708 research outputs found

    Convolutional Methods for Music Analysis

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    Proceedings of the 18th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

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    These proceedings contain the papers that were accepted for publication at AICS-2007, the 18th Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, which was held in the Technological University Dublin; Dublin, Ireland; on the 29th to the 31st August 2007. AICS is the annual conference of the Artificial Intelligence Association of Ireland (AIAI)

    Genre and Genring in Music Education

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    © Live Weider EllefsenIn this article, I explore the theoretical and analytical potential of the concept of genring, which here refers to productive acts of temporary interpretation and signification, wherein existing classification systems and genre categories in the social are operationalized and (re)negotiated. Foucault and Butler’s theories of discursive subjection serve as a theoretical framework to consider how genring works as a performative mode of action: a discursive, reiterative, and citational practice that establishes ontological effects of truth, reality, and naturalness. This performative mode of action is not a “discursive practice” in itself; rather, it might be understood as one of the ways discourse practices itself. To probe the analytical value of the concept genring, I take as my case the field of music education, where genring seems to be a common strategy for associating music with music, music with people, and people with people for educational purposes.publishedVersio


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    Lind brings experience and optimism to chancellorship -- New Commissioner from UAJ -- New era of stability on the rise -- Send ideas to new Governor -- HJR 4 mistrepresented -- Gratitude for help to handicapped -- Beeton extends congratulations -- Legislative update -- Iranian student adapts to life at UAJ -- Record enrollment expected -- Letter from USUAJ President -- Changes to the USUAJ Constitution -- Fundraising for peace -- Health Service treats stress on campus -- Music at mid-day: "cat's meow" -- Campus calendar -- NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWS -- Classifieds -- Ex-CIA Agent speaks on CIA's role in Central Americ

    Ranking and automatic selection of machine learning models Abstract

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    Generally, the present disclosure is directed to an API for ranking and automatic selection from competing machine learning models that can perform a particular task. In particular, in some implementations, the systems and methods of the present disclosure can include or otherwise leverage one or more machine-learned models to provide to a software application one or more machine learning models from different providers. The trained models are suited to a task or data type specified by the developer. The one or more models are selected from a registry of machine learning models, their task specialties, cost, and performance, such that the application specified cost and performance requirements are met. An application processor interface (API) maintains a registry of various machine learning models, their task specialties, costs and/or performances. A third-party developer can make a call to the API to select one or more machine learning models. The API call includes specification of the task and/or data to be analyzed using the machine learning models. The API can utilize machine learning model that ranks the available machine learning models to perform selection of the machine learning model. The availability of such an API eliminates the need for app developers to develop their own models, and can enable app developers that do not have the resources and/or expertise to develop their own models to utilize pre-trained models available from providers to perform tasks within their apps. The API can be provided as part of an operating system, as a cloud-based API, or as functionality of machine-learning hardware, e.g., processors

    Musical Composition in the Context of Globalization: New Perspectives on Music History in the 20th and 21st Century

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    This book discusses the effects of cultural globalization on processes of composition and distribution of art music in the 20th and 21st century. Christian Utz provides the foundations of a global music historiography, building on new models such as transnationalism, entangled histories, and reflexive globalization. The relationship between music and broader changes in society forms the central focus and is treated as a pivotal music-historical dynamic.Dieses Buch diskutiert die Auswirkungen der kulturellen Globalisierung auf Prozesse der Komposition und Verbreitung von Kunstmusik im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert. Christian Utz liefert die Grundlagen einer globalen Musikhistoriographie, die auf neuen Modellen wie Transnationalismus, Verflechtungsgeschichte und reflexiver Globalisierung aufbaut. Das Verhältnis zwischen Musik und breiteren gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen bildet den zentralen Fokus der Studien und wird als zentrale musikgeschichtliche Dynamik begriffen

