176 research outputs found

    Degradation in AlGaN/GaN heterojunction field effect transistors upon electrical stress: Effects of field and temperature

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    AlGaN/GaN heterojunction field effect transistors (HFETs) with 2 μm gate length were subjected to on-state-high-field (high drain bias and drain current) and reverse-gate-bias (no drain currentand reverse gate bias) stress at room and elevated temperatures for up to 10 h. The resulting degradation of the HFETs was studied by direct current and uniquely phase noise before and after stress. A series of drain and gate voltages was applied during the on-state-high-field and reverse-gate-bias stress conditions, respectively, to examine the effect of electric field on degradation of the HFET devices passivated with SiNx. The degradation behaviors under these two types of stress conditions were analyzed and compared. In order to isolate the effect of self-heating/temperature on device degradation, stress experiments were conducted at base plate temperatures up to 150 °C. It was found that the electric field induced by reverse-gate-bias mainly generated trap(s), most likely in the AlGaN barrier, which initially were manifested as generation-recombination (G-R) peak(s) in the phase noise spectra near 103 Hz. Meanwhileelectric field induced by on-state-high-field stress mainly generated hot-electron and hot-phonon effects, which result in a nearly frequency independent increase of noise spectra. The external base plate temperatures promote trap generation as evidenced by increased G-R peak intensities


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    AlGaN/GaN and InAlN/GaN-based heterojunction field effect transistors (HFETs) have demonstrated great high power and high frequency performance. Although AlGaN/GaN HFETs are commercially available, there still remain issues regarding long-term reliability, particularly degradation and ultimately device failure due to the gate-drain region where the electric field peaks. One of the proposed degradation mechanisms is the inverse-piezoelectric effect that results from the vertical electric field and increases the tensile strain. Other proposed mechanisms include hot-electron-induced trap generation, impurity diffusion, surface oxidation, and hot-electron/phonon effects. To investigate the degradation mechanism and its impact on DC, microwave, and noise performance, comprehensive stress experiments were conducted in both un-passivated and passivated AlGaN/GaN HFETs. It was found that degradation of AlGaN/GaN HFETs under reverse-gate-bias stress is dominated by inverse-piezoelectric effect and/or hot-electron injection due to gate leakage. Degradation under on-state-high-field stress is dominated by hot-electron/phonon effects, especially at high drain bias. Both effects are induced by the high electric field present during stress, where the inverse-piezoelectric effect only relates to the vertical electric field and the hot-electron effect relates to the total electric field. InAlN/GaN-based HFETs are expected to have even better performance as power amplifiers due to the large 2DEG density at the InAlN/GaN interface and better lattice-matching. Electrical stress experiments were therefore conducted on InAlN/GaN HFETs with indium compositions ranging from 15.7% to 20.0%. Devices with indium composition of 18.5% were found to give the best compromise between reliability and device performance. For indium compositions of 15.7% and 17.5%, the HFET devices degraded very fast (25 h) under on-state-high-field stress, while the HFET devices with 20.0% indium composition showed very small drain. It was also demonstrated that hot-electron/phonon effects are the major degradation mechanism for InAlN/GaN HFETs due to a large 2DEG density under on-state operations, whereas the inverse-piezoelectric effect is very small due to the small strain for the near lattice-matched InAlN barrier. Compared to lattice-matched InAlN/GaN HFETs, AlGaN/GaN HFETs have much larger strain in the barrier and about half of the drain current level; however, the hot electron/hot phonon effects are still important, especially at high drain bias

    AlGaN/GaN Dual Channel HFETs and Realization of GaN Devices on different substrates

