19 research outputs found

    The mediating role of environmental collaborations in the relationship manufacturing technologies and green innovation among firms in Thai sports industry

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    The study has examined the mediating role of environmental collaborations in the relationship manufacturing technologies and green innovation among firms in Thai sports industry. The response rate of the study is 47 percent. The hypotheses are aligned with the design of research questions and by using the smart PLS 3.1.2 which is also known as the second-generation multivariate data analysis, we have analysed the reliability and validity of the instrument by the assessment of structural and measurement model. The results show the important mediating role of internal environmental collaboration between the green innovation and modern manufacturing technologies. For the examination of fundamental mechanism, the current study has addressed the need for empirical study that how the adoption of modern manufacturing technologies increases the green innovation. The results have provided the beneficial extension of modern manufacturing technologies and green innovation by ensuring that for the firms it is important to understand the fundamental relation between the adoption of modern manufacturing technologies and fostering green innovation. Firstly, the current study we have imperially examine the association between modern manufacturing technologies and green innovation at measurement level and have incorporated modern manufacturing technologies as an ancestor of green innovation. Secondly, we have also developed complete theoretical model that with the use of modern manufacturing technologies how green innovation of the firm can get benefits with important mediator that is internal environmental collaboration. Thirdly with the context of developing economy the current study will increase the literature of green innovation. Our findings will be helpful for the managers of Thai sports industry that how to deal with problems in green innovation because of implementations of modern manufacturing technologies


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    There are still few in family business studies that discuss the topic of digipreneurship, even though digipreneurship is important for continuity and growth of companies in today's business world. Therefore, the aim of this study is to uncover the state-of-the-art and create research gaps in the literature related to digipreneurship in family business. For this purpose, a bibliometric study using co-authorship and key word co-occurrence analysis conducted in the Scopus database. The results of the co-authorship analysis show that the cohesiveness of collaboration in exploring digipreneurship in family business has been achieved at the state level in the 2017-2020 period, but at the author and organizational level has not been achieved. This indicates that the study of digipreneurship in family business is in early stages of growth. The results of the co-occurrence keyword analysis show that there are three specific domains in the field, namely digital transformation of entrepreneurial-oriented family firms; entrepreneurial knowledge management and digital capabilities in the family business; and transgenerational entrepreneurship in the digital era; Another domain that is important to be developed but has not been identified and has become a research gap is the value chain and internal processes in digipreneurship in family business. Penelitian bisnis keluarga sampai saat ini belum banyak yang membahas topik digipreneurship, padahal digipreneurship penting untuk keberlangsungan dan pertumbuhan perusahaan di dunia bisnis saat ini. Karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap state-of-the-art dan memunculkan kesenjangan penelitian dalam literatur terkait dengan digipreneurship dalam bisnis keluarga. Untuk tujuan tersebut, Penulis melakukan penelitian bibliometrik dengan metode analisis co-authorship dan analisis co-occurrence kata kunci pada basis data Scopus. Hasil analisis co-authorship menunjukkan bahwa kohesivitas kolaborasi dalam mengekplorasi digipreneurship dalam bisnis keluarga sudah tercapai di tingkat negara dalam rentang tahun 2017-2020, namun kohesivitas co-authorship di tingkat penulis dan organisasi belum tercapai. Kondisi demikian mengindikasikan bahwa kajian digipreneurship dalam bisnis keluarga masih berada dalam fase awal tumbuh. Hasil analisis co-occurrence kata kunci menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga domain yang khas dalam publikasi ilmiah digipreneurship dalam bisnis keluarga yaitu transformasi digital perusahaan keluarga berorientasi entrepreneurial, manajemen pengetahuan entrepreneurial dan kapabilitas digital dalam bisnis keluarga, dan entrepreneurship transgenerasi pada era digital; Domain lain yang penting untuk dikembangkan namun belum teridentifikasi dan menjadi kesenjangan dalam penelitian ini adalah domain rantai nilai dan proses internal pada digipreneurship dalam bisnis keluarga

    Determinants of Financial Sustainability of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Ghana

