8 research outputs found

    Audio-visual detection benefits in the rat

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    Human psychophysical studies have described multisensory perceptual benefits such as enhanced detection rates and faster reaction times in great detail. However, the neural circuits and mechanism underlying multisensory integration remain difficult to study in the primate brain. While rodents offer the advantage of a range of experimental methodologies to study the neural basis of multisensory processing, rodent studies are still limited due to the small number of available multisensory protocols. We here demonstrate the feasibility of an audio-visual stimulus detection task for rats, in which the animals detect lateralized uni- and multi-sensory stimuli in a two-response forced choice paradigm. We show that animals reliably learn and perform this task. Reaction times were significantly faster and behavioral performance levels higher in multisensory compared to unisensory conditions. This benefit was strongest for dim visual targets, in agreement with classical patterns of multisensory integration, and was specific to task-informative sounds, while uninformative sounds speeded reaction times with little costs for detection performance. Importantly, multisensory benefits for stimulus detection and reaction times appeared at different levels of task proficiency and training experience, suggesting distinct mechanisms inducing these two multisensory benefits. Our results demonstrate behavioral multisensory enhancement in rats in analogy to behavioral patterns known from other species, such as humans. In addition, our paradigm enriches the set of behavioral tasks on which future studies can rely, for example to combine behavioral measurements with imaging or pharmacological studies in the behaving animal or to study changes of integration properties in disease models

    The context-contingent nature of cross-modal activations of the visual cortex

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    Real-world environments are nearly always multisensory in nature. Processing in such situations confers perceptual advantages, but its automaticity remains poorly understood. Automaticity has been invoked to explain the activation of visual cortices by laterally-presented sounds. This has been observed even when the sounds were task-irrelevant and spatially uninformative about subsequent targets. An auditory-evoked contralateral occipital positivity (ACOP) at ~250ms post-sound onset has been postulated as the event-related potential (ERP) correlate of this cross-modal effect. However, the spatial dimension of the stimuli was nevertheless relevant in virtually all prior studies where the ACOP was observed. By manipulating the implicit predictability of the location of lateralised sounds in a passive auditory paradigm, we tested the automaticity of cross-modal activations of visual cortices. 128-channel ERP data from healthy participants were analysed within an electrical neuroimaging framework. The timing, topography, and localisation resembled previous characterisations of the ACOP. However, the cross-modal activations of visual cortices by sounds were critically dependent on whether the sound location was (un)predictable. Our results are the first direct evidence that this particular cross-modal process is not (fully) automatic; instead, it is context-contingent. More generally, the present findings provide novel insights into the importance of context-related factors in controlling information processing across the senses, and call for a revision of current models of automaticity in cognitive sciences

    Neural responses in parietal and occipital areas in response to visual events are modulated by prior multisensory stimuli

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    The effect of multi-modal vs uni-modal prior stimuli on the subsequent processing of a simple flash stimulus was studied in the context of the audio-visual 'flash-beep' illusion, in which the number of flashes a person sees is influenced by accompanying beep stimuli. EEG recordings were made while combinations of simple visual and audio-visual stimuli were presented. The experiments found that the electric field strength related to a flash stimulus was stronger when it was preceded by a multi-modal flash/beep stimulus, compared to when it was preceded by another uni-modal flash stimulus. This difference was found to be significant in two distinct timeframes--an early timeframe, from 130-160 ms, and a late timeframe, from 300-320 ms. Source localisation analysis found that the increased activity in the early interval was localised to an area centred on the inferior and superior parietal lobes, whereas the later increase was associated with stronger activity in an area centred on primary and secondary visual cortex, in the occipital lobe. The results suggest that processing of a visual stimulus can be affected by the presence of an immediately prior multisensory event. Relatively long-lasting interactions generated by the initial auditory and visual stimuli altered the processing of a subsequent visual stimulus.status: publishe

