19,139 research outputs found

    High-resolution ab initio three-dimensional X-ray diffraction microscopy

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    Coherent X-ray diffraction microscopy is a method of imaging non-periodic isolated objects at resolutions only limited, in principle, by the largest scattering angles recorded. We demonstrate X-ray diffraction imaging with high resolution in all three dimensions, as determined by a quantitative analysis of the reconstructed volume images. These images are retrieved from the 3D diffraction data using no a priori knowledge about the shape or composition of the object, which has never before been demonstrated on a non-periodic object. We also construct 2D images of thick objects with infinite depth of focus (without loss of transverse spatial resolution). These methods can be used to image biological and materials science samples at high resolution using X-ray undulator radiation, and establishes the techniques to be used in atomic-resolution ultrafast imaging at X-ray free-electron laser sources.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures, submitte

    3D ultrafast ultrasound imaging in vivo

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    Very high frame rate ultrasound imaging has recently allowed for the extension of the applications of echography to new fields of study such as the functional imaging of the brain, cardiac electrophysiology, and the quantitative imaging of the intrinsic mechanical properties of tumors, to name a few, non-invasively and in real time. In this study, we present the first implementation of Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging in 3D based on the use of either diverging or plane waves emanating from a sparse virtual array located behind the probe. It achieves high contrast and resolution while maintaining imaging rates of thousands of volumes per second. A customized portable ultrasound system was developed to sample 1024 independent channels and to drive a 32 x 32 matrix-array probe. Its ability to track in 3D transient phenomena occurring in the millisecond range within a single ultrafast acquisition was demonstrated for 3D Shear-Wave Imaging, 3D Ultrafast Doppler Imaging, and, finally, 3D Ultrafast combined Tissue and Flow Doppler Imaging. The propagation of shear waves was tracked in a phantom and used to characterize its stiffness. 3D Ultrafast Doppler was used to obtain 3D maps of Pulsed Doppler, Color Doppler, and Power Doppler quantities in a single acquisition and revealed, at thousands of volumes per second, the complex 3D flow patterns occurring in the ventricles of the human heart during an entire cardiac cycle, as well as the 3D in vivo interaction of blood flow and wall motion during the pulse wave in the carotid at the bifurcation. This study demonstrates the potential of 3D Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging for the 3D mapping of stiffness, tissue motion, and flow in humans in vivo and promises new clinical applications of ultrasound with reduced intra--and inter-observer variability

    No-scanning 3D measurement method using ultrafast dimensional conversion with a chirped optical frequency comb

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    A simultaneously high-precision, wide-range, and ultrafast time-resolution one-shot 3D shape measurement method is presented. Simultaneous times of flight from multiple positions to a target encoded in a chirped optical frequency comb can be obtained from spectral interferometry. We experimentally demonstrate a one-shot imaging profile measurement of a known step height of 480 µm with µm-level accuracy. We further demonstrate the extension of the dynamic range by measuring in one shot a large step height of 3 m while maintaining high accuracy using the accurate pulse-to-pulse separation of the optical frequency comb. The proposed method with its large dynamic range and measurement versatility can be applied to a broad range of applications, including microscopic structures, objects with large size or aspect ratio, and ultrafast time-resolved imaging. This study provides a powerful and versatile tool for 3D measurement, where various ranges of measurement performances can be tailored to demand

    Single-shot compressed ultrafast photography: a review

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    Compressed ultrafast photography (CUP) is a burgeoning single-shot computational imaging technique that provides an imaging speed as high as 10 trillion frames per second and a sequence depth of up to a few hundred frames. This technique synergizes compressed sensing and the streak camera technique to capture nonrepeatable ultrafast transient events with a single shot. With recent unprecedented technical developments and extensions of this methodology, it has been widely used in ultrafast optical imaging and metrology, ultrafast electron diffraction and microscopy, and information security protection. We review the basic principles of CUP, its recent advances in data acquisition and image reconstruction, its fusions with other modalities, and its unique applications in multiple research fields

    Wide-field optical sectioning for live-tissue imaging by plane-projection multiphoton microscopy

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    Optical sectioning provides three-dimensional (3D) information in biological tissues. However, most imaging techniques implemented with optical sectioning are either slow or deleterious to live tissues. Here, we present a simple design for wide-field multiphoton microscopy, which provides optical sectioning at a reasonable frame rate and with a biocompatible laser dosage. The underlying mechanism of optical sectioning is diffuser-based temporal focusing. Axial resolution comparable to confocal microscopy is theoretically derived and experimentally demonstrated. To achieve a reasonable frame rate without increasing the laser power, a low-repetition-rate ultrafast laser amplifier was used in our setup. A frame rate comparable to that of epifluorescence microscopy was demonstrated in the 3D imaging of fluorescent protein expressed in live epithelial cell clusters. In this report, our design displays the potential to be widely used for video-rate live-tissue and embryo imaging with axial resolution comparable to laser scanning microscopy

