460 research outputs found

    Pulse width modulation technique with harmonic injection in the modulating wave and discontinuous frequency modulation for the carrier wave to reduce vibrations in asynchronous machines.

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    Política de acceso abierto tomada de: https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/25179A new carrier-based pulse-width modulation (PWM) technique to control power inverters is presented in this study. To generate the output waveform, this technique compares a harmonic-injection modulating wave and a frequency-modulated triangular carrier wave. The instantaneous frequency for the carrier wave is adjusted according to a periodic function synchronised with the fundamental term of the modulating wave. The main motivation for using this technique compared to a classic PWM sinusoidal technique revolves around the reduction of total harmonic distortion, the reduction of the distortion factor and the shift of temporal harmonics to higher frequencies for any modulation frequency order. Experimental results show that it is possible to optimise the time harmonics generated to minimise vibrations produced by an induction motor when it is fed with a DC/AC converter controlled by the proposed control strategy. This is made possible by using a control parameter that modifies the instantaneous frequency of the carrier wave without modifying the number of pulses per period of the modulating wave, i.e. the mean value of the carrier wave frequency. The proposed technique is applied to an open loop-controlled inverter that operates an induction motor, helping to reduce the vibration levels produced.This work was funded by Spanish National Research Plan (2015–2017) with grant no. ENE2013-46205-C5-5-R

    A Novel Zero-Sequence Current Elimination PWM Scheme for an Open-Winding PMSM With Common DC Bus

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    This paper introduces a novel pulse width modulation (PWM) scheme for an OW-PMSM driven by dual two-level three-phase inverter with common dc bus which can effectively deal with the inherent zero-sequence current (ZSC) problem. Based on conventional symmetrical unipolar double frequency SPWM scheme with appropriate phase-shift, the common mode voltage (CMV) of two inverters can keep the same and cancel out each other to eliminate the modulated zero sequence voltage (ZSV) disturbance source. In this case, the double frequency effect can be retained to reduce the ac side current ripple and suppress both the corresponding motor vibration and acoustic noise which is advantageous to improve the synthetic performance of motor. The DC bus voltage utilization of the novel PWM scheme is proved to reach the maximum value as same as the conventional modulated ZSV elimination scheme. Meanwhile, a zero-sequence controller is designed to suppress ZSC by further adjusting the two CMVs to counteract other zero-sequence disturbance sources. To verify the analysis, the proposed PWM technique associated with the control method is implemented in an OW-PMSM experimental setup to validate the superiority of proposed method

    Advances in Electrical Machine, Power Electronic, and Drive Condition Monitoring and Fault Detection: State of the Art

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    © 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] Recently, research concerning electrical machines and drives condition monitoring and fault diagnosis has experienced extraordinarily dynamic activity. The increasing importance of these energy conversion devices and their widespread use in uncountable applications have motivated significant research efforts. This paper presents an analysis of the state of the art in this field. The analyzed contributions were published in most relevant journals and magazines or presented in either specific conferences in the area or more broadly scoped events.Riera-Guasp, M.; Antonino-Daviu, J.; Capolino, G. (2015). Advances in Electrical Machine, Power Electronic, and Drive Condition Monitoring and Fault Detection: State of the Art. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 62(3):1746-1759. doi:10.1109/TIE.2014.2375853S1746175962

    Control of Cascaded Multilevel Inverters

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    A new type of multilevel inverter is introduced which is created by cascading two three-phase three-level inverters using the load connection, but requires only one dc voltage source. This new inverter can operate as a seven-level inverter and naturally splits the power conversion into a higher-voltage lower-frequency inverter and a lower-voltage higher-frequency inverter. This type of system presents particular advantages to Naval ship propulsion systems which rely on high power quality, survivable drives. New control methods are described involving both joint and separate control of the individual three-level inverters. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of both controls. A laboratory set-up at the Naval Surface Warfare Center power electronics laboratory was used to validate the proposed joint-inverter control. Due to the effect of compounding levels in the cascaded inverter, a high number of levels are available resulting in a voltage THD of 9% (without filtering)

