93 research outputs found

    Parametric analysis of the stability of a bicycle taking into account geometrical, mass and compliance properties

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    Some studies of bicycle dynamics have applied the Whipple Carvallo bicycle model (WCBM) for the stability analysis. The WCBM is limited, since structural elements are assumed to be rigid bodies. In this paper, the WCBM is extended to include the front assembly lateral compliance, and analysis focuses on the study of the open loop stability of a benchmark bicycle. Experimental tests to identify fork and wheel properties are performed, this data is used in the stability analysis for ranking the influence of design parameters. Indexes from the eigenvalues analysis are applied in a full factorial approach. The results show that introducing front assembly compliance generates a wobble mode with little effect on self-stability. The forward displacement of the centre of mass of the rear frame and the increment in trail lead to large increments in the self-stability, whereas increments in front wheel radius and wheelbase reduce stability

    A robot learning method with physiological interface for teleoperation systems

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    The human operator largely relies on the perception of remote environmental conditions to make timely and correct decisions in a prescribed task when the robot is teleoperated in a remote place. However, due to the unknown and dynamic working environments, the manipulator's performance and efficiency of the human-robot interaction in the tasks may degrade significantly. In this study, a novel method of human-centric interaction, through a physiological interface was presented to capture the information details of the remote operation environments. Simultaneously, in order to relieve workload of the human operator and to improve efficiency of the teleoperation system, an updated regression method was proposed to build up a nonlinear model of demonstration for the prescribed task. Considering that the demonstration data were of various lengths, dynamic time warping algorithm was employed first to synchronize the data over time before proceeding with other steps. The novelty of this method lies in the fact that both the task-specific information and the muscle parameters from the human operator have been taken into account in a single task; therefore, a more natural and safer interaction between the human and the robot could be achieved. The feasibility of the proposed method was demonstrated by experimental results


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    The Lago Mare phase at the end of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) in the Mediterranean has long been known for the Paratethyan affinities of its biota. The taxonomic level of these affinities and their origin, however, is subject to divergent interpretations. Here, we have studied otoliths of the Gobioidei from late Miocene and early Pliocene deposits from Italy and Greece and revised earlier studies including time-equivalent data from Romania and NW Turkey. Nowadays, gobies constitute the most speciose marine fish family in Europe and the most diverse endemic family in the Ponto-Caspian region. Furthermore, they are highly adapted to nearshore shallow marine, brackish, and freshwater environments, which makes them excellent candidates to explore short-term connections of waterways of different nature.             The normal marine late Tortonian and pre-evaporitic Messinian deposits of the studied Italian and Greek locations contained a rich and diverse goby assamblage, but species with Paratethyan affinities were very rare and possibly originated from connections during the early Serravallian (late Badenian) and early Messinian (early Meotian). A rare fauna from a paralic environment from Cessaniti, Calabria, similar to the mangrove environments found in the present-day Guinea coastal area, revealed two species of the family Eleotridae and no gobies with Paratethyan affinities. Cessaniti provides a unique opportunity to recognize the presence of this type of environmental context with a unique gobioid assemblage in the Neogene of Europe. The shallow-water brackish-influenced sediments of Strada degli Archi just below the MSC show an increasing influence of Paratethyan gobiid taxa (Proterorhinus yigitbasi, Zosterisessor exsul n. sp.), which are not present in time-equivalent normal marine environments, but have also been identified in the Dacic Basin of Romania. Sediments of the stage 3 ot the MSC, especially those that accumulated during the Lago Mare event, were dominated by a diverse goby assemblage with Paratethyan affinities, while indigenous Mediterranean goby taxa disappeared probably because of the lack of suitable conditions for neritic demersal stenohaline fishes, except for the nektonic Aphia minuta. The sediments of the stage 3 of the MSC also included in one particular location and level the unusual Enigmacottus socialis n. gen., n. sp., a putative member of the family Psychrolutidae of uncertain origin, which constitutes about 70% of all otoliths obtained from that interval in Italy. Beginning with the Zanclean, the goby assemblage of the Mediterranean shows an almost exclusively Atlantic-Mediterranean composition.             A total of 15 new species are described, 12 in the family Gobiidae, two of the Eleotridae, and one putative Psychrolutidae. The new taxa are: Eleotris omuamuaensis n. sp., Eleotris tyrrhenicus n. sp., Lesueurigobius stazzanensis n. sp., Gobius peloponnesus n. sp., Proterorhinus cretensis n. sp., Zosterisessor exsul n. sp., Benthophilus aprutinus n. sp., Benthophilus labronicus n. sp., Caspiosoma lini n. sp., Caspiosoma paulisulcata n. sp., Thorogobius petilus n. sp., Buenia pisiformis n. sp., Hesperichthys gironeae n. sp., Knipowitschia etrusca n. sp., and Enigmacottus socialis n. gen. et n. sp

