141 research outputs found

    The Voltage-Sensing Domain of Kv7.2 Channels as a Molecular Target for Epilepsy-Causing Mutations and Anticonvulsants

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    Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying voltage-dependent gating in voltage-gated ion channels (VGICs) has been a major effort over the last decades. In recent years, changes in the gating process have emerged as common denominators for several genetically determined channelopathies affecting heart rhythm (arrhythmias), neuronal excitability (epilepsy, pain), or skeletal muscle contraction (periodic paralysis). Moreover, gating changes appear as the main molecular mechanism by which several natural toxins from a variety of species affect ion channel function. In this work, we describe the pathophysiological and pharmacological relevance of the gating process in voltage-gated K+ channels encoded by the Kv7 gene family. After reviewing the current knowledge on the molecular mechanisms and on the structural models of voltage-dependent gating in VGICs, we describe the physiological relevance of these channels, with particular emphasis on those formed by Kv7.2–Kv7.5 subunits having a well-established role in controlling neuronal excitability in humans. In fact, genetically determined alterations in Kv7.2 and Kv7.3 genes are responsible for benign familial neonatal convulsions, a rare seizure disorder affecting newborns, and the pharmacological activation of Kv7.2/3 channels can exert antiepileptic activity in humans. Both mutation-triggered channel dysfunction and drug-induced channel activation can occur by impeding or facilitating, respectively, channel sensitivity to membrane voltage and can affect overlapping molecular sites within the voltage-sensing domain of these channels. Thus, understanding the molecular steps involved in voltage-sensing in Kv7 channels will allow to better define the pathogenesis of rare human epilepsy, and to design innovative pharmacological strategies for the treatment of epilepsies and, possibly, other human diseases characterized by neuronal hyperexcitability

    Hydrophobic drug/toxin binding sites in voltage-dependent K+ and Na+ channels

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    In the Na(v)channel family the lipophilic drugs/toxins binding sites and the presence of fenestrations in the channel pore wall are well defined and categorized. No such classification exists in the much larger K(v)channel family, although certain lipophilic compounds seem to deviate from binding to well-known hydrophilic binding sites. By mapping different compound binding sites onto 3D structures of Kv channels, there appear to be three distinct lipid-exposed binding sites preserved in K(v)channels: the front and back side of the pore domain, and S2-S3/S3-S4 clefts. One or a combination of these sites is most likely the orthologous equivalent of neurotoxin site 5 in Na(v)channels. This review describes the different lipophilic binding sites and location of pore wall fenestrations within the K(v)channel family and compares it to the knowledge of Na(v)channels

    Early-onset epileptic encephalopathy caused by a reduced sensitivity of Kv7.2 potassium channels to phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate

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    Kv7.2 and Kv7.3 subunits underlie the M-current, a neuronal K(+) current characterized by an absolute functional requirement for phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP(2)). Kv7.2 gene mutations cause early-onset neonatal seizures with heterogeneous clinical outcomes, ranging from self-limiting benign familial neonatal seizures to severe early-onset epileptic encephalopathy (Kv7.2-EE). In this study, the biochemical and functional consequences prompted by a recurrent variant (R325G) found independently in four individuals with severe forms of neonatal-onset EE have been investigated. Upon heterologous expression, homomeric Kv7.2 R325G channels were non-functional, despite biotin-capture in Western blots revealed normal plasma membrane subunit expression. Mutant subunits exerted dominant-negative effects when incorporated into heteromeric channels with Kv7.2 and/or Kv7.3 subunits. Increasing cellular PIP(2) levels by co-expression of type 1γ PI(4)P5-kinase (PIP5K) partially recovered homomeric Kv7.2 R325G channel function. Currents carried by heteromeric channels incorporating Kv7.2 R325G subunits were more readily inhibited than wild-type channels upon activation of a voltage-sensitive phosphatase (VSP), and recovered more slowly upon VSP switch-off. These results reveal for the first time that a mutation-induced decrease in current sensitivity to PIP(2) is the primary molecular defect responsible for Kv7.2-EE in individuals carrying the R325G variant, further expanding the range of pathogenetic mechanisms exploitable for personalized treatment of Kv7.2-related epilepsies

    Structures Illuminate Cardiac Ion Channel Functions in Health and in Long QT Syndrome

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    The cardiac action potential is critical to the production of a synchronized heartbeat. This electrical impulse is governed by the intricate activity of cardiac ion channels, among them the cardiac voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channels KCNQ1 and hERG as well as the voltage-gated sodium (Nav) channel encoded by SCN5A. Each channel performs a highly distinct function, despite sharing a common topology and structural components. These three channels are also the primary proteins mutated in congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS), a genetic condition that predisposes to cardiac arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death due to impaired repolarization of the action potential and has a particular proclivity for reentrant ventricular arrhythmias. Recent cryo-electron microscopy structures of human KCNQ1 and hERG, along with the rat homolog of SCN5A and other mammalian sodium channels, provide atomic-level insight into the structure and function of these proteins that advance our understanding of their distinct functions in the cardiac action potential, as well as the molecular basis of LQTS. In this review, the gating, regulation, LQTS mechanisms, and pharmacological properties of KCNQ1, hERG, and SCN5A are discussed in light of these recent structural findings

