117 research outputs found

    Trolley motion control based on S-shaped velocity profile for quay crane cargo oscillation comparison

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    Quay cranes are used to move containers from ship to store in minimum time so that the load reaches its destination without payload oscillation. During the operations, containers are suspended by cables and it’s free to swing by motion. This paper investigates the two different velocity profiling techniques used for quay crane control and cargo stabilization. A laboratory scaled model of a crane is used to experimentally research, where the trolley acceleration is used as input, for suppressing the container sway. The residual cargo oscillation problems using different velocity profiles are discussed. Article in English. Krantinės krano vežimėlio judėjimo valdymas taikant S formos greičio profilį siekiant palyginti krantinės krano krovinio svyravimus Santrauka Krantinės kranai yra naudojami konteineriams transportuoti iš laivo į krantą siekiant užtikrinti minimalų krovos laiką taip, kad krovinys pasiektų savo tikslą esant minimaliems svyravimas. Atliekant tokius krovos darbus krantinės kranu konteineris kabo ant lynų, todėl dėl transportavimo judesių gali atsirasti svyravimų. Šiame darbe analizuojami du skirtingi greičio profiliai, naudojami krantinės krano vežimėlio judesiui valdyti ir kroviniui stabili­zuoti. Eksperimentiniams tyrimams buvo panaudotas mažesnio mastelio laboratorinis krantinės krano modelis, kuriame valdomas vežimėlio pagreitis naudojamas konteinerio svyravimams slopinti. Darbe analizuojama išliekamųjų svyravimų problema ir skirtingų greičio valdymo profilių įtaka šiems svyravimams. Reikšminiai žodžiai: konteinerinis kranas, krovimo procesas, konteinerio svyravimai, eksperimentinė analizė, valdymo sistemos, greičio profiliavimas, trapecinis profilis, S formos profilis

    Digital games based language Learning for Arabic literacy remedial

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    Digital gameplay is becoming increasingly prevalent. Its participant-players number in the millions and its revenues are in billions of dollars. As they grow in popularity, digital games are also growing in complexity, depth and sophistication. This paper presents reasons why games and gameplay matter to the future of education. Drawing upon these works, the potential for instruction in digital games is recognized. Previous works in the area were also analyzed with respect to their theoretical findings. Hence, the authors in this study propose some existing Arabic language learning games intended for education of children. The analysis result shows that the majority of Arabic language learning games are limited to alphabet content. The overall presentation lacks of quality in terms of graphics, animations, colors and voice-over

    A smart voltage and current monitoring system for three phase inverters using an android smartphone application

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    In this paper, a new smart voltage and current monitoring system (SVCMS) technique is proposed. It monitors a three phase electrical system using an Arduino platform as a microcontroller to read the voltage and current from sensors and then wirelessly send the measured data to monitor the results using a new Android application. The integrated SVCMS design uses an Arduino Nano V3.0 as the microcontroller to measure the results from three voltage and three current sensors and then send this data, after calculation, to the Android smartphone device of an end user using Bluetooth HC-05. The Arduino Nano V3.0 controller and Bluetooth HC-05 are a cheap microcontroller and wireless device, respectively. The new Android smartphone application that monitors the voltage and current measurements uses the open source MIT App Inventor 2 software. It allows for monitoring some elementary fundamental voltage power quality properties. An effort has been made to investigate what is possible using available off-the-shelf components and open source software

    Agarwood in the forest community and its potential depletion in West Papua

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    Agarwood or eaglewood is a trading name of a solid resin from the two genera Aquilaria and Gyrinops which belongs to the Thymeleacea. The declining population of agarwood in natural forests placed the commodity regulated in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Indonesia as one of the habitats of those two genera and also the main exporting country of agarwood has an interest in ensuring the sustainability of agarwood. This study aims to provide an updated habitat of agarwood-producing trees and to estimate the potential density of the agarwood species. Research conducted in the forest of Natural Tourism Park of Beriat, West Papua, showed that Aquilaria filaria grows well in the forest. Five adult individuals were found in karst forest where 72% were dominated by small trees (DBH <20 cm). In terms of forest communities, Aquilaria's basal area reaches 1.9% of the total basal area and has a low importance value of 0.016 in the first dimension of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The overall potential for agarwood-producing trees was estimated to be only around 2.50 and 2.89 for tree and seedling per hectare, respectively. The potential density is decreased when compared to the estimated density carried out 20 years ago which was estimated at around 4.33 trees per hectare. Efforts to protect agarwood, one of which is by determining trade quotas, need to be carried out optimally in order to minimize the decline in agarwood populations in their natural forests

    Underwater Communication Acoustic Transducers: A Technology Review

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    This paper provides a comprehensive review on transducer technologies for underwater communications. The popularly used communication transducers, such as piezoelectric acoustic transducers, electromagnetic acoustic transducers, and acousto-optic devices are reviewed in detail. The reasons that common air communication technologies are invalid die to the differences between the media of air and water are addresses. Because of the abilities to overcome challenges the complexity of marine environments, piezoelectric acoustic transducers are playing the major underwater communication roles for science, surveillance, and Naval missions. The configuration and material properties of piezoelectric transducers effects on signal output power, beamwidth, amplitude, and other properties are discussed. The methods of code and decode communication information signals into acoustic waves are also presented. Finally, several newly developed piezoelectric transducers are recommended for future studies

    Mobile Data Logger with GPS Feature for Ground Atmospheric Measurement

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    The data logger system plays an important role in research and development. In order to obtain valid data, the data logger must be reliable and effective. High investment costs are involved in acquiring a data logger, and choosing a suitable data logger is difficult. In this paper, a mobile data logger is developed by using Arduino-Uno. This mobile data logger is equipped with a GPS module, which provides accurate positioning in the collection of data. Laboratory and field tests were carried out to observe the performance of the mobile data logger system. The results showed that the performance of this system was acceptable

    Review and experience on developing sarawak traditional food locator mobile apps

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    Development Of Efficient Multi-Level Discrete Wavelet Transform Hardware Architecture For Image Compression

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    Berfokuskan pengkomputeran intensif dalam gelombang kecil diskret (DWT), reka bentuk seni bina perkakasan efisen bagi pengkomputeran laju menjadi imperatif terutamanya dalam aplikasi masa nyata. Focusing on the intensive computations involved in the discrete wavelet transform (DWT), the design of efficient hardware architectures for a fast computation of the transform has become imperative, especially for real-time applications

    Arduino-Uno Based Mobile Data Logger with GPS Feature

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    Lightning activity correlates with the formation of thunderclouds which increase the atmospheric electric field (AEF) between the cloud and the earth. Observations of the development of the AEF will allow the prediction of lightning activities close to a particular location. In research and development, the data logger plays an important role to observe and collect data from AEF sensors. The data logger must be reliable and effective. High investment costs are involved in acquiring a data logger, and choosing a suitable data logger is not easy. Institut Voltan dan Arus Tinggi (IVAT) is develeloping AEF sensor. Along with that sensor development a data logger development is also required. In this paper, a mobile data logger is developed by using Arduino-Uno. This mobile data logger is equipped with a GPS module, which provides accurate positioning in the collection of data. Laboratory and field tests were carried out to observe the performance of the mobile data logger system. The results showed that the developed data logger works properly