    A Synoptic Review of the Eocene (Ypresian) Cartilaginous Fishes (Chondrichthyes: Holocephali, Elasmobranchii) of the Bolca Konservat-Lagerstätte, Italy

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    Here, we review and discuss the records and taxonomy of the Ypresian (Eocene) chondrichthyans from the famous Bolca Konservat-Lagerstätte in northeastern Italy. Despite the outstanding diversity and the numerous studies focusing on the actinopterygian faunas from Pesciara and Monte Postale, the current knowledge about the systematics, taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships of the cartilaginous fishes from these Eocene sites remains elusive and largely inadequate. The celebrated Eocene Bolca Lagerstätte has yielded several exquisitely preserved articulated remains of chondrichthyan fishes in which delicate structures and soft tissues are preserved, as well as isolated teeth. The cartilaginous fish assemblage of Bolca comprises at least 17 species-level taxa belonging to 10 families in 6 orders, including selachians (Carcharhiniformes, Lamniformes), batoids (Torpediniformes, Myliobatiformes, Rajiformes) and holocephalans (Chimaeriformes). The occurrence of holocephalans represented by an isolated fin-spine of the chimeroid Ischyodus in the Bolca assemblage is reported here for the first time and represents the first record of chimeroids in the Eocene of Italy and also southern Europe. The Bolca chondrichthyan assemblage is remarkably different from those of other contemporaneous Boreal or Tethyan deposits, suggesting that its taxonomic composition is largely influenced by the palaeoenvironmental context. However, this synoptic review also highlights the importance of detailed revisions of all chondrichthyan remains from the Bolca Konservat-Lagerstätten

