29 research outputs found

    Employing VLC technology for transmitting data in biological tissue

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    Abstract. With the development in wireless communication methods, visible light communication (VLC), a subset of Optical Wireless Communication (OWC) has garnered much attention to employ the technology for a secure short-range wireless communication. We present a feasibility study to determine the performance of VLC in short range wireless transmission of data through biological tissue. VLC is a cost efficient and secure means of transmitting high volume of data wirelessly which can considerably reduce the interference issues caused by electromagnetic pulses and external electric fields. We present a simple measurement approach based on Monte Carlo simulation of photon propagation in tissue to estimate the strength of wireless communication with body implant devices. Using light for communication brings inherent security against unauthorized access of digital data which could be acquired from the low energy body implant devices used for medical diagnosis and other studies. This thesis discusses the typical components required to establish VLC such as, transmitter, receiver and the channel mediums. Furthermore, two cases of Monte Carlo simulation of photon-tissue interaction are studied to determine a possibility if VLC is a suitable substitute to radio frequency (RF) for a more wireless communication with the body implants. The process of theoretical measurement begins with conversion of light intensity into an electrical signal and an estimation of achievable data rate through a complex heterogeneous biological tissue model. The theoretically achieved data rates of the communication were found to be in the order of megabits per second (Mbps), ensuring a possibility to utilize this technology for short range reliable wireless communication with a wider range and application of implant medical devices. Biophotonics.fi presents a computational simulation of light propagation in different types of computational tissue models comprehensively validated by comparison with the team’s practical implementation of the same setup. This simulation is also used in this thesis (5.2.2) to approximate more accurate data rates of communication in case of a practical implementation

    UWB radio channel and diversity characterization for wireless implanted devices

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    Las redes de área corporal permiten la interconexión de nodos independientes situados dentro o fuera de la superficie corporal o, incluso, alejados de dicha superficie. En cuanto a las comunicaciones intracorporales, el establecimiento de un enlace robusto con una cápsula endoscópica o con un marcapasos, son ejemplos de los avances tecnológicos conseguidos en las últimas décadas. A pesar de estos desarrollos en asistencia sanitaria, los estándares actuales para este tipo de comunicaciones no permiten conexiones inalámbricas de alta velocidad de transmisión, las cuales son comunes en los servicios actuales de telecomunicaciones. Los sistemas UWB han surgido como potencial candidato para las futuras redes de comunicaciones inalámbricas intracorporales. No obstante, el principal obstáculo de la tecnología UWB para aplicaciones intracorporales es la alta atenuación que sufren las señales transmitidas al atravesar los distintos tejidos corporales, que aumenta drásticamente con el aumento de la frecuencia. Por tanto, es importante una caracterización precisa del canal UWB intracorporal a la hora de validar dicha banda como la adecuada para este propósito.Esta tesis se centra en el análisis de la tecnología UWB para posibilitar comunicaciones intracorporales inalámbricas desde un punto de vista experimental. Para conseguir este objetivo, se ha empleado un novedoso sistema de medidas experimental basado en fantomas en diversos escenarios de propagación intracorporal. De esta forma, se pueden comprobar las pérdidas de propagación en el medio así como la diversidad del canal de una forma fiable. Con el fin de validar los valores obtenidos en el laboratorio, se han comparado y analizado con los obtenidos en un experimento in vivo. Por otro lado, se han diseñado y fabricado nuevas antenas UWB candidatas para comunicaciones intracorporales, empleando técnicas existentes y nuevas de miniaturización y optimización. Finalmente, se han usado técnicas basadas en diversidad para mejorar el rendimiento del canal de propagación en dos escenarios intracorporales diferentes.Wireless Body Area Networks allow the interconnection between independent nodes located either inside or over the body skin or further. Regarding in-body communications, establishing a proper link with a capsule endoscope or with a pacemaker are examples of technological advances achieved in the last decades. In spite of these healthcare developments, current standards for these kind of communications do not allow high data rate wireless connections, which are common in the current telecommunication services. UWB systems have emerged as a potential solution for future wireless in-body communications. Nevertheless, the main drawback of UWB for in-body applications is the high attenuation of human body tissues which increases dramatically with the increment of frequency. Hence, an accurate UWB in-body channel characterization is relevant in order validate UWB frequency band as the best candidate for future networks of implantable nodes. This thesis is devoted to test UWB technology for in-body communications from an experimental point of view. To achieve this goal, a novel spatial phantom-based measurement setup is used in several in-body propagation scenarios. Thus, the losses in the propagation medium and the channel diversity are checked in a reliable way. In order to check the values obtained in laboratory, they are compared and discussed with those obtained in an in vivo experiment. On the other hand, new UWB antenna candidates for inbody communications are designed and manufactured by using typical and new miniaturization and antenna optimization techniques for this purpose. Finally, diversity-based techniques are used to improve the performance of the propagation channel in two different in-body scenarios.Les xarxes d'àrea corporal permeten la interconnexió de nodes independents situats, o bé dins, o bé sobre la pell, o inclús allunyats del propi cos. Pel que fa a les comunicacions intracorporals, l'establiment d'un bon enllaç amb una càpsula endoscòpica o amb un marcapassos, són exemples dels avanços tecnològics aconseguits les darreres dècades. A pesar d'aquests desenvolupaments en assistència sanitària, els estàndards actuals per a aquests tipus de comunicacions no permeten connexions sense fil d'alta velocitat de transmissió, que són habituals als serveis actuals de telecomunicacions. Els sistemes UWB han sorgit com una solució potencial per a les futures comunicacions sense fill intracorporals. No obstant, el principal obstacle de la tecnologia UWB per a les aplicacions intracorporals és l'alta atenuació dels teixits del cos humà, que augmenta dràsticament amb l'increment de freqüència. Per tant, és important una caracterització acurada del canal UWB intracorporal a l'hora de validar la banda de freqüència UWB com a la millor candidata per a les futures xarxes de nodes implantats.Aquesta tesi se centra en l'anàlisi de la tecnologia UWB per a comunicacions intracorporals des d'un punt de vista experimental. Per a aconseguir aquest objectiu s'ha emprat un sistema novedós de mesures experimentals, basat en fantomes, en diversos escenaris de propagació intracorporal. D'aquesta manera es poden comprovar les pèrdues de propagació en el medi i la diversitat del canal d'una forma fiable. Per tal d'avaluar els valors obtinguts al laboratori, s'han comparat i analitzat amb aquells obtinguts en un experiment in vivo. Per altra banda, s'han dissenyat i fabricat noves antenes UWB candidates per a comunicacions intracorporals emprant tècniques típiques i noves de miniaturització i optimització d'antenes per a aquest propòsit. Finalment s'han usat tècniques basades en diversitat per a millorar el rendiment del canal de propagació en dos escenaris intracorporals diferents.Andreu Estellés, C. (2018). UWB radio channel and diversity characterization for wireless implanted devices [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/111836TESI

