at bands recognised for the HAPS-based networks. It was contemplated the possibility of operating around 2 GHz (1820 MHz, specifically) because this band is recognised as an alternative for HAPS networks that can provide IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced services. The global broadband radio communication model was composed of three parts: transmitter, channel, and receiver. The transmitter and receiver parts were based on the specifications of the IEEE Std 802.16TM-2009 (with its respective digital transmission techniques for a robust-reliable link), and the channel was subjected to the analysis of radio modelling at the level of HAPS and terrestrial (outdoors plus indoors) parts. For the channel modelling was used the two-state characterisation (physical situations associated with the transmitted/received signals), the state-oriented channel modelling. One of the channel-state contemplated the environmental transmission situation defined by a direct path between transmitter and receiver, and the remaining one regarded the conditions of shadowing. These states were dependent on the elevation angle related to the ray-tracing analysis: within the propagation environment, it was considered that a representative portion of the total energy of the signal was received by a direct or diffracted wave, and the remaining power signal was coming by a specular wave, to last-mentioned waves (rays) were added the scattered and random rays that constituted the diffuse wave. At indoors case, the variations of the transmitted signal were also considering the following matters additionally: the building penetration, construction material, angle of incidence, floor height, position of terminal in the room, and indoor fading; also, these indoors radiocommunications presented different type of paths to reach the receiver: obscured LOS, no LOS (NLOS), and hard NLOS. The evaluation of the feasible performance for the HAPS-to-ground terminal was accomplished by means of thorough simulations. The outcomes of the experiment were presented in terms of BER vs. Eb/N0 plotting, getting significant positive conclusions for these kind of system as access network technology based on HAPS

    Realizing mobile multimedia systems over emerging fourth-generation wireless technologies

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    Thesis (M.Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2001.Includes bibliographical references (p. [161]-167) and index.by Pei-Jeng Kuo.M.Eng