    Reconstruction of cell surface densities of ion pumps, exchangers, and channels from mRNA expression, conductance kinetics, whole-cell calcium, and current-clamp voltage recordings, with an application to human uterine smooth muscle cells

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    Uterine smooth muscle cells remain quiescent throughout most of gestation, only generating spontaneous action potentials immediately prior to, and during, labor. This study presents a method that combines transcriptomics with biophysical recordings to characterise the conductance repertoire of these cells, the ‘conductance repertoire’ being the total complement of ion channels and transporters expressed by an electrically active cell. Transcriptomic analysis provides a set of potential electrogenic entities, of which the conductance repertoire is a subset. Each entity within the conductance repertoire was modeled independently and its gating parameter values were fixed using the available biophysical data. The only remaining free parameters were the surface densities for each entity. We characterise the space of combinations of surface densities (density vectors) consistent with experimentally observed membrane potential and calcium waveforms. This yields insights on the functional redundancy of the system as well as its behavioral versatility. Our approach couples high-throughput transcriptomic data with physiological behaviors in health and disease, and provides a formal method to link genotype to phenotype in excitable systems. We accurately predict current densities and chart functional redundancy. For example, we find that to evoke the observed voltage waveform, the BK channel is functionally redundant whereas hERG is essential. Furthermore, our analysis suggests that activation of calcium-activated chloride conductances by intracellular calcium release is the key factor underlying spontaneous depolarisations

    Structural Insight into KCNQ (Kv7) Channel Assembly and Channelopathy

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    SummaryKv7.x (KCNQ) voltage-gated potassium channels form the cardiac and auditory IKs current and the neuronal M-current. The five Kv7 subtypes have distinct assembly preferences encoded by a C-terminal cytoplasmic assembly domain, the A-domain Tail. Here, we present the high-resolution structure of the Kv7.4 A-domain Tail together with biochemical experiments that show that the domain is a self-assembling, parallel, four-stranded coiled coil. Structural analysis and biochemical studies indicate conservation of the coiled coil in all Kv7 subtypes and that a limited set of interactions encode assembly specificity determinants. Kv7 mutations have prominent roles in arrhythmias, deafness, and epilepsy. The structure together with biochemical data indicate that A-domain Tail arrhythmia mutations cluster on the solvent-accessible surface of the subunit interface at a likely site of action for modulatory proteins. Together, the data provide a framework for understanding Kv7 assembly specificity and the molecular basis of a distinct set of Kv7 channelopathies

    Beyond retigabine: Design, identification, and pharmacological characterization of novel neuronal Kv7 channel activators

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    The Kv7 subfamily of voltage-gated potassium channels includes 5 members (Kv7.1-Kv7.5) having distinct expression patterns and physiological roles. Kv7.2 and Kv7.3 subunits are mainly expressed in the nervous system, where they underlie the so-called M-current (IKM), a sub-threshold K+ current controlling action potential generation. Neuronal Kv7 potassium channels are critical regulators of neuronal excitability; indeed, loss-of-function mutations in the genes encoding for Kv7.2 and Kv7.3 are responsible for a wide spectrum of early-onset epilepsies. On the other hand, retigabine is a strong activator of the Kv7 currents, representing the first antiepileptic drug acting on Kv7 channels. Approved in 2011 for adjunctive therapy in adults showing drug-resistant partial onset seizures with or without secondary generalization, retigabine suppresses neuronal hyperexcitability by shifting the Kv7.2/3 current activation threshold toward more hyperpolarized potentials, thereby increasing their maximal current. Unfortunately, retigabine, suffers from considerable drawbacks including poor selectivity for Kv7 subtypes, short half-life, poor brain penetration and chemical instability. The latter, represents one of the main clinical concern over retigabine; light exposure may cause photodegradation and oxidation, leading to dimer formation, which induces retinal and mucocutaneous blue-gray discoloration in patients taking the drugs more than 3 years. For these reasons, leading to a progressively reduced use of the drug, the manufacturing company (GSK) has decided to withdraw the drug from the market since June 2017. Since no KCNQ activator is currently available for clinical use, this work originates from our effort to identify novel and safer IKM activators. For this purpose, we synthesized a library of 41 retigabine derivatives, structurally characterized by modification that aim to overcome at least some of the limitations of retigabine and we developed a fluorescence-based assay to rapidly evaluate the effect of these derivatives on Kv7 channel