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    Financial sustainability of NGOs has become a global concern in the wake of global financial crisis which has reduced donor funds from developed economies to developing countries. NGOs play an important role in developing countries like Ghana and as such their financial sustainability is very important not only for the NGOs but the Ghanaian economy. The study examined the factors that determine financial sustainability of NGOs in Ghana based on the following variables; sound financial management practices, income diversification, own income generation, good donor relationship and the use of ERPs and Cloud Accounting by NGOs. The study sampled 56 NGO where data was collected through the administration of questionnaires. Data was analysed using various statistical tools such as frequencies, graphs, tables, Kruskal Wallis Test and regression analysis. The results of the study showed that NGOS in Ghana are donor dependent and have little diversification of income as well as less own income generation measures in place. This results show that NGOs in Ghana are not financially sustainable and as such need income generating income measures that will help them to be financially reliable. The results show that sound financial management practices, own income generation by NGOs, diversification of income and good donor relationship are the key determinants of financial sustainability of NGOs in Ghana. The use of ERP systems and cloud accounting had positive effect on NGO financial sustainability but statistically insignificant. The results call for NGOs to take steps to improve these factors in their respective organization if they want to improve their financial sustainability

    Uso de las TIC y gestión documental en tiempos de pandemia (COVID-19) en el Ministerio de Educación, 2020

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    La investigación tuvo el objetivo de determinar la relación existente entre el uso de las TIC y la gestión documental en tiempos de pandemia (COVID-19) en el Ministerio de Educación, 2020. La investigación fue de enfoque cuantitativo, tipo básico, nivel correlacional y diseño no experimental y transversal; la muestra lo constituyeron 60 servidores del Dirección de Educación Básica Regular, quienes fueron elegidos de manera no probabilística por conveniencia. Los instrumentos fueron cuestionarios sobre uso de las TIC y gestión documental, los cuales fueron elaborados siguiendo el modelo de Chen y Tsou (2012) y Roberge (2006) respectivamente. Los resultados mostraron que existe relación significativa, directa y fuerte (p=0,000<0,05; rho=0,795) entre el uso de las TIC y la gestión documental en tiempos de pandemia (COVID-19) en el Ministerio de Educación, 2020. Se concluye que a mayor capacidad para implementar las TIC en los procesos organizacionales mayor posibilidad de tener un sistema de gestión integrado que brinde accesibilidad a los documentos que testimonian las actividades organizacionales

    Resisting Industrial Food Systems on the Web: How Non-Profit Organizations Use Digital Technology for Sustainability Education

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    This thesis examines the link between how community-based organizations use digital tools with the fundamentally resistance-based philosophy that these organizations have at the core of their mission. It aims to uncover how non-profit organizations (NPOs) that work in community development through food and agriculture use digital tools, and how their digital communication strategies relate to issues of resistance to neoliberalism and industrialization in the food and agriculture sectors. Using a foundation of existing literature on food and agriculture, climate change and waste management, critical theory, and technology in pedagogy, this thesis will contextualize how non-profits resist neoliberal regimes of de-traditionalization through community development. This thesis will utilize primary research on the digital strategy of an NPO that supports public schools attempting to incorporate vegetable gardens into their curriculum. The research provides insights into how NPOs make use of the benefits of digital technologies, and how they choose a strategy for employing these affordances in ways that are compatible with their core organizational philosophy

    Elements of Capacity in Hmong Community-based Organizations

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    Capacity building efforts in for-profit and non-profit organizations are thought to be positively associated with increasing organizational effectiveness. As a result, organizational capacity research on non-profit organizations continues to expand as federal funding, charitable giving, and private donations decrease or remain stagnant. With less funding opportunities in combination with the increasing number of non-profit organizations and for-profit organizations competing for scarce resources, how to increase organizational capacity is one area of research scholars are pushing for further analysis. This dissertation continues that analysis through a case study of Hmong mutual assistance associations in Wisconsin and asks: What factors hinder the ability of Hmong community-based organizations to meet their goals and objectives? What are the capacity constraints of Hmong community-based organizations? While previous research on organizational capacity focused on larger (e.g. higher total revenue, age, and the number of staff) non-profit organizations, the research on smaller, community-based organizations remains understudied. More specifically, the discourse surrounding the capacity building in non-profits overlooks the ability of smaller organizations to initiate the evaluation process. I argue that the that lack of financial resources coupled with the absence of knowledgeable and skilled human resources in community-based organizations negatively affect their ability to determine where to apply capacity building efforts and develop strategies to increase their capacity. This produces additional hardship in organizations with limited resources seeking to increase their capacity. The goal of this study is to provide an understanding of the current state of Hmong mutual assistance associations and to expand or add to the areas of evaluation in which capacity building efforts might result in the greater sustainability of these agencies and advance the Hmong community