    Proposed imaging of the ultrafast electronic motion in samples using x-ray phase-contrast

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    Tracing the motion of electrons has enormous relevance to understanding ubiquitous phenomena in ultrafast science, such as the dynamical evolution of the electron density during complex chemical and biological processes. Scattering of ultrashort x-ray pulses from an electronic wavepacket would appear to be the most obvious approach to image the electronic motion in real-time and real-space with the notion that such scattering patterns, in the far-field regime, encode the instantaneous electron density of the wavepacket. However, recent results by Dixit {\em et al.} [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., {\bf 109}, 11636 (2012)] have put this notion into question and shown that the scattering in the far-field regime probes spatio-temporal density-density correlations. Here, we propose a possible way to image the instantaneous electron density of the wavepacket via ultrafast x-ray {\em phase contrast imaging}. Moreover, we show that inelastic scattering processes, which plague ultrafast scattering in the far-field regime, do not contribute in ultrafast x-ray phase contrast imaging as a consequence of an interference effect. We illustrate our general findings by means of a wavepacket that lies in the time and energy range of the dynamics of valence electrons in complex molecular and biological systems. This present work offers a potential to image not only instantaneous snapshots of non-stationary electron dynamics, but also the Laplacian of these snapshots which provide information about the complex bonding and topology of the charge distributions in the systems.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, article accepted in Physical Review Letters (2013

    Time- and momentum-resolved photoemission studies using time-of-flight momentum microscopy at a free-electron laser

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    Time-resolved photoemission with ultrafast pump and probe pulses is an emerging technique with wide application potential. Real-time recording of nonequilibrium electronic processes, transient states in chemical reactions, or the interplay of electronic and structural dynamics offers fascinating opportunities for future research. Combining valence-band and core-level spectroscopy with photoelectron diffraction for electronic, chemical, and structural analyses requires few 10 fs soft X-ray pulses with some 10 meV spectral resolution, which are currently available at high repetition rate free-electron lasers. We have constructed and optimized a versatile setup commissioned at FLASH/PG2 that combines free-electron laser capabilities together with a multidimensional recording scheme for photoemission studies. We use a full-field imaging momentum microscope with time-of-flight energy recording as the detector for mapping of 3D band structures in (kx, ky, E) parameter space with unprecedented efficiency. Our instrument can image full surface Brillouin zones with up to 7 Å−1 diameter in a binding-energy range of several eV, resolving about 2.5 × 105 data voxels simultaneously. Using the ultrafast excited state dynamics in the van der Waals semiconductor WSe2 measured at photon energies of 36.5 eV and 109.5 eV, we demonstrate an experimental energy resolution of 130 meV, a momentum resolution of 0.06 Å−1, and a system response function of 150 fs

    A multi-angle plane wave imaging approach for high frequency 2D flow visualization in small animals: simulation study in the murine arterial system

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    To preclinically investigate the role of hemodynamics in atherogenesis, mouse models are particularly useful due to the rapid disease development. As such, murine blood flow visualization has become an important tool, with current US systems equipped with traditional 1D flow imaging techniques, lacking spatial and/or temporal resolution to accurately resolve in-vivo flow fields. Hence, we investigated multi-angle plane wave imaging for ultrafast, 2D vector flow visualization and compared this approach with conventional pulsed Doppler in the setting of a mouse aorta with abdominal aortic aneurysm. For this purpose, we used a multiphysics model which allowed direct comparison of synthetic US images with the true flow field behind the image. In case of the abdominal aorta, we showed the mean flow estimation improved 9 % when using 2D vector Doppler compared to conventional Doppler, but still underestimated the true flow because the full spatial velocity distribution remained unknown. We also evaluated a more challenging measurement location, the mesenteric artery (aortic side branch), often assessed in a short-axis view close to the origin of the branch to avoid the smaller dimensions downstream. Even so, complex out-ofplane flow dynamics hampered a reliable flow assessment for both techniques. Hence, both cases illustrated the need for 3D vascular imaging, allowing acquisition of the full 3D spatial velocity profile

    4D ultrafast electron diffraction, crystallography, and microscopy

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    In this review, we highlight the progress made in the development of 4D ultrafast electron diffraction (UED), crystallography (UEC), and microscopy (UEM) with a focus on concepts, methodologies, and prototypical applications. The joint atomic-scale resolutions in space and time, and sensitivity reached, make it possible to determine complex transient structures and assemblies in different phases. These applications include studies of isolated chemical reactions (molecular beams), interfaces, surfaces and nanocrystals, self-assembly, and 2D crystalline fatty-acid bilayers. In 4D UEM, we are now able, using timed, single-electron packets, to image nano-to-micro scale structures of materials and biological cells. Future applications of these methods are foreseen across areas of physics, chemistry, and biology