1,377 research outputs found

    Human Computer Collaboration to Improve Annotations in Semantic Wikis

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    International audienceSemantic wikis are very promising tools for producing structured and unstructured data. However, they suffer from a lack of user provided semantic annotations, resulting in a loss of efficiency, despite of their high potential. This paper focuses on an original way to encourage users to annotate semantically pages. We propose a system that suggests automatically computed annotations to users. Users thus only have to validate, complete, modify, refuse or ignore these suggested annotations. We assume that as the annotation task becomes easier, more users will provide annotations. The system we propose is based on collaborative filtering recommender systems, it does not exploit the content of the pages but the usage made on these pages by the users: annotations are deduced from the usage of the pages and the annotations previously provided. The resulting semantic wikis contain several kinds of annotations that are differentiated by their status: human provided annotations, computer provided annotations (suggested by the system), human-computed interactions (suggested by the system and validated by the users) and refused annotations (suggested by the system and refused by the user). Navigation and (semantic) search will thus be facilitated and more efficient

    Combining knowledge discovery, ontologies, annotations, and semantic wikis

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    Semantic Wikis provide an original and operational infrastructure for efficiently com- bining semantic technologies and collaborative design activities. This text presents: a running example and its context (organization of the collections in a museum); concepts of wikis as a tool to allow computer supported cooperative work (cscw); concepts of se- mantic technologies and knowledge representation; concepts and examples of semantic wikis; anatomy of a semantic wiki (reasoning tools, storage, querying); and research directions.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Closing Information Gaps with Need-driven Knowledge Sharing

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    Informationslücken schließen durch bedarfsgetriebenen Wissensaustausch Systeme zum asynchronen Wissensaustausch – wie Intranets, Wikis oder Dateiserver – leiden häufig unter mangelnden Nutzerbeiträgen. Ein Hauptgrund dafür ist, dass Informationsanbieter von Informationsuchenden entkoppelt, und deshalb nur wenig über deren Informationsbedarf gewahr sind. Zentrale Fragen des Wissensmanagements sind daher, welches Wissen besonders wertvoll ist und mit welchen Mitteln Wissensträger dazu motiviert werden können, es zu teilen. Diese Arbeit entwirft dazu den Ansatz des bedarfsgetriebenen Wissensaustauschs (NKS), der aus drei Elementen besteht. Zunächst werden dabei Indikatoren für den Informationsbedarf erhoben – insbesondere Suchanfragen – über deren Aggregation eine fortlaufende Prognose des organisationalen Informationsbedarfs (OIN) abgeleitet wird. Durch den Abgleich mit vorhandenen Informationen in persönlichen und geteilten Informationsräumen werden daraus organisationale Informationslücken (OIG) ermittelt, die auf fehlende Informationen hindeuten. Diese Lücken werden mit Hilfe so genannter Mediationsdienste und Mediationsräume transparent gemacht. Diese helfen Aufmerksamkeit für organisationale Informationsbedürfnisse zu schaffen und den Wissensaustausch zu steuern. Die konkrete Umsetzung von NKS wird durch drei unterschiedliche Anwendungen illustriert, die allesamt auf bewährten Wissensmanagementsystemen aufbauen. Bei der Inversen Suche handelt es sich um ein Werkzeug das Wissensträgern vorschlägt Dokumente aus ihrem persönlichen Informationsraum zu teilen, um damit organisationale Informationslücken zu schließen. Woogle erweitert herkömmliche Wiki-Systeme um Steuerungsinstrumente zur Erkennung und Priorisierung fehlender Informationen, so dass die Weiterentwicklung der Wiki-Inhalte nachfrageorientiert gestaltet werden kann. Auf ähnliche Weise steuert Semantic Need, eine Erweiterung für Semantic MediaWiki, die Erfassung von strukturierten, semantischen Daten basierend auf Informationsbedarf der in Form strukturierter Anfragen vorliegt. Die Umsetzung und Evaluation der drei Werkzeuge zeigt, dass bedarfsgetriebener Wissensaustausch technisch realisierbar ist und eine wichtige Ergänzung für das Wissensmanagement sein kann. Darüber hinaus bietet das Konzept der Mediationsdienste und Mediationsräume einen Rahmen für die Analyse und Gestaltung von Werkzeugen gemäß der NKS-Prinzipien. Schließlich liefert der hier vorstellte Ansatz auch Impulse für die Weiterentwicklung von Internetdiensten und -Infrastrukturen wie der Wikipedia oder dem Semantic Web

    Highly focused document retrieval in aerospace engineering : user interaction design and evaluation

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    Purpose – This paper seeks to describe the preliminary studies (on both users and data), the design and evaluation of the K-Search system for searching legacy documents in aerospace engineering. Real-world reports of jet engine maintenance challenge the current indexing practice, while real users’ tasks require retrieving the information in the proper context. K-Search is currently in use in Rolls-Royce plc and has evolved to include other tools for knowledge capture and management. Design/methodology/approach – Semantic Web techniques have been used to automatically extract information from the reports while maintaining the original context, allowing a more focused retrieval than with more traditional techniques. The paper combines semantic search with classical information retrieval to increase search effectiveness. An innovative user interface has been designed to take advantage of this hybrid search technique. The interface is designed to allow a flexible and personal approach to searching legacy data. Findings – The user evaluation showed that the system is effective and well received by users. It also shows that different people look at the same data in different ways and make different use of the same system depending on their individual needs, influenced by their job profile and personal attitude. Research limitations/implications – This study focuses on a specific case of an enterprise working in aerospace engineering. Although the findings are likely to be shared with other engineering domains (e.g. mechanical, electronic), the study does not expand the evaluation to different settings. Originality/value – The study shows how real context of use can provide new and unexpected challenges to researchers and how effective solutions can then be adopted and used in organizations.</p

    Knowledge Search within a Company-WIKI

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    The usage of Wikis for the purpose of knowledge management within a business company is only of value if the stored information can be found easily. The fundamental characteristic of a Wiki, its easy and informal usage, results in large amounts of steadily changing, unstructured documents. The widely used full-text search often provides search results of insufficient accuracy. In this paper, we will present an approach likely to improve search quality, through the use of Semantic Web, Text Mining, and Case Based Reasoning (CBR) technologies. Search results are more precise and complete because, in contrast to full-text search, the proposed knowledge-based search operates on the semantic layer

    Web Queries: From a Web of Data to a Semantic Web?

