124,234 research outputs found

    Preferred Competencies for Tourism and Hospitality Graduates: Evidence from Longitudinal Tracer Studies

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    This paper reports on the multi-cohort tracer studies about graduates' perception (inserted) of employability, competencies, and job-specific skills in the field of tourism and hospitality management. Mixed-methods research was designed to explore graduates' perceptions of the preferred competencies using online surveys. 1694 tourism and hospitality graduates participated in this study, and data were collected using a longitudinal design involving three cohorts. The results of this study show that three competencies constitute the critical skills required in future employment for tourism and hospitality management graduates namely fundamental, functional and professional competencies. The findings shed new light on the vocational education and training (VET) preferred competencies, especially from the perspective of the graduates in the field of tourism and hospitality management. This study also suggested that preferred graduates' job competencies for the tourism and hospitality sectors can integrate with collaboration strategy during internship and industry-related certification programs. In the context of learning experiences, this study also found that tracer studies play a crucial role as the initial stage for developing higher education curricula relevant to tourism and hospitality management courses


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    This paper examined the relationship between the big five personality traits and tourism-preneurship tendency of undergraduate students of hospitality and tourism management, University of Port Harcourt. The study used a structured questionnaire. Multiple regressions analysis that allows for exploration of the interrelationship among sets of variables were adopted for the analysis of data collected. The researchers carefully screen the data in terms of missing values, influential outliers, normality, and multicollinearity using statistical package for social science (SPSS) software version 23 before proceeding with the analysis. The result shows that there is a positive and significant correlation between the five dimensions of personality traits and tourism-prenueuriship tendency (TPI) in respect to hospitality and tourism management undergraduate students, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria except for openness to experiences. The result further validates the proposed big-five personality traits and tourism-preneurship tendency model for hospitality and tourism management undergraduate students of the University of Port Harcourt. It also confirms contentiousness as making the strongest unique contribution to tourism-preneurship tendency of hospitality and tourism management undergraduate students, University of Port Harcourt, Choba, Nigeria. This study contributed to the body of knowledge in the tourism domain by authenticating the usage of the big five personality traits for predicting tourism-entrepreneurship tendency of hospitality and tourism management students in an emerging economy. Overall, this research contributes to knowledge of university student’s personality traits and their relations with tourism-entrepreneurship intention. It fills the gap of limited empirical studies on entrepreneurship and tourism management in emerging economies

    Tourism and Hospitality Employment and Career Perceptions Among High School Students

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    Five hundred and ninety-four students enrolled in Years 11 and 12 in five state high schools from the Far North Queensland area were surveyed so as to ascertain tourism and hospitality industry work interest and post-secondary school education intention. Many students expressed a desire for employment in tourism and hospitality industry management, particularly within hotels, resorts, transportation and entertainment contexts. Most expressed a preparedness to seek post-secondary school education, with TAPE the favoured mode. Older students expressed a preference for TAPE whereas those with tourism and hospitality industry work experience preferred in-house training and a management work context. Finally Technical and Further education was generally revealed to be the preferred mode of management education for tourism and hospitality industry employment among students. The implications of these findings for students, career counsellors, various education bodies such as universities and for the tourism and hospitality industry are examined

    Diabetes, Grand Rapids Restaurants and Hospitality and Tourism Research?

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    This work-in-progress paper outlines the instructional approach that is being used with a new Hospitality and Tourism Research course introduced into the Grand Valley State University hospitality and tourism management curriculum (Winter 2012). The course, which is at the Junior-Senior level, is intended to provide students with; an understanding of the relationship between general theory and applied research; the purposes and applications, procedures, constraints and management of applied research; and to help students compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative research. Twenty-two students have registered for the course. In the sections of this paper that follow a conceptual framework for instruction; the methods used in instruction; and how transformational learning will be assessed are outlined