    Comunicações veiculares híbridas

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    Vehicle Communications is a promising research field, with a great potential for the development of new applications capable of improving road safety, traffic efficiency, as well as passenger comfort and infotainment. Vehicle communication technologies can be short-range, such as ETSI ITS-G5 or the 5G PC5 sidelink channel, or long-range, using the cellular network (LTE or 5G). However, none of the technologies alone can support the expected variety of applications for a large number of vehicles, nor all the temporal and spatial requirements of connected and autonomous vehicles. Thus, it is proposed the collaborative or hybrid use of short-range communications, with lower latency, and of long-range technologies, potentially with higher latency, but integrating aggregated data of wider geographic scope. In this context, this work presents a hybrid vehicle communications model, capable of providing connectivity through two Radio Access Technologies (RAT), namely, ETSI ITS-G5 and LTE, to increase the probability of message delivery and, consequently, achieving a more robust, efficient and secure vehicle communication system. The implementation of short-range communication channels is done using Raw Packet Sockets, while the cellular connection is established using the Advanced Messaging Queuing Protocol (AMQP) protocol. The main contribution of this dissertation focuses on the design, implementation and evaluation of a Hybrid Routing Sublayer, capable of isolating messages that are formed/decoded from transmission/reception processes. This layer is, therefore, capable of managing traffic coming/destined to the application layer of intelligent transport systems (ITS), adapting and passing ITS messages between the highest layers of the protocol stack and the available radio access technologies. The Hybrid Routing Sublayer also reduces the financial costs due to the use of cellular communications and increases the efficiency of the use of the available electromagnetic spectrum, by introducing a cellular link controller using a Beacon Detector, which takes informed decisions related to the need to connect to a cellular network, according to different scenarios. The experimental results prove that hybrid vehicular communications meet the requirements of cooperative intelligent transport systems, by taking advantage of the benefits of both communication technologies. When evaluated independently, the ITS-G5 technology has obvious advantages in terms of latency over the LTE technology, while the LTE technology performs better than ITS-G5, in terms of throughput and reliability.As Comunicações Veiculares são um campo de pesquisa promissor, com um grande potencial de desenvolvimento de novas aplicações capazes de melhorar a segurança nas estradas, a eficiência do tráfego, bem com o conforto e entretenimento dos passageiros. As tecnologias de comunicação veícular podem ser de curto alcance, como por exemplo ETSI ITS-G5 ou o canal PC5 do 5G, ou de longo alcance, recorrendo à rede celular (LTE ou 5G). No entanto, nenhuma das tecnologias por si só, consegue suportar a variedade expectável de aplicações para um número de veículos elevado nem tampouco todos os requisitos temporais e espaciais dos veículos conectados e autónomos. Assim, é proposto o uso colaborativo ou híbrido de comunicações de curto alcance, com latências menores, e de tecnologias de longo alcance, potencialmente com maiores latências, mas integrando dados agregados de maior abrangência geográfica. Neste contexto, este trabalho apresenta um modelo de comunicações veiculares híbrido, capaz de fornecer conectividade por meio de duas Tecnologias de Acesso por Rádio (RAT), a saber, ETSI ITS-G5 e LTE, para aumentar a probabilidade de entrega de mensagens e, consequentemente, alcançar um sistema de comunicação veicular mais robusto, eficiente e seguro. A implementação de canais de comunicação de curto alcance é feita usando Raw Packet Sockets, enquanto que a ligação celular é estabelecida usando o protocolo Advanced Messaging Queuing Protocol (AMQP). A contribuição principal desta dissertação foca-se no projeto, implementação e avaliação de uma sub camada hibrída de encaminhamento, capaz de isolar mensagens que se formam/descodificam a partir de processos de transmissão/receção. Esta camadada é, portanto, capaz de gerir o tráfego proveniente/destinado à camada de aplicação de sistemas inteligentes de transportes (ITS) adaptando e passando mensagens ITS entre as camadas mais altas da pilha protocolar e as tecnologias de acesso rádio disponíveis. A sub camada hibrída de encaminhamento também potencia uma redução dos custos financeiros devidos ao uso de comunicações celulares e aumenta a eficiência do uso do espectro electromagnético disponível, ao introduzir um múdulo controlador da ligação celular, utilizando um Beacon Detector, que toma decisões informadas relacionadas com a necessidade de uma conexão a uma rede celular, de acordo com diferentes cenários. Os resultados experimentais comprovam que as comunicações veículares híbridas cumprem os requisitos dos sistemas cooperativos de transporte inteligentes, ao tirarem partido das vantagens de ambas tecnologias de comunicação. Quando avaliadas de forma independente, constata-se que que a tecnologia ITS-G5 tem vantagens evidentes em termos de latência sobre a tecnologia LTE, enquanto que a tecnologia LTE tem melhor desempenho que a LTE, ai nível de débito e fiabilidade.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Multimedia in mobile networks: Streaming techniques, optimization and User Experience

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    1.UMTS overview and User Experience 2.Streaming Service & Streaming Platform 3.Quality of Service 4.Mpeg-4 5.Test Methodology & testing architecture 6.Conclusion

    New ICTs and their implications for regulation

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    Serious Game Engineering and Lighting Models for the Realistic Emulation of 5G Systems

