18 research outputs found

    Optimal Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy with Markov Decision Process and Reinforcement Learning Technique

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    Hierarchical Energy Management System for Home-Energy-Hubs Considering Plug-in Electric Vehicles

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    The escalating demand on Electric Vehicles (EVs) has enhanced the necessity of adequate charging infrastructure, especially in residential areas. This paper proposes a smart charging approach for off-board Electric Vehicles (EVs) chargers in Home-Energy-Hub (HEH) applications along with DC sources such as Photovoltaic (PV) and Battery Storage (BS). The proposed method facilitates smart charging and discharging of EVs to obtain both Vehicle-to-X (V2X) and X-to-Vehicle (X2V) operations focusing on the domestic applications integrated with renewable and storage elements. Furthermore, the optimal State-of-Charge (SOC) profiles for BS and EV in the HEHs system is defined by the extended Bellman-Ford-Moor Algorithm (BFMA). This modified BFMA utilizes the forecasted data such as solar irradiation, electricity tariff, and power consumption to gain economic benefits in HEHs with respect to user and EV requirements. Moreover, the plugging time, duration and initial/final SOC are fluctuating at each connection due to the stochastic nature of EV conditions and user settings. This study presents a laboratory implementation of two-level Hierarchical Energy Management System (HEMS) for HEHs with plug-in electric vehicles. In fact, the primary level includes power converters controller, while the proposed algorithm is implemented in the secondary level. Finally, the simulation and experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed analysis regarding the interaction of HEHs and power grid with EVs behavior

    Transforming Energy Networks via Peer to Peer Energy Trading: Potential of Game Theoretic Approaches

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    Peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading has emerged as a next-generation energy management mechanism for the smart grid that enables each prosumer of the network to participate in energy trading with one another and the grid. This poses a significant challenge in terms of modeling the decision-making process of each participant with conflicting interest and motivating prosumers to participate in energy trading and to cooperate, if necessary, for achieving different energy management goals. Therefore, such decision-making process needs to be built on solid mathematical and signal processing tools that can ensure an efficient operation of the smart grid. This paper provides an overview of the use of game theoretic approaches for P2P energy trading as a feasible and effective means of energy management. As such, we discuss various games and auction theoretic approaches by following a systematic classification to provide information on the importance of game theory for smart energy research. Then, the paper focuses on the P2P energy trading describing its key features and giving an introduction to an existing P2P testbed. Further, the paper zooms into the detail of some specific game and auction theoretic models that have recently been used in P2P energy trading and discusses some important finding of these schemes.Comment: 38 pages, single column, double spac

    Agent-based decentralized optimal charging strategy for plug-in electric vehicles

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    This paper presents a game theoretic decentralized electric vehicle charging schedule for minimizing the customers' payments, maximizing the grid efficiency, and providing maximum potential capacity for ancillary services. Most of the available methods for electric vehicle charging assume that the customers are rational, there is low-latency perfect two-way communication infrastructure without communication/computation limitation between the distribution company and all the customers, and they have perfect knowledge about the system parameters. To avoid these strong assumptions and preserve the customers' privacy, we take advantages of the regret matching and the Nash Folk theorems. In the considered game, the players (customers) interact and communicate locally with only their neighbors. We propose a mechanism for this game which results in a full Nash Folk theorem. We demonstrate and prove that the on-off charging strategy provides maximum regulation capacity. However, our mechanism is quite general, takes into account the battery characteristics and degradation costs of the vehicles, provides a real time dynamic pricing model, and supports the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) and modulated charging protocols. Moreover, the developed mechanism is robust to the data disruptions and takes into account the long/short term uncertainties

    Optimal Strategy to Exploit the Flexibility of an Electric Vehicle Charging Station

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    The increasing use of electric vehicles connected to the power grid gives rise to challenges in the vehicle charging coordination, cost management, and provision of potential services to the grid. Scheduling of the power in an electric vehicle charging station is a quite challenging task, considering time-variant prices, customers with different charging time preferences, and the impact on the grid operations. The latter aspect can be addressed by exploiting the vehicle charging flexibility. In this article, a specific definition of flexibility to be used for an electric vehicle charging station is provided. Two optimal charging strategies are then proposed and evaluated, with the purpose of determining which strategy can offer spinning reserve services to the electrical grid, reducing at the same time the operation costs of the charging station. These strategies are based on a novel formulation of an economic model predictive control algorithm, aimed at minimising the charging station operation cost, and on a novel formulation of the flexibility capacity maximisation, while reducing the operation costs. These formulations incorporate the uncertainty in the arrival time and state of charge of the electric vehicles at their arrival. Both strategies lead to a considerable reduction of the costs with respect to a simple minimum time charging strategy, taken as the benchmark. In particular, the strategy that also accounts for flexibility maximisation emerges as a new tool for maintaining the grid balance giving cost savings to the charging stations