19 research outputs found

    Fractional Pebbling and Thrifty Branching Programs

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    We study the branching program complexity of the {em tree evaluation problem}, introduced in cite{BrCoMcSaWe09} as a candidate for separating nl fromlogcfl. The input to the problem is a rooted, balanced dd-ary tree of heighthh, whose internal nodes are labelled with dd-ary functions on[k]=1,ldots,k[k]={1,ldots,k}, and whose leaves are labelled with elements of [k][k].Each node obtains a value in [k][k] equal to its dd-ary function applied to the values of its dd children. The output is the value of the root. Deterministic kk-way branching programs as related to black pebbling algorithms have been studied in cite{BrCoMcSaWe09}. Here we introduce the notion of {em fractional pebbling} of graphs to study non-deterministicbranching program size. We prove that this yields non-deterministic branching programs with Theta(kh/2+1)Theta(k^{h/2+1}) states solving the Boolean problem ``determine whether the root has value 1\u27\u27 for binary trees - this isasymptotically better than the branching program size corresponding toblack-white pebbling. We prove upper and lower bounds on the fractionalpebbling number of dd-ary trees, as well as a general result relating thefractional pebbling number of a graph to the black-white pebbling number. We introduce a simple semantic restriction called {em thrifty} on kk-way branching programs solving tree evaluation problems and show that the branchingprogram size bound of Theta(kh)Theta(k^h) is tight (up to a constant factor) for all hge2hge 2 for deterministic thrifty programs. We show that thenon-deterministic branching programs that correspond to fractional pebbling are thrifty as well, and that the bound of Theta(kh/2+1)Theta(k^{h/2+1}) is tight for non-deterministic thrifty programs for h=2,3,4h=2,3,4. We hypothesise that thrifty branching programs are optimal among kk-way branching programs solving the tree evaluation problem - proving this for deterministic programs would separate lspace from logcfl, and proving it for non-deterministic programs would separate nl from logcfl

    On the Parameterized Complexity of [1,j]-Domination Problems

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    For a graph G, a set D subseteq V(G) is called a [1,j]-dominating set if every vertex in V(G) setminus D has at least one and at most j neighbors in D. A set D subseteq V(G) is called a [1,j]-total dominating set if every vertex in V(G) has at least one and at most j neighbors in D. In the [1,j]-(Total) Dominating Set problem we are given a graph G and a positive integer k. The objective is to test whether there exists a [1,j]-(total) dominating set of size at most k. The [1,j]-Dominating Set problem is known to be NP-complete, even for restricted classes of graphs such as chordal and planar graphs, but polynomial-time solvable on split graphs. The [1,2]-Total Dominating Set problem is known to be NP-complete, even for bipartite graphs. As both problems generalize the Dominating Set problem, both are W[1]-hard when parameterized by solution size. In this work, we study [1,j]-Dominating Set on sparse graph classes from the perspective of parameterized complexity and prove the following results when the problem is parameterized by solution size: - [1,j]-Dominating Set is W[1]-hard on d-degenerate graphs for d = j + 1; - [1,j]-Dominating Set is FPT on nowhere dense graphs. We also prove that the known algorithm for [1,j]-Dominating Set on split graphs is optimal under the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH). Finally, assuming SETH, we provide a lower bound for the running time of any algorithm solving the [1,2]-Total Dominating Set problem parameterized by pathwidth

    Tools and Frameworks for Big Learning in Scala: Leveraging the Language for High Productivity and Performance

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    Implementing machine learning algorithms for large data, such as the Web graph and social networks, is challenging. Even though much research has focused on making sequential algorithms more scalable, their running times continue to be prohibitively long. Meanwhile, parallelization remains a formidable challenge for this class of problems, despite frameworks like MapReduce which hide much of the associated complexity. We present three ongoing efforts within our team, previously presented at venues in other fields, which aim to make it easier for machine learning researchers and practitioners alike to quickly implement and experiment with their algorithms in a parallel or distributed setting. Furthermore, we hope to highlight some of the language features unique to the Scala programming language in the treatment of our frameworks, in an effort to show how these features can be used to produce efficient and correct parallel systems more easily than ever before

    Dominating Set in Weakly Closed Graphs is Fixed Parameter Tractable

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    Derandomizing Isolation Lemma for K3,3-free and K5-free Bipartite Graphs

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    The perfect matching problem has a randomized NC algorithm, using the celebrated Isolation Lemma of Mulmuley, Vazirani and Vazirani. The Isolation Lemma states that giving a random weight assignment to the edges of a graph, ensures that it has a unique minimum weight perfect matching, with a good probability. We derandomize this lemma for K3,3-free and K5-free bipartite graphs, i.e. we give a deterministic log-space construction of such a weight assignment for these graphs. Such a construction was known previously for planar bipartite graphs. Our result implies that the perfect matching problem for K3,3-free and K5-free bipartite graphs is in SPL. It also gives an alternate proof for an already known result – reachability for K3,3-free and K5-free graphs is in UL.