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    GaN-based HFETs demonstrate ubiquitous high power and high frequency performance and attract tremendous research efforts. Even though significant advances have been achieved, there still exist some critical issues needed to be investigated and solved. In particular, high defect densities due to inhomogeneous growth and operation under high power conditions bring many unique problems which are not so critical in the conventional Si and GaAs materials systems. In order to reduce the defect density and heat dissipation of GaN-based HFETs, research work on the realization of GaN-based HFETs on bulk GaN substrate has been carried out and the key problems have been identified and solved. Hot phonon scattering is the bottleneck which limits the enhancement of electron velocity in the GaN 2DEG channel. It is found that the plasmon-phonon coupling is the mechanism for converting of hot phonons into high group velocity acoustic phonons. In order to push more electrons into the GaN 2DEG channel in the plasmon-phonon coupling regime and to further reduce the hot phonon lifetime, a novel AlGaN/GaN dual channel HFET structure has been proposed. The growth, fabrication and characterization of such a AlGaN/GaN dual channel HFET structure has been carried out. Conventionally GaN-based light emitting diodes and laser diodes are grown and fabricated using the c-plane III-nitride expitaxy layers. In c-plane III-nitride epi-layers, the polarization-induced electric field introduces spatial separation of electron and hole wave functions in quantum wells (QW)s used LEDs and laser diodes LDs and degrades quantum efficiency. As well, blueshift in the emission wavelength becomes inevitable with increasing injection current unless very thin QWs are employed. The use of nonpolar orientations, namely, m-plane or a-plane GaN, would solve this problem. So far, m-plane GaN has been obtained on LiAlO2 (100), m-plane SiC substrates, and m-plane bulk GaN, which all have limited availability and/or high cost. Silicon substrates are very attractive for the growth of GaN due to their high quality, good thermal conductivity, low cost, availability in large size, and ease with which they can be selectively removed before packaging for better light extraction and heat transfer when needed To realize the low cost and improve the internal quantum efficiency of GaN based light emitting diodes, the process for m-plane GaN growth on Si (112) substrates has been studied and optimized. The continuous m-plane GaN film is successfully grown on Si (112) substrates

    Gallium nitride-based microwave high-power heterostructure field-effect transistors

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    The research described in this thesis has been carried out within a joint project between the Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU) and the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e) with the title: "Performance enhancement of GaN-based microwave power amplifiers: material, device and design issues". This project has been granted by the Dutch Technology Foundation STW under project number NAF 5040. The aims of this project have been to develop the technology required to grow state-of-the-art AlGaN/GaN epilayers on sapphire and semi-insulating (s.i.) SiC substrates using metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) and to fabricate microwave (f > 1 GHz) high-power (Pout > 10 W) heterostructure field-effect transistors (HFETs) on these epitaxial films. MOCVD growth of AlGaN/GaN epilayers and material characterization has been done within the group Applied Materials Science (AMS) of RU. Research at the Opto-Electronic Devices group (OED) of TU/e has focused on both electrical characterization of AlGaN/GaN epilayers and design, process technology development, and characterization of GaN-based HFETs and CPW passive components. Although a considerable amount of work has been done during this research with respect to processing of CPW passive components on s.i. SiC substrates, this thesis focused on active AlGaN/GaN devices only. GaN is an excellent option for high-power/high-temperature microwave applications because of its high electric breakdown field (3 MV/cm) and high electron saturation velocity (1.5 x 107 cm/s). The former is a result of the wide bandgap (3.44 eV at RT) and enables the application of high supply voltages (> 50 V), which is one of the two requirements for highpower device performance. In addition, the wide bandgap allows the material to withstand much higher operating temperatures (300oC - 500oC) than can the conventional semiconductor materials such as Si, GaAs, and InP. A big advantage of GaN over SiC is the possibility to grow heterostructures, e.g. AlGaN/GaN. The resulting two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at the AlGaN/GaN heterojunction serves as the conductive channel. Large drain currents (> 1 A/mm), which are the second requirement for a power device, can be achieved because of the high electron sheet densities (> 1 x 1013 cm-2) and high electron saturation velocity. These material properties clearly indicate why GaN is a very suitable candidate for next-generation microwave high-power/high-temperature applications such as high-power amplifiers (HPAs) for GSM base stations, and microwave monolithic integrated circuits (MMICs) for radar systems. In this thesis we have presented the design, technology, and measurement results of n.i.d. AlGaN/GaN:Fe HFETs grown on s.i. 4H-SiC substrates by MOCVD. These devices have submicrometer T- or FP-gates with a gate length (Lg) of 0.7 µm and total gate widths (Wg) of 0.25 mm, 0.5 mm, and 1.0 mm, respectively. The 1.0 mm devices are capable of producing a maximum microwave output power (Pout) of 11.9 W at S-band (2 GHz - 4 GHz) using class AB bias conditions of VDS = 50 V and VGS = -4.65 V. It has to be noted that excellent scaling of Pout with Wg has been demonstrated. In addition, the associated power gain (Gp) ranges between 15 dB and 20 dB, and for the power added efficiency (PAE) values from 54 % up to 70 % have been obtained. These results clearly illustrate both the successful development of the MOCVD growth process, and the successful development and integration of process modules such as ohmic and Schottky contact technology, device isolation, electron beam lithography, surface passivation, and air bridge technology, into a process flow that enables the fabrication of state-of-the-art large periphery n.i.d. AlGaN/GaN:Fe HFETs on s.i. SiC substrates, which are perfectly suitable for application in e.g. HPAs at S-band

