507 research outputs found

    Empowering parallel computing with field programmable gate arrays

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    After more than 30 years, reconfigurable computing has grown from a concept to a mature field of science and technology. The cornerstone of this evolution is the field programmable gate array, a building block enabling the configuration of a custom hardware architecture. The departure from static von Neumannlike architectures opens the way to eliminate the instruction overhead and to optimize the execution speed and power consumption. FPGAs now live in a growing ecosystem of development tools, enabling software programmers to map algorithms directly onto hardware. Applications abound in many directions, including data centers, IoT, AI, image processing and space exploration. The increasing success of FPGAs is largely due to an improved toolchain with solid high-level synthesis support as well as a better integration with processor and memory systems. On the other hand, long compile times and complex design exploration remain areas for improvement. In this paper we address the evolution of FPGAs towards advanced multi-functional accelerators, discuss different programming models and their HLS language implementations, as well as high-performance tuning of FPGAs integrated into a heterogeneous platform. We pinpoint fallacies and pitfalls, and identify opportunities for language enhancements and architectural refinements

    Coarse-grained reconfigurable array architectures

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    Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array (CGRA) architectures accelerate the same inner loops that benefit from the high ILP support in VLIW architectures. By executing non-loop code on other cores, however, CGRAs can focus on such loops to execute them more efficiently. This chapter discusses the basic principles of CGRAs, and the wide range of design options available to a CGRA designer, covering a large number of existing CGRA designs. The impact of different options on flexibility, performance, and power-efficiency is discussed, as well as the need for compiler support. The ADRES CGRA design template is studied in more detail as a use case to illustrate the need for design space exploration, for compiler support and for the manual fine-tuning of source code

    Hardware acceleration architectures for MPEG-Based mobile video platforms: a brief overview

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    This paper presents a brief overview of past and current hardware acceleration (HwA) approaches that have been proposed for the most computationally intensive compression tools of the MPEG-4 standard. These approaches are classified based on their historical evolution and architectural approach. An analysis of both evolutionary and functional classifications is carried out in order to speculate on the possible trends of the HwA architectures to be employed in mobile video platforms

    System on fabrics utilising distributed computing

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    The main vision of wearable computing is to make electronic systems an important part of everyday clothing in the future which will serve as intelligent personal assistants. Wearable devices have the potential to be wearable computers and not mere input/output devices for the human body. The present thesis focuses on introducing a new wearable computing paradigm, where the processing elements are closely coupled with the sensors that are distributed using Instruction Systolic Array (ISA) architecture. The thesis describes a novel, multiple sensor, multiple processor system architecture prototype based on the Instruction Systolic Array paradigm for distributed computing on fabrics. The thesis introduces new programming model to implement the distributed computer on fabrics. The implementation of the concept has been validated using parallel algorithms. A real-time shape sensing and reconstruction application has been implemented on this architecture and has demonstrated a physical design for a wearable system based on the ISA concept constructed from off-the-shelf microcontrollers and sensors. Results demonstrate that the real time application executes on the prototype ISA implementation thus confirming the viability of the proposed architecture for fabric-resident computing devices

    Parallel Architectures and Parallel Algorithms for Integrated Vision Systems

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    Computer vision is regarded as one of the most complex and computationally intensive problems. An integrated vision system (IVS) is a system that uses vision algorithms from all levels of processing to perform for a high level application (e.g., object recognition). An IVS normally involves algorithms from low level, intermediate level, and high level vision. Designing parallel architectures for vision systems is of tremendous interest to researchers. Several issues are addressed in parallel architectures and parallel algorithms for integrated vision systems