    Nonprofit Professional Theatre Executive Leadership: Seeing 2020 and Beyond

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    This study approaches examining nonprofit professional executive leadership through a qualitative study, based in the content analysis of secondary data from the leadership biographies of 30 different nonprofit theatres across the nation. Organizations of various sizes and budgets were included to provide a comprehensive examination of executive leadership, with attention paid to education and experience in the nonprofit and theatre realms. This research will add foundational data to aid to professionalize the field of arts managers/executives by providing information for the standardization of qualifications. It examined these qualifications through the lens of visionary leadership theory and upper echelons theory. The principle of multiplicity and unity was used to provide a theoretical basis for understanding how the field of theatre operates. The findings of the study include a graduate-level degree as the most common educational level, with a Master of Fine Arts specifically being the most common among artistic directors. It also found the experience realms of nonprofit and theatre were not separate, but rather, that most leaders gained their experience within a nonprofit theatre, equating the two realms in years of experience. An average of 20 years of experience was found in relationship to both the artistic and executive/managing director. Additional observations regarding word choice and important, ancillary information included within many of the biographies are discussed. Overall, the application of the visionary leadership theory and the upper echelons theory to the field of nonprofit theatre leadership was confirmed by the data from the study. The research ends with a discussion of potential expansion of research in the field as well as real-world applications of the findings.CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1 -- Research Question 3 -- Critical Prior Research 4 -- Important Theories 5 -- Significance of the Problem 6 -- Application to Public Administration 7 -- Dissertation Outline 7 -- CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW 9 -- Leadership 9 -- Leadership Definition 9 -- Leadership Theory 10 -- Leadership Approaches 12 -- Visionary Leadership 12 -- Nonprofit Organizations 14 -- Nonprofit Sector 15 -- Art Nonprofits 16 -- Theatre Nonprofits 17 -- Nonprofit Theatre Leadership Considerations 27 -- Unique Considerations 28 -- Qualifications 32 -- Success 34 -- Nonprofit Theatre Success 35 -- Leadership Success 37 -- Placing the Literature in Context 38 -- Determining the Need 39 -- Summary 41 -- CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY 42 -- Research Purpose 42 -- Research Questions 43 -- Research Methods 44 -- Data Sources 46 -- Data Measures 48 -- Delimitations and Limitations 49 -- Data Analysis 50 -- Summary 51 -- CHAPTER IV: RESULTS 52 -- Data Collection 52 -- Education Level 53 -- Experience Levels 54 -- Findings and Analysis 55 -- Education Level 56 -- Experience 57 -- Additional Observations 60 -- Summary of Findings 61 -- CHAPTER V: DISCUSSION 63 -- Theoretical Applications 63 -- General Findings Discussion 64 -- Potential Applications 67 -- Future Research 69 -- Conclusion 70 -- REFERENCES 72 -- APPENDIX A: IRB EXEMPTION 88 -- APPENDIX B: THEATRE SITES 91Thomas, Michael BlairDavis, BrittRioux, AislinnD.P.A.Public Administratio

    Information Communication and Technology Strategies for Improving Nonprofit Organizations’ Effectiveness

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    AbstractSome nonprofit organization leaders lack strategies to incorporate information communication and technology (ICT) into the business operations of organizations. A nonprofit organization lacking strategies involving integrating technology into their business operations decreases the likelihood of being efficient, productive, and effective. Grounded in the information technology (IT) competency model, the purpose of this qualitative single case study was to explore the ICT strategies of a nonprofit organization leader in the south suburbs of Chicago. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, direct observations, and reviews of organizational documents. The Marshall and Rossman seven-step process was used to analyze data. Three themes emerged from data analysis: selection and implementation of software, employee training, and adaptation, and improved process and productivity. A key recommendation is for leaders of a nonprofit organization to acquire and implement software that integrates with other software to meet the needs of business operations. Implications for positive social change include the potential to implement an efficient technological environment that will allow for increased services throughout the south suburbs of Chicago