    Al0.15Ga0.85N/GaN Heterostructure Field Effect Transistors (HFET)Device Structure Optimization And Thermal Effects.

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    Al0.15Ga0.85N/GaN heterostructure field effect transistors (HFETs) was simulated by using ISETCAD software with varying substrate type, gate length and source drain resistances

    Electro-thermal-mechanical modeling of GaN HFETs and MOSHFETs

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    High power Gallium Nitride (GaN) based field effect transistors are used in many high power applications from RADARs to communications. These devices dissipate a large amount of power and sustain high electric fields during operation. High power dissipation occurs in the form of heat generation through Joule heating which also results in localized hot spot formation that induces thermal stresses. In addition, because GaN is strongly piezoelectric, high electric fields result in large inverse piezoelectric stresses. Combined with residual stresses due to growth conditions, these effects are believed to lead to device degradation and reliability issues. This work focuses on studying these effects in detail through modeling of Heterostructure Field Effect Transistors (HFETs) and metal oxide semiconductor hetero-structure field effect transistor (MOSHFETs) under various operational conditions. The goal is to develop a thorough understanding of device operation in order to better predict device failure and eventually aid in device design through modeling. The first portion of this work covers the development of a continuum scale model which couples temperature and thermal stress to find peak temperatures and stresses in the device. The second portion of this work focuses on development of a micro-scale model which captures phonon-interactions at the device scale and can resolve local perturbations in phonon population due to electron-phonon interactions combined with ballistic transport. This portion also includes development of phonon relaxation times for GaN. The model provides a framework to understand the ballistic diffusive phonon transport near the hotspot in GaN transistors which leads to thermally related degradation in these devices.M.S.Committee Chair: Graham, Samuel; Committee Member: Cola, Baratunde; Committee Member: Joshi, Yogendr

