1,230 research outputs found

    Sparse and low rank approximations for action recognition

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    Action recognition is crucial area of research in computer vision with wide range of applications in surveillance, patient-monitoring systems, video indexing, Human- Computer Interaction and many more. These applications require automated action recognition. Robust classification methods are sought-after despite influential research in this field over past decade. The data resources have grown tremendously owing to the advances in the digital revolution which cannot be compared to the meagre resources in the past. The main limitation on a system when dealing with video data is the computational burden due to large dimensions and data redundancy. Sparse and low rank approximation methods have evolved recently which aim at concise and meaningful representation of data. This thesis explores the application of sparse and low rank approximation methods in the context of video data classification with the following contributions. 1. An approach for solving the problem of action and gesture classification is proposed within the sparse representation domain, effectively dealing with large feature dimensions, 2. Low rank matrix completion approach is proposed to jointly classify more than one action 3. Deep features are proposed for robust classification of multiple actions within matrix completion framework which can handle data deficiencies. This thesis starts with the applicability of sparse representations based classifi- cation methods to the problem of action and gesture recognition. Random projection is used to reduce the dimensionality of the features. These are referred to as compressed features in this thesis. The dictionary formed with compressed features has proved to be efficient for the classification task achieving comparable results to the state of the art. Next, this thesis addresses the more promising problem of simultaneous classifi- cation of multiple actions. This is treated as matrix completion problem under transduction setting. Matrix completion methods are considered as the generic extension to the sparse representation methods from compressed sensing point of view. The features and corresponding labels of the training and test data are concatenated and placed as columns of a matrix. The unknown test labels would be the missing entries in that matrix. This is solved using rank minimization techniques based on the assumption that the underlying complete matrix would be a low rank one. This approach has achieved results better than the state of the art on datasets with varying complexities. This thesis then extends the matrix completion framework for joint classification of actions to handle the missing features besides missing test labels. In this context, deep features from a convolutional neural network are proposed. A convolutional neural network is trained on the training data and features are extracted from train and test data from the trained network. The performance of the deep features has proved to be promising when compared to the state of the art hand-crafted features

    Learning workload behaviour models from monitored time-series for resource estimation towards data center optimization

