294 research outputs found

    Local time stepping on high performance computing architectures: mitigating CFL bottlenecks for large-scale wave propagation

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    Modeling problems that require the simulation of hyperbolic PDEs (wave equations) on large heterogeneous domains have potentially many bottlenecks. We attack this problem through two techniques: the massively parallel capabilities of graphics processors (GPUs) and local time stepping (LTS) to mitigate any CFL bottlenecks on a multiscale mesh. Many modern supercomputing centers are installing GPUs due to their high performance, and extending existing seismic wave-propagation software to use GPUs is vitally important to give application scientists the highest possible performance. In addition to this architectural optimization, LTS schemes avoid performance losses in meshes with localized areas of refinement. Coupled with the GPU performance optimizations, the derivation and implementation of an Newmark LTS scheme enables next-generation performance for real-world applications. Included in this implementation is work addressing the load-balancing problem inherent to multi-level LTS schemes, enabling scalability to hundreds and thousands of CPUs and GPUs. These GPU, LTS, and scaling optimizations accelerate the performance of existing applications by a factor of 30 or more, and enable future modeling scenarios previously made unfeasible by the cost of standard explicit time-stepping schemes

    Resolving Wave Propagation in Anisotropic Poroelastic Media Using Graphical Processing Units (GPUs)

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    Biot's equations describe the physics of hydromechanically coupled systems establishing the widely recognized theory of poroelasticity. This theory has a broad range of applications in Earth and biological sciences as well as in engineering. The numerical solution of Biot's equations is challenging because wave propagation and fluid pressure diffusion processes occur simultaneously but feature very different characteristic time scales. Analogous to geophysical data acquisition, high resolution and three dimensional numerical experiments lately redefined state of the art. Tackling high spatial and temporal resolution requires a high-performance computing approach. We developed a multi- graphical processing units (GPU) numerical application to resolve the anisotropic elastodynamic Biot's equations that relies on a conservative numerical scheme to simulate, in a few seconds, wave fields for spatial domains involving more than 1.5 billion grid cells. We present a comprehensive dimensional analysis reducing the number of material parameters needed for the numerical experiments from ten to four. Furthermore, the dimensional analysis emphasizes the key material parameters governing the physics of wave propagation in poroelastic media. We perform a dispersion analysis as function of dimensionless parameters leading to simple and transparent dispersion relations. We then benchmark our numerical solution against an analytical plane wave solution. Finally, we present several numerical modeling experiments, including a three-dimensional simulation of fluid injection into a poroelastic medium. We provide the Matlab, symbolic Maple, and GPU CUDA C routines to reproduce the main presented results. The high efficiency of our numerical implementation makes it readily usable to investigate three-dimensional and high-resolution scenarios of practical applications.ISSN:2169-9313ISSN:0148-0227ISSN:2169-935

    Seismic Wave Propagation Simulations on Low-power and Performance-centric Manycores

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    International audienceThe large processing requirements of seismic wave propagation simulations make High Performance Computing (HPC) architectures a natural choice for their execution. However, to keep both the current pace of performance improvements and the power consumption under a strict power budget, HPC systems must be more energy e than ever. As a response to this need, energy-e and low-power processors began to make their way into the market. In this paper we employ a novel low-power processor, the MPPA-256 manycore, to perform seismic wave propagation simulations. It has 256 cores connected by a NoC, no cache-coherence and only a limited amount of on-chip memory. We describe how its particular architectural characteristics influenced our solution for an energy-e implementation. As a counterpoint to the low-power MPPA-256 architecture, we employ Xeon Phi, a performance-centric manycore. Although both processors share some architectural similarities, the challenges to implement an e seismic wave propagation kernel on these platforms are very di↵erent. In this work we compare the performance and energy e of our implementations for these processors to proven and optimized solutions for other hardware platforms such as general-purpose processors and a GPU. Our experimental results show that MPPA-256 has the best energy e consuming at least 77 % less energy than the other evaluated platforms, whereas the performance of our solution for the Xeon Phi is on par with a state-of-the-art solution for GPUs

    Forward and adjoint simulations of seismic wave propagation on fully unstructured hexahedral meshes

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    We present forward and adjoint spectral-element simulations of coupled acoustic and (an)elastic seismic wave propagation on fully unstructured hexahedral meshes. Simulations benefit from recent advances in hexahedral meshing, load balancing and software optimization. Meshing may be accomplished using a mesh generation tool kit such as CUBIT, and load balancing is facilitated by graph partitioning based on the SCOTCH library. Coupling between fluid and solid regions is incorporated in a straightforward fashion using domain decomposition. Topography, bathymetry and Moho undulations may be readily included in the mesh, and physical dispersion and attenuation associated with anelasticity are accounted for using a series of standard linear solids. Finite-frequency Fréchet derivatives are calculated using adjoint methods in both fluid and solid domains. The software is benchmarked for a layercake model. We present various examples of fully unstructured meshes, snapshots of wavefields and finite-frequency kernels generated by Version 2.0 ‘Sesame' of our widely used open source spectral-element package SPECFEM3

    Accelerating a 3D finite-difference wave propagation code using GPU graphics cards