    PV Array Driven Adjustable Speed Drive for a Lunar Base Heat Pump

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    A study of various aspects of Adjustable Speed Drives (ASD) is presented. A summary of the relative merits of different ASD systems presently in vogue is discussed. The advantages of using microcomputer based ASDs is now widely understood and accepted. Of the three most popular drive systems, namely the Induction Motor Drive, Switched Reluctance Motor Drive and Brushless DC Motor Drive, any one may be chosen. The choice would depend on the nature of the application and its requirements. The suitability of the above mentioned drive systems for a photovoltaic array driven ASD for an aerospace application are discussed. The discussion is based on the experience of the authors, various researchers and industry. In chapter 2 a PV array power supply scheme has been proposed, this scheme will have an enhanced reliability in addition to the other known advantages of the case where a stand alone PV array is feeding the heat pump. In chapter 3 the results of computer simulation of PV array driven induction motor drive system have been included. A discussion on these preliminary simulation results have also been included in this chapter. Chapter 4 includes a brief discussion on various control techniques for three phase induction motors. A discussion on different power devices and their various performance characteristics is given in Chapter 5

    Discontinuous PWM strategy with frequency modulation for vibration reduction in asynchronous machines

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    En este trabajo se ha realizado un estudio teórico-práctico de las frecuencias de resonancia de un motor y se ha demostrado que, ajustando la variable de control (manteniendo el orden de modulación de frecuencia para todas las técnicas ensayadas), es posible evitar su activación, reduciendo el nivel de vibraciones medido respecto a otras técnicas conocidas. Se han calculado las frecuencias máximas de conmutación de la onda portadora para diferentes órdenes de modulación de frecuencia. Se ha demostrado que dado un rendimiento deseado del inversor, es posible minimizar el nivel de vibraciones para un nivel de carga, medido con el correspondiente dispositivo basado en el uso de acelerómetro adosados al cuerpo de la máquina de inducción lo que redundará en un aumento de la vida útil de la máquina. Además, se muestra gráficamente cómo puede ajustarse la amplitud de cada armónico que aparece en la tensión de línea a la salida del inversor para reducir los efectos sobre el nivel de vibraciones del motor entre los límites máximo y mínimo (se llega a mostar uno en concreto). Los resultados demuestran cómo cambia el valor de THD para cada valor de K, debido a que cambian las amplitudes de los diferentes armónicos de tensión producidos. Tras la optimización del nivel de vibraciones es possible comprobar cómo el THD sigue siendo menor que con una técnica convencional que presenta mayor nivel vibracional, así como el valor RMS a la salida del inversor es mayor, por lo que el rendimiento del inversor también mejora.MINECO. Nombre del proyecto: Electrónica de Potencia en MVdc ENE2013-46205-C5-5-

    FY2011 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Annual Progress Report for the Power Electronics and Electric Machinery Program

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    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced in May 2011 a new cooperative research effort comprising DOE, the U.S. Council for Automotive Research (composed of automakers Ford Motor Company, General Motors Company, and Chrysler Group), Tesla Motors, and representatives of the electric utility and petroleum industries. Known as U.S. DRIVE (Driving Research and Innovation for Vehicle efficiency and Energy sustainability), it represents DOE's commitment to developing public-private partnerships to fund high risk-high reward research into advanced automotive technologies. The new partnership replaces and builds upon the partnership known as FreedomCAR (derived from 'Freedom' and 'Cooperative Automotive Research') that ran from 2002 through 2010 and the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles initiative that ran from 1993 through 2001. The Oak Ridge National Laboratory's (ORNL's) Power Electronics and Electric Machines (PEEM) subprogram within the DOE Vehicle Technologies Program (VTP) provides support and guidance for many cutting-edge automotive technologies now under development. Research is focused on developing revolutionary new power electronics (PE), electric motor (EM), and traction drive system technologies that will leapfrog current on-the-road technologies. The research and development (R&D) is also aimed at achieving a greater understanding of and improvements in the way the various new components of tomorrow's automobiles will function as a unified system to improve fuel efficiency. In supporting the development of advanced vehicle propulsion systems, the PEEM subprogram has enabled the development of technologies that will significantly improve efficiency, costs, and fuel economy. The PEEM subprogram supports the efforts of the U.S. DRIVE partnership through a three phase approach intended to: (1) identify overall propulsion and vehicle related needs by analyzing programmatic goals and reviewing industry's recommendations and requirements and then develop the appropriate technical targets for systems, subsystems, and component R&D activities; (2) develop and validate individual subsystems and components, including EMs and PE; and (3) determine how well the components and subsystems work together in a vehicle environment or as a complete propulsion system and whether the efficiency and performance targets at the vehicle level have been achieved. The research performed under this subprogram will help remove technical and cost barriers to enable the development of technology for use in such advanced vehicles as hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in HEVs (PHEVs), battery electric vehicles, and fuel-cell-powered automobiles that meet the goals of the VTP. A key element in making these advanced vehicles practical is providing an affordable electric traction drive system. This will require attaining weight, volume, efficiency, and cost targets for the PE and EM subsystems of the traction drive system. Areas of development include: (1) novel traction motor designs that result in increased power density and lower cost; (2) inverter technologies involving new topologies to achieve higher efficiency with the ability to accommodate higher temperature environments while achieving high reliability; (3) converter concepts that use methods of reducing the component count and integrating functionality to decrease size, weight, and cost; (4) new onboard battery charging concepts that result in decreased cost and size; (5) more effective thermal control through innovative packaging technologies; and (6) integrated motor-inverter traction drive system concepts. ORNL's PEEM research program conducts fundamental research, evaluates hardware, and assists in the technical direction of the VTP Advanced Power Electronics and Electric Motors (APEEM) program. In this role, ORNL serves on the U.S. DRIVE Electrical and Electronics Technical Team, evaluates proposals for DOE, and lends its technological expertise to the direction of projects and evaluation of developing technologies. ORNL also executes specific projects for DOE. DOE's continuing R&D into advanced vehicle technologies for transportation offers the possibility of reducing the nation's dependence on foreign oil and the negative economic impacts of crude oil price fluctuations. It also supports the Administration's goal of deploying 1 million PHEVs by 2015


