88 research outputs found

    Unital hyperarchimedean vector lattices

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    We prove that the category of unital hyperarchimedean vector lattices is equivalent to the category of Boolean algebras. The key result needed to establish the equivalence is that, via the Yosida representation, such a vector lattice is naturally isomorphic to the vector lattice of all locally constant real-valued continuous functions on a Boolean (=compact Hausdorff totally disconnected) space. We give two applications of our main result.Comment: 15 pages. Submitted pape

    Fuzzy Mathematics

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    This book provides a timely overview of topics in fuzzy mathematics. It lays the foundation for further research and applications in a broad range of areas. It contains break-through analysis on how results from the many variations and extensions of fuzzy set theory can be obtained from known results of traditional fuzzy set theory. The book contains not only theoretical results, but a wide range of applications in areas such as decision analysis, optimal allocation in possibilistics and mixed models, pattern classification, credibility measures, algorithms for modeling uncertain data, and numerical methods for solving fuzzy linear systems. The book offers an excellent reference for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in applied and theoretical fuzzy mathematics. Researchers and referees in fuzzy set theory will find the book to be of extreme value

    Distributive Residuated Frames and Generalized Bunched Implication Algebras

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    We show that all extensions of the (non-associative) Gentzen system for distributive full Lambek calculus by simple structural rules have the cut elimination property. Also, extensions by such rules that do not increase complexity have the finite model property, hence many subvarieties of the variety of distributive residuated lattices have decidable equational theories. For some other extensions, we prove the finite embeddability property, which implies the decidability of the universal theory, and we show that our results also apply to generalized bunched implication algebras. Our analysis is conducted in the general setting of residuated frames


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    Recently, the algebraic theory of MV -algebras is intensively studied. In this paper, we extend the concept of derivation of MVMV-algebras and we give someillustrative examples. Moreover, as a generalization of derivations of MVMV -algebraswe introduce the notion of ff-derivations and (f;g)(f; g)-derivations of MVMV-algebras.Also, we investigate some properties of them

    On MV - topologies

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    En este trabajo estamos interesados en un tipo particular de topología fuzzy llamada MV-topología, la cual usa operaciones MV-algebraicas para generar abiertos fuzzy. Estos espacios topológicos fuzzy permiten generalizaciones naturales de definiciones y resultados importantes de la topología clásica. En este sentido, desarrollamos algunos conceptos y resultados centrales, con el proprósito de extender los correspondientes de la topología clásica, y al mismo tiempo siguiendo la ruta de la bien conocida teoría de espacios topológicos fuzzy. Mostramos que las MV-topologías son un tipo de topología fuzzy que goza de muy "buen comportamiento" matemático, en el sentido de que la mayoría de definiciones y resultados clásicos de topología general encuentran una extensión o adaptación natural en este marco. Entre otros resultados, también extendemos el concepto de haz para el caso en el que el espacio base es un espacio MV-topológico, y mostramos una representación por "MV-haces" para una clase de MV-álgebras.DoctoradoDOCTOR(A) EN CIENCIAS - MATEMÁTICA

    The moduli space of matroids

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    In the first part of the paper, we clarify the connections between several algebraic objects appearing in matroid theory: both partial fields and hyperfields are fuzzy rings, fuzzy rings are tracts, and these relations are compatible with the respective matroid theories. Moreover, fuzzy rings are ordered blueprints and lie in the intersection of tracts with ordered blueprints; we call the objects of this intersection pastures. In the second part, we construct moduli spaces for matroids over pastures. We show that, for any non-empty finite set EE, the functor taking a pasture FF to the set of isomorphism classes of rank-rr FF-matroids on EE is representable by an ordered blue scheme Mat(r,E)Mat(r,E), the moduli space of rank-rr matroids on EE. In the third part, we draw conclusions on matroid theory. A classical rank-rr matroid MM on EE corresponds to a K\mathbb{K}-valued point of Mat(r,E)Mat(r,E) where K\mathbb{K} is the Krasner hyperfield. Such a point defines a residue pasture kMk_M, which we call the universal pasture of MM. We show that for every pasture FF, morphisms kMFk_M\to F are canonically in bijection with FF-matroid structures on MM. An analogous weak universal pasture kMwk_M^w classifies weak FF-matroid structures on MM. The unit group of kMwk_M^w can be canonically identified with the Tutte group of MM. We call the sub-pasture kMfk_M^f of kMwk_M^w generated by ``cross-ratios' the foundation of MM,. It parametrizes rescaling classes of weak FF-matroid structures on MM, and its unit group is coincides with the inner Tutte group of MM. We show that a matroid MM is regular if and only if its foundation is the regular partial field, and a non-regular matroid MM is binary if and only if its foundation is the field with two elements. This yields a new proof of the fact that a matroid is regular if and only if it is both binary and orientable.Comment: 83 page