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    [ES] La quinta generación de comunicaciones móviles, 5G, promete ser una revolución tecnológica que vaya más allá de multiplicar la velocidad de transmisión de datos de sus predecesoras. Pretende soportar una gran cantidad de dispositivos y alcanzar latencias muy cercanas a 1 milisegundo. Para satisfacer estos ambiciosos requisitos, se han investigado nuevas tecnologías habilitadoras. Una de ellas es el uso de las bandas de ondas milimétricas (mmW) en las cuales hay una gran cantidad de espectro disponible. Para predecir las características del canal radio y evaluar las prestaciones de la 5G de forma fiable en las bandas mmW se requieren modelos de canal complejos. Concretamente, los modelos de propagación más precisos son los basados en trazado de rayos, pero su alto costo computacional los hacen inviables para la caracterización del canal radio en escenarios complejos. Por otro lado, en los últimos años, la tecnología de videojuegos ha desarrollado potentes herramientas para modelar la propagación de la luz en escenarios superrealistas. Dada la cercanía espectral entre el espectro visible y las ondas mmW, la presente Tesis ha estudiado la aplicación de las herramientas de modelado de propagación de la luz de los motores de juego para el modelado del canal radio en mmW. Esta Tesis propone un modelo de estimación de las pérdidas de propagación en mmW llamado "Modelo de Intensidad de Luz'' (LIM). Usando este modelo, basado en los procesos de iluminación realizados por los motores de juego, los transmisores de señal se sustituyen por focos de luz y la intensidad lumínica recibida en un punto se traduce a potencia de señal en milimétricas a través de una función polinómica sencilla. Una de las ventajas de usar los motores de juego es su gran capacidad y la facilidad que tiene el usuario para crear escenarios superrealistas que representen fielmente la geometría de escenarios donde se quiera evaluar el canal radio. De esta forma se pueden obtener estimaciones precisas de las pérdidas de propagación. La estimación de las pérdidas de propagación con LIM ha sido comparada con campañas de medida en las bandas de 28 GHz y 73 GHz y con otros modelos de propagación. Como resultado, el error de estimación de LIM es menor que los modelos estocásticos actuales y es comparable con el modelo de trazado de rayos. Y, además, el coste computacional de LIM comparado con el trazado de rayos es 130 veces menor, lo que posibilita el uso de LIM en escenarios altamente complejos para la estimación del canal radio en tiempo real. Los motores de juego permiten caracterizar de forma diferente la interacción de los materiales con la luz configurando el mapa de normales de sus superficies y sus funciones de dispersión y reflexión. En esta Tesis se ha determinado la caracterización de varios materiales que mejor se ajusta a medidas de laboratorio realizadas en un escenario controlado en la banda de 28 GHz. El modelo de LIM empleando materiales con esta caracterización óptima reduce más de un 50\% su error de estimación con respecto a la aplicación de LIM con los materiales por defecto, mientras que su coste computacional sigue siendo 26 veces menor que el modelo de trazado de rayos. Finalmente, se ha desarrollado sobre un motor de juego una primera versión de plataforma para la emulación de los sistemas 5G que es el punto de partida para un emulador completo de 5G. Esta plataforma no sólo contiene el modelo de LIM sino que incluye varios casos de uso de la 5G en entornos superrealistas. La plataforma, que se basa en el concepto de "Serious Game Engineering", rompe las limitaciones de los simuladores de redes móviles en cuanto a las capacidades de visualización e interacción del usuario con los componentes de la red en tiempo real.[CA] La cinquena generació de comunicacions mòbils, 5G, promet ser una revolució tecnològica que vaja més enllà de multiplicar la velocitat de transmissió de dades de les seues predecessores. Pretén suportar una gran quantitat de dispositius i aconseguir latències molt pròximes a 1 mil·lisegon. Per a satisfer aquests ambiciosos requisits, s'han investigat noves tecnologies habilitadores. Una d'elles és l'ús de les bandes d'ones mil·limètriques (mmW) en les quals hi ha una gran quantitat d'espectre disponible. Per a predir les característiques del canal ràdio i avaluar les prestacions de la 5G de forma fiable en les bandes mmW es requereixen models de canal complexos. Concretament, els models de propagació més precisos són els basats en traçat de rajos, però el seu alt cost computacional els fan inviables per a la caracterització del canal ràdio en escenaris complexos. D'altra banda, en els últims anys, la tecnologia de videojocs ha desenvolupat potents eines per a modelar la propagació de la llum en escenaris superrealistes. Donada la proximitat espectral entre l'espectre visible i les ones mmW, la present Tesi ha estudiat l'aplicació de les eines de modelatge de propagació de la llum dels motors de joc per al modelatge del canal radie en mmW. Aquesta Tesi proposa un model d'estimació de les pèrdues de propagació en mmW anomenat "Model d'Intensitat de Llum'' (LIM). Usant aquest model, basat en els processos d'il·luminació realitzats pels motors de joc, els transmissors de senyal se substitueixen per focus de llum i la intensitat lumínica rebuda en un punt es tradueix a potència de senyal en mil·limètriques a través d'una funció polinòmica senzilla. Una dels avantatges d'usar els motors de joc és la seua