124 research outputs found

    Contributions to nonlinear system modelling and controller synthesis via convex structures

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    Esta tesis discute diferentes metodologías de modelado para extraer mejores prestaciones o resultados de estabilidad que aquéllas que el modelado convencional basado en sector no-lineal de sistemas Takagi-Sugeno (también denominados cuasi-LPV) es capaz de producir. En efecto, incluso si las LMIs pueden probar distintas cotas de prestaciones o márgenes de estabilidad (tasa de decaimiento, H\mathcal H_\infty, etc.) para sistemas politópicos, es bien conocido que las prestaciones probadas dependen del modelo elegido y, dado un sistema no-lineal, dicho modelo politópico no es único. Por tanto, se presentan exploraciones hacia cómo obtener el modelo que es menos perjudicial para la medida de prestaciones elegida. Como una última contribución, mejores resultados son obtenidos mediante la extensión del modelado politópico Takagi-Sugeno a un marco de inclusiones en diferencias cuasi-convexas con planificación de ganancia. En efecto, una versión sin planificación de ganancia fue propuesta por un equipo de investigadores de la Universidad de Sevilla (Fiaccini, Álamo, Camacho) para generalizar el modelado politópico, y esta tesis propone una version aún más general de algunos de dichos resultados que incorpora planificación de ganancia.This thesis discusses different modelling methodologies to eke out best performance/stability results than conventional sector-nonlinearity Takagi-Sugeno (also known as quasi-LPV) systems modelling techniques are able to yield. Indeed, even if LMIs can prove various performance and stability bounds (decay rate, H\mathcal H_\infty, etc.) for polytopic systems, it is well known that the proven performance depends on the chosen model and, given a nonlinear dynamic systems, the polytopic embeddings available for it are not unique. Thus, explorations on how to obtain the model which is less deletereous for performance are presented. As a last contribution, extending the polytopic Takagi-Sugeno setup to a gain-scheduled quasi-convex difference inclusion framework allows to improve the results over the polytopic models. Indeed, the non-scheduled convex difference inclusion framework was proposed by a research team in University of Seville (Fiacchini, Alamo, Camacho) as a generalised modelling methodology which included the polytopic one; this thesis poses a further generalised gain-scheduled version of some of these results.Aquesta tesi discuteix diferents metodologies de modelatge per extreure millors prestacions o resultats d'estabilitat que aquelles que el modelatge convencional basat en sector no-lineal de sistemes Takagi-Sugeno (també anomenats quasi-LPV) és capaç de produir. En efecte, fins i tot si les LMIs poden provar diferents cotes de prestacions o marges d'estabilitat (taxa de decaïment, H\mathcal H_\infty, etc.) per a sistemes politòpics, és ben conegut que les prestacions provades depenen del model triat i, donat un sistema no-lineal, el dit model politòpic no és únic. Per tant, es presenten exploracions cap a com obtenir el model que és menys perjudicial per a la mesura de prestacions triada. Com una darrera contribució, millors resultats són obtinguts mitjançant l'extensió del modelatge politòpic Takagi-Sugeno a un marc d'inclusions en diferències quasi-convexes amb planificació de guany. En efecte, una versió sense planificació de guany va ser proposada per un equip d'investigadors de la Universitat de Sevilla (Fiaccini, Álamo, Camacho) per a generalitzar el modelatge politòpic, i aquesta tesi proposa una versió més general d'alguns d'aquests resultats que incorpora planificació de guany.Robles Ruiz, R. (2018). Contributions to nonlinear system modelling and controller synthesis via convex structures [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/100848TESI

    Real-time trajectory optimization on parallel processors

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    A parallel algorithm has been developed for rapidly solving trajectory optimization problems. The goal of the work has been to develop an algorithm that is suitable to do real-time, on-line optimal guidance through repeated solution of a trajectory optimization problem. The algorithm has been developed on an INTEL iPSC/860 message passing parallel processor. It uses a zero-order-hold discretization of a continuous-time problem and solves the resulting nonlinear programming problem using a custom-designed augmented Lagrangian nonlinear programming algorithm. The algorithm achieves parallelism of function, derivative, and search direction calculations through the principle of domain decomposition applied along the time axis. It has been encoded and tested on 3 example problems, the Goddard problem, the acceleration-limited, planar minimum-time to the origin problem, and a National Aerospace Plane minimum-fuel ascent guidance problem. Execution times as fast as 118 sec of wall clock time have been achieved for a 128-stage Goddard problem solved on 32 processors. A 32-stage minimum-time problem has been solved in 151 sec on 32 processors. A 32-stage National Aerospace Plane problem required 2 hours when solved on 32 processors. A speed-up factor of 7.2 has been achieved by using 32-nodes instead of 1-node to solve a 64-stage Goddard problem

