810 research outputs found

    From Theory to Practice: Sub-Nyquist Sampling of Sparse Wideband Analog Signals

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    Conventional sub-Nyquist sampling methods for analog signals exploit prior information about the spectral support. In this paper, we consider the challenging problem of blind sub-Nyquist sampling of multiband signals, whose unknown frequency support occupies only a small portion of a wide spectrum. Our primary design goals are efficient hardware implementation and low computational load on the supporting digital processing. We propose a system, named the modulated wideband converter, which first multiplies the analog signal by a bank of periodic waveforms. The product is then lowpass filtered and sampled uniformly at a low rate, which is orders of magnitude smaller than Nyquist. Perfect recovery from the proposed samples is achieved under certain necessary and sufficient conditions. We also develop a digital architecture, which allows either reconstruction of the analog input, or processing of any band of interest at a low rate, that is, without interpolating to the high Nyquist rate. Numerical simulations demonstrate many engineering aspects: robustness to noise and mismodeling, potential hardware simplifications, realtime performance for signals with time-varying support and stability to quantization effects. We compare our system with two previous approaches: periodic nonuniform sampling, which is bandwidth limited by existing hardware devices, and the random demodulator, which is restricted to discrete multitone signals and has a high computational load. In the broader context of Nyquist sampling, our scheme has the potential to break through the bandwidth barrier of state-of-the-art analog conversion technologies such as interleaved converters.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, to appear in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, the special issue on Compressed Sensin

    Wideband CMOS Data Converters for Linear and Efficient mmWave Transmitters

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    With continuously increasing demands for wireless connectivity, higher\ua0carrier frequencies and wider bandwidths are explored. To overcome a limited transmit power at these higher carrier frequencies, multiple\ua0input multiple output (MIMO) systems, with a large number of transmitters\ua0and antennas, are used to direct the transmitted power towards\ua0the user. With a large transmitter count, each individual transmitter\ua0needs to be small and allow for tight integration with digital circuits. In\ua0addition, modern communication standards require linear transmitters,\ua0making linearity an important factor in the transmitter design.In this thesis, radio frequency digital-to-analog converter (RF-DAC)-based transmitters are explored. They shift the transition from digital\ua0to analog closer to the antennas, performing both digital-to-analog\ua0conversion and up-conversion in a single block. To reduce the need for\ua0computationally costly digital predistortion (DPD), a linear and wellbehaved\ua0RF-DAC transfer characteristic is desirable. The combination\ua0of non-overlapping local oscillator (LO) signals and an expanding segmented\ua0non-linear RF-DAC scaling is evaluated as a way to linearize\ua0the transmitter. This linearization concept has been studied both for\ua0the linearization of the RF-DAC itself and for the joint linearization of\ua0the cascaded RF-DAC-based modulator and power amplifier (PA) combination.\ua0To adapt the linearization, observation receivers are needed.\ua0In these, high-speed analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) have a central\ua0role. A high-speed ADC has been designed and evaluated to understand\ua0how concepts used to increase the sample rate affect the dynamic performance