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    In recent years there has been an extraordinary growth of the demand of Cloud Computing resources executed in Data Centers. Modern Data Centers are complex systems that need management. As distributed computing systems grow, and workloads benefit from such computing environments, the management of such systems increases in complexity. The complexity of resource usage and power consumption on cloud-based applications makes the understanding of application behavior through expert examination difficult. The difficulty increases when applications are seen as "black boxes", where only external monitoring can be retrieved. Furthermore, given the different amount of scenarios and applications, automation is required. To deal with such complexity, Machine Learning methods become crucial to facilitate tasks that can be automatically learned from data. Firstly, this thesis proposes an unsupervised learning technique to learn high level representations from workload traces. Such technique provides a fast methodology to characterize workloads as sequences of abstract phases. The learned phase representation is validated on a variety of datasets and used in an auto-scaling task where we show that it can be applied in a production environment, achieving better performance than other state-of-the-art techniques. Secondly, this thesis proposes a neural architecture, based on Sequence-to-Sequence models, that provides the expected resource usage of applications sharing hardware resources. The proposed technique provides resource managers the ability to predict resource usage over time as well as the completion time of the running applications. The technique provides lower error predicting usage when compared with other popular Machine Learning methods. Thirdly, this thesis proposes a technique for auto-tuning Big Data workloads from the available tunable parameters. The proposed technique gathers information from the logs of an application generating a feature descriptor that captures relevant information from the application to be tuned. Using this information we demonstrate that performance models can generalize up to a 34% better when compared with other state-of-the-art solutions. Moreover, the search time to find a suitable solution can be drastically reduced, with up to a 12x speedup and almost equal quality results as modern solutions. These results prove that modern learning algorithms, with the right feature information, provide powerful techniques to manage resource allocation for applications running in cloud environments. This thesis demonstrates that learning algorithms allow relevant optimizations in Data Center environments, where applications are externally monitored and careful resource management is paramount to efficiently use computing resources. We propose to demonstrate this thesis in three areas that orbit around resource management in server environmentsEls Centres de Dades (Data Centers) moderns són sistemes complexos que necessiten ser gestionats. A mesura que creixen els sistemes de computació distribuïda i les aplicacions es beneficien d’aquestes infraestructures, també n’augmenta la seva complexitat. La complexitat que implica gestionar recursos de còmput i d’energia en sistemes de computació al núvol fa difícil entendre el comportament de les aplicacions que s'executen de manera manual. Aquesta dificultat s’incrementa quan les aplicacions s'observen com a "caixes negres", on només es poden monitoritzar algunes mètriques de les caixes de manera externa. A més, degut a la gran varietat d’escenaris i aplicacions, és necessari automatitzar la gestió d'aquests recursos. Per afrontar-ne el repte, l'aprenentatge automàtic juga un paper cabdal que facilita aquestes tasques, que poden ser apreses automàticament en base a dades prèvies del sistema que es monitoritza. Aquesta tesi demostra que els algorismes d'aprenentatge poden aportar optimitzacions molt rellevants en la gestió de Centres de Dades, on les aplicacions són monitoritzades externament i la gestió dels recursos és de vital importància per a fer un ús eficient de la capacitat de còmput d'aquests sistemes. En primer lloc, aquesta tesi proposa emprar aprenentatge no supervisat per tal d’aprendre representacions d'alt nivell a partir de traces d'aplicacions. Aquesta tècnica ens proporciona una metodologia ràpida per a caracteritzar aplicacions vistes com a seqüències de fases abstractes. La representació apresa de fases és validada en diferents “datasets” i s'aplica a la gestió de tasques d'”auto-scaling”, on es conclou que pot ser aplicable en un medi de producció, aconseguint un millor rendiment que altres mètodes de vanguardia. En segon lloc, aquesta tesi proposa l'ús de xarxes neuronals, basades en arquitectures “Sequence-to-Sequence”, que proporcionen una estimació dels recursos usats per aplicacions que comparteixen recursos de hardware. La tècnica proposada facilita als gestors de recursos l’habilitat de predir l'ús de recursos a través del temps, així com també una estimació del temps de còmput de les aplicacions. Tanmateix, redueix l’error en l’estimació de recursos en comparació amb d’altres tècniques populars d'aprenentatge automàtic. Per acabar, aquesta tesi introdueix una tècnica per a fer “auto-tuning” dels “hyper-paràmetres” d'aplicacions de Big Data. Consisteix així en obtenir informació dels “logs” de les aplicacions, generant un vector de característiques que captura informació rellevant de les aplicacions que s'han de “tunejar”. Emprant doncs aquesta informació es valida que els ”Regresors” entrenats en la predicció del rendiment de les aplicacions són capaços de generalitzar fins a un 34% millor que d’altres “Regresors” de vanguàrdia. A més, el temps de cerca per a trobar una bona solució es pot reduir dràsticament, aconseguint un increment de millora de fins a 12 vegades més dels resultats de qualitat en contraposició a alternatives modernes. Aquests resultats posen de manifest que els algorismes moderns d'aprenentatge automàtic esdevenen tècniques molt potents per tal de gestionar l'assignació de recursos en aplicacions que s'executen al núvol.Arquitectura de computador

    Gaze-Informed egocentric action recognition for memory aid systems

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    Egocentric action recognition has been intensively studied in the fields of computer vision and clinical science with applications in pervasive health-care. The majority of the existing egocentric action recognition techniques utilize the features extracted from either the entire contents or the regions of interest in video frames as the inputs of action classifiers. The former might suffer from moving backgrounds or irrelevant foregrounds usually associated with egocentric action videos, while the latter may be impaired by the mismatch between the calculated and the ground truth regions of interest. This paper proposes a new gaze-informed feature extraction approach, by which the features are extracted from the regions around the gaze points and thus representing the genuine regions of interest from a first person of view. The activity of daily life can then be classified based only on the identified regions using the extracted gaze-informed features. The proposed approach has been further applied to a memory support system for people with poor memory, such as those with Amnesia or dementia, and their carers. The experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach in egocentric action recognition and thus the potential of the memory support tool in health care

    Large scale data analysis using MLlib

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    Recent advancements in the internet, social media, and internet of things (IoT) devices have significantly increased the amount of data generated in a variety of formats. The data must be converted into formats that is easily handled by the data analysis techniques. It is mathematically and physically expensive to apply machine learning algorithms to big and complicated data sets. It is a resource-intensive process that necessitates a huge amount of logical and physical resources. Machine learning is a sophisticated data analytics technology that has gained in importance as a result of the massive amount of data generated daily that needs to be examined. Apache Spark machine learning library (MLlib) is one of the big data analysis platforms that provides a variety of outstanding functions for various machine learning tasks, spanning from classification to regression and dimension reduction. From a computational standpoint, this research investigated Apache Spark MLlib 2.0 as an open source, autonomous, scalable, and distributed learning library. Several real-world machine learning experiments are carried out in order to evaluate the properties of the platform on a qualitative and quantitative level. Some of the fundamental concepts and approaches for developing a scalable data model in a distributed environment are also discussed

