89 research outputs found

    Bench-Ranking: ettekirjutav analüüsimeetod suurte teadmiste graafide päringutele

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    Relatsiooniliste suurandmete (BD) töötlemisraamistike kasutamine suurte teadmiste graafide töötlemiseks kätkeb endas võimalust päringu jõudlust optimeerimida. Kaasaegsed BD-süsteemid on samas keerulised andmesüsteemid, mille konfiguratsioonid omavad olulist mõju jõudlusele. Erinevate raamistike ja konfiguratsioonide võrdlusuuringud pakuvad kogukonnale parimaid tavasid parema jõudluse saavutamiseks. Enamik neist võrdlusuuringutest saab liigitada siiski vaid kirjeldavaks ja diagnostiliseks analüütikaks. Lisaks puudub ühtne standard nende uuringute võrdlemiseks kvantitatiivselt järjestatud kujul. Veelgi enam, suurte graafide töötlemiseks vajalike konveierite kavandamine eeldab täiendavaid disainiotsuseid mis tulenevad mitteloomulikust (relatsioonilisest) graafi töötlemise paradigmast. Taolisi disainiotsuseid ei saa automaatselt langetada, nt relatsiooniskeemi, partitsioonitehnika ja salvestusvormingute valikut. Käesolevas töös käsitleme kuidas me antud uurimuslünga täidame. Esmalt näitame disainiotsuste kompromisside mõju BD-süsteemide jõudluse korratavusele suurte teadmiste graafide päringute tegemisel. Lisaks näitame BD-raamistike jõudluse kirjeldavate ja diagnostiliste analüüside piiranguid suurte graafide päringute tegemisel. Seejärel uurime, kuidas lubada ettekirjutavat analüütikat järjestamisfunktsioonide ja mitmemõõtmeliste optimeerimistehnikate (nn "Bench-Ranking") kaudu. See lähenemine peidab kirjeldava tulemusanalüüsi keerukuse, suunates praktiku otse teostatavate teadlike otsusteni.Leveraging relational Big Data (BD) processing frameworks to process large knowledge graphs yields a great interest in optimizing query performance. Modern BD systems are yet complicated data systems, where the configurations notably affect the performance. Benchmarking different frameworks and configurations provides the community with best practices for better performance. However, most of these benchmarking efforts are classified as descriptive and diagnostic analytics. Moreover, there is no standard for comparing these benchmarks based on quantitative ranking techniques. Moreover, designing mature pipelines for processing big graphs entails considering additional design decisions that emerge with the non-native (relational) graph processing paradigm. Those design decisions cannot be decided automatically, e.g., the choice of the relational schema, partitioning technique, and storage formats. Thus, in this thesis, we discuss how our work fills this timely research gap. Particularly, we first show the impact of those design decisions’ trade-offs on the BD systems’ performance replicability when querying large knowledge graphs. Moreover, we showed the limitations of the descriptive and diagnostic analyses of BD frameworks’ performance for querying large graphs. Thus, we investigate how to enable prescriptive analytics via ranking functions and Multi-Dimensional optimization techniques (called ”Bench-Ranking”). This approach abstracts out from the complexity of descriptive performance analysis, guiding the practitioner directly to actionable informed decisions.https://www.ester.ee/record=b553332

    Supporting Explainable AI on Semantic Constraint Validation

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    There is a rising number of knowledge graphs available published through various sources. The enormous amount of linked data strives to give entities a semantic context. Using SHACL, the entities can be validated with respect to their context. On the other hand, an increasing usage of AI models in productive systems comes with a great responsibility in various areas. Predictive models like linear, logistic regression, and tree-based models, are still frequently used as they come with a simple structure, which allows for interpretability. However, explaining models includes verifying whether the model makes predictions based on human constraints or scientific facts. This work proposes to use the semantic context of the entities in knowledge graphs to validate predictive models with respect to user-defined constraints; therefore, providing a theoretical framework for a model-agnostic validation engine based on SHACL. In a second step, the model validation results are summarized in the case of a decision tree and visualized model-coherently. Finally, the performance of the framework is evaluated based on a Python implementation

    Plug-and-Play Web Services

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    The goal of this research is to make it easier to design and create web services for relational databases. A web service is a software service for providing data over computer networks. Web services provide data endpoints for many web applications. We adopt a plug-and-play approach for web service creation whereby a designer constructs a “plug,” which is a simple specification of the output produced by the service. If the plug can be “played” on the database then the web service is generated. Our plug-and-play approach has three advantages. First, a plug is portable. You can take the plug to any data source and generate a web service. Second, a plug-and-play service is more reliable. The web service generation checks the database to determine if the service can be safely and correctly generated. Third, plug-and-play web services are easier to code for complex data since a service designer can write a simple plug, abstracting away the data’s real complexity. We describe how to build a system for plug-and-play web services, and experimentally evaluate the system. The software produced by this research will make life easier for web service designers