    Algorithms and Circuits for Analog-Digital Hybrid Multibeam Arrays

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    Fifth generation (5G) and beyond wireless communication systems will rely heavily on larger antenna arrays combined with beamforming to mitigate the high free-space path-loss that prevails in millimeter-wave (mmW) and above frequencies. Sharp beams that can support wide bandwidths are desired both at the transmitter and the receiver to leverage the glut of bandwidth available at these frequency bands. Further, multiple simultaneous sharp beams are imperative for such systems to exploit mmW/sub-THz wireless channels using multiple reflected paths simultaneously. Therefore, multibeam antenna arrays that can support wider bandwidths are a key enabler for 5G and beyond systems. In general, N-beam systems using N-element antenna arrays will involve circuit complexities of the order of N2. This dissertation investigates new analog, digital and hybrid low complexity multibeam beamforming algorithms and circuits for reducing the associated high size, weight, and power (SWaP) complexities in larger multibeam arrays. The research efforts on the digital beamforming aspect propose the use of a new class of discrete Fourier transform (DFT) approximations for multibeam generation to eliminate the need for digital multipliers in the beamforming circuitry. For this, 8-, 16- and 32-beam multiplierless multibeam algorithms have been proposed for uniform linear array applications. A 2.4 GHz 16-element array receiver setup and a 5.8 GHz 32-element array receiver system which use field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) as digital backend have been built for real-time experimental verification of the digital multiplierless algorithms. The multiplierless algorithms have been experimentally verified by digitally measuring beams. It has been shown that the measured beams from the multiplierless algorithms are in good agreement with the exact counterpart algorithms. Analog realizations of the proposed approximate DFT transforms have also been investigated leading to low-complex, high bandwidth circuits in CMOS. Further, a novel approach for reducing the circuit complexity of analog true-time delay (TTD) N-beam beamforming networks using N-element arrays has been proposed for wideband squint-free operation. A sparse factorization of the N-beam delay Vandermonde beamforming matrix is used to reduce the total amount of TTD elements that are needed for obtaining N number of beams in a wideband array. The method has been verified using measured responses of CMOS all-pass filters (APFs). The wideband squint-free multibeam algorithm is also used to propose a new low-complexity hybrid beamforming architecture targeting future 5G mmW systems. Apart from that, the dissertation also explores multibeam beamforming architectures for uniform circular arrays (UCAs). An algorithm having N log N circuit complexity for simultaneous generation of N-beams in an N-element UCA is explored and verified

    Digital and Mixed Domain Hardware Reduction Algorithms and Implementations for Massive MIMO

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    Emerging 5G and 6G based wireless communications systems largely rely on multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems to reduce inherently extensive path losses, facilitate high data rates, and high spatial diversity. Massive MIMO systems used in mmWave and sub-THz applications consists of hundreds perhaps thousands of antenna elements at base stations. Digital beamforming techniques provide the highest flexibility and better degrees of freedom for phased antenna arrays as compared to its analog and hybrid alternatives but has the highest hardware complexity. Conventional digital beamformers at the receiver require a dedicated analog to digital converter (ADC) for every antenna element, leading to ADCs for elements. The number of ADCs is the key deterministic factor for the power consumption of an antenna array system. The digital hardware consists of fast Fourier transform (FFT) cores with a multiplier complexity of (N log2N) for an element system to generate multiple beams. It is required to reduce the mixed and digital hardware complexities in MIMO systems to reduce the cost and the power consumption, while maintaining high performance. The well-known concept has been in use for ADCs to achieve reduced complexities. An extension of the architecture to multi-dimensional domain is explored in this dissertation to implement a single port ADC to replace ADCs in an element system, using the correlation of received signals in the spatial domain. This concept has applications in conventional uniform linear arrays (ULAs) as well as in focal plane array (FPA) receivers. Our analysis has shown that sparsity in the spatio-temporal frequency domain can be exploited to reduce the number of ADCs from N to where . By using the limited field of view of practical antennas, multiple sub-arrays are combined without interferences to achieve a factor of K increment in the information carrying capacity of the ADC systems. Applications of this concept include ULAs and rectangular array systems. Experimental verifications were done for a element, 1.8 - 2.1 GHz wideband array system to sample using ADCs. This dissertation proposes that frequency division multiplexing (FDM) receiver outputs at an intermediate frequency (IF) can pack multiple (M) narrowband channels with a guard band to avoid interferences. The combined output is then sampled using a single wideband ADC and baseband channels are retrieved in the digital domain. Measurement results were obtained by employing a element, 28 GHz antenna array system to combine channels together to achieve a 75% reduction of ADC requirement. Implementation of FFT cores in the digital domain is not always exact because of the finite precision. Therefore, this dissertation explores the possibility of approximating the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) matrix to achieve reduced hardware complexities at an allowable cost of accuracy. A point approximate DFT (ADFT) core was implemented on digital hardware using radix-32 to achieve savings in cost, size, weight and power (C-SWaP) and synthesized for ASIC at 45-nm technology

