12 research outputs found

    Hyperbolicity Measures "Democracy" in Real-World Networks

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    We analyze the hyperbolicity of real-world networks, a geometric quantity that measures if a space is negatively curved. In our interpretation, a network with small hyperbolicity is "aristocratic", because it contains a small set of vertices involved in many shortest paths, so that few elements "connect" the systems, while a network with large hyperbolicity has a more "democratic" structure with a larger number of crucial elements. We prove mathematically the soundness of this interpretation, and we derive its consequences by analyzing a large dataset of real-world networks. We confirm and improve previous results on hyperbolicity, and we analyze them in the light of our interpretation. Moreover, we study (for the first time in our knowledge) the hyperbolicity of the neighborhood of a given vertex. This allows to define an "influence area" for the vertices in the graph. We show that the influence area of the highest degree vertex is small in what we define "local" networks, like most social or peer-to-peer networks. On the other hand, if the network is built in order to reach a "global" goal, as in metabolic networks or autonomous system networks, the influence area is much larger, and it can contain up to half the vertices in the graph. In conclusion, our newly introduced approach allows to distinguish the topology and the structure of various complex networks

    Scale-free network clustering in hyperbolic and other random graphs

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    Random graphs with power-law degrees can model scale-free networks as sparse topologies with strong degree heterogeneity. Mathematical analysis of such random graphs proved successful in explaining scale-free network properties such as resilience, navigability and small distances. We introduce a variational principle to explain how vertices tend to cluster in triangles as a function of their degrees. We apply the variational principle to the hyperbolic model that quickly gains popularity as a model for scale-free networks with latent geometries and clustering. We show that clustering in the hyperbolic model is non-vanishing and self-averaging, so that a single random graph sample is a good representation in the large-network limit. We also demonstrate the variational principle for some classical random graphs including the preferential attachment model and the configuration model

    Closure coefficients in scale-free complex networks

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    The formation of triangles in complex networks is an important network property that has received tremendous attention. The formation of triangles is often studied through the clustering coefficient. The closure coefficient or transitivity is another method to measure triadic closure. This statistic measures clustering from the head node of a triangle (instead of from the center node, as in the often studied clustering coefficient). We perform a first exploratory analysis of the behavior of the local closure coefficient in two random graph models that create simple networks with power-law degrees: the hidden-variable model and the hyperbolic random graph. We show that the closure coefficient behaves significantly different in these simple random graph models than in the previously studied multigraph models. We also relate the closure coefficient of high-degree vertices to the clustering coefficient and the average nearest neighbor degree

    On Computing the Hyperbolicity of Real-World Graphs

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    International audienceThe (Gromov) hyperbolicity is a topological property of a graph, which has been recently applied in several different contexts, such as the design of routing schemes, network security, computational biology, the analysis of graph algorithms, and the classification of complex networks. Computing the hyperbolicity of a graph can be very time consuming: indeed, the best available algorithm has running-time O(n^{3.69}), which is clearly prohibitive for big graphs. In this paper, we provide a new and more efficient algorithm: although its worst-case complexity is O(n^4), in practice it is much faster, allowing, for the first time, the computation of the hyperbolicity of graphs with up to 200,000 nodes. We experimentally show that our new algorithm drastically outperforms the best previously available algorithms, by analyzing a big dataset of real-world networks. Finally, we apply the new algorithm to compute the hyperbolicity of random graphs generated with the Erdös-Renyi model, the Chung-Lu model, and the Configuration Model

    Complex Quantum Network Manifolds in Dimension d > 2 are Scale-Free

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    In quantum gravity, several approaches have been proposed until now for the quantum description of discrete geometries. These theoretical frameworks include loop quantum gravity, causal dynamical triangulations, causal sets, quantum graphity, and energetic spin networks. Most of these approaches describe discrete spaces as homogeneous network manifolds. Here we define Complex Quantum Network Manifolds (CQNM) describing the evolution of quantum network states, and constructed from growing simplicial complexes of dimension d. We show that in d = 2 CQNM are homogeneous networks while for d > 2 they are scale-free i.e. they are characterized by large inhomogeneities of degrees like most complex networks. From the self-organized evolution of CQNM quantum statistics emerge spontaneously. Here we define the generalized degrees associated with the δ-faces of the d-dimensional CQNMs, and we show that the statistics of these generalized degrees can either follow Fermi-Dirac, Boltzmann or Bose-Einstein distributions depending on the dimension of the δ-faces

    The hidden hyperbolic geometry of international trade: World Trade Atlas 1870-2013

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    Here, we present the World Trade Atlas 1870-2013, a collection of annual world trade maps in which distance combines economic size and the different dimensions that affect international trade beyond mere geography. Trade distances, based on a gravity model predicting the existence of significant trade channels, are such that the closer countries are in trade space, the greater their chance of becoming connected. The atlas provides us with information regarding the long-term evolution of the international trade system and demonstrates that, in terms of trade, the world is not flat but hyperbolic, as a reflection of its complex architecture. The departure from flatness has been increasing since World War I, meaning that differences in trade distances are growing and trade networks are becoming more hierarchical. Smaller-scale economies are moving away from other countries except for the largest economies; meanwhile those large economies are increasing their chances of becoming connected worldwide. At the same time, Preferential Trade Agreements do not fit in perfectly with natural communities within the trade space and have not necessarily reduced internal trade barriers. We discuss an interpretation in terms of globalization, hierarchization, and localization; three simultaneous forces that shape the international trade system

    Enumeration of far-apart pairs by decreasing distance for faster hyperbolicity computation

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    Hyperbolicity is a graph parameter which indicates how much the shortest-path distance metric of a graph deviates from a tree metric. It is used in various fields such as networking, security, and bioinformatics for the classification of complex networks, the design of routing schemes, and the analysis of graph algorithms. Despite recent progress, computing the hyperbolicity of a graph remains challenging. Indeed, the best known algorithm has time complexity O(n^{3.69}), which is prohibitive for large graphs, and the most efficient algorithms in practice have space complexity O(n^2). Thus, time as well as space are bottlenecks for computing the hyperbolicity. In this paper, we design a tool for enumerating all far-apart pairs of a graph by decreasing distances. A node pair (u, v) of a graph is far-apart if both v is a leaf of all shortest-path trees rooted at u and u is a leaf of all shortest-path trees rooted at v. This notion was previously used to drastically reduce the computation time for hyperbolicity in practice. However, it required the computation of the distance matrix to sort all pairs of nodes by decreasing distance, which requires an infeasible amount of memory already for medium-sized graphs. We present a new data structure that avoids this memory bottleneck in practice and for the first time enables computing the hyperbolicity of several large graphs that were far out-of-reach using previous algorithms. For some instances, we reduce the memory consumption by at least two orders of magnitude. Furthermore, we show that for many graphs, only a very small fraction of far-apart pairs have to be considered for the hyperbolicity computation, explaining this drastic reduction of memory. As iterating over far-apart pairs in decreasing order without storing them explicitly is a very general tool, we believe that our approach might also be relevant to other problems