    High-resolution imaging beneath the Santorini volcano

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    Volcanoes are surface expressions of much deeper magmatic systems, inaccessible to direct observation. Constraining the geometry and physical properties of these systems, in particular detecting high melt fraction (magma) reservoirs, is key to managing a volcanic hazard and understanding fundamental processes that lead to the formation of continents. Unfortunately, unambiguous evidence of magma reservoirs has not yet been provided due to the limited resolving power of the geophysical methods used so far. Here, a high-resolution imaging technique called full-waveform inversion was applied to study the magmatic system beneath the Santorini volcanic field, one of the most volcanically and seismically active regions of Europe. Quality-controlled inversion of 3d wide-angle, multi-azimuth ocean-bottom seismic data revealed a previously undetected high melt fraction reservoir 3 km beneath the Kolumbo volcano, a centre of microseismic and hydrothermal activity of the field. To enable the above method to handle land data, two major algorithmic improvements were added to the high-performance inversion code. First, to simulate instrument response of land seismometers, a pressure-velocity conversion has been implemented in a way that ensures reciprocity of the discretised 2nd-order acoustic wave equation. Second, the immersed-boundary method, originally developed for computational fluid dynamics, was implemented to simulate the wave-scattering off the irregular topography of the Santorini caldera. These advancements can be readily used to provide a higher-resolution image of the melt reservoir beneath the Santorini caldera already detected by means of travel-time tomography.Open Acces

    Connected Attribute Filtering Based on Contour Smoothness

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    Dichtematrix-Renormierung, angewandt auf nichtlineare dynamische Systeme

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    Bogner T. Density matrix renormalisation applied to nonlinear dynamical systems. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2007.In dieser Dissertation wird die effektive numerische Beschreibung nichtlinearer dynamischer Systeme untersucht. Systeme dieser Art tauchen praktisch überall auf, wo zeitabhängige Größen quantitativ untersucht werden, d.h. in fast allen Bereichen der Physik, aber auch in der Biologie, Ökonomie oder Mathematik. Ziel ist die Bestimmung reduzierter Modelle, deren Phasenraum eine signifikant reduzierte Dimensionalität aufweist. Dies wird erreicht durch Benutzung von Konzepten aus der Dichtematrix-Renormierung. In dieser Arbeit werden drei neue Anwendungen vorgeschlagen. Zuerst wird eine Dichtematrix-Renormierungsmethode zur Berechnung einer Schur-Zerlegung vorgestellt. Verglichen mit bereits existierenden Arbeiten liegt der Vorteil dieses Ansatzes in der Möglichkeit, auch für nicht-normale Operatoren orthonormale Basen von sukzessive invarianten Unterräumen zu bestimmen. Der Algorithmus wird dann angewandt auf Gittermodelle stochastischer Systeme, wobei als Beispiele ein Reaktions-Diffusions- und ein Oberflächenablagerungs-Modell dienen. Als Nächstes wird ein Dichtematrix-Renormierungsansatz für die orthogonale Zerlegung (proper orthogonal decomposition) entwickelt. Diese Zerlegung erlaubt die Bestimmung relevanter linearer Unterräume auch für nichtlineare Systeme. Durch die Verwendung der Dichtematrix-Renormierung werden alle Berechnungen nur für kleine Untersysteme durchgeführt. Dabei werden diskretisierte partielle Differentialgleichungen, d.h. die Diffusionsgleichung, die Burgers-Gleichung und eine nichtlineare Diffusionsgleichung als numerische Beispiele betrachtet. Schließlich wird das vorige Konzept auf höherdimensionale Probleme in Form eines Variationsverfahrens erweitert. Dies Verfahren wird dann an den zweidimensionalen Navier-Stokes-Gleichungen erprobt.In this work the effective numerical description of nonlinear dynamical systems is investigated. Such systems arise in most fields of physics, as well as in mathematics, biology, economy and essentially in all problems for which a quantitative description of a time evolution is considered. The aim is to find reduced models with a phase space of significantly reduced dimensionality. This is achieved by the use of concepts from density matrix renormalisation. Three new applications are proposed in this work. First, a density matrix renormalisation method for calculating a Schur decomposition is introduced. The advantage of this approach, compared to existing work, is the possibility to obtain orthonormal bases for successively invariant subspaces even if the generator of evolution is not normal. The algorithm is applied to lattice models for stochastic systems, namely a reaction diffusion and a surface deposition model. Next, a density matrix renormalisation approach to the proper orthogonal decomposition is developed. This allows the determination of relevant linear subspaces even for nonlinear systems. Due to the use of density matrix renormalisation concepts, all calculations are done on small subsystems. Here discretised partial differential equations, i.e. the diffusion equation, the Burgers equation and a nonlinear diffusion equation are considered as numerical examples. Finally, the previous concept is extended to higher dimensional problems in a variational form. This method is then applied to the two-dimensional, incompressible Navier-Stokes equations as testing ground