107 research outputs found

    Alternative revenue sources for Internet service providers

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    The Internet has evolved from a small research network towards a large globally interconnected network. The deregulation of the Internet attracted commercial entities to provide various network and application services for profit. While Internet Service Providers (ISPs) offer network connectivity services, Content Service Providers (CSPs) offer online contents and application services. Further, the ISPs that provide transit services to other ISPs and CSPs are known as transit ISPs. The ISPs that provide Internet connections to end users are known as access ISPs. Though without a central regulatory body for governing, the Internet is growing through complex economic cooperation between service providers that also compete with each other for revenues. Currently, CSPs derive high revenues from online advertising that increase with content popularity. On other hand, ISPs face low transit revenues, caused by persistent declines in per-unit traffic prices, and rising network costs fueled by increasing traffic volumes. In this thesis, we analyze various approaches by ISPs for sustaining their network infrastructures by earning extra revenues. First, we study the economics of traffic attraction by ISPs to boost transit revenues. This study demonstrates that traffic attraction and reaction to it redistribute traffic on links between Autonomous Systems (ASes) and create camps of winning, losing and neutral ASes with respect to changes in transit payments. Despite various countermeasures by losing ASes, the traffic attraction remains effective unless ASes from the winning camp cooperate with the losing ASes. While our study shows that traffic attraction has a solid potential to increase revenues for transit ISPs, this source of revenues might have negative reputation and legal consequences for the ISPs. Next, we look at hosting as an alternative source of revenues and examine hosting of online contents by transit ISPs. Using real Internet-scale measurements, this work reports a pervasive trend of content hosting throughout the transit hierarchy, validating the hosting as a prominent source of revenues for transit ISPs. In our final work, we consider a model where access ISPs derive extra revenues from online advertisements (ads). Our analysis demonstrates that the ad-based revenue model opens a significant revenue potential for access ISPs, suggesting its economic viability.This work has been supported by IMDEA Networks Institute.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería TelemåticaPresidente: Jordi Domingo-Pascual.- Vocal: Víctor López Álvarez.-Secretario: Alberto García Martíne

    DNS in Computer Forensics

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    The Domain Name Service (DNS) is a critical core component of the global Internet and integral to the majority of corporate intranets. It provides resolution services between the human-readable name-based system addresses and the machine operable Internet Protocol (IP) based addresses required for creating network level connections. Whilst structured as a globally dispersed resilient tree data structure, from the Global and Country Code Top Level Domains (gTLD/ccTLD) down to the individual site and system leaf nodes, it is highly resilient although vulnerable to various attacks, exploits and systematic failures

    Monitoring Internet censorship: the case of UBICA

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    As a consequence of the recent debate about restrictions in the access to content on the Internet, a strong motivation has arisen for censorship monitoring: an independent, publicly available and global watch on Internet censorship activities is a necessary goal to be pursued in order to guard citizens' right of access to information. Several techniques to enforce censorship on the Internet are known in literature, differing in terms of transparency towards the user, selectivity in blocking specific resources or whole groups of services, collateral effects outside the administrative borders of their intended application. Monitoring censorship is also complicated by the dynamic nature of multiple aspects of this phenomenon, the number and diversity of resources targeted by censorship and its global scale. In the present Thesis an analysis of literature on internet censorship and available solutions for censorship detection has been performed, characterizing censorship enforcement techniques and censorship detection techniques and tools. The available platforms and tools for censorship detection have been found falling short of providing a comprehensive monitoring platform able to manage a diverse set of measurement vantage points and a reporting interface continuously updated with the results of automated censorship analysis. The candidate proposes a design of such a platform, UBICA, along with a prototypical implementation whose effectiveness has been experimentally validated in global monitoring campaigns. The results of the validation are discussed, confirming the effectiveness of the proposed design and suggesting future enhancements and research

    Code-injection Verwundbarkeiten in Web Anwendungen am Beispiel von Cross-site Scripting

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    The majority of all security problems in today's Web applications is caused by string-based code injection, with Cross-site Scripting (XSS)being the dominant representative of this vulnerability class. This thesis discusses XSS and suggests defense mechanisms. We do so in three stages: First, we conduct a thorough analysis of JavaScript's capabilities and explain how these capabilities are utilized in XSS attacks. We subsequently design a systematic, hierarchical classification of XSS payloads. In addition, we present a comprehensive survey of publicly documented XSS payloads which is structured according to our proposed classification scheme. Secondly, we explore defensive mechanisms which dynamically prevent the execution of some payload types without eliminating the actual vulnerability. More specifically, we discuss the design and implementation of countermeasures against the XSS payloads Session Hijacking'', Cross-site Request Forgery'', and attacks that target intranet resources. We build upon this and introduce a general methodology for developing such countermeasures: We determine a necessary set of basic capabilities an adversary needs for successfully executing an attack through an analysis of the targeted payload type. The resulting countermeasure relies on revoking one of these capabilities, which in turn renders the payload infeasible. Finally, we present two language-based approaches that prevent XSS and related vulnerabilities: We identify the implicit mixing of data and code during string-based syntax assembly as the root cause of string-based code injection attacks. Consequently, we explore data/code separation in web applications. For this purpose, we propose a novel methodology for token-level data/code partitioning of a computer language's syntactical elements. This forms the basis for our two distinct techniques: For one, we present an approach to detect data/code confusion on run-time and demonstrate how this can be used for attack prevention. Furthermore, we show how vulnerabilities can be avoided through altering the underlying programming language. We introduce a dedicated datatype for syntax assembly instead of using string datatypes themselves for this purpose. We develop a formal, type-theoretical model of the proposed datatype and proof that it provides reliable separation between data and code hence, preventing code injection vulnerabilities. We verify our approach's applicability utilizing a practical implementation for the J2EE application server.Cross-site Scripting (XSS) ist eine der hĂ€ufigsten Verwundbarkeitstypen im Bereich der Web Anwendungen. Die Dissertation behandelt das Problem XSS ganzheitlich: Basierend auf einer systematischen Erarbeitung der Ursachen und potentiellen Konsequenzen von XSS, sowie einer umfassenden Klassifikation dokumentier Angriffsarten, wird zunĂ€chst eine Methodik vorgestellt, die das Design von dynamischen Gegenmaßnahmen zur Angriffseingrenzung erlaubt. Unter Verwendung dieser Methodik wird das Design und die Evaluation von drei Gegemaßnahmen fĂŒr die Angriffsunterklassen "Session Hijacking", "Cross-site Request Forgery" und "Angriffe auf das Intranet" vorgestellt. Weiterhin, um das unterliegende Problem grundsĂ€tzlich anzugehen, wird ein Typ-basierter Ansatz zur sicheren Programmierung von Web Anwendungen beschrieben, der zuverlĂ€ssigen Schutz vor XSS LĂŒcken garantiert