    The instruction of systolic array (ISA) and simulation of parallel algorithms

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    Systolic arrays have proved to be well suited for Very Large Scale Integrated technology (VLSI) since they: -Consist of a regular network of simple processing cells, -Use local communication between the processing cells only, -Exploit a maximal degree of parallelism. However, systolic arrays have one main disadvantage compared with other parallel computer architectures: they are special purpose architectures only capable of executing one algorithm, e.g., a systolic array designed for sorting cannot be used to form matrix multiplication. Several approaches have been made to make systolic arrays more flexible, in order to be able to handle different problems on a single systolic array. In this thesis an alternative concept to a VLSI-architecture the Soft-Systolic Simulation System (SSSS), is introduced and developed as a working model of virtual machine with the power to simulate hard systolic arrays and more general forms of concurrency such as the SIMD and MIMD models of computation. The virtual machine includes a processing element consisting of a soft-systolic processor implemented in the virtual.machine language. The processing element considered here was a very general element which allows the choice of a wide range of arithmetic and logical operators and allows the simulation of a wide class of algorithms but in principle extra processing cells can be added making a library and this library be tailored to individual needs. The virtual machine chosen for this implementation is the Instruction Systolic Array (ISA). The ISA has a number of interesting features, firstly it has been used to simulate all SIMD algorithms and many MIMD algorithms by a simple program transformation technique, further, the ISA can also simulate the so-called wavefront processor algorithms, as well as many hard systolic algorithms. The ISA removes the need for the broadcasting of data which is a feature of SIMD algorithms (limiting the size of the machine and its cycle time) and also presents a fairly simple communication structure for MIMD algorithms. The model of systolic computation developed from the VLSI approach to systolic arrays is such that the processing surface is fixed, as are the processing elements or cells by virtue of their being embedded in the processing surface. The VLSI approach therefore freezes instructions and hardware relative to the movement of data with the virtual machine and softsystolic programming retaining the constructions of VLSI for array design features such as regularity, simplicity and local communication, allowing the movement of instructions with respect to data. Data can be frozen into the structure with instructions moving systolically. Alternatively both the data and instructions can move systolically around the virtual processors, (which are deemed fixed relative to the underlying architecture). The ISA is implemented in OCCAM programs whose execution and output implicitly confirm the correctness of the design. The soft-systolic preparation comprises of the usual operating system facilities for the creation and modification of files during the development of new programs and ISA processor elements. We allow any concurrent high level language to be used to model the softsystolic program. Consequently the Replicating Instruction Systolic Array Language (RI SAL) was devised to provide a very primitive program environment to the ISA but adequate for testing. RI SAL accepts instructions in an assembler-like form, but is fairly permissive about the format of statements, subject of course to syntax. The RI SAL compiler is adopted to transform the soft-systolic program description (RISAL) into a form suitable for the virtual machine (simulating the algorithm) to run. Finally we conclude that the principles mentioned here can form the basis for a soft-systolic simulator using an orthogonally connected mesh of processors. The wide range of algorithms which the ISA can simulate make it suitable for a virtual simulating grid

    Towards the Teraflop CFD

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    We are surveying current projects in the area of parallel supercomputers. The machines considered here will become commercially available in the 1990 - 1992 time frame. All are suitable for exploring the critical issues in applying parallel processors to large scale scientific computations, in particular CFD calculations. This chapter presents an overview of the surveyed machines, and a detailed analysis of the various architectural and technology approaches taken. Particular emphasis is placed on the feasibility of a Teraflops capability following the paths proposed by various developers

    Design of testbed and emulation tools

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    The research summarized was concerned with the design of testbed and emulation tools suitable to assist in projecting, with reasonable accuracy, the expected performance of highly concurrent computing systems on large, complete applications. Such testbed and emulation tools are intended for the eventual use of those exploring new concurrent system architectures and organizations, either as users or as designers of such systems. While a range of alternatives was considered, a software based set of hierarchical tools was chosen to provide maximum flexibility, to ease in moving to new computers as technology improves and to take advantage of the inherent reliability and availability of commercially available computing systems

    H-SIMD machine : configurable parallel computing for data-intensive applications

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    This dissertation presents a hierarchical single-instruction multiple-data (H-SLMD) configurable computing architecture to facilitate the efficient execution of data-intensive applications on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). H-SIMD targets data-intensive applications for FPGA-based system designs. The H-SIMD machine is associated with a hierarchical instruction set architecture (HISA) which is developed for each application. The main objectives of this work are to facilitate ease of program development and high performance through ease of scheduling operations and overlapping communications with computations. The H-SIMD machine is composed of the host, FPGA and nano-processor layers. They execute host SIMD instructions (HSIs), FPGA SIMD instructions (FSIs) and nano-processor instructions (NPLs), respectively. A distinction between communication and computation instructions is intended for all the HISA layers. The H-SIMD machine also employs a memory switching scheme to bridge the omnipresent large bandwidth gaps in configurable systems. To showcase the proposed high-performance approach, the conditions to fully overlap communications with computations are investigated for important applications. The building blocks in the H-SLMD machine, such as high-performance and area-efficient register files, are presented in detail. The H-SLMD machine hierarchy is implemented on a host Dell workstation and the Annapolis Wildstar II FPGA board. Significant speedups have been achieved for matrix multiplication (MM), 2-dimensional discrete cosine transform (2D DCT) and 2-dimensional fast Fourier transform (2D FFT) which are used widely in science and engineering. In another FPGA-based programming paradigm, a high-level language (here ANSI C) can be used to program the FPGAs in a mode similar to that of the H-SIMD machine in terms of trying to minimize the effect of overheads. More specifically, a multi-threaded overlapping scheme is proposed to reduce as much as possible, or even completely hide, runtime FPGA reconfiguration overheads. Nevertheless, although the HLL-enabled reconfigurable machine allows software developers to customize FPGA functions easily, special architecture techniques are needed to achieve high-performance without significant penalty on area and clock frequency. Two important high-performance applications, matrix multiplication and image edge detection, are tested on the SRC-6 reconfigurable machine. The implemented algorithms are able to exploit the available data parallelism with independent functional units and application-specific cache support. Relevant performance and design tradeoffs are analyzed