gran capacitat i la facilitat que té l'usuari per a crear escenaris superrealistes que representen fidelment la geometria d'escenaris on es vulga avaluar el canal ràdio. D'aquesta forma es poden obtindre estimacions precises de les pèrdues de propagació. L'estimació de les pèrdues de propagació amb LIM ha sigut comparada amb campanyes de mesura en les bandes de 28~GHz i 73~GHz i amb altres models de propagació. Com a resultat, l'error d'estimació de LIM és menor que els models estocàstics actuals i és comparable amb el model de traçat de rajos. I, a més, el cost computacional de LIM comparat amb el traçat de rajos és 130 vegades menor, la qual cosa possibilita l'ús de LIM en escenaris altament complexos per a l'estimació del canal ràdio en temps real. Els motors de joc permeten caracteritzar de forma diferent la interacció dels materials amb la llum configurant el mapa de normals de les seues superfícies i les seues funcions de dispersió i reflexió. En aquesta Tesi s'ha determinat la caracterització de diversos materials que s'ajusta millor a mesures de laboratori realitzades en un escenari controlat en la banda de 28 GHz. El model de LIM emprant materials amb aquesta caracterització òptima redueix més d'un 50 % el seu error d'estimació respecte a l'aplicació de LIM amb els materials per defecte, mentre que el seu cost computacional continua sent 26 vegades menor que el model de traçat de rajos. Finalment, s'ha desenvolupat sobre un motor de joc una primera versió de plataforma per a l'emulació dels sistemes 5G que és el punt de partida per a un emulador complet de 5G. Aquesta plataforma no solament conté el model de LIM sinó que inclou diversos casos d'ús de la 5G en entorns superrealistes. La plataforma, que es basa en el concepte de "Serious Game Engineering", trenca les limitacions dels simuladors de xarxes mòbils quant a les capacitats de visualització i interacció de l'usuari amb els components de la xarxa en temps real.[EN] The fifth generation of mobile communications, 5G, promises to be a technological revolution that goes beyond multiplying the data transmission speed of its predecessors. It aims to support a large number of devices and reach latencies very close to 1 millisecond. To meet these ambitious requirements, new enabling technologies have been researched. One of these is the use of millimetre-wave bands (mmW) in which a large amount of spectrum is available. Complex channel models are required to predict radio channel characteristics and reliably evaluate 5G performance in the mmW bands. Specifically, the most accurate propagation models are those based on ray tracing, but their high computational cost makes them unfeasible for radio channel characterization in complex scenarios. On the other hand, in recent years, video game technology has developed powerful tools to model the propagation of light in super realistic scenarios. Given the spectral closeness between the visible spectrum and the mmW waves, the present Thesis has studied the application of light propagation modeling tools from game engines for radio channel modeling in mmW. This Thesis proposes a model for estimating propagation losses in mmW called "Light Intensity Model'' (LIM). Using this model, based on the lighting processes performed by the game engines, the signal transmitters are replaced by light sources and the light intensity received at a point is translated into signal strength in mmW through a simple polynomial function. One of the advantages of using the game engines is their great capacity and the ease with which the user can create super realistic scenarios that faithfully represent the geometry of scenarios where the radio channel is to be evaluated. In this way, accurate estimates of propagation losses can be obtained. The estimation of propagation losses with LIM has been compared with measurement campaigns in the 28 GHz and 73 GHz bands and with other propagation models. As a result, the LIM estimation error is smaller than the current stochastic models and is comparable with the ray tracing model. In addition, the computational cost of LIM compared to ray tracing is 130 times lower, allowing the use of LIM in highly complex scenarios for real-time radio channel estimation. The game engines allow to characterize in a different way the interaction of the materials with the light configuring the normal map of their surfaces and their scattering and reflection functions. In this Thesis it has been determined the characterization of several materials that best fits to laboratory measurements made in a controlled scenario in the 28 GHz band. The LIM model using materials with this optimal characterization reduces by more than 50% its estimation error with respect to the application of LIM with default materials, while its computational cost remains 26 times lower than the ray tracing model. Finally, a first version of a platform for the emulation of 5G systems has been developed on a game engine, which is the starting point for a complete 5G emulator. This platform not only contains the LIM model but also includes several 5G use cases in super realistic environments. The platform, which is based on the concept of "`Serious Game Engineering", breaks the limitations of mobile network simulators in terms of visualization capabilities and user interaction with network components in real time.Inca Sánchez, SA. (2019). Serious Game Engineering and Lighting Models for the Realistic Emulation of 5G Systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/132695TESI