    Citation: Gleiss S, Kayser C (2012) Audio-Visual Detection Benefits in the Rat

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    Abstract Human psychophysical studies have described multisensory perceptual benefits such as enhanced detection rates and faster reaction times in great detail. However, the neural circuits and mechanism underlying multisensory integration remain difficult to study in the primate brain. While rodents offer the advantage of a range of experimental methodologies to study the neural basis of multisensory processing, rodent studies are still limited due to the small number of available multisensory protocols. We here demonstrate the feasibility of an audio-visual stimulus detection task for rats, in which the animals detect lateralized uni-and multi-sensory stimuli in a two-response forced choice paradigm. We show that animals reliably learn and perform this task. Reaction times were significantly faster and behavioral performance levels higher in multisensory compared to unisensory conditions. This benefit was strongest for dim visual targets, in agreement with classical patterns of multisensory integration, and was specific to task-informative sounds, while uninformative sounds speeded reaction times with little costs for detection performance. Importantly, multisensory benefits for stimulus detection and reaction times appeared at different levels of task proficiency and training experience, suggesting distinct mechanisms inducing these two multisensory benefits. Our results demonstrate behavioral multisensory enhancement in rats in analogy to behavioral patterns known from other species, such as humans. In addition, our paradigm enriches the set of behavioral tasks on which future studies can rely, for example to combine behavioral measurements with imaging or pharmacological studies in the behaving animal or to study changes of integration properties in disease models

    The COGs (context, object, and goals) in multisensory processing

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    Our understanding of how perception operates in real-world environments has been substantially advanced by studying both multisensory processes and “top-down” control processes influencing sensory processing via activity from higher-order brain areas, such as attention, memory, and expectations. As the two topics have been traditionally studied separately, the mechanisms orchestrating real-world multisensory processing remain unclear. Past work has revealed that the observer’s goals gate the influence of many multisensory processes on brain and behavioural responses, whereas some other multisensory processes might occur independently of these goals. Consequently, other forms of top-down control beyond goal dependence are necessary to explain the full range of multisensory effects currently reported at the brain and the cognitive level. These forms of control include sensitivity to stimulus context as well as the detection of matches (or lack thereof) between a multisensory stimulus and categorical attributes of naturalistic objects (e.g. tools, animals). In this review we discuss and integrate the existing findings that demonstrate the importance of such goal-, object- and context-based top-down control over multisensory processing. We then put forward a few principles emerging from this literature review with respect to the mechanisms underlying multisensory processing and discuss their possible broader implications

    The speed of visual processing of complex objects in the human brain. Sensitivity to image properties, the influence of aging, optical factors and individual differences.

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    Visual processing of complex objects is a feat that the brain accomplishes with remarkable speed – generally in the order of a few hundred milliseconds. Our knowledge with regards to what visual information the brain uses to categorise objects, and how early the first object-sensitive responses occur in the brain, remains fragmented. It seems that neuronal processing speed slows down with age due to a variety of physiological changes occurring in the aging brain, including myelin degeneration, a decrease in the selectivity of neuronal responses and a reduced efficiency of cortical networks. There are also considerable individual differences in age-related alterations of processing speed, the origins of which remain unclear. Neural processing speed in humans can be studied using electroencephalogram (EEG), which records the activity of neurons contained in Event-Related-Potentials (ERPs) with millisecond precision. Research presented in this thesis had several goals. First, it aimed to measure the sensitivity of object-related ERPs to visual information contained in the Fourier phase and amplitude spectra of images. The second goal was to measure age-related changes in ERP visual processing speed and to find out if their individual variability is due to individual differences in optical factors, such as senile miosis (reduction in pupil size with age), which affects retinal illuminance. The final aim was to quantify the onsets of ERP sensitivity to objects (in particular faces) in the human brain. To answer these questions, parametric experimental designs, novel approaches to EEG data pre-processing and analyses on a single-subject and group basis, robust statistics and large samples of subjects were employed. The results show that object-related ERPs are highly sensitive to phase spectrum and minimally to amplitude spectrum. Furthermore, when age-related changes in the whole shape of ERP waveform between 0-500 ms were considered, a 1 ms/year delay in visual processing speed has been revealed. This delay could not be explained by individual variability in pupil size or retinal illuminance. In addition, a new benchmark for the onset of ERP sensitivity to faces has been found at ~90 ms post-stimulus in a sample of 120 subjects age 18-81. The onsets did not change with age and aging started to affect object-related ERP activity ~125-130 ms after stimulus presentation. Taken together, this thesis presents novel findings with regards to the speed of visual processing in the human brain and outlines a range of robust methods for application in ERP vision research