    Remote Powering and Data Communication Over a Single Inductive Link for Implantable Medical Devices

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    RÉSUMÉ Les implants médicaux électroniques (Implantable Medical Devices - IMDs) sont notamment utilisés pour restaurer ou améliorer des fonctions perdues de certains organes. Ils sont capables de traiter des complications qui ne peuvent pas être guéries avec des médicaments ou par la chirurgie. Offrant des propriétés et des améliorations curatives sans précédent, les IMDs sont de plus en plus demandés par les médecins et les patients. En 2017, le marché mondial des IMD était évalué à 15,21 milliards de dollars. D’ici 2025, il devrait atteindre 30,42 mil-liards de dollars, soutenu par un taux de croissance annuel de 9,24% selon le nouveau rapport publié par Fior Markets. Cette expansion entraîne une augmentation des exigences pour as-surer des performances supérieures, des fonctionnalités supplémentaires et une durée de vie plus longue. Ces exigences ne peuvent être satisfaites qu’avec des techniques d’alimentation avancées, un débit de données élevé et une électronique miniaturisée robuste. Construire des systèmes capables de fournir toutes ces caractéristiques est l’objectif principal d’un grand nombre de chercheurs. Parmi plusieurs technologies sans fil, le lien inductif, qui consiste en une paire de bobines à couplage magnétique, est la technique sans fil la plus largement utilisée pour le transfert de puissance et de données. Cela est dû à sa simplicité, sa sécurité et sa capacité à transmettre à la fois de la puissance et des données de façon bidirectionnelle. Cependant, il existe encore un certain nombre de défis concernant la mise en œuvre d’un tel système de transfert d’énergie et de données sans fil (Wireless Power and Data Transfer - WPDT system). Un défi majeur est que les exigences pour une efficacité de transfert d’énergie élevée et pour une communication à haut débit sont contradictoires. En fait, la bande passante doit être élargie pour des débits de données élevés, mais réduite pour une transmission efficace de l’énergie. Un autre grand défi consiste à réaliser un démodulateur fonctionnant à haute vitesse avec une mise en œuvre simple et une consommation d’énergie ultra-faible. Dans ce projet, nous proposons et expérimentons un nouveau système WPDT dédié aux IMD permettant une communication à haute vitesse et une alimentation efficace tout en maintenant une faible consommation d’énergie, une petite surface de silicium et une mise en œuvre simple du récepteur. Le système proposé est basé sur un nouveau schéma de modulation appelé "Carrier Width Modulation (CWM)", ainsi que sur des circuits de modulation et de démodulation inédits. La modulation consiste en un coupe-circuit synchronisé du réservoir LC primaire pendant un ou deux cycles en fonction des données transmises.----------ABSTRACT Implantable Medical Devices (IMDs) are electronic implants notably used to restore or en-hance lost organ functions. They may treat complications that cannot be cured with medica-tion or through surgery. O˙ering unprecedented healing properties and enhancements, IMDs are increasingly requested by physicians and patients. In 2017, the worldwide IMD market was valued at USD 15,21 Billion. By 2025, it is expected to attain USD 30.42 Billion sus-tained by a compound annual growth rate of 9.24% according to a recent report published by Fior Markets. This expansion is bringing-up more demand for higher performance, additional features, and longer device lifespan and autonomy. These requirements can only be achieved with advanced power sources, high-data rates, and robust miniaturized electronics. Building systems able to provide all these characteristics is the main goal of many researchers. Among several wireless technologies, the inductive link, which consists of a magnetically-coupled pair of coils, is the most widely used wireless technique for both power and data transfer. This is due to its simplicity, safety, and ability to provide simultaneously both power and bidirectional data transfer to the implant. However there are still a number of challenges regarding the implementation of such Wireless Power and Data Transfer (WPDT) systems. One main challenge is that the requirements for high Power Transfer Eÿciency (PTE) and for high-data rate communication are contra-dictory. In fact, the bandwidth