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    International audienceWe accelerate a three-dimensional finite-difference in the time domain (FDTD) wave propagation code by a factor between about 20 and 60 compared to a serial implementation using Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) computing on NVIDIA graphics cards with the CUDA programming language. We describe the implementation of the code in CUDA to simulate the propagation of seismic waves in a heterogeneous elastic medium. We also implement Convolution Perfectly Matched Layers (CPMLs) on the graphics cards to efficiently absorb outgoing waves on the fictitious edges of the grid. We show that the code that runs on a graphics card gives the expected results by comparing our results to those obtained by running the same simulation on a classical processor core. The methodology that we present can be used for Maxwell's equations as well because their form is similar to that of the seismic wave equation written in velocity vector and stress tensor

    Anelastic sensitivity kernels with parsimonious storage for adjoint tomography and full waveform inversion

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    We introduce a technique to compute exact anelastic sensitivity kernels in the time domain using parsimonious disk storage. The method is based on a reordering of the time loop of time-domain forward/adjoint wave propagation solvers combined with the use of a memory buffer. It avoids instabilities that occur when time-reversing dissipative wave propagation simulations. The total number of required time steps is unchanged compared to usual acoustic or elastic approaches. The cost is reduced by a factor of 4/3 compared to the case in which anelasticity is partially accounted for by accommodating the effects of physical dispersion. We validate our technique by performing a test in which we compare the KαK_\alpha sensitivity kernel to the exact kernel obtained by saving the entire forward calculation. This benchmark confirms that our approach is also exact. We illustrate the importance of including full attenuation in the calculation of sensitivity kernels by showing significant differences with physical-dispersion-only kernels

    MPI- and CUDA- implementations of modal finite difference method for P-SV wave propagation modeling

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    Among different discretization approaches, Finite Difference Method (FDM) is widely used for acoustic and elastic full-wave form modeling. An inevitable deficit of the technique, however, is its sever requirement to computational resources. A promising solution is parallelization, where the problem is broken into several segments, and the calculations are distributed over different processors. For the present FD routines, however, such parallelization technique inevitably needs domain-decomposition and inter-core data exchange, due to the coupling of the governing equations. In this study, a new FD-based procedure for seismic wave modeling, named as ‘Modal Finite Difference Method (MFDM)” is introduced, which deals with the simulation in the decoupled modal space; thus, neither domain-decomposition nor inter-core data exchange is anymore required, which greatly simplifies parallelization for both MPI- and CUDA implementations over CPUs and GPUs. With MFDM, it is also possible to simply cut off less-significant modes and run the routine for just the important ones, which will effectively reduce computation and storage costs. The efficiency of the proposed MFDM is shown by some numerical examples

    High-performance tsunami modelling with modern GPU technology

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    PhD ThesisEarthquake-induced tsunamis commonly propagate in the deep ocean as long waves and develop into sharp-fronted surges moving rapidly coastward, which may be effectively simulated by hydrodynamic models solving the nonlinear shallow water equations (SWEs). Tsunamis can cause substantial economic and human losses, which could be mitigated through early warning systems given efficient and accurate modelling. Most existing tsunami models require long simulation times for real-world applications. This thesis presents a graphics processing unit (GPU) accelerated finite volume hydrodynamic model using the compute unified device architecture (CUDA) for computationally efficient tsunami simulations. Compared with a standard PC, the model is able to reduce run-time by a factor of > 40. The validated model is used to reproduce the 2011 Japan tsunami. Two source models were tested, one based on tsunami waveform inversion and another using deep-ocean tsunameters. Vertical sea surface displacement is computed by the Okada model, assuming instantaneous sea-floor deformation. Both source models can reproduce the wave propagation at offshore and nearshore gauges, but the tsunameter-based model better simulates the first wave amplitude. Effects of grid resolutions between 450-3600 m, slope limiters, and numerical accuracy are also investigated for the simulation of the 2011 Japan tsunami. Grid resolutions of 1-2 km perform well with a proper limiter; the Sweby limiter is optimal for coarser resolutions, recovers wave peaks better than minmod, and is more numerically stable than Superbee. One hour of tsunami propagation can be predicted in 50 times on a regular low-cost PC-hosted GPU, compared to a single CPU. For 450 m resolution on a larger-memory server-hosted GPU, performance increased by ~70 times. Finally, two adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) techniques including simplified dynamic adaptive grids on CPU and a static adaptive grid on GPU are introduced to provide multi-scale simulations. Both can reduce run-time by ~3 times while maintaining acceptable accuracy. The proposed computationally-efficient tsunami model is expected to provide a new practical tool for tsunami modelling for different purposes, including real-time warning, evacuation planning, risk management and city planning

    Fast GPU-Based Seismogram Simulation From Microseismic Events in Marine Environments Using Heterogeneous Velocity Models

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    A novel approach is presented for fast generation of synthetic seismograms due to microseismic events, using heterogeneous marine velocity models. The partial differential equations (PDEs) for the 3D elastic wave equation have been numerically solved using the Fourier domain pseudo-spectral method which is parallelizable on the graphics processing unit (GPU) cards, thus making it faster compared to traditional CPU based computing platforms. Due to computationally expensive forward simulation of large geological models, several combinations of individual synthetic seismic traces are used for specified microseismic event locations, in order to simulate the effect of realistic microseismic activity patterns in the subsurface. We here explore the patterns generated by few hundreds of microseismic events with different source mechanisms using various combinations, both in event amplitudes and origin times, using the simulated pressure and three component particle velocity fields via 1D, 2D and 3D seismic visualizations.Shell Projects and Technolog