    Maximal ideal space techniques in non-selfadjoint operator algebras

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    The following thesis is divided into two main parts. In the first part we study the problem of characterizing algebras of functions living on analytic varieties. Specifically, we consider the restrictions M_V of the multiplier algebra M of Drury-Arveson space to a holomorphic subvariety V of the unit ball as well as the algebras A_V of continuous multipliers under the same restriction. We find that M_V is completely isometrically isomorphic to cM_W if and only if W is the image of V under a biholomorphic automorphism of the ball. In this case, the isomorphism is unitarily implemented. Furthermore, when V and W are homogeneous varieties then A_V is isometrically isomorphic to A_W if and only if the defining polynomial relations are the same up to a change of variables. The problem of characterizing when two such algebras are (algebraically) isomorphic is also studied. In the continuous homogeneous case, two algebras are isomorphic if and only if they are similar. However, in the multiplier algebra case the problem is much harder and several examples will be given where no such characterization is possible. In the second part we study the triangular subalgebras of UHF algebras which provide new examples of algebras with the Dirichlet property and the Ando property. This in turn allows us to describe the semicrossed product by an isometric automorphism. We also study the isometric automorphism group of these algebras and prove that it decomposes into the semidirect product of an abelian group by a torsion free group. Various other structure results are proven as well

    Collected Papers (on Neutrosophic Theory and Its Applications in Algebra), Volume IX

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    This ninth volume of Collected Papers includes 87 papers comprising 982 pages on Neutrosophic Theory and its applications in Algebra, written between 2014-2022 by the author alone or in collaboration with the following 81 co-authors (alphabetically ordered) from 19 countries: E.O. Adeleke, A.A.A. Agboola, Ahmed B. Al-Nafee, Ahmed Mostafa Khalil, Akbar Rezaei, S.A. Akinleye, Ali Hassan, Mumtaz Ali, Rajab Ali Borzooei , Assia Bakali, Cenap Özel, Victor Christianto, Chunxin Bo, Rakhal Das, Bijan Davvaz, R. Dhavaseelan, B. Elavarasan, Fahad Alsharari, T. Gharibah, Hina Gulzar, Hashem Bordbar, Le Hoang Son, Emmanuel Ilojide, Tèmítópé Gbóláhàn Jaíyéolá, M. Karthika, Ilanthenral Kandasamy, W.B. Vasantha Kandasamy, Huma Khan, Madad Khan, Mohsin Khan, Hee Sik Kim, Seon Jeong Kim, Valeri Kromov, R. M. Latif, Madeleine Al-Tahan, Mehmat Ali Ozturk, Minghao Hu, S. Mirvakili, Mohammad Abobala, Mohammad Hamidi, Mohammed Abdel-Sattar, Mohammed A. Al Shumrani, Mohamed Talea, Muhammad Akram, Muhammad Aslam, Muhammad Aslam Malik, Muhammad Gulistan, Muhammad Shabir, G. Muhiuddin, Memudu Olaposi Olatinwo, Osman Anis, Choonkil Park, M. Parimala, Ping Li, K. Porselvi, D. Preethi, S. Rajareega, N. Rajesh, Udhayakumar Ramalingam, Riad K. Al-Hamido, Yaser Saber, Arsham Borumand Saeid, Saeid Jafari, Said Broumi, A.A. Salama, Ganeshsree Selvachandran, Songtao Shao, Seok-Zun Song, Tahsin Oner, M. Mohseni Takallo, Binod Chandra Tripathy, Tugce Katican, J. Vimala, Xiaohong Zhang, Xiaoyan Mao, Xiaoying Wu, Xingliang Liang, Xin Zhou, Yingcang Ma, Young Bae Jun, Juanjuan Zhang

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