needs to be widened for high data rates, but narrowed for eÿcient power delivery. Another big challenge is to implement a high-speed demodulator with simple implementation and ultra-low power consumption. In this project, we propose and experiment a new WPDT system dedicated to IMDs allow-ing high-speed communication and eÿcient power delivery, while maintaining a low power consumption, small silicon area, and simple implementation of the receiver. The proposed system is based on a new Carrier Width Modulation (CWM) scheme, as well as novel modu-lation and demodulation circuits. The modulation consists of a synchronized opening of the primary LC tank for one or two cycles according to the transmitted data. Unlike conventional modulation techniques, the data rate of the proposed CWM modulation is not limited by the quality factors of the primary and secondary coils. On the other hand, the proposed CWM demodulator allows higher-speed demodulation and simple implementation, unlike conven-tional demodulators for a similar modulation scheme. It also o˙ers a wide range of data rates under any selected frequency from 10 to 31 MHz

    Robust Wireless Communication for Multi-Antenna, Multi-Rate, Multi-Carrier Systems

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    Abstract Today's trend of migrating radio devices from hardware to software provides potential to create flexible applications for both commercial and military use. However, this raises security concerns, as malicious attackers can also be generated easily to break legitimate communications. In this research work, our goal is to design a robust anti-jamming radio framework. We particularly investigate three different aspects of jamming threats: high-power jammers, link attacks on rate adaptation, and jamming in multicarrier systems. The threats of high-power jamming to wireless communications today are realistic due to the ease of access to powerful jamming sources such as the availability of commercial GPS/WiFi/cellular devices on the market, or RF guns built from microwave ovens' magnetron. To counter high-power jamming attacks, we develop SAIM which is a hybrid system capable of resisting jammers of up to 100,000 times higher power than legitimate communication nodes. The system robustness relies on our own antenna structure specially designed for anti-jamming purpose. We develop an efficient algorithm for auto-configuring the antenna adaptively to dynamic environments. We also devise a software-based jamming cancellation technique for appropriately extracting original signals, which is more robust than traditional MIMO approaches, as pilot signals are not required in SAIM. In spite of the robustness of SAIM, our design is more appropriate for malicious environments with powerful jammers, where mechanical steering is feasible, e.g., military applications. Residential and commercial wireless communication systems are still vulnerable to even limited-power jamming, as in today's standard wireless protocols, rate information is exposed to adversaries. Rate-based attacks have been demonstrated to severely degrade the networks at very low cost. To mitigate rate-based attacks, we develop CBM, a system capable of hiding rate and -at the same time -increasing resiliency against jammers up to seven times higher than regular systems, where rate is exposed. We achieve the resiliency boost by generalizing Trellis Coded Modulation to allow non-uniform codeword mapping. We develop an efficient algorithm for finding good non-uniform codes for all modulations in {BPSK, QPSK, 8-PSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM}. To conceal rate information, we devise an efficient method for generating cryptographic interleaving functions. In recently deployed communication networks such as WiFi and LTE systems, MIMO and OFDM are the two main techniques for increasing bandwidth efficiency. While MIMO increases the channel capacity by spatial processing on multiple received signals, OFDM mitigates impacts of dynamic variations in wide-band channels and allows frequency reuse with overlapping carriers. Synchronization is a key for high-throughput performance in MIMO and OFDM systems. In this work, we study impacts of jamming attacks specifically targeting to control channels in WiFi and LTE networks. Our study focuses on efficient techniques for both jamming and anti-jamming in multicarrier systems