    Small Molecule Investigation of KCNQ Potassium Channels: A Dissertation

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    Voltage-gated K+ channels associate with multiple regulatory proteins to form complexes with diverse gating properties and pharmacological sensitivities. Small molecules which activate or inhibit channel function are valuable tools for dissecting the assembly and function of these macromolecular complexes. My thesis focuses on the discovery and use of small molecules to probe the structure and function of the KCNQ family of voltage-gated K+ channels. One protein that obligatorily assembles with KCNQ channels to mediate proper assembly, trafficking, and gating is the calcium sensor, calmodulin. Although resolution of the crystal structures of calmodulin associated with isolated peptide fragments from other ion channels has provided some insight into how calmodulin interacts with and modulates KCNQ channels, structural information for calmodulin bound to a fully folded ion channel in the membrane is unknown. In Chapter II, I developed an intracellular tethered blocker approach to determine the location of calmodulin binding with respect to the KCNQ ion-conducting pathway. Using distance restraints from a panel of these intracellular tethered blockers we then generated models of the KCNQ-calmodulin complex. Our model places calmodulin close to the gate of KCNQ channels, providing structural insight into how CaM is able to communicate changes in intracellular calcium levels to KCNQ channel complexes. In addition to pore blockers, chemical modification of ion channels has been used to probe ion channel function. During my initial attempt to chemically activate KCNQ channels, I discovered that some boronates modulate KCNQ complexes. In Chapter III, the activating derivative, phenylboronic acid, is characterized. Characterization of activation by phenylboronic acid showed that it targeted the ion conduction pathway of KCNQ channels with some specificity over other voltage-gated K+ channels. The commercial availability of thousands of boronic acid derivatives provides a large class of compounds with which to systematically dissect the mechanisms of KCNQ gating and may lead to the discovery of a potent activator of KCNQ complexes for the treatment of channelopathies. All of the electrophysiological studies presented in this thesis were conducted in Xenopus oocytes. Unexpectedly, during the studies described above, the quality of our Xenopus oocytes declined. The afflicted oocytes developed black foci on their membranes, had negligible electric resting potentials, and poor viability. Culturing the compromised oocytes determined that they were infected with multi-drug resistant Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Pseudomonas putida. Antibiotic testing showed that all three species of bacteria were susceptible to amikacin and ciprofloxacin, which when included in the oocyte storage media prevented the appearance of black foci and resulted in oocytes that were usable for electrophysiological recordings. This study provides a solution to a common issue that plagues many electrophysiologists who use Xenopus oocytes. Taken together, these findings provide new insights into activation of KCNQ channel complexes and provide new tools to study the structure-function relationship of voltage-gated K+ channels

    Homology modeling of Kv1.5 channel block by cationic and electroneutral ligands

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    AbstractThe inner pore of potassium channels is targeted by many ligands of intriguingly different chemical structures. Previous studies revealed common and diverse characteristics of action of ligands including cooperativity of ligand binding, voltage- and use-dependencies, and patterns of ligand-sensing residues. Not all these data are rationalized in published models of ligand-channel complexes. Here we have used energy calculations with experimentally defined constraints to dock flecainide, ICAGEN-4, benzocaine, vernakalant, and AVE0118 into the inner pore of Kv1.5 channel. We arrived at ligand-binding models that suggest possible explanations for different values of the Hill coefficient, different voltage dependencies of ligands action, and effects of mutations of residues in subunit interfaces. Two concepts were crucial to build the models. First, the inner-pore block of a potassium channel requires a cationic “blocking particle”. A ligand, which lacks a positively charged group, blocks the channel in a complex with a permeant ion. Second, hydrophobic moieties of a flexible ligand have a tendency to bind in hydrophobic subunit interfaces

    Gating currents from Kv7 channels carrying neuronal hyperexcitability mutations in the voltage-sensing domain

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    Changes in voltage-dependent gating represent a common pathogenetic mechanism for genetically inherited channelopathies, such as benign familial neonatal seizures or peripheral nerve hyperexcitability caused by mutations in neuronal K(v)7.2 channels. Mutation-induced changes in channel voltage dependence are most often inferred from macroscopic current measurements, a technique unable to provide a detailed assessment of the structural rearrangements underlying channel gating behavior; by contrast, gating currents directly measure voltage-sensor displacement during voltage-dependent gating. In this work, we describe macroscopic and gating current measurements, together with molecular modeling and molecular-dynamics simulations, from channels carrying mutations responsible for benign familial neonatal seizures and/or peripheral nerve hyperexcitability; K(v)7.4 channels, highly related to K(v)7.2 channels both functionally and structurally, were used for these experiments. The data obtained showed that mutations affecting charged residues located in the more distal portion of S(4) decrease the stability of the open state and the active voltage-sensing domain configuration but do not directly participate in voltage sensing, whereas mutations affecting a residue (R4) located more proximally in S(4) caused activation of gating-pore currents at depolarized potentials. These results reveal that distinct molecular mechanisms underlie the altered gating behavior of channels carrying disease-causing mutations at different voltage-sensing domain locations, thereby expanding our current view of the pathogenesis of neuronal hyperexcitability diseases