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    Loki : the semantic wiki for collaborative knowledge engineering

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    We present Loki, a semantic wiki designed to support the collaborative knowledge engineering process with the use of software engineering methods. Designed as a set of DokuWiki plug-ins, it provides a variety of knowledge representation methods, including semantic annotations, Prolog clauses, and business processes and rules oriented to specific tasks. Knowledge stored in Loki can be retrieved via SPARQL queries, in-line Semantic MediaWiki-like queries, or Prolog goals. Loki includes a number of useful features for a group of experts and knowledge engineers developing the wiki, such as knowledge visualization, ontology storage, or code hint and completion mechanism. Reasoning unit tests are also introduced to validate knowledge quality. The paper is complemented by the formulation of the collaborative knowledge engineering process and the description of experiments performed during Loki development to evaluate its functionality. Loki is available as free software at https://loki.re

    The Vienna history Wiki: a collaborative knowledge platform for the city of Vienna

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    The Vienna City Archive and the Vienna City Library have joined forces with several other institutions in Vienna, Austria to create the "Wien Geschichte Wiki" (Vienna History Wiki), a knowledge platform for the history of Vienna with more than 34,000 articles and 120,000 visits per month. The wiki is powered by Semantic MediaWiki and serves not only as an online encyclopedia, based on a digitized printed publication for everybody to use and contribute to, but also as a central knowledge base for several administrative departments of the city administration. In a peer-review process, wiki edits are checked before they become visible. The paper highlights the unique aspects of the Vienna History Wiki related to content creation, governance structures and technology choices. A usage log analysis and an online survey have been carried out to gain first insights after six months of operation

    How Controlled English can Improve Semantic Wikis

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    The motivation of semantic wikis is to make acquisition, maintenance, and mining of formal knowledge simpler, faster, and more flexible. However, most existing semantic wikis have a very technical interface and are restricted to a relatively low level of expressivity. In this paper, we explain how AceWiki uses controlled English - concretely Attempto Controlled English (ACE) - to provide a natural and intuitive interface while supporting a high degree of expressivity. We introduce recent improvements of the AceWiki system and user studies that indicate that AceWiki is usable and useful

    Constructive Reasoning for Semantic Wikis

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    One of the main design goals of social software, such as wikis, is to support and facilitate interaction and collaboration. This dissertation explores challenges that arise from extending social software with advanced facilities such as reasoning and semantic annotations and presents tools in form of a conceptual model, structured tags, a rule language, and a set of novel forward chaining and reason maintenance methods for processing such rules that help to overcome the challenges. Wikis and semantic wikis were usually developed in an ad-hoc manner, without much thought about the underlying concepts. A conceptual model suitable for a semantic wiki that takes advanced features such as annotations and reasoning into account is proposed. Moreover, so called structured tags are proposed as a semi-formal knowledge representation step between informal and formal annotations. The focus of rule languages for the Semantic Web has been predominantly on expert users and on the interplay of rule languages and ontologies. KWRL, the KiWi Rule Language, is proposed as a rule language for a semantic wiki that is easily understandable for users as it is aware of the conceptual model of a wiki and as it is inconsistency-tolerant, and that can be efficiently evaluated as it builds upon Datalog concepts. The requirement for fast response times of interactive software translates in our work to bottom-up evaluation (materialization) of rules (views) ahead of time – that is when rules or data change, not when they are queried. Materialized views have to be updated when data or rules change. While incremental view maintenance was intensively studied in the past and literature on the subject is abundant, the existing methods have surprisingly many disadvantages – they do not provide all information desirable for explanation of derived information, they require evaluation of possibly substantially larger Datalog programs with negation, they recompute the whole extension of a predicate even if only a small part of it is affected by a change, they require adaptation for handling general rule changes. A particular contribution of this dissertation consists in a set of forward chaining and reason maintenance methods with a simple declarative description that are efficient and derive and maintain information necessary for reason maintenance and explanation. The reasoning methods and most of the reason maintenance methods are described in terms of a set of extended immediate consequence operators the properties of which are proven in the classical logical programming framework. In contrast to existing methods, the reason maintenance methods in this dissertation work by evaluating the original Datalog program – they do not introduce negation if it is not present in the input program – and only the affected part of a predicate’s extension is recomputed. Moreover, our methods directly handle changes in both data and rules; a rule change does not need to be handled as a special case. A framework of support graphs, a data structure inspired by justification graphs of classical reason maintenance, is proposed. Support graphs enable a unified description and a formal comparison of the various reasoning and reason maintenance methods and define a notion of a derivation such that the number of derivations of an atom is always finite even in the recursive Datalog case. A practical approach to implementing reasoning, reason maintenance, and explanation in the KiWi semantic platform is also investigated. It is shown how an implementation may benefit from using a graph database instead of or along with a relational database
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