    The Literary Richard III: The Making of a Monster through Historiography

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    The Hospitality and Tourism Management industry is extensive and can be overwhelming for students to determine possible career paths. A survey of graduates of Appalachian State University’s Hospitality and Tourism Management was conducted. This surveyed aimed to answer the questions what career paths can be pursued with a Hospitality and Tourism Management degree and how beneficial is having this degree in finding a job within this industry. The survey also analyzed graduates’ perceptions of the program and what changes should be made

    HRTM 479: Perspectives on the Hospitality Industry (Capstone Course)—A Peer Review of Teaching Project Benchmark Portfolio

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    This benchmark portfolio investigates teaching and learning in HRTM 479: Perspectives on the Hospitality Industry, a senior capstone course for Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism management majors, which integrates hospitality core and content courses into managerial and leadership practice within the hospitality, restaurant and tourism industry

    A Review of Hospitality and Tourism Management Graduates' Post Education Employment

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    The Hospitality and Tourism Management industry is extensive and can be overwhelming for students to determine possible career paths. A survey of graduates of Appalachian State University’s Hospitality and Tourism Management was conducted. This surveyed aimed to answer the questions what career paths can be pursued with a Hospitality and Tourism Management degree and how beneficial is having this degree in finding a job within this industry. The survey also analyzed graduates’ perceptions of the program and what changes should be made

    Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Komunikasi Antar Budaya (Hospitality Desa Wisata Belitar Seberang Kecamatan Sindang Kelingi Kabupaten Rejang Lebong)

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    Hospitality of Belitar Tourism Village is the attitude and behavior of hospitality in the relationship between guests and hosts as tourism service providers in Belitar Seberang Village, Sindang Kelingi District, Rejang Lebong Regency. The success of developing a tourist village, apart from being influenced by attractive tourist objects, is also strongly influenced by the attitudes and behavior of tourism managers and the surrounding community in providing services to visitors. This is a challenge for tourism managers considering that visitors come from various regions with various ethnic groups, languages ​​and cultural customs, so they are prone to communication errors. Therefore, the Dehasen University Bengkulu Communication Studies Program in collaboration with the Tourism Awareness Group as tourism managers in the Belitar Seberang Tourism Village, held a focus group discussion (FGD) on Intercultural Communication, especially related to the theme of hospitality in tourist villages. The FGD results show that the optimization of hospitality is influenced by: 1) Knowledge of the tourism management team about human personality traits, especially visitors. 2) Communication skills of the Tourism Management Team in serving visitors, 3) Existence of standard operating procedures (SOP) for tourism services in Tourism Villages. Based on these findings, it is suggested that there be hospitality training for the Belitar Seberang Village Tourism Management Team

    Direction for the Future of Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management Education in Nigeria

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    The increasing need for leisure travel and the overwhelming tourism development in Nigeria has necessitated high level of human resource management in order to meet up with challenges facing the tourism industry. It should be noted that tourism is a multi-sectoral industry that cuts across other sectors like hospitality and catering services, transportation, travel agencies/airline operators, and of recent the events and convention among others. Of a truth, many leisure, tourism, hospitality, hotel management, and events management students graduate without clear understanding of the magnitude of career prospects awaiting them; while those still undergoing the programme are clouded with doubts about what the future holds for them. This paper therefore seeks to address this problem. It examines the various programmes obtainable in Nigerian institutions of learning and proffer solutions in ensuring academia continually supply the manpower needs of the industry as it related to the tourism industry and its industrial sectors with focus on hospitality and events management in Nigeria. Keywords: Tourism, Hospitality, Events, Management, Nigeria, Education in Nigeria

    HRTM 479: Perspectives on the Hospitality Industry (Capstone Course)—A Peer Review of Teaching Project Benchmark Portfolio

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    This benchmark portfolio investigates teaching and learning in HRTM 479: Perspectives on the Hospitality Industry, a senior capstone course for Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism management majors, which integrates hospitality core and content courses into managerial and leadership practice within the hospitality, restaurant and tourism industry