    A 1 GS/s, 31 MHz BW, 76.3 dB Dynamic Range, 34 mW CT-ΔΣ ADC with 1.5 Cycle Quantizer Delay and Improved STF

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    A 1 GS/s continuous-time delta-sigma modulator (CT- ΔΣM) with 31 MHz bandwidth, 76.3 dB dynamic range and 72.5 dB peak-SNDR is reported in a 0.13 ÎŒm CMOS technology. The design employs an excess loop delay (ELD) of more than one clock cycle for achieving higher sampling rate. The ELD is compensated using a fast-loop formed around the last integrator by using a sample-and-hold. Further, the effect of this ELD compensation scheme on the signal transfer function (STF) of a feedforward CT- ΔΣ architecture has been analyzed and reported. In this work, an improved STF is achieved by using a combination of feed-forward, feed-back and feed-in paths and power consumption is reduced by eliminating the adder opamp. This CT- ΔΣ M has a conversion bandwidth of 31 MHz and consumes 34 mW from the 1.2 V power supply. The relevant design trade-offs have been investigated and presented along with simulation results

    Optically Enabled ADCs and Application to Optical Communications

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    Electrical-optical signal processing has been shown to be a promising path to overcome the limitations of state-of-the-art all-electrical data converters. In addition to ultra-broadband signal processing, it allows leveraging ultra-low jitter mode-locked lasers and thus increasing the aperture jitter limited effective number of bits at high analog signal frequencies. In this paper, we review our recent progress towards optically enabled time- and frequency-interleaved analog-to-digital converters, as well as their monolithic integration in electronic-photonic integrated circuits. For signal frequencies up to 65 GHz, an optoelectronic track-and-hold amplifier based on the source-emitter-follower architecture is shown as a power efficient approach in optically enabled BiCMOS technology. At higher signal frequencies, integrated photonic filters enable signal slicing in the frequency domain and further scaling of the conversion bandwidth, with the reconstruction of a 140 GHz optical signal being shown. We further show how such optically enabled data converter architectures can be applied to a nonlinear Fourier transform based integrated transceiver in particular and discuss their applicability to broadband optical links in general

    A 10-b Fourth-Order Quadrature Bandpass Continuous-Time ΣΔ Modulator With 33-MHz Bandwidth for a Dual-Channel GNSS Receiver

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: Junfeng Zhang, Yang Xu, Zehong Zhang, Yichuang Sun, Zhihua Wang, and Baoyong Chi, ‘A 10-b Fourth-Order Quadrature Bandpass Continuous-Time ΣΔ Modulator With 33-MHz Bandwidth for a Dual-Channel GNSS Receiver’, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Practice, Vol. 65 (4): 1303-1314, first published online 16 February 2017. The version of record is available online at DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2017.266237, Published by IEEE. © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.A fourth-order quadrature bandpass continuous-time sigma-delta modulator for a dual-channel global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver is presented. With a bandwidth (BW) of 33 MHz, the modulator is able to digitalize the downconverted GNSS signals in two adjacent signal bands simultaneously, realizing dual-channel GNSS reception with one receiver channel instead of two independent receiver channels. To maintain the loop-stability of the high-order architecture, any extra loop phase shifting should be minimized. In the system architecture, a feedback and feedforward hybrid architecture is used to implement the fourth-order loop-filter, and a return-to-zero (RZ) feedback after the discrete-time differential operation is introduced into the input of the final integrator to realize the excess loop delay compensation, saving a spare summing amplifier. In the circuit implementation, power-efficient amplifiers with high-frequency active feedforward and antipole-splitting techniques are employed in the active RC integrators, and self-calibrated comparators are used to implement the low-power 3-b quantizers. These power saving techniques help achieve superior figure of merit for the presented modulator. With a sampling rate of 460 MHz, current-steering digital-analog converters are chosen to guarantee high conversion speed. Implemented in only 180-nm CMOS, the modulator achieves 62.1-dB peak signal to noise and distortion ratio, 64-dB dynamic range, and 59.3-dB image rejection ratio, with a BW of 33 MHz, and consumes 54.4 mW from a 1.8 V power supply.Peer reviewe