    Kaiten dendoki no enkodaresu kakudo suiteiho

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    L’Europa è oggi attraversata da una forte domanda di autonomia da parte dei territori: da un lato, a tutela dell’identità delle comunità locali e, dall’altro, per la crescente rivendicazione di una più ampia rappresentanza delle cittadinanze. Queste istanze possono, però, mettere a rischio gli obiettivi di equilibrio e di coesione economica, sociale e territoriale, da sempre al centro della riflessione e delle proposte sviluppate dagli studiosi delle scienze regionali. La recente crisi ha acuito l’instabilità e allargato i complessivi divari tra le regioni, anche nella loro dinamica interna di evoluzione. Alla resilienza economica non sempre è corrisposto, nell’attuale transizione verso un nuovo paradigma, il mantenimento di solidi livelli di coesione sociale e di integrazione tra aree e comunità. Il volume raccoglie una selezione di contributi presentati alla XXXIX Conferenza Italiana di Scienze Regionali, svoltasi a Bolzano il 17, 18 e 19 settembre 2018. Nella sua articolazione, esso si sviluppa in tre parti. La prima analizza il tema della domanda di autonomia da parte dei territori all’interno dello sviluppo economico e sociale di regioni e paesi, e dell’attuale dibattito sul federalismo differenziato. Nella seconda le riflessioni si estendono alla crescente disparità tra aree centrali e aree periferiche, tra aree interne e aree esposte, tra Nord e Sud dei Paesi e dell’Europa, mentre nella terza parte, l’analisi guarda ai mutevoli equilibri tra territori e sistemi locali urbani e rurali, tra pianura e montagna e, all’interno delle aree montane, tra i fondivalle maggiormente urbanizzati e i territori di alta quota, zone spesso di confine tra province, regioni e stati. La novità editoriale di quest’anno è rappresentata da uno spazio dedicato a brevi contributi a cura di giovani autori vincitori dei premi AISRe.Europe is today crossed by a strong demand for autonomy from the territories: to protect the identity of local communities and, also analyze the growing demand for a broader representation of citizens. However, these issues can jeopardize the objectives of balance and economic, social and territorial cohesion, which have always been at the center of the reflection and proposals developed by scholars of regional sciences. The recent crisis has worsened instability and widened the overall gaps between the regions, including in their internal dynamics of evolution. Economic resilience is not always matched, in the current transition towards a new paradigm, by maintaining solid levels of social cohesion and integration between areas and communities. The volume collects a selection of contributions presented at the XXXIX Italian Conference of Regional Science, held in Bolzano on 17, 18 and 19 September 2018. The volume is divided into three parts. The first analyzes the issue of the demand for autonomy by the territories within the economic and social development of regions and countries, and the current debate on differentiated federalism. In the second, the reflections extend to the growing disparity between central and peripheral areas, between internal and exposed areas, between North and South of countries and Europe, while in the third part, the analysis looks at the changing balance between territories and systems. urban and rural areas, between plains and mountains and, within mountain areas, between the most urbanized valleys and high altitude territories, areas often bordering provinces, regions and states. This year ia space is dedicated to short contributions by young authors who have won the AISRe Awards

    Online Recognition of Environment Properties by Using Bilateral Control

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    The topic of this thesis is identification of the mechanical impedance of an unknown environment. Through the use of bilateral control based on DOB and RFOB structures, position, speed and force information are gathered and analyzed while performing continuous contact with the environment. The nonlinear Hunt-Crossley model is preferred over the classic Kelvin-Voigt model. Particular attention is given to the precise recognition of contact and the detection of an occurring deformation.ope

    Joint friction estimation and slip prediction of biped walking robots

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    Friction is a nonlinear and complex phenomenon. It is unwanted at the biped joints since it deteriorates the robot’s walking performance in terms of speed and dynamic behavior. On the other hand, it is desired and required between the biped feet and the walking surface to facilitate locomotion. Further, friction forces between the feet and the ground determine the maximum acceleration and deceleration that the robot can afford without foot slip. Although several friction models are developed, there is no exact model that represents the friction behavior. This is why online friction estimation and compensation enter the picture. However, when online model-free estimation is difficult, a model-based method of online identification can prove useful. This thesis proposes a new approach for the joint friction estimation and slip prediction of walking biped robots. The joint friction estimation approach is based on the combination of a measurementbased strategy and a model-based method. The former is used to estimate the joint friction online when the foot is in contact with the ground, it utilizes the force and acceleration measurements in a reduced dynamical model of the biped. The latter adopts a friction model to represent the joint friction when the leg is swinging. The model parameters are identified adaptively using the estimated online friction whenever the foot is in contact. Then the estimated joint friction contributes to joint torque control signals to improve the control performance. The slip prediction is a model-free friction-behavior-inspired approach. A measurement-based online algorithm is designed to estimate the Coulomb friction which is regarded as a slip threshold. To predict the slip, a safety margin is introduced in the negative vicinity of the estimated Coulomb friction. The estimation algorithm concludes that if the applied force is outside the safety margin, then the foot tends to slip. The proposed estimation approaches are validated by experiments on SURALP (Sabanci University Robotics Research Laboratory Platform) and simulations on its model. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of these methods