    A Temporally Coherent Neural Algorithm for Artistic Style Transfer

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    Within the fields of visual effects and animation, humans have historically spent countless painstaking hours mastering the skill of drawing frame-by-frame animations. One such animation technique that has been widely used in the animation and visual effects industry is called rotoscoping and has allowed uniquely stylized animations to capture the motion of real life action sequences, however it is a very complex and time consuming process. Automating this arduous technique would free animators from performing frame by frame stylization and allow them to concentrate on their own artistic contributions. This thesis introduces a new artificial system based on an existing neural style transfer method which creates artistically stylized animations that simultaneously reproduce both the motion of the original videos that they are derived from and the unique style of a given artistic work. This system utilizes a convolutional neural network framework to extract a hierarchy of image features used for generating images that appear visually similar to a given artistic style while at the same time faithfully preserving temporal content. The use of optical flow allows the combination of style and content to be integrated directly with the apparent motion over frames of a video to produce smooth and visually appealing transitions. The implementation described in this thesis demonstrates how biologically-inspired systems such as convolutional neural networks are rapidly approaching human-level behavior in tasks that were once thought impossible for computers. Such a complex task elucidates the current and future technical and artistic capabilities of such biologically-inspired neural systems as their horizons expand exponentially. Further, this research provides unique insights into the way that humans perceive and utilize temporal information in everyday tasks. A secondary implementation that is explored in this thesis seeks to improve existing convolutional neural networks using a biological approach to the way these models adapt to their inputs. This implementation shows how these pattern recognition systems can be greatly improved by integrating recent neuroscience research into already biologically inspired systems. Such a novel hybrid activation function model replicates recent findings in the field of neuroscience and shows significant advantages over existing static activation functions

    On the determination of human affordances

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    Anticipation and Risk – From the inverse problem to reverse computation

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    Abstract. Risk assessment is relevant only if it has predictive relevance. In this sense, the anticipatory perspective has yet to contribute to more adequate predictions. For purely physics-based phenomena, predictions are as good as the science describing such phenomena. For the dynamics of the living, the physics of the matter making up the living is only a partial description of their change over time. The space of possibilities is the missing component, complementary to physics and its associated predictions based on probabilistic methods. The inverse modeling problem, and moreover the reverse computation model guide anticipatory-based predictive methodologies. An experimental setting for the quantification of anticipation is advanced and structural measurement is suggested as a possible mathematics for anticipation-based risk assessment

    Distributed and Scalable Video Analysis Architecture for Human Activity Recognition Using Cloud Services

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    This thesis proposes an open-source, maintainable system for detecting human activity in large video datasets using scalable hardware architectures. The system is validated by detecting writing and typing activities that were collected as part of the Advancing Out of School Learning in Mathematics and Engineering (AOLME) project. The implementation of the system using Amazon Web Services (AWS) is shown to be both horizontally and vertically scalable. The software associated with the system was designed to be robust so as to facilitate reproducibility and extensibility for future research

    Distributed Spectral Graph Methods for Analyzing Large-Scale Unstructured Biomedical Data

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    There is an ever-expanding body of biological data, growing in size and complexity, out- stripping the capabilities of standard database tools or traditional analysis techniques. Such examples include molecular dynamics simulations, drug-target interactions, gene regulatory networks, and high-throughput imaging. Large-scale acquisition and curation biological data has already yielded results in the form of lower costs for genome sequencing and greater cov- erage in databases such as GenBank, and is viewed as the future of biocuration. The “big data” philosophy and its associated paradigms and frameworks have the potential to uncover solutions to problems otherwise intractable with more traditional investigative techniques. Here, we focus on two biological systems whose data form large, undirected graphs. First, we develop a quantitative model of ciliary motion phenotypes, using spectral graph methods for unsupervised latent pattern discovery. Second, we apply similar techniques to identify a mapping between physiochemical structure and odor percept in human olfaction. In both cases, we experienced computational bottlenecks in our statistical machinery, necessitating the creation of a new analysis framework. At the core of this framework is a distributed hierarchical eigensolver, which we compare directly to other popular solvers. We demon- strate its essential role in enabling the discovery of novel ciliary motion phenotypes and in identifying physiochemical-perceptual associations