    Design, Microfabrication, and Characterization of Polar III-Nitride HFETs

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    ABSTRACT Design, Microfabrication, and Characterization of Polar III-Nitride HFETs Alireza Loghmany, Ph.D. Concordia University, 2016 With excellent performance in high-frequency power amplifiers, AlGaN/GaN heterojunction field-effect transistors (HFETs) as next generation power amplifiers have drawn a great deal of attention in the last decade. These HFETs, however, are still quite limited by their inherently depletion-mode (D-mode: negative pinch-off voltage) nature, relatively poor gate-leakage, and questionable long-terms reliability. In addition, since AlGaN/GaN HFETs operate at extremely high-power densities, performance of these devices has so far remained quite limited by self-heating effects. While a number of techniques have already been developed for realization of enhancement-mode (E-mode: positive pinch-off voltage) AlGaN/GaN HFETs, these techniques in addition to having a number of difficulties in achieving enhancement-/depletion-mode pairs, fall short of satisfying requirements such as low leakage-current, drain-current stability, and pinch-off voltage stability at the high operating temperatures and at elevated electric-fields. Among these techniques, fluoride-based plasma treatment is the most widely accepted. As an alternative to this mainstream technique, polarization-engineering of AlGaN/GaN HFETs through exploring the impacts of the mesa geometry is studied as a possible avenue for selective transformation of the D-mode nature of AlGaN/GaN HFETs to an E-mode character. Whereas limited experimental studies on the pinch-off voltage of HFETs realized on different isolation-feature geometries have indicated the presence of a certain correlation between the two, such observations lack the required depth to accurately identify the true culprit. This technique is expected to be ultimately capable of producing enhancement-/depletion-mode pairs without adding any extra steps to the microfabrication process. In light of this requirement, microfabrication of AlGaN/GaN HFETs using a number of alternative isolation-feature geometries is explored in this study. In addition to developing an in-house microfabrication process, transistors designed according to these novel isolation-feature geometries have been fabricated through the services offered by Canadian Microelectronics Corporation (CMC). Investigation of the variation of pinch-off voltage among the devices fabricated through this latter means has conclusively indicated that the pinch-off voltage shift, rather than exclusively being caused by the surrounding-field effect, is also correlated to the perimeter-to-area ratio of the isolation-features. In addition, through characterization and thermal modeling of these groups of devices, in this study a new approach is unveiled for reducing self-heating in AlGaN/GaN HFETs. According to finite element analysis (FEA) and electrical measurement of average channel temperature, an improved heat-dissipation was observed in HFETs enjoying a more distributed nature of the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) channel. This is observed to be the case especially for isolation features which offered the center of the channel a smaller distance to the side walls. Observations also indicate a more distinct gain in thermal management with reduction of the gate-length and also the surface area of the isolation pattern. Results suggest that self-heating in AlGaN/GaN HFETs can be substantially nullified by reducing the island-width below a certain threshold value, while maintaining the total width of the transistor constant. In addition to exploring these alternatives on AlGaN/GaN HFET structures, in-house microfabrication of AlN/GaN MISFETs is also studied. The results of DC characterization of these novel transistors are also presented

    Degradation and phase noise of InAlN/AlN/GaN heterojunction field effect transistors: Implications for hot electron/phonon effects

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    In15.7%Al84.3%N/AlN/GaN heterojunctionfield effect transistors have been electrically stressed under four different bias conditions: on-state-low-field stress, reverse-gate-bias stress, off-state-high-field stress, and on-state-high-field stress, in an effort to elaborate on hot electron/phonon and thermal effects. DC current and phase noise have been measured before and after the stress. The possible locations of the failures as well as their influence on the electrical properties have been identified. The reverse-gate-bias stress causes trap generation around the gate area near the surface which has indirect influence on the channel. The off-state-high-field stress and the on-state-high-field stress induce deterioration of the channel, reduce drain current and increase phase noise. The channel degradation is ascribed to the hot-electron and hot-phonon effects

    Microwave and Millimeter-Wave GaN HEMTs: Impact of Epitaxial Structure on Short-Channel Effects, Electron Trapping, and Reliability

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    Application of gallium nitride high-electron-mobility transistors (GaN HEMTs) to millimeter-wave power amplifiers requires gate length scaling below 150 nm: in order to control short-channel effects, the gate-to-channel distance must be decreased, and the device epitaxial structure has to be completely redesigned. A high 2-D electron gas (2DEG) carrier density can be preserved even with a very thin top barrier layer by substituting AlGaN with AlN, InAl(Ga)N, or ScAlN. Moreover, to prevent interaction of hot electrons with compensating impurities and defects in the doped GaN buffer, the latter has to be separated from the channel by a back barrier. Other device designs consist in adopting a graded channel (which controls the electric field) or to adopt nitrogen-polar (N-polar) GaN growth (which decreases the distance between gate and channel, thus attenuating short-channel effects). The aim of this article is to review the various options for controlling short-channel effects, improve off-state characteristics, and reduce drain–source leakage current. Advantages and potential drawbacks of each proposed solution are analyzed in terms of current collapse (CC), dispersion effects, and reliability