    5G Outlook – Innovations and Applications

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    5G Outlook - Innovations and Applications is a collection of the recent research and development in the area of the Fifth Generation Mobile Technology (5G), the future of wireless communications. Plenty of novel ideas and knowledge of the 5G are presented in this book as well as divers applications from health science to business modeling. The authors of different chapters contributed from various countries and organizations. The chapters have also been presented at the 5th IEEE 5G Summit held in Aalborg on July 1, 2016. The book starts with a comprehensive introduction on 5G and its need and requirement. Then millimeter waves as a promising spectrum to 5G technology is discussed. The book continues with the novel and inspiring ideas for the future wireless communication usage and network. Further, some technical issues in signal processing and network design for 5G are presented. Finally, the book ends up with different applications of 5G in distinct areas. Topics widely covered in this book are: • 5G technology from past to present to the future• Millimeter- waves and their characteristics• Signal processing and network design issues for 5G• Applications, business modeling and several novel ideas for the future of 5

    Mobile telecommunication networks and mobile commerce : towards its applications in chinese market

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    La télécommunication mobile connecte les personnes de n'importe où à tout moment. La transmission de la voix et des données à travers les réseaux de télécommunication mobile permet d'envoyer des informations et de diriger des transactions d'une manière nouvelle. Cela crée un nouveau domaine d'affaires qui s'appelle du commerce mobile, une affaire étendue basée sur l'Internet avec de nombreux des caractéristiques uniques ajoutés. Comme un soutien fondamental du plate-forme, les réseaux de la télécommunication mobile joue un rôle essentiel dans le commerce mobile. Leurs caractéristiques techniques et le déploiement déterminent l'essence pour le commerce mobile. Dans cette mémoire, nous étudions et présentons les caractéristiques techniques des technologies communications mobiles du réseau 1G à 3G et au-delà. Nous étudions également les technologies WLAN et WAP qui sont courantes dans le commerce mobile en Chine et dans le monde. Le commerce mobile est en train de se développer, le nombre d'utilisateurs de téléphones mobiles sont de plus en plus en Chine et dans ce monde. Les utilisateurs mobiles énormes en Chine ainsi que la maturité des technologies 3G affichent un fort potentiel pour offrir et d'adopter plus les nouveaux services mobiles. Après réviser l'évolution du commerce mobile et l'histoire du succès i-mode au Japon, nous nous concentrons sur le mobile du marché chinois de manière à découvrir son marché, l'infrastructure du réseau mobile, et le modèle d'affaires. Fondé sur la base de notre enquête sur le commerce mobile chinois, nous présentons, selon notre jugement, les services mobiles et des applications que sont convenables pour la Chine. Parmi eux, nous pensons qu'il y a la tendance sur les services basés sur la localisation et services orientées de l'architectures. Cette tendance peut attirer plus d'attention à offrir de nouveaux services. En plus, elle peut offrir des services d'intégration et de personnalisation qui viennent de fournisseurs de services mobiles et des utilisateurs finaux. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Gestion intégrée et écosystémique, Principe de précaution, Communication entre acteurs, Risques sur l'environnement et la santé
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