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    Inverters are widely utilized in electric vehicle (EV) applications as a major voltage/current source for onboard battery chargers (OBC) and motor drive systems. The inverter performance is critical to the efficiency of EV system energy conversion and electronics system electro-magnetic interference (EMI) design. However, for AC systems, the bandwidth requirement is usually low compared with DC systems, and the control impact on the inverter differential-mode (DM) and common-mode (CM) performance are not well investigated. With the wide-band gap (WBG) device era, the switching capability of power electronics devices drastically improved. The DM/CM impact that was brought by the WBG device-based inverter becomes more serious and has not been completely understood. This thesis provides an in-depth analysis of on-board inverter control strategies and the corresponding DM/CM impact on the EV system. The OBC inverter control under vehicle-to-load (V2L) mode will be documented first. A virtual resistance damping method minimizes the nonlinear load harmonics, and a neutral balancing method regulates the unbalanced load impact through the fourth leg. In the motor drive system, a generalized CM voltage analytical model and a current ripple prediction model are built for understanding the system CM and DM stress with respect to different modulation methods, covering both 2-level and 3-level topologies. A novel CM EMI damping modulation scheme is proposed for 6-phase inverter applications. The performance comparison between the proposed methods and the conventional solution is carried out. Each topic is supported by the corresponding hardware platform and experimental validation


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    Multiphase electric machines are attractive in comparison with three-phase ones due to advantages such as fault-tolerant nature, smaller rating per phase and lower torque ripple. More specifically, the machines with multiple three-phase windings are particularly convenient, because they are suitable for standard off-the-shelf three-phase dc/ac converter modules. For instance, they are becoming a serious option for applications such as electric vehicles and wind turbines. On the other hand, in these applications, operation at low power is often required for long time intervals; hence, improving the efficiency under such conditions is highly desired and could save a significant amount of energy in the long term. This dissertation proposes a method to enhance the efficiency of electric drives based on multiple three-phase windings at light load. The number of active legs is selected depending on the required torque at each instant. To ensure that the overall efficiency is effectively optimized, not only the converter losses, but also the stator copper losses, are taken into account. Experimental results verify the theoretical outcomes. Surface-mounted permanent-magnet synchronous motors (SPMSMs) require a position measurement to ensure a high-performance control. To avoid the cost and maintenance associated to position sensors, sensorless methods are often preferred. The approaches based on high-frequency signal injection are currently a well-established solution to obtain an accurate position estimation in SPMSMs. These techniques can be roughly divided into two groups: those based on sinusoidal or on square-wave high-frequency signals. The main drawback of the former is the limitation on the response speed, due to the presence of several low-pass filters (LPFs). On the other hand, the latter methods are sensitive to deadtime effects, and high-frequency closed-loop current control is required to overcome it. This dissertation proposes to improve the sensorless strategies based on sinusoidal high-frequency injection by simplifying the scheme employed to extract the information about the position error. Namely, two LPFs and several multiplications are removed. Such simplification does not only reduce the computational complexity, but also permits to obtain a faster response to the changes in the angle/speed, and hence, a faster closed-loop control. Experimental results based on a SPMSM prove the enhanced functionality of the proposed method with respect to the previous ones based on high-frequency sinusoidal signal injection


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