    Detection of Signals in MC–CDMA Using a Novel Iterative Block Decision Feedback Equalizer

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    This paper presents a technique to mitigate multiple access interference (MAI) in multicarrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) wireless communications systems. Although under normal circumstances the MC-CDMA system can achieve high spectral efficiency and resistance towards inter symbol interference (ISI) however when exposed to substantial nonlinear distortion the issue of MAI manifests. Such distortion results when the power amplifiers are driven into saturation or when the transmit signal experiences extreme adverse channel conditions. The proposed technique uses a modified iterative block decision feedback equalizer (IB-DFE) that uses a minimal mean square error (MMSE) receiver in the feed-forward path to nullify the residual interference from the IB-DFE receiver. The received signal is re-filtered in an iterative process to significantly improve the MC-CDMA system’s performance. The effectiveness of the proposed modified IB-DFE technique in MC-CDMA systems has been analysed under various harsh nonlinear conditions, and the results of this analysis presented here confirm the effectiveness of the proposed technique to outperform conventional methodologies in terms of the bit error rate (BER) and lesser computational complexity

    Detection of signals in MC-CDMA using a novel iterative block decision feedback equalizer

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    This paper presents a technique to mitigate multiple access interference (MAI) in multicarrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) wireless communications systems. Although under normal circumstances the MC-CDMA system can achieve high spectral efficiency and resistance towards inter symbol interference (ISI) however when exposed to substantial nonlinear distortion the issue of MAI manifests. Such distortion results when the power amplifiers are driven into saturation or when the transmit signal experiences extreme adverse channel conditions. The proposed technique uses a modified iterative block decision feedback equalizer (IB-DFE) that uses a minimal mean square error (MMSE) receiver in the feed-forward path to nullify the residual interference from the IB-DFE receiver. The received signal is re-filtered in an iterative process to significantly improve the MC-CDMA system’s performance. The effectiveness of the proposed modified IB-DFE technique in MC-CDMA systems has been analysed under various harsh nonlinear conditions, and the results of this analysis presented here confirm the effectiveness of the proposed technique to outperform conventional methodologies in terms of the bit error rate (BER) and lesser computational complexity

    6G wireless communications networks: a comprehensive survey

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    The commercial fifth-generation (5G) wireless communications networks have already been deployed with the aim of providing high data rates. However, the rapid growth in the number of smart devices and the emergence of the Internet of Everything (IoE) applications, which require an ultra-reliable and low-latency communication, will result in a substantial burden on the 5G wireless networks. As such, the data rate that could be supplied by 5G networks will unlikely sustain the enormous ongoing data traffic explosion. This has motivated research into continuing to advance the existing wireless networks toward the future generation of cellular systems, known as sixth generation (6G). Therefore, it is essential to provide a prospective vision of the 6G and the key enabling technologies for realizing future networks. To this end, this paper presents a comprehensive review/survey of the future evolution of 6G networks. Specifically, the objective of the paper is to provide a comprehensive review/survey about the key enabling technologies for 6G networks, which include a discussion about the main operation principles of each technology, envisioned potential applications, current state-of-the-art research, and the related technical challenges. Overall, this paper provides useful information for industries and academic researchers and discusses the potentials for opening up new research directions