    Lower Bounds and PIT for Non-Commutative Arithmetic Circuits with Restricted Parse Trees

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    We investigate the power of Non-commutative Arithmetic Circuits, which compute polynomials over the free non-commutative polynomial ring F, where variables do not commute. We consider circuits that are restricted in the ways in which they can compute monomials: this can be seen as restricting the families of parse trees that appear in the circuit. Such restrictions capture essentially all non-commutative circuit models for which lower bounds are known. We prove several results about such circuits. - We show explicit exponential lower bounds for circuits with up to an exponential number of parse trees, strengthening the work of Lagarde, Malod, and Perifel (ECCC 2016), who prove such a result for Unique Parse Tree (UPT) circuits which have a single parse tree. - We show explicit exponential lower bounds for circuits whose parse trees are rotations of a single tree. This simultaneously generalizes recent lower bounds of Limaye, Malod, and Srinivasan (Theory of Computing 2016) and the above lower bounds of Lagarde et al., which are known to be incomparable. - We make progress on a question of Nisan (STOC 1991) regarding separating the power of Algebraic Branching Programs (ABPs) and Formulas in the non-commutative setting by showing a tight lower bound of n^{Omega(log d)} for any UPT formula computing the product of d n*n matrices. When d <= log n, we can also prove superpolynomial lower bounds for formulas with up to 2^{o(d)} many parse trees (for computing the same polynomial). Improving this bound to allow for 2^{O(d)} trees would yield an unconditional separation between ABPs and Formulas. - We give deterministic white-box PIT algorithms for UPT circuits over any field (strengthening a result of Lagarde et al. (2016)) and also for sums of a constant number of UPT circuits with different parse trees

    Further Exploiting c-Closure for FPT Algorithms and Kernels for Domination Problems

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    For a positive integer c, a graph G is said to be c-closed if every pair of non-adjacent vertices in G have at most c-1 neighbours in common. The closure of a graph G, denoted by cl(G), is the least positive integer c for which G is c-closed. The class of c-closed graphs was introduced by Fox et al. [ICALP `18 and SICOMP `20]. Koana et al. [ESA `20] started the study of using cl(G) as an additional structural parameter to design kernels for problems that are W-hard under standard parameterizations. In particular, they studied problems such as Independent Set, Induced Matching, Irredundant Set and (Threshold) Dominating Set, and showed that each of these problems admits a polynomial kernel, either w.r.t. the parameter k+c or w.r.t. the parameter k for each fixed value of c. Here, k is the solution size and c = cl(G). The work of Koana et al. left several questions open, one of which was whether the Perfect Code problem admits a fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) algorithm and a polynomial kernel on c-closed graphs. In this paper, among other results, we answer this question in the affirmative. Inspired by the FPT algorithm for Perfect Code, we further explore two more domination problems on the graphs of bounded closure. The other problems that we study are Connected Dominating Set and Partial Dominating Set. We show that Perfect Code and Connected Dominating Set are fixed-parameter tractable w.r.t. the parameter k+cl(G), whereas Partial Dominating Set, parameterized by k is W[1]-hard even when cl(G) = 2. We also show that for each fixed c, Perfect Code admits a polynomial kernel on the class of c-closed graphs. And we observe that Connected Dominating Set has no polynomial kernel even on 2-closed graphs, unless NP ? co-NP/poly

    Two-Player Boundedness Counter Games

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    We consider two-player zero-sum games with winning objectives beyond regular languages, expressed as a parity condition in conjunction with a Boolean combination of boundedness conditions on a finite set of counters which can be incremented, reset to 0, but not tested. A boundedness condition requires that a given counter is bounded along the play. Such games are decidable, though with non-optimal complexity, by an encoding into the logic WMSO with the unbounded and path quantifiers, which is known to be decidable over infinite trees. Our objective is to give tight or tighter complexity results for particular classes of counter games with boundedness conditions, and study their strategy complexity. In particular, counter games with conjunction of boundedness conditions are easily seen to be equivalent to Streett games, so, they are CoNP-c. Moreover, finite-memory strategies suffice for Eve and memoryless strategies suffice for Adam. For counter games with a disjunction of boundedness conditions, we prove that they are in solvable in NP?CoNP, and in PTime if the parity condition is fixed. In that case memoryless strategies suffice for Eve while infinite memory strategies might be necessary for Adam. Finally, we consider an extension of those games with a max operation. In that case, the complexity increases: for conjunctions of boundedness conditions, counter games are EXPTIME-c