    Channelization Techniques For Wideband Radios

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. May 2017. Major: Electrical Engineering. Advisor: Ramesh Harjani. 1 computer file (PDF); x, 110 pages.From the very start of mobile communications, wireless data traffic volume and the number of applications have increased continuously and this continued increase will eventually necessitate the use of wider signal bandwidths by the fundamental constraints imposed by Shannon’s theorem. Additionally, the air channel is a common limited resource that is shared by all users and applications. While this limited wireless resource has mostly been pre-allocated, the utilization at any given time is often very low. For this environment, cognitive radio and carrier aggregation are potential solutions. Both cognitive radio and carrier aggregation require the processing of wideband signals unlike what is normally the focus of conventional narrow band receivers. This, in turn, makes it necessary to design receivers with a large BW and high dynamic range, and these conflicting requirements typically form the bottleneck in existing systems. Here, we discuss channelization techniques using an analog FFT (fast Fourier transform) to solve the bottleneck. First, a fully integrated hybrid filter bank ADC using an analog FFT is presented. The proposed structure enables the signals in each channel of a wideband system to be separately digitized using the full dynamic range of the ADC, so the small signals in wideband can benefit in terms of lowered quantization noise while accommodating large in-band signals. The prototype which is implemented in TSMC’s 40nm CMOS GP process with VGA gains ranging from 1 to 4 shows 90.4mW total power consumption for both the analog and digital sections. Second, analog polyphase-FFT technique is introduced. Polyphase-FFT allows for low power implementations of high performance multi-channel filter banks by utilizing computation sharing not unlike a standard FFT. Additionally, it enables a longer “effective window length” than is possible in a standard FFT. This characteristic breaks the trade-off between the main-lobe width and the side-lobe amplitudes in normal finite impulse response (FIR) filters. The 4-channel I/Q prototype is implemented in TSMC’s 65nm GP technology. The measured trans- fer function shows >38dB side-lobe suppression at 1GS/s operation. The average measured IIP3 is +25dBm differential power and the total integrated output noise is 208”Vrms. The total power consumption for the polyphase-FFT filter bank (8- channels total) is 34.6mW (34.6pJ/conv)

    Resonation-based hybrid continuous-time/discrete-time cascade ΣΔ modulators: application to 4G wireless telecom

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    This paper presents innovative architectures of hybrid Continuous-Time/Discrete-Time (CT/DT) cascade ΣΔ Modulators (ΣΔMs) made up of a front-end CT stage and a back-end DT stage. In addition to increasing the digitized signal bandwidth as compared to conventional ΣΔMs, the proposed topologies take advantage of the CT nature of the front-end ΣΔM stage, by embedding anti-aliasing filtering as well as their suitability to operate up to the GHz range. Moreover, the presented modulators include multi-bit quantization and Unity Signal Transfer Function (USTF) in both stages to reduce the integrator output swings, and programmable resonation to optimally distribute the zeroes of the overall Noise Transfer Function (NTF), such that the in-band quantization noise is minimized for each operation mode. Both local and inter-stage (global) based resonation architectures are synthesized and compared in terms of their circuit complexity, resolution-bandwidth programmability and robustness with respect to circuit non-ideal effects. The combination of all mentioned characteristics results in novel hybrid ΣΔMs, very suited for the implementation of adaptive/reconfigurable Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) intended for the 4th Generation (4G) of wireless telecom systems