    Table Augmentation in Data Lakes

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    Data lakes are centralized repositories that store large quantities of raw, unstructured, and structured data, allowing for ad-hoc data analysis, exploratory data analysis, and machine learning. However, the lack of metadata and schema in data lakes makes it challenging to work with tabular data and find related information stored in different tables. However, it is still an open problem how efficiently retrieve these tables at large scale when the settings of a data lake holds. The thesis introduces a novel approach to table augmentation that enables efficient data integration from multiple sources in a data lake. Table augmentation involves adding new data to an existing table in a horizontal fashion (by retrieving tables that can be horizontally concatenated to a query that serves as query table). The proposed approach consists of several components, including data lakes hashing, join search, similarity, and augmentation. The proposed approach is named TASH. TASH is a framework based on a spatial index in which tables are mapped and queried. Its goal is to identify the most useful columns for subsequent machine learning tasks. The table retrieval process employs a combination of set containment search and similarity search. Candidate tables are initially identified using set containment search and then ranked based on their similarity to the query. Experimental results demonstrate that TASH can effectively identify joinable tables and select the most relevant features, thereby enabling efficient table augmentation in data lakes. This research contributes to the field of big data by providing a practical solution to the challenges of data integration and analysis in data lake environments

    Quarry: A user-centered big data integration platform

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    Obtaining valuable insights and actionable knowledge from data requires cross-analysis of domain data typically coming from various sources. Doing so, inevitably imposes burdensome processes of unifying different data formats, discovering integration paths, and all this given specific analytical needs of a data analyst. Along with large volumes of data, the variety of formats, data models, and semantics drastically contribute to the complexity of such processes. Although there have been many attempts to automate various processes along the Big Data pipeline, no unified platforms accessible by users without technical skills (like statisticians or business analysts) have been proposed. In this paper, we present a Big Data integration platform (Quarry) that uses hypergraph-based metadata to facilitate (and largely automate) the integration of domain data coming from a variety of sources, and provides an intuitive interface to assist end users both in: (1) data exploration with the goal of discovering potentially relevant analysis facets, and (2) consolidation and deployment of data flows which integrate the data, and prepare them for further analysis (descriptive or predictive), visualization, and/or publishing. We validate Quarry’s functionalities with the use case of World Health Organization (WHO) epidemiologists and data analysts in their fight against Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs).This work is partially supported by GENESIS project, funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades under project TIN2016-79269-R.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Managing and Consuming Completeness Information for RDF Data Sources

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    The ever increasing amount of Semantic Web data gives rise to the question: How complete is the data? Though generally data on the Semantic Web is incomplete, many parts of data are indeed complete, such as the children of Barack Obama and the crew of Apollo 11. This thesis aims to study how to manage and consume completeness information about Semantic Web data. In particular, we first discuss how completeness information can guarantee the completeness of query answering. Next, we propose optimization techniques of completeness reasoning and conduct experimental evaluations to show the feasibility of our approaches. We also provide a technique to check the soundness of queries with negation via reduction to query completeness checking. We further enrich completeness information with timestamps, enabling query answers to be checked up to when they are complete. We then introduce two demonstrators, i.e., CORNER and COOL-WD, to show how our completeness framework can be realized. Finally, we investigate an automated method to generate completeness statements from text on the Web via relation cardinality extraction

    Towards Semantically Enabled Complex Event Processing

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    Adaptive Management of Multimodel Data and Heterogeneous Workloads

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    Data management systems are facing a growing demand for a tighter integration of heterogeneous data from different applications and sources for both operational and analytical purposes in real-time. However, the vast diversification of the data management landscape has led to a situation where there is a trade-off between high operational performance and a tight integration of data. The difference between the growth of data volume and the growth of computational power demands a new approach for managing multimodel data and handling heterogeneous workloads. With PolyDBMS we present a novel class of database management systems, bridging the gap between multimodel database and polystore systems. This new kind of database system combines the operational capabilities of traditional database systems with the flexibility of polystore systems. This includes support for data modifications, transactions, and schema changes at runtime. With native support for multiple data models and query languages, a PolyDBMS presents a holistic solution for the management of heterogeneous data. This does not only enable a tight integration of data across different applications, it also allows a more efficient usage of resources. By leveraging and combining highly optimized database systems as storage and execution engines, this novel class of database system takes advantage of decades of database systems research and development. In this thesis, we present the conceptual foundations and models for building a PolyDBMS. This includes a holistic model for maintaining and querying multiple data models in one logical schema that enables cross-model queries. With the PolyAlgebra, we present a solution for representing queries based on one or multiple data models while preserving their semantics. Furthermore, we introduce a concept for the adaptive planning and decomposition of queries across heterogeneous database systems with different capabilities and features. The conceptual contributions presented in this thesis materialize in Polypheny-DB, the first implementation of a PolyDBMS. Supporting the relational, document, and labeled property graph data model, Polypheny-DB is a suitable solution for structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. This is complemented by an extensive type system that includes support for binary large objects. With support for multiple query languages, industry standard query interfaces, and a rich set of domain-specific data stores and data sources, Polypheny-DB offers a flexibility unmatched by existing data management solutions