    Neural basis of acquired amusia and its recovery

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    In acquired amusia, the healthy music processing system in the brain is disrupted due to focal brain damage. This creates an exceptional opportunity to investigate the critical neural architectures of music processing. Yet, the neural basis of acquired amusia has remained largely unexplored. In this multimodal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study of stroke patients with a 6-month follow-up, we systematically explored the neural basis of music processing by determining the lesions patterns, structural grey and white matter changes, and brain activation and functional network connectivity changes associated with acquired amusia and its recovery. We found that damage to the right temporal areas, insula, and putamen forms the crucial neural substrate for acquired amusia after stroke. Longitudinally, persistent amusia was associated with further atrophy in the right superior temporal regions, located more anteriorly for rhythm-amusia and more posteriorly for pitchamusia. In addition, persistent amusia was associated with structural damage and later degeneration in multiple right frontotemporal and frontal pathways as well as interhemispheric connections. Interestingly, rhythm-amusia was associated with additional deficits in left frontal connectivity. During listening to instrumental music, acquired amusics exhibited dysfunction of multiple frontal and temporal brain regions included in the large-scale music network. Interestingly, amusics showed less activation deficits during listening to vocal music, as compared to instrumental music, suggesting less defective processing of singing. Recovery from acquired amusia was related to increased activation in the right frontal and parietal areas as well as increased functional connectivity in the right and left frontoparietal networks. Overall, the results provide a comprehensive neuroanatomical and functional picture of acquired amusia and highlight the neural structures crucial for normal music perception.Aivoinfarktin ja -verenvuodon jälkeinen musiikin käsittelyn häiriö ja siitä kuntoutuminen Hankinnaisessa amusiassa aivojen musiikinkäsittelyjärjestelmän normaali toiminta häiriintyy aivojen paikallisen vaurioitumisen takia. Tämä luo poikkeuksellisen mahdollisuuden tutkia musiikin käsittelylle tärkeitä aivorakenteita. Hankinnaisen amusian aivoperusta on kuitenkin suurelta osin vielä täysin tuntematonta. Tässä aivoverenkiertohäiriön (AVH) sairastaneiden potilaiden 6 kuukauden seurantatutkimuksessa selvitimme magneettikuvantamisen avulla musiikin käsittelyn aivoperustaa tutkimalla, minkä aivoalueiden vauriot, mitkä harmaan ja valkean aineen rakenteelliset muutokset ja millaiset aivojen toiminnalliset muutokset liittyvät hankinnaiseen amusiaan ja siitä kuntoutumiseen. Tuloksemme osoittivat, että AVH:n jälkeinen amusia syntyy oikean ohimolohkon yläosan, aivosaaren ja tyvitumakealueen vauriosta. Pysyvään amusiaan liittyi lisäksi harmaan aineen atrofiaa oikeassa ohimolohkossa. Rytmin havaitsemiseen liittyvässä amusiassa atrofia painottui ohimolohkon etuosaan ja äänenkorkeuden havaitsemiseen liittyvässä amusiassa ohimolohkon takaosaan. Lisäksi, pysyvään amusiaan liittyi laaja oikean aivopuoliskon ja aivopuoliskon välisten radastojen vaurio ja atrofia. Amusia aiheutti myös laajamittaisia aivojen toimintahäiriöitä musiikin kuuntelun aikana. Mielenkiintoista on, että toimintahäiriöt olivat suurempia kuunneltaessa instrumentaalimusiikkia kuin laulettua musiikkia. Amusiasta kuntoutuminen oli yhteydessä toiminnallisten yhteyksien vahvistumiseen oikean sekä vasemman aivopuoliskon otsa- ja päälakilohkojen välillä. Tulokset antavat kattavan kuvan amusiaan johtavista aivovaurioista sekä siihen liittyvistä rakenteellisista ja toiminnallisista muutoksista. Lisäksi tulokset valottavat musiikin käsittelylle keskeisen tärkeitä aivorakenteita

    Innovator, 1999-03-15

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    The Innovator was a student newspaper published at Governors State University between March 1972 and October 2000. The newspaper featured student reporting